Overall Game Ratings
:: 2024 :: 2023 :: 2022 :: 2021 :: 2020 :: 2019 :: 2018 :: 2017 :: 2016 :: 2015 :: 2014 :: 2013 :: 2012 :: 2011 :: 2010 :: 2009 :: 2008 :: 2007


Game Ratings detail game results (R) including the final score (Final) and the score at the conclusion of non-garbage possessions in the game (N Final). Final scores are linked to Possession Splits, the complete record of game results by possession. Overall Game Ratings (GR) are opponent-adjusted data representing scoring value generated per possession relative to an average performance on a neutral field against an average opponent. Possession efficiency (PVE) is unadjusted scoring value per non-garbage possession. Net points per drive (NPD), net available yards percentage (NAY), net yards per play (NPP), and net drive success rate (NSR) are the difference between offensive and opponent offensive efficiencies on non-garbage drives. Each game rating includes the percentile rating (Pct) of the performance relative to all others recorded this season.


Air Force 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 San Jose State L 7-17 7-17 -.72 .219 -.37 .315 -.81 .316 -.161 .246 -2.34 .162 -.159 .308
3 Baylor L 3-31 3-23 -.63 .243 -1.11 .142 -2.22 .137 -.389 .070 -5.13 .025 -.333 .165
5 Wyoming L 19-31 19-31 -1.39 .073 -.71 .231 -1.76 .189 -.146 .261 -.69 .362 -.181 .286
6 Navy L 7-34 7-34 -.98 .138 -1.42 .097 -2.62 .109 -.248 .150 -1.84 .203 -.489 .076
7 New Mexico L 37-52 24-52 -2.26 .007 -1.65 .067 -2.63 .108 -.298 .115 -3.20 .103 -.375 .132
8 Colorado State L 13-21 13-21 -.78 .197 -.32 .335 -.75 .325 -.065 .371 -1.95 .197 -.019 .464
10 Army L 3-20 3-20 -.40 .343 -1.00 .162 -1.85 .178 -.127 .287 -1.66 .222 -.319 .173
11 Fresno State W 36-28 36-28 .20 .589 .50 .731 1.00 .722 .241 .838 -3.17 .105 .375 .871
12 Oregon State W 28-0 21-0 .98 .840 1.50 .916 3.00 .920 .523 .978 2.81 .866 .714 .989
13 Nevada W 22-19 22-19 -.43 .333 .17 .588 .33 .577 -.029 .430 -.96 .311 .000 .530
14 San Diego State W 31-20 31-20 -.06 .480 .85 .801 2.31 .873 .172 .766 3.25 .901 .405 .890

Akron 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Ohio State L 6-52 6-45 -.36 .354 -2.05 .026 -3.56 .046 -.448 .044 -4.06 .052 -.444 .100
2 Rutgers L 17-49 10-42 -1.41 .071 -1.78 .049 -3.56 .046 -.483 .034 -4.77 .034 -.333 .165
4 South Carolina L 7-50 7-36 -.62 .252 -1.45 .094 -2.90 .091 -.392 .070 -3.56 .079 -.400 .122
5 Ohio L 10-30 10-30 -.69 .227 -.74 .221 -1.38 .238 -.241 .160 -3.14 .106 -.203 .258
6 Bowling Green L 20-27 20-27 -.51 .299 -.35 .327 -1.56 .212 -.040 .412 .48 .600 -.222 .250
7 Western Michigan L 24-34 24-34 -.95 .148 -.42 .303 -.27 .442 .006 .513 .81 .658 .091 .615
9 Eastern Michigan W 25-21 25-21 -.45 .322 .18 .594 .36 .583 .003 .508 .84 .664 .000 .530
10 Buffalo L 30-41 30-41 -.82 .185 -.39 .309 -.62 .359 .024 .558 .53 .611 -.192 .273
12 Northern Illinois L 16-29 16-29 -.68 .230 -.50 .280 -1.48 .226 -.178 .228 -3.65 .067 -.218 .252
13 Kent State W 38-17 38-10 -.21 .415 1.40 .899 2.80 .902 .434 .951 3.14 .893 .500 .935
14 Toledo W 21-14 21-14 .07 .534 .32 .664 .00 .511 -.263 .140 -.86 .327 -.300 .193

Alabama 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Western Kentucky W 63-0 42-0 1.84 .969 2.21 .981 4.67 .988 .404 .938 11.82 .999 .567 .957
2 South Florida W 42-16 35-16 .33 .631 .63 .758 1.50 .779 .063 .625 1.15 .723 .045 .565
3 Wisconsin W 42-10 35-10 1.61 .951 1.25 .882 2.50 .886 .205 .807 3.21 .897 .300 .815
5 Georgia W 41-34 41-34 1.23 .897 .26 .634 .71 .665 .115 .700 1.41 .756 .104 .629
6 Vanderbilt L 35-40 35-40 .09 .542 -.28 .358 -.36 .419 -.177 .229 2.88 .873 -.194 .271
7 South Carolina W 27-25 27-25 .92 .820 .09 .531 .68 .656 .022 .553 -.12 .468 .036 .555
8 Tennessee L 17-24 17-24 .60 .729 -.26 .369 -.63 .355 -.175 .232 -2.51 .153 -.176 .289
9 Missouri W 34-0 27-0 1.94 .979 1.42 .904 3.00 .920 .239 .836 3.18 .895 .456 .916
11 LSU W 42-13 35-6 2.69 .996 1.93 .965 4.25 .979 .354 .912 2.41 .843 .464 .919
13 Oklahoma L 3-24 3-24 -.84 .177 -1.31 .114 -2.05 .155 -.297 .117 -1.97 .193 -.446 .092
14 Auburn W 28-14 28-14 .93 .826 .61 .752 1.38 .761 .119 .708 -.43 .408 .030 .546
B Michigan L 13-19 13-19 .40 .660 -.24 .378 -.58 .368 -.010 .478 1.13 .721 -.186 .276

Appalachian State 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Clemson L 20-66 20-63 -1.14 .108 -1.87 .039 -4.48 .014 -.589 .011 -6.48 .008 -.536 .053
3 East Carolina W 21-19 21-19 -.28 .387 .08 .527 .57 .628 .119 .709 .37 .580 -.030 .456
4 South Alabama L 14-48 7-41 -2.17 .011 -2.00 .031 -4.35 .018 -.353 .089 -2.87 .128 -.639 .027
6 Marshall L 37-52 31-52 -1.03 .125 -1.05 .151 -1.90 .174 -.226 .174 -2.98 .113 -.178 .288
7 Louisiana L 24-34 24-34 -.55 .279 -.42 .303 -.83 .312 -.014 .466 -1.04 .296 -.250 .232
9 Georgia State W 33-26 33-26 -.25 .399 .39 .690 .78 .680 .233 .831 1.22 .732 .111 .635
10 Old Dominion W 28-20 28-20 .31 .621 .42 .702 1.11 .737 -.072 .360 -.01 .498 .044 .565
11 Coastal Carolina L 24-38 17-38 -1.67 .038 -1.17 .135 -2.33 .125 -.092 .330 -.48 .400 -.333 .165
13 James Madison W 34-20 34-20 .56 .721 .56 .742 .92 .701 .073 .640 1.71 .781 .147 .678
14 Georgia Southern L 20-29 20-29 -.76 .205 -.47 .285 -1.22 .255 .067 .632 -.34 .423 -.044 .438

Arizona 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 New Mexico W 61-39 61-39 .27 .610 .88 .818 1.83 .820 .254 .854 4.57 .962 .333 .846
3 Kansas State L 7-31 7-31 -1.01 .134 -1.50 .087 -2.55 .111 -.303 .113 -2.14 .180 -.589 .038
5 Utah W 23-10 23-10 .75 .777 .57 .743 1.26 .751 .035 .580 .97 .692 .379 .872
6 Texas Tech L 22-28 22-28 .02 .509 -.21 .395 -.43 .402 .105 .685 -.26 .441 .143 .668
7 BYU L 19-41 19-41 -.21 .415 -.96 .165 -1.36 .239 -.176 .230 -2.26 .169 -.182 .283
8 Colorado L 7-34 7-34 -.74 .214 -1.23 .123 -2.45 .115 -.410 .060 -2.16 .178 -.364 .143
9 West Virginia L 26-31 26-31 -.33 .365 -.29 .350 -.99 .288 -.048 .401 -.30 .429 -.181 .286
10 UCF L 12-56 12-49 -2.25 .008 -2.47 .009 -4.41 .016 -.613 .010 -4.88 .029 -.714 .014
12 Houston W 27-3 27-3 .97 .836 1.09 .855 2.18 .858 .093 .670 .82 .659 .364 .863
13 TCU L 28-49 21-49 -1.06 .118 -1.47 .090 -2.57 .110 -.235 .165 -2.96 .117 -.256 .219
14 Arizona State L 7-49 7-42 -1.53 .055 -2.33 .014 -4.25 .023 -.520 .022 -4.55 .038 -.589 .038

Arizona State 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Wyoming W 48-7 41-0 1.73 .961 2.41 .989 3.86 .965 .775 .999 6.08 .989 .857 .997
2 Mississippi State W 30-23 30-23 .25 .605 .39 .690 .32 .572 .069 .633 -.67 .363 .181 .716
3 Texas State W 31-28 31-28 .27 .610 .12 .549 .23 .548 .014 .534 .16 .536 .154 .684
4 Texas Tech L 22-30 22-30 -.13 .446 -.36 .321 -.73 .331 .002 .505 1.74 .785 -.182 .283
6 Kansas W 35-31 35-31 .62 .736 .20 .603 .40 .592 .150 .742 .35 .577 .100 .628
7 Utah W 27-19 27-19 .60 .732 .42 .702 1.10 .736 .003 .509 2.08 .815 -.056 .421
8 Cincinnati L 14-24 14-24 -.25 .400 -.45 .292 -.91 .304 -.088 .336 .28 .565 -.091 .394
10 Oklahoma State W 42-21 42-14 1.39 .929 1.65 .936 2.92 .910 .339 .905 1.78 .789 .528 .945
11 UCF W 35-31 35-31 .39 .659 .17 .590 -.25 .450 -.032 .424 -.50 .394 -.250 .232
12 Kansas State W 24-14 24-14 .99 .841 .50 .731 1.00 .722 -.005 .489 -1.05 .294 .100 .628
13 BYU W 28-23 28-23 1.01 .844 .26 .636 .56 .625 .091 .668 -.99 .303 .000 .530
14 Arizona W 49-7 42-7 2.00 .981 2.33 .986 4.25 .979 .520 .977 4.55 .962 .589 .966
C Iowa State W 45-19 45-10 2.88 .999 2.33 .986 4.20 .974 .495 .967 5.10 .974 .446 .908
P Texas L 31-39 31-39 .92 .823 -.31 .341 .50 .614 .174 .767 -.32 .427 -.045 .432

Arkansas 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Oklahoma State L 31-39 31-39 -.51 .296 -.26 .370 .38 .589 .234 .833 2.06 .813 .045 .566
3 UAB W 37-27 37-27 -.25 .400 .53 .736 1.41 .767 .240 .838 2.28 .834 .389 .877
4 Auburn W 24-14 24-14 .72 .765 .40 .694 .92 .704 .002 .504 -2.72 .142 .263 .784
5 Texas A&M L 17-21 17-21 .51 .702 -.15 .421 -.31 .429 -.022 .445 -.51 .393 .000 .530
6 Tennessee W 19-14 19-14 1.09 .860 .24 .620 .63 .643 .189 .791 .98 .694 .318 .826
8 LSU L 10-34 10-34 -.57 .264 -1.33 .110 -2.67 .103 -.280 .130 -.39 .415 -.444 .100
9 Mississippi State W 58-25 51-25 1.10 .865 1.24 .880 2.14 .855 .032 .576 3.00 .888 .318 .826
10 Ole Miss L 31-63 17-56 -.93 .154 -2.05 .026 -3.56 .046 -.580 .012 -5.34 .021 -.333 .165
12 Texas L 10-20 10-20 .73 .772 -.50 .280 -1.00 .286 -.088 .337 -.53 .390 -.200 .266
13 Louisiana Tech W 35-14 35-14 .13 .560 .78 .789 1.62 .794 .180 .779 2.19 .825 .154 .684
14 Missouri L 21-28 21-28 .17 .573 -.35 .327 -.70 .339 -.019 .453 .00 .499 -.200 .266
B Texas Tech W 39-26 36-19 .94 .829 .71 .771 1.42 .769 .069 .635 3.09 .892 .250 .778

Arkansas State 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Tulsa W 28-24 28-24 -1.22 .096 .16 .585 .25 .555 .093 .672 .30 .570 .092 .615
3 Michigan L 18-28 3-28 -.83 .178 -1.47 .093 -3.17 .070 -.355 .087 -3.89 .056 -.167 .305
4 Iowa State L 7-52 0-38 -1.45 .065 -2.00 .031 -4.22 .024 -.512 .026 -4.92 .028 -.667 .024
6 South Alabama W 18-16 18-16 -.08 .467 .10 .537 .35 .578 .058 .617 .28 .564 .227 .759
7 Texas State L 9-41 9-38 -1.66 .039 -1.81 .044 -3.63 .042 -.287 .124 -3.62 .070 -.375 .132
8 Southern Mississippi W 44-28 44-28 -.69 .229 .73 .774 1.45 .771 .178 .772 .69 .638 .364 .863
9 Troy W 34-31 34-31 -.51 .300 .13 .556 .25 .554 .055 .613 .25 .555 .167 .707
11 Louisiana L 19-55 12-48 -2.13 .013 -2.00 .031 -4.00 .029 -.385 .073 -4.93 .026 -.667 .024
12 Georgia State W 27-20 27-20 -.34 .362 .30 .657 .79 .681 -.021 .450 -.14 .464 .121 .643
13 UL Monroe W 28-21 28-21 -.20 .419 .37 .684 1.01 .724 .019 .544 -.93 .315 .144 .672
14 Old Dominion L 32-40 32-40 -.46 .320 -.35 .329 -.97 .289 -.096 .324 -3.22 .100 -.129 .346
B Bowling Green W 38-31 38-31 .15 .566 .30 .657 .52 .617 -.053 .392 -.40 .412 -.067 .413

Army 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Florida Atlantic W 24-7 24-7 .35 .639 1.13 .860 2.00 .838 .310 .888 3.72 .937 .357 .855
4 Rice W 37-14 37-7 1.77 .965 2.31 .984 5.12 .993 .485 .966 2.21 .826 .548 .951
5 Temple W 42-14 35-14 .36 .646 1.17 .867 2.33 .877 .236 .835 2.87 .872 .333 .846
6 Tulsa W 49-7 42-7 1.12 .873 2.50 .994 5.00 .992 .459 .959 9.08 .998 .714 .989
7 UAB W 44-10 41-3 1.94 .978 2.71 .997 5.43 .997 .473 .963 3.81 .939 .714 .989
8 East Carolina W 45-28 38-20 .53 .712 .90 .821 1.80 .816 .135 .722 .60 .620 .300 .815
10 Air Force W 20-3 20-3 .36 .647 1.00 .844 1.85 .821 .127 .712 1.66 .778 .319 .826
11 North Texas W 14-3 14-3 .58 .724 .92 .826 1.83 .820 -.010 .476 -.78 .346 .167 .707
13 Notre Dame L 14-49 7-35 -.46 .317 -1.75 .053 -3.50 .052 -.672 .003 -5.78 .014 -.750 .008
14 UTSA W 29-24 29-24 -.11 .452 .25 .628 .50 .614 .240 .837 -.63 .375 .300 .815
C Tulane W 35-14 28-7 2.27 .990 1.91 .963 4.20 .975 .388 .928 1.42 .757 .400 .885
16 Navy L 13-31 13-31 -.76 .206 -1.20 .128 -2.02 .159 -.307 .112 -3.58 .077 -.196 .269
B Louisiana Tech W 27-6 27-6 .97 .835 1.62 .929 3.64 .959 .329 .898 1.72 .782 .381 .872

Auburn 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 California L 14-21 14-21 -.19 .424 -.28 .357 -.67 .345 -.165 .240 .41 .588 -.186 .276
3 New Mexico W 45-19 38-19 .34 .634 .95 .828 2.32 .874 .182 .781 1.20 .730 .167 .707
4 Arkansas L 14-24 14-24 -.14 .441 -.40 .308 -.92 .297 -.002 .496 2.72 .857 -.263 .215
5 Oklahoma L 21-27 21-27 .21 .594 -.26 .365 -.25 .450 .179 .776 .83 .663 .017 .534
6 Georgia L 13-31 13-31 -.15 .434 -1.13 .141 -2.25 .133 -.159 .248 .56 .613 -.125 .353
8 Missouri L 17-21 17-21 .36 .648 -.15 .421 -.92 .298 -.070 .364 -.70 .358 -.250 .232
9 Kentucky W 24-10 24-10 1.10 .864 .78 .789 1.56 .789 .242 .841 2.27 .833 .333 .846
10 Vanderbilt L 7-17 7-17 -.07 .471 -.43 .296 -.96 .291 .025 .563 1.19 .727 -.023 .462
12 UL Monroe W 48-14 38-7 1.15 .878 1.72 .945 3.44 .944 .530 .980 4.58 .963 .556 .956
13 Texas A&M W 43-41 43-41 .73 .769 .06 .521 -.20 .459 -.135 .277 1.00 .699 -.038 .442
14 Alabama L 14-28 14-28 .32 .624 -.61 .249 -1.38 .239 -.119 .291 .43 .591 -.030 .456

Ball State 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
3 Miami L 0-62 0-41 -1.75 .030 -2.56 .005 -5.13 .006 -.633 .006 -5.78 .015 -.875 .001
4 Central Michigan L 34-37 34-37 -1.02 .130 -.13 .448 -.25 .450 -.091 .332 -4.28 .043 .000 .530
5 James Madison L 7-63 7-42 -2.50 .003 -2.50 .007 -5.00 .009 -.465 .038 -3.99 .055 -.690 .018
6 Western Michigan L 42-45 42-45 -.66 .236 -.13 .448 -.57 .372 -.113 .305 -.47 .401 -.129 .346
7 Kent State W 37-35 37-35 -1.52 .057 .09 .534 .18 .538 .045 .593 -1.82 .206 .091 .615
8 Vanderbilt L 14-24 14-24 -.22 .411 -.59 .254 -1.44 .230 -.242 .158 -1.39 .246 -.403 .112
9 Northern Illinois W 25-23 25-23 -.10 .461 .09 .531 .36 .580 .103 .682 -.91 .317 .303 .816
11 Miami (OH) L 21-27 21-27 -.39 .345 -.29 .355 -1.30 .245 -.057 .383 .25 .556 -.200 .266
12 Buffalo L 48-51 48-51 -.53 .288 -.11 .458 .00 .511 .043 .590 1.42 .758 .000 .530
13 Bowling Green L 13-38 13-31 -1.02 .130 -.86 .194 -1.92 .169 -.209 .188 -.87 .326 -.418 .105
14 Ohio L 21-42 14-35 -.91 .159 -.95 .170 -2.23 .135 -.227 .174 -4.17 .049 -.318 .177

Baylor 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Utah L 12-23 12-23 -.26 .394 -.44 .293 -.62 .357 -.147 .259 -1.17 .273 -.147 .323
3 Air Force W 31-3 23-3 .47 .684 1.11 .857 2.22 .864 .389 .929 5.13 .974 .333 .846
4 Colorado L 31-38 31-38 .24 .601 -.25 .375 -.38 .412 -.060 .380 -.69 .362 .032 .548
5 BYU L 28-34 28-34 .50 .697 -.24 .378 -.68 .344 -.046 .404 -.41 .412 -.199 .267
6 Iowa State L 21-43 21-40 -.50 .301 -1.06 .148 -1.79 .185 -.356 .086 -2.91 .123 -.417 .108
8 Texas Tech W 59-35 52-21 1.58 .946 1.35 .893 2.23 .865 .216 .818 2.19 .825 .367 .866
9 Oklahoma State W 38-28 38-28 .18 .578 .43 .705 1.12 .738 .140 .728 3.70 .936 .129 .657
10 TCU W 37-34 37-34 .55 .717 .14 .571 -.04 .486 .021 .550 -.25 .444 -.055 .422
12 West Virginia W 49-35 49-28 .92 .823 .95 .834 1.91 .830 .049 .602 1.11 .719 .364 .863
13 Houston W 20-10 20-10 .33 .630 .45 .711 1.48 .776 .068 .633 -.05 .486 .141 .663
14 Kansas W 45-17 42-17 1.89 .974 1.47 .909 2.54 .887 .160 .752 -.24 .447 .278 .799
B LSU L 31-44 31-44 .24 .598 -.52 .268 -.72 .334 .001 .503 -.64 .370 -.215 .254

Boise State 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Georgia Southern W 56-45 56-37 .50 .699 .79 .790 1.58 .791 .203 .805 4.59 .964 .167 .707
2 Oregon L 34-37 34-37 1.20 .891 -.10 .462 .50 .608 .015 .537 -1.07 .288 .159 .691
5 Washington State W 45-24 38-17 .93 .825 1.00 .844 2.25 .867 .235 .833 3.64 .931 .327 .833
6 Utah State W 62-30 52-17 1.03 .850 1.67 .939 3.45 .945 .288 .877 3.22 .898 .505 .935
7 Hawaii W 28-7 28-7 .82 .796 1.50 .916 3.00 .920 .353 .911 2.73 .858 .429 .898
9 UNLV W 29-24 29-24 .56 .719 .25 .628 .50 .614 .074 .642 .01 .502 .100 .628
10 San Diego State W 56-24 42-10 1.10 .863 2.00 .972 3.75 .961 .500 .970 2.62 .851 .464 .919
11 Nevada W 28-21 28-21 -.29 .383 .30 .657 .80 .682 .114 .697 .91 .680 .114 .636
12 San Jose State W 42-21 42-21 .76 .780 1.11 .857 2.04 .843 .130 .717 -.12 .467 .417 .893
13 Wyoming W 17-13 17-13 -.50 .302 .18 .594 .36 .583 .042 .588 .59 .618 .000 .530
14 Oregon State W 34-18 34-18 .25 .602 .76 .783 1.76 .810 .352 .909 -.04 .491 .327 .833
C UNLV W 21-7 21-7 .98 .837 .67 .764 1.46 .773 .108 .689 1.29 .739 .118 .641
P Penn State L 14-31 14-31 .46 .680 -.77 .216 -1.55 .216 -.079 .351 -1.07 .290 -.091 .394

Boston College 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Florida State W 28-13 28-13 .37 .650 .71 .772 1.62 .794 .147 .741 1.19 .728 .127 .652
3 Missouri L 21-27 21-27 .18 .582 -.33 .332 -.67 .348 -.153 .254 -.10 .474 -.333 .165
4 Michigan State W 23-19 23-19 -.01 .501 .20 .603 .40 .592 .027 .564 .26 .557 -.100 .382
5 Western Kentucky W 21-20 21-20 -.33 .367 .05 .517 .28 .561 .013 .529 .01 .503 -.064 .414
6 Virginia L 14-24 14-24 -.66 .234 -.50 .280 -.49 .393 -.136 .276 -.26 .440 -.356 .147
8 Virginia Tech L 21-42 21-42 -.45 .321 -.91 .176 -1.59 .208 -.053 .392 -3.95 .055 -.227 .246
9 Louisville L 27-31 27-31 .57 .721 -.15 .428 -.46 .395 -.181 .220 -2.04 .189 -.176 .289
11 Syracuse W 37-31 37-31 .50 .694 .24 .623 .69 .657 .018 .543 .71 .643 .115 .639
12 SMU L 28-38 28-38 .24 .598 -.48 .284 -.65 .349 -.100 .320 -1.77 .212 -.327 .169
13 North Carolina W 41-21 34-7 1.27 .907 1.29 .883 3.00 .920 .517 .976 3.32 .907 .556 .956
14 Pittsburgh W 34-23 34-23 .39 .657 .41 .694 .61 .638 .128 .716 1.41 .756 .048 .571
B Nebraska L 15-20 15-20 .27 .612 -.29 .350 -.81 .317 -.001 .499 -1.04 .296 -.042 .440

Bowling Green 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Penn State L 27-34 27-34 .92 .818 -.32 .339 -.64 .355 -.101 .320 -1.36 .252 -.091 .394
4 Texas A&M L 20-26 20-26 .37 .649 -.30 .348 -.60 .363 .055 .612 -.01 .496 -.100 .382
5 Old Dominion L 27-30 27-30 -.23 .409 -.13 .448 -.25 .450 .068 .632 .23 .551 -.083 .400
6 Akron W 27-20 27-20 -.25 .398 .35 .677 1.56 .789 .040 .587 -.48 .400 .222 .753
7 Northern Illinois L 7-17 7-17 -.66 .236 -.48 .284 -1.06 .271 -.165 .242 -.05 .486 -.227 .246
8 Kent State W 27-6 27-6 -.56 .269 1.05 .850 2.10 .852 .320 .895 2.50 .846 .400 .885
9 Toledo W 41-26 41-26 .35 .643 .60 .749 1.09 .733 .156 .746 .63 .625 .161 .692
11 Central Michigan W 23-13 23-13 -.39 .344 .50 .731 1.00 .722 .163 .755 .53 .612 .400 .885
12 Western Michigan W 31-13 31-13 .47 .682 1.00 .844 2.43 .883 .356 .914 4.15 .950 .292 .805
13 Ball State W 38-13 31-13 -.03 .496 .86 .807 1.92 .831 .209 .811 .87 .674 .418 .895
14 Miami (OH) L 12-28 12-28 -.74 .213 -.64 .239 -1.40 .236 -.229 .170 -3.04 .109 -.179 .286
B Arkansas State L 31-38 31-38 -1.04 .125 -.30 .345 -.52 .382 .053 .608 .40 .587 .067 .590

Buffalo 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Missouri L 0-38 0-31 -1.20 .099 -1.72 .056 -3.44 .057 -.453 .043 -2.89 .125 -.667 .024
3 Massachusetts W 34-3 34-3 .39 .657 1.41 .901 2.43 .883 .232 .830 2.46 .845 .227 .759
4 Northern Illinois W 23-20 23-20 -.07 .469 .11 .547 .13 .526 -.234 .168 -.78 .348 -.051 .427
5 Connecticut L 3-47 3-37 -1.86 .024 -1.62 .070 -3.43 .058 -.514 .025 -4.27 .043 -.609 .031
7 Toledo W 30-15 30-15 .35 .643 .60 .749 1.25 .750 -.016 .461 -1.07 .289 .250 .778
8 Western Michigan L 41-48 41-48 -.79 .192 -.26 .369 -.54 .380 .030 .570 -.32 .425 -.077 .403
9 Ohio L 16-47 16-47 -1.50 .060 -1.55 .081 -2.82 .095 -.242 .159 -3.44 .086 -.267 .214
10 Akron W 41-30 41-30 -.21 .416 .39 .690 .62 .640 -.024 .441 -.53 .388 .192 .728
12 Ball State W 51-48 51-48 -.78 .197 .11 .544 .00 .511 -.043 .410 -1.42 .242 .000 .530
13 Eastern Michigan W 37-20 37-20 -.01 .501 .63 .757 .77 .677 .077 .646 -.20 .456 .154 .684
14 Kent State W 43-7 36-7 -.30 .379 1.32 .889 2.96 .912 .445 .954 2.86 .870 .509 .937
B Liberty W 26-7 19-0 .48 .686 1.00 .844 2.11 .853 .279 .869 .21 .547 .567 .957

BYU 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 SMU W 18-15 18-15 .82 .795 .11 .544 .13 .528 .005 .511 2.17 .822 -.099 .382
3 Wyoming W 34-14 34-7 .66 .749 1.35 .894 2.30 .872 .396 .933 4.26 .953 .456 .916
4 Kansas State W 38-9 38-9 2.20 .987 1.71 .943 2.30 .872 .152 .745 .93 .684 .196 .732
5 Baylor W 34-28 34-28 .72 .764 .24 .623 .68 .655 .046 .596 .41 .588 .199 .732
7 Arizona W 41-19 41-19 .62 .736 .96 .836 1.36 .760 .176 .769 2.26 .830 .182 .723
8 Oklahoma State W 38-35 38-35 -.11 .457 .15 .578 .30 .570 .188 .790 .86 .669 .000 .530
9 UCF W 37-24 37-18 1.17 .886 .95 .828 1.90 .827 .260 .857 .19 .542 .400 .885
11 Utah W 22-21 22-21 .22 .596 .04 .512 -.55 .377 .025 .562 .18 .538 .091 .615
12 Kansas L 13-17 13-17 .18 .581 -.24 .385 -.50 .390 .179 .773 .46 .598 .000 .530
13 Arizona State L 23-28 23-28 .54 .713 -.26 .364 -.56 .374 -.091 .331 .99 .697 .000 .530
14 Houston W 30-18 30-18 .42 .670 .55 .739 .92 .702 .273 .865 2.69 .855 .172 .709
B Colorado W 36-14 33-7 1.94 .977 1.44 .905 2.01 .840 .382 .925 1.66 .777 .306 .818

California 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Auburn W 21-14 21-14 .60 .730 .28 .643 .67 .654 .165 .759 -.41 .411 .186 .725
3 San Diego State W 31-10 31-10 -.03 .497 .88 .817 1.75 .808 .225 .825 2.81 .864 .333 .846
4 Florida State L 9-14 9-14 -.59 .261 -.24 .383 -.58 .369 .101 .680 .87 .677 .255 .780
6 Miami L 38-39 38-39 .77 .782 -.04 .491 -.43 .400 -.141 .269 1.55 .768 -.045 .432
7 Pittsburgh L 15-17 15-17 -.10 .460 -.09 .472 -.30 .435 -.016 .461 -1.55 .232 .061 .583
8 NC State L 23-24 23-24 -.13 .449 -.04 .493 -.41 .405 .065 .628 .26 .559 .007 .531
9 Oregon State W 44-7 34-0 1.75 .963 2.27 .983 4.25 .979 .563 .986 4.01 .946 .732 .991
11 Wake Forest W 46-36 46-36 .10 .546 .33 .670 .39 .590 .139 .726 .05 .511 .171 .708
12 Syracuse L 25-33 25-33 -.16 .431 -.42 .300 -1.17 .261 -.208 .189 1.20 .729 -.278 .202
13 Stanford W 24-21 24-21 -.12 .451 .15 .578 .57 .627 .175 .768 2.40 .842 .156 .690
14 SMU L 6-38 6-31 -.48 .312 -1.19 .129 -2.22 .137 -.095 .325 -.87 .326 -.155 .315
B UNLV L 13-24 13-24 -.11 .453 -.42 .297 -.85 .308 -.001 .497 -.93 .314 .000 .530

Central Michigan 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Florida International L 16-52 16-42 -1.70 .035 -1.04 .154 -1.85 .177 -.141 .268 -2.82 .133 -.205 .258
3 Illinois L 9-30 9-30 -.70 .225 -1.17 .135 -2.33 .125 -.196 .202 -1.80 .207 -.444 .100
4 Ball State W 37-34 37-34 -.76 .204 .13 .556 .25 .554 .091 .667 4.28 .957 .000 .530
5 San Diego State W 22-21 22-21 -.86 .171 .04 .511 .25 .554 .051 .605 -.39 .415 .038 .556
7 Ohio L 25-27 25-27 -.04 .489 -.09 .472 -.37 .415 -.195 .204 -3.64 .069 -.121 .358
8 Eastern Michigan L 34-38 34-38 -.78 .196 -.14 .434 -.64 .351 -.055 .387 1.36 .746 -.115 .363
9 Miami (OH) L 7-46 7-36 -1.72 .034 -1.61 .071 -3.22 .066 -.533 .018 -5.40 .020 -.667 .024
11 Bowling Green L 13-23 13-23 -.66 .237 -.50 .280 -1.00 .286 -.163 .244 -.53 .388 -.400 .122
12 Toledo L 10-37 3-34 -1.80 .029 -1.55 .081 -2.70 .101 -.315 .110 -2.61 .149 -.456 .086
13 Western Michigan W 16-14 16-14 -.44 .330 .09 .534 .75 .676 .170 .763 1.48 .761 .264 .785
14 Northern Illinois L 16-24 16-24 -.56 .268 -.38 .313 -.93 .294 -.302 .114 -1.79 .209 -.227 .246

Charlotte 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 James Madison L 7-30 7-30 -1.04 .123 -1.05 .153 -2.09 .150 -.272 .135 -3.00 .112 -.364 .143
2 North Carolina L 20-38 13-31 -.96 .147 -.95 .173 -2.14 .143 -.218 .180 -2.29 .165 -.367 .135
4 Indiana L 14-52 14-45 -.87 .169 -1.94 .034 -3.88 .034 -.500 .030 -3.86 .058 -.625 .031
5 Rice W 21-20 21-20 -.49 .308 .04 .511 .08 .521 -.224 .176 -1.82 .205 -.167 .305
6 East Carolina W 55-24 48-17 1.11 .870 1.48 .912 3.25 .935 .304 .887 2.27 .831 .527 .941
8 Navy L 17-51 17-51 -.98 .141 -1.42 .098 -2.28 .129 -.199 .199 -.86 .328 -.350 .150
9 Memphis L 28-33 28-33 -.14 .442 -.23 .389 -.45 .397 -.316 .109 .22 .548 -.182 .283
10 Tulane L 3-34 3-27 -1.24 .094 -1.60 .073 -2.96 .088 -.416 .058 -.46 .402 -.708 .015
12 South Florida L 24-59 24-52 -1.47 .063 -1.17 .135 -1.80 .185 -.286 .125 -4.10 .051 -.367 .135
13 Florida Atlantic W 39-27 39-27 -.24 .406 .55 .739 .75 .674 .087 .661 2.96 .883 .245 .766
14 UAB W 29-27 29-27 -.70 .223 .08 .524 .15 .533 -.086 .340 .66 .634 .000 .530

Cincinnati 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Pittsburgh L 27-28 27-28 -.06 .477 -.05 .487 -.09 .477 .004 .509 -1.50 .236 .000 .530
3 Miami (OH) W 27-16 27-16 .40 .660 .50 .731 1.00 .722 .059 .618 -.98 .306 .182 .723
4 Houston W 34-0 31-0 2.26 .989 2.38 .989 5.17 .996 .400 .936 4.80 .966 .690 .983
5 Texas Tech L 41-44 41-44 .10 .550 -.13 .443 -.69 .340 -.061 .377 .07 .519 -.028 .456
7 UCF W 19-13 19-13 .52 .706 .30 .654 .60 .637 .097 .676 -.87 .325 .200 .741
8 Arizona State W 24-14 24-14 1.25 .902 .45 .711 .91 .700 .088 .663 -.28 .435 .091 .615
9 Colorado L 23-34 23-34 -.12 .450 -.61 .247 -1.22 .255 -.209 .189 -.99 .305 -.222 .250
11 West Virginia L 24-31 24-31 -.32 .372 -.28 .357 .15 .529 .015 .538 -.35 .421 .008 .531
12 Iowa State L 17-34 17-34 -.26 .395 -.81 .208 -1.39 .237 -.179 .226 -.44 .405 -.245 .235
13 Kansas State L 15-41 9-34 -.89 .162 -1.39 .102 -2.78 .100 -.229 .171 -2.29 .164 -.444 .100
14 TCU L 13-20 13-20 .09 .545 -.32 .339 -.52 .382 .007 .514 .43 .592 -.255 .221

Clemson 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Georgia L 3-34 3-27 -.36 .357 -1.33 .110 -2.67 .103 -.331 .099 -2.74 .141 -.444 .100
2 Appalachian State W 66-20 63-20 1.24 .898 1.87 .961 4.48 .985 .589 .988 6.48 .992 .536 .946
4 NC State W 59-35 52-14 1.64 .954 1.73 .946 3.45 .945 .426 .946 3.59 .925 .455 .913
5 Stanford W 40-14 33-7 .86 .811 1.13 .860 2.42 .882 .184 .781 2.83 .868 .462 .917
6 Florida State W 29-13 29-13 .38 .654 .73 .774 1.45 .771 .425 .945 3.46 .917 .636 .972
7 Wake Forest W 49-14 42-14 1.32 .914 1.56 .922 3.11 .926 .410 .939 2.92 .877 .444 .905
8 Virginia W 48-31 48-25 .88 .815 1.05 .847 2.09 .850 .326 .897 2.80 .863 .364 .863
10 Louisville L 21-33 21-33 .19 .586 -.52 .267 -1.25 .251 -.063 .373 -1.99 .191 -.311 .179
11 Virginia Tech W 24-14 24-7 1.11 .870 .65 .763 1.85 .821 .262 .858 .99 .696 .301 .816
12 Pittsburgh W 24-20 24-20 .13 .558 .14 .571 .29 .563 -.076 .355 .18 .539 -.071 .407
14 South Carolina L 14-17 14-17 .70 .761 -.13 .443 -.38 .412 -.009 .481 .01 .504 -.106 .370
C SMU W 34-31 34-31 .82 .794 .10 .541 .05 .515 -.090 .335 -.45 .404 .038 .557
P Texas L 24-38 24-38 .62 .735 -.61 .249 -1.45 .229 -.199 .199 -1.52 .235 -.212 .256

Coastal Carolina 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Jacksonville State W 55-27 41-13 1.00 .843 1.22 .876 2.32 .873 .455 .957 3.61 .927 .350 .852
3 Temple W 28-20 28-20 -.41 .340 .40 .694 .33 .577 .020 .548 -.64 .369 -.167 .305
4 Virginia L 24-43 17-43 -1.46 .064 -1.30 .115 -2.02 .159 -.228 .173 .30 .571 -.394 .122
6 Old Dominion W 45-37 45-37 .24 .600 .35 .672 .72 .666 .118 .707 1.06 .707 .100 .628
7 James Madison L 7-39 7-36 -1.31 .083 -1.32 .111 -2.26 .132 -.349 .091 -2.65 .145 -.309 .180
8 Louisiana L 24-34 24-34 -.63 .245 -.50 .280 -1.00 .286 -.127 .286 -.75 .352 -.200 .266
10 Troy L 24-38 24-38 -1.33 .078 -.70 .232 -1.82 .182 -.293 .118 -2.75 .140 -.267 .214
11 Appalachian State W 38-24 38-17 .53 .712 1.17 .867 2.33 .877 .092 .670 .48 .599 .333 .846
12 Marshall L 19-31 19-31 -.45 .326 -.46 .287 -.69 .340 .053 .608 1.07 .712 -.056 .419
13 Georgia Southern L 6-26 6-23 -1.10 .115 -.81 .208 -1.75 .191 -.242 .157 .06 .517 -.418 .105
14 Georgia State W 48-27 48-27 .23 .597 .88 .817 1.85 .823 .250 .852 -.06 .484 .283 .800
B UTSA L 15-44 15-44 -1.52 .056 -1.16 .136 -1.83 .180 -.270 .137 -4.27 .044 -.417 .108

Colorado 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Nebraska L 10-28 3-28 -.62 .251 -1.19 .129 -2.06 .154 -.272 .135 -2.39 .159 -.172 .291
3 Colorado State W 28-9 28-9 .45 .676 .90 .822 1.98 .835 .114 .695 .89 .679 .227 .759
4 Baylor W 38-31 38-31 .73 .770 .25 .628 .38 .589 .060 .620 .69 .638 -.032 .453
5 UCF W 48-21 41-21 1.05 .855 .83 .798 1.67 .798 -.008 .484 .58 .616 .250 .778
7 Kansas State L 28-31 28-31 .34 .633 -.16 .419 -.64 .350 -.009 .481 .39 .585 -.156 .312
8 Arizona W 34-7 34-7 .89 .816 1.23 .877 2.45 .884 .410 .940 2.16 .821 .364 .863
9 Cincinnati W 34-23 34-23 .81 .793 .61 .753 1.22 .746 .209 .811 .99 .695 .222 .753
11 Texas Tech W 41-27 41-27 .68 .756 .45 .707 .74 .673 .014 .536 .27 .562 .054 .576
12 Utah W 49-24 42-24 .80 .791 .62 .755 1.09 .734 .141 .729 2.39 .841 .051 .575
13 Kansas L 21-37 21-37 -.72 .217 -1.14 .137 -2.29 .128 -.372 .080 .25 .556 -.571 .041
14 Oklahoma State W 52-0 38-0 1.21 .892 1.46 .906 2.92 .910 .469 .962 5.27 .977 .462 .917
B BYU L 14-36 7-33 -.70 .224 -1.44 .095 -2.01 .160 -.382 .075 -1.66 .222 -.306 .182

Colorado State 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Texas L 0-52 0-38 -1.15 .106 -2.38 .012 -4.75 .011 -.621 .009 -5.13 .024 -.750 .008
3 Colorado L 9-28 9-28 -.41 .336 -.90 .177 -1.98 .165 -.114 .304 -.89 .320 -.227 .246
4 UTEP W 27-17 27-17 -.64 .242 .40 .694 .94 .707 .091 .667 .91 .681 .186 .725
6 Oregon State L 31-39 31-39 -.88 .165 -.36 .321 .00 .511 .104 .684 1.91 .799 .000 .530
7 San Jose State W 31-24 31-24 -.03 .494 .32 .664 1.12 .737 .082 .654 .92 .684 .145 .675
8 Air Force W 21-13 21-13 -.32 .370 .32 .665 .75 .675 .065 .628 1.95 .802 .019 .535
9 New Mexico W 17-6 17-6 -.06 .476 .55 .740 .51 .616 -.128 .285 -.24 .446 .033 .551
10 Nevada W 38-21 38-21 .26 .607 .85 .805 1.00 .722 -.009 .482 -.73 .354 .333 .846
12 Wyoming W 24-10 24-10 -.10 .459 .58 .745 1.17 .741 .224 .824 3.61 .927 .333 .846
13 Fresno State L 22-28 22-28 -.55 .276 -.25 .375 -.50 .390 -.002 .493 -.94 .313 -.083 .400
14 Utah State W 42-37 42-37 -.46 .321 .18 .591 .92 .704 .049 .601 .23 .550 .154 .684
B Miami (OH) L 17-43 10-36 -1.29 .088 -1.18 .130 -2.36 .121 -.189 .207 -.87 .323 -.455 .088

Connecticut 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Maryland L 7-50 7-43 -1.44 .066 -1.50 .087 -3.00 .085 -.384 .073 -3.28 .097 -.500 .075
3 Duke L 21-26 21-26 -.14 .437 -.19 .405 -.92 .297 -.070 .363 -.63 .373 -.154 .320
4 Florida Atlantic W 48-14 34-7 1.02 .847 1.80 .954 3.98 .969 .632 .992 2.70 .856 .732 .991
5 Buffalo W 47-3 37-3 1.20 .890 1.62 .930 3.43 .942 .514 .974 4.27 .956 .609 .968
6 Temple W 29-20 23-20 -.71 .221 .09 .536 .51 .615 .042 .588 .58 .615 .027 .543
8 Wake Forest L 20-23 20-23 -.36 .355 -.13 .448 -.25 .450 -.187 .211 -.84 .335 -.167 .305
9 Rice W 17-10 17-10 -.31 .374 .23 .610 .93 .706 .151 .744 2.06 .811 .200 .741
10 Georgia State W 34-27 34-27 -.29 .381 .35 .677 .70 .664 .027 .565 .86 .668 .100 .628
11 UAB W 31-23 31-23 -.49 .308 .29 .646 .57 .630 -.024 .440 -.55 .387 .071 .592
13 Syracuse L 24-31 24-31 -.06 .478 -.32 .339 -.64 .352 -.206 .192 -1.36 .253 -.273 .209
14 Massachusetts W 47-42 47-42 -.83 .179 .19 .596 .33 .577 .156 .748 1.26 .737 .155 .687
B North Carolina W 27-14 27-14 .60 .732 .62 .754 2.00 .838 .318 .892 1.07 .711 .500 .935

Duke 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Northwestern W 26-20 26-20 -.06 .482 .19 .600 .00 .511 .021 .551 .09 .523 .000 .530
3 Connecticut W 26-21 26-21 -.05 .484 .19 .596 .92 .704 .070 .636 .63 .627 .154 .684
4 Middle Tennessee W 45-17 38-17 -.42 .334 .91 .825 2.04 .842 .195 .797 3.32 .907 .295 .806
5 North Carolina W 21-20 21-20 .02 .509 .04 .503 .19 .538 .066 .630 .70 .641 .022 .536
6 Georgia Tech L 14-24 14-24 -.19 .423 -.53 .264 -1.27 .248 -.145 .261 .37 .579 -.144 .331
8 Florida State W 23-16 23-16 -.11 .457 .24 .623 .59 .635 -.083 .343 -.99 .304 .022 .536
9 SMU L 27-28 27-28 .67 .752 -.04 .494 .00 .511 -.013 .469 -1.09 .284 .167 .707
10 Miami L 31-53 31-53 .00 .504 -.81 .203 -1.86 .175 -.243 .155 -1.02 .298 -.258 .216
11 NC State W 29-19 29-19 .28 .614 .37 .685 1.00 .722 .025 .561 .78 .654 .000 .530
13 Virginia Tech W 31-28 31-28 .55 .716 .09 .536 .19 .539 -.025 .439 1.65 .775 .000 .530
14 Wake Forest W 23-17 23-17 .01 .508 .25 .628 .37 .586 .003 .507 1.52 .765 -.030 .456
B Ole Miss L 20-52 7-38 -.51 .299 -1.63 .068 -3.18 .068 -.402 .062 -3.37 .088 -.525 .059

East Carolina 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Old Dominion W 20-14 20-14 .11 .551 .21 .607 .35 .579 .157 .749 1.50 .763 .132 .659
3 Appalachian State L 19-21 19-21 -.72 .220 -.08 .474 -.57 .372 -.119 .291 -.37 .419 .030 .546
4 Liberty L 24-35 24-35 -1.05 .122 -.52 .266 -1.32 .242 .073 .642 -.04 .492 -.045 .432
5 UTSA W 30-20 30-20 -.04 .489 .32 .667 .54 .622 -.050 .396 -.05 .487 .108 .631
6 Charlotte L 24-55 17-48 -2.10 .014 -1.48 .089 -3.25 .065 -.304 .113 -2.27 .169 -.527 .058
8 Army L 28-45 20-38 -.30 .380 -.90 .179 -1.80 .185 -.135 .278 -.60 .379 -.300 .193
9 Temple W 56-34 56-34 .04 .521 .85 .801 1.47 .773 .162 .754 2.94 .879 .122 .645
11 Florida Atlantic W 49-14 35-7 1.22 .893 2.00 .972 4.00 .972 .433 .949 8.40 .996 .714 .989
12 Tulsa W 38-31 38-31 -1.15 .105 .23 .613 .82 .685 .030 .573 .32 .573 .043 .561
13 North Texas W 40-28 40-28 .12 .556 .46 .713 .92 .704 .076 .643 .61 .623 .077 .596
14 Navy L 20-34 13-34 -.40 .341 -.84 .201 -1.53 .218 -.161 .247 -2.63 .147 -.128 .347
B NC State W 26-21 26-21 .19 .585 .28 .642 .56 .625 .014 .532 .09 .524 .222 .753

Eastern Michigan 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Massachusetts W 28-14 28-7 .29 .618 1.31 .888 2.63 .894 .234 .832 2.82 .867 .250 .778
2 Washington L 9-30 9-30 -1.01 .135 -1.31 .114 -2.63 .108 -.212 .185 -4.44 .040 -.250 .232
3 Jacksonville State W 37-34 37-34 -.09 .464 .13 .556 .00 .511 -.019 .452 -2.27 .168 .000 .530
5 Kent State W 52-33 52-27 -.75 .210 .86 .808 1.54 .783 .185 .784 -.59 .381 .314 .822
7 Miami (OH) L 14-38 14-31 -.84 .176 -.74 .222 -1.93 .168 -.117 .294 -5.14 .024 -.250 .232
8 Central Michigan W 38-34 38-34 -.75 .211 .14 .571 .64 .648 .055 .613 -1.36 .253 .115 .639
9 Akron L 21-25 21-25 -.79 .194 -.18 .407 -.36 .419 -.003 .492 -.84 .336 .000 .530
10 Toledo L 28-29 28-29 -.28 .388 -.03 .499 -.07 .483 -.017 .457 -1.08 .286 .133 .659
12 Ohio L 10-35 10-28 -.77 .200 -.82 .202 -1.64 .204 -.186 .214 -3.36 .090 -.273 .209
13 Buffalo L 20-37 20-37 -1.05 .121 -.63 .244 -.77 .322 -.077 .353 .20 .543 -.154 .320
14 Western Michigan L 18-26 18-26 -.93 .153 -.40 .308 -.62 .358 -.168 .239 -1.44 .241 -.067 .413

Florida 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Miami L 17-41 10-38 -.74 .214 -1.56 .080 -3.11 .075 -.364 .084 -2.93 .121 -.556 .048
3 Texas A&M L 20-33 20-33 -.02 .498 -.68 .234 -1.25 .251 -.325 .103 -.61 .377 -.575 .039
4 Mississippi State W 45-28 45-28 .71 .764 .85 .805 1.70 .802 .150 .743 2.91 .876 .300 .815
6 UCF W 24-13 24-13 .83 .800 .61 .753 1.22 .746 .106 .687 1.02 .701 .222 .753
7 Tennessee L 17-23 17-23 .64 .742 -.21 .395 .00 .511 .115 .699 1.22 .732 .000 .530
8 Kentucky W 48-20 41-20 1.20 .890 .88 .817 2.23 .866 .158 .750 3.62 .929 .402 .887
10 Georgia L 20-34 20-34 .49 .690 -.48 .281 -1.10 .265 -.249 .148 -3.03 .110 -.162 .306
11 Texas L 17-49 0-42 -1.24 .095 -2.47 .008 -4.67 .013 -.458 .041 -5.65 .017 -.653 .025
12 LSU W 27-16 27-16 1.34 .917 .58 .744 1.40 .765 .061 .621 3.45 .916 .056 .580
13 Ole Miss W 24-17 24-17 1.39 .930 .27 .640 .43 .598 -.180 .221 -.41 .410 -.026 .459
14 Florida State W 31-11 31-11 .52 .707 .87 .813 1.48 .775 .082 .654 2.10 .816 .217 .747
B Tulane W 33-8 26-0 1.54 .942 1.18 .870 2.36 .879 .366 .917 3.19 .896 .455 .910

Florida Atlantic 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Michigan State L 10-16 10-16 -.45 .325 -.24 .378 -.55 .377 -.040 .413 -.11 .469 .064 .586
2 Army L 7-24 7-24 -.53 .289 -1.13 .139 -2.00 .164 -.310 .112 -3.72 .062 -.357 .145
3 Florida International W 38-20 38-20 .09 .541 .75 .782 1.50 .779 .016 .539 -1.30 .259 .250 .778
4 Connecticut L 14-48 7-34 -2.04 .016 -1.80 .046 -3.98 .030 -.632 .007 -2.70 .143 -.732 .009
7 North Texas L 37-41 37-41 -.50 .304 -.16 .415 -.33 .426 .082 .653 -.11 .471 .083 .603
8 UTSA L 24-38 24-38 -.86 .170 -.50 .280 -1.41 .233 -.216 .182 -1.30 .260 -.269 .210
10 South Florida L 21-44 21-44 -1.18 .102 -.88 .181 -1.77 .188 -.067 .368 -1.02 .299 -.231 .240
11 East Carolina L 14-49 7-35 -2.37 .005 -2.00 .031 -4.00 .029 -.433 .050 -8.40 .003 -.714 .014
12 Temple L 15-18 15-18 -.94 .150 -.14 .439 .00 .511 -.023 .444 1.00 .697 -.400 .122
13 Charlotte L 27-39 27-39 -1.16 .103 -.55 .261 -.75 .325 -.087 .338 -2.96 .116 -.245 .235
14 Tulsa W 63-16 56-16 .00 .503 1.38 .897 2.68 .898 .377 .922 8.05 .996 .349 .849

Florida International 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Indiana L 7-31 7-24 .07 .533 -1.00 .162 -2.22 .137 -.311 .111 -2.21 .173 -.389 .125
2 Central Michigan W 52-16 42-16 .15 .567 1.04 .845 1.85 .822 .141 .731 2.82 .867 .205 .743
3 Florida Atlantic L 20-38 20-38 -1.53 .054 -.75 .220 -1.50 .223 -.016 .460 1.30 .741 -.250 .232
5 Louisiana Tech W 17-10 17-10 -.30 .378 .35 .677 .70 .664 .000 .500 .73 .645 .100 .628
7 Liberty L 24-31 24-31 -.83 .180 -.30 .345 .22 .543 .029 .570 .52 .608 .036 .555
8 UTEP L 21-30 21-30 -1.36 .075 -.32 .334 -.64 .350 -.048 .399 -.65 .368 -.214 .254
9 Sam Houston L 7-10 7-10 -.56 .272 -.14 .434 -.36 .419 -.128 .286 -.65 .367 -.309 .180
10 New Mexico State W 34-13 34-13 -.25 .401 .95 .834 1.91 .830 .238 .835 3.58 .922 .273 .796
12 Jacksonville State L 31-34 31-34 -.35 .358 -.14 .439 -.27 .442 .014 .533 .24 .553 -.091 .394
13 Kennesaw State L 26-27 26-27 -1.20 .100 -.04 .497 -.22 .456 -.087 .340 .50 .604 -.033 .451
14 Middle Tennessee W 35-24 35-24 -.81 .186 .52 .735 1.32 .758 .228 .827 1.65 .776 .045 .570

Florida State 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
0 Georgia Tech L 21-24 21-24 .12 .556 -.21 .395 -.43 .402 -.006 .487 -1.00 .301 -.143 .336
1 Boston College L 13-28 13-28 -.51 .298 -.71 .227 -1.62 .205 -.147 .259 -1.19 .271 -.127 .350
3 Memphis L 12-20 12-20 -.29 .382 -.38 .313 -.62 .360 -.151 .255 -.45 .404 -.155 .315
4 California W 14-9 14-9 .33 .628 .24 .620 .58 .631 -.101 .319 -.87 .323 -.255 .221
5 SMU L 16-42 16-42 -.53 .291 -1.24 .122 -2.27 .131 -.294 .117 -1.64 .226 -.467 .080
6 Clemson L 13-29 13-29 .00 .505 -.73 .226 -1.45 .229 -.425 .054 -3.46 .083 -.636 .028
8 Duke L 16-23 16-23 -.20 .421 -.24 .376 -.59 .365 .083 .656 .99 .695 -.022 .464
9 Miami L 14-36 7-29 -.76 .209 -1.57 .076 -3.14 .071 -.394 .069 -1.38 .247 -.714 .014
10 North Carolina L 11-35 11-35 -1.35 .077 -1.33 .110 -2.67 .103 -.477 .034 -3.21 .102 -.444 .100
11 Notre Dame L 3-52 3-38 -.55 .275 -1.84 .043 -3.47 .053 -.437 .046 -5.45 .018 -.589 .039
14 Florida L 11-31 11-31 -.26 .395 -.87 .189 -1.48 .224 -.082 .346 -2.10 .184 -.217 .253

Fresno State 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Michigan L 10-30 10-30 -.32 .371 -.95 .170 -1.30 .245 -.037 .417 .65 .631 -.300 .193
3 New Mexico State W 48-0 38-0 .69 .759 1.90 .962 3.80 .964 .501 .971 8.64 .997 .600 .967
4 New Mexico W 38-21 38-21 .24 .599 .85 .805 1.70 .802 .145 .736 -.11 .470 .300 .815
5 UNLV L 14-59 7-45 -1.50 .061 -1.81 .045 -3.10 .076 -.273 .133 -4.44 .039 -.500 .075
7 Washington State L 17-25 17-25 -.47 .314 -.40 .308 -.68 .345 -.104 .316 .53 .610 .000 .530
8 Nevada W 24-21 24-21 -.45 .323 .14 .571 .49 .607 .168 .761 .75 .648 .127 .652
9 San Jose State W 33-10 33-7 .89 .816 1.24 .880 2.66 .895 .219 .821 -.30 .430 .418 .895
10 Hawaii L 20-21 20-21 -.73 .217 -.05 .487 -.61 .360 -.169 .238 -.49 .398 -.073 .405
11 Air Force L 28-36 28-36 -1.14 .109 -.50 .280 -1.00 .286 -.241 .161 3.17 .894 -.375 .132
13 Colorado State W 28-22 28-22 -.21 .419 .25 .628 .50 .614 .002 .506 .94 .687 .083 .603
14 UCLA L 13-20 13-20 -.24 .407 -.33 .332 -.70 .339 -.188 .211 .03 .506 -.100 .382
B Northern Illinois L 20-28 20-28 -.53 .287 -.35 .329 .00 .511 -.037 .417 1.56 .770 .000 .530

Georgia 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Clemson W 34-3 27-3 2.06 .983 1.33 .892 2.67 .897 .331 .900 2.74 .858 .444 .905
3 Kentucky W 13-12 13-12 .37 .652 .05 .519 .24 .549 -.023 .444 .21 .545 -.067 .413
5 Alabama L 34-41 34-41 .67 .750 -.26 .369 -.71 .335 -.115 .299 -1.41 .243 -.104 .371
6 Auburn W 31-13 31-13 1.44 .932 1.13 .859 2.25 .867 .159 .751 -.56 .386 .125 .648
7 Mississippi State W 41-31 41-24 .67 .751 .81 .796 1.33 .759 .300 .885 2.60 .850 .327 .833
8 Texas W 30-15 30-15 1.76 .964 .54 .737 1.07 .731 .022 .553 .07 .520 .286 .801
10 Florida W 34-20 34-20 1.09 .862 .48 .719 1.10 .734 .249 .851 3.03 .890 .162 .693
11 Ole Miss L 10-28 10-28 .18 .577 -.95 .173 -1.69 .200 -.179 .223 -2.07 .186 -.478 .078
12 Tennessee W 31-17 31-17 1.63 .953 .78 .789 1.56 .789 .147 .739 2.25 .828 .222 .753
13 Massachusetts W 59-21 52-21 .81 .792 1.82 .956 3.15 .929 .323 .895 1.04 .704 .389 .877
14 Georgia Tech W 44-42 44-42 .39 .656 .06 .521 .00 .511 -.132 .280 -.85 .333 -.100 .382
C Texas W 22-19 22-19 1.36 .924 .14 .565 .00 .511 -.080 .349 -.71 .357 -.200 .266
P Notre Dame L 10-23 10-23 .70 .760 -.59 .253 -.69 .342 .028 .566 1.15 .722 -.218 .251

Georgia Southern 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Boise State L 45-56 37-56 -.20 .420 -.79 .209 -1.58 .209 -.203 .195 -4.59 .036 -.167 .305
2 Nevada W 20-17 20-17 -.44 .329 .15 .578 .30 .570 -.189 .208 -1.00 .301 .100 .628
4 Ole Miss L 13-52 10-45 -.54 .282 -1.67 .063 -3.50 .052 -.501 .028 -5.94 .012 -.500 .075
5 Georgia State W 38-21 38-21 .04 .520 .68 .765 1.55 .786 .158 .749 .19 .539 .192 .728
7 Marshall W 24-23 24-23 .05 .526 .04 .503 .07 .518 .069 .634 .84 .665 -.071 .407
8 James Madison W 28-14 28-14 .61 .733 .61 .752 1.91 .830 .179 .775 2.81 .865 .182 .723
9 Old Dominion L 19-47 7-44 -1.96 .020 -1.85 .041 -3.70 .039 -.434 .048 -2.96 .118 -.500 .075
10 South Alabama W 34-30 34-30 .02 .510 .19 .599 .40 .592 -.043 .410 -.38 .419 -.100 .382
12 Troy L 20-28 20-28 -1.13 .110 -.50 .280 -1.00 .286 -.278 .131 -.05 .490 -.125 .353
13 Coastal Carolina W 26-6 23-6 .31 .620 .81 .796 1.75 .808 .242 .843 -.06 .482 .418 .895
14 Appalachian State W 29-20 29-20 -.16 .432 .47 .714 1.22 .746 -.067 .368 .34 .576 .044 .565
B Sam Houston L 26-31 26-31 -.60 .256 -.19 .405 .00 .511 .011 .526 .29 .566 .051 .575

Georgia State 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Georgia Tech L 12-35 12-35 -1.10 .113 -1.44 .095 -2.88 .093 -.245 .154 -1.97 .192 -.250 .232
3 Vanderbilt W 36-32 36-32 .53 .709 .17 .588 -.08 .481 -.013 .470 .08 .523 .129 .657
5 Georgia Southern L 21-38 21-38 -.97 .146 -.68 .235 -1.55 .213 -.158 .250 -.19 .460 -.192 .273
7 Old Dominion L 14-21 14-21 -.37 .352 -.26 .369 -.75 .325 -.051 .394 -.60 .380 -.036 .448
8 Marshall L 20-35 20-35 -.73 .216 -.75 .220 -1.50 .223 -.001 .497 -1.90 .201 -.200 .266
9 Appalachian State L 26-33 26-33 -1.02 .128 -.39 .311 -.78 .321 -.233 .169 -1.22 .268 -.111 .367
10 Connecticut L 27-34 27-34 -.59 .260 -.35 .327 -.70 .339 -.027 .435 -.86 .331 -.100 .382
11 James Madison L 7-38 7-38 -1.47 .063 -1.48 .089 -3.10 .076 -.288 .122 -3.17 .105 -.400 .122
12 Arkansas State L 20-27 20-27 -1.04 .125 -.30 .345 -.79 .318 .021 .549 .14 .535 -.121 .358
13 Texas State W 52-44 52-44 .44 .674 .29 .646 .95 .707 -.032 .424 2.55 .847 .187 .726
14 Coastal Carolina L 27-48 27-48 -1.38 .073 -.88 .186 -1.85 .177 -.250 .147 .06 .515 -.283 .199

Georgia Tech 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
0 Florida State W 24-21 24-21 -.13 .445 .21 .607 .43 .597 .006 .513 1.00 .699 .143 .668
1 Georgia State W 35-12 35-12 .80 .788 1.44 .904 2.88 .907 .245 .846 1.97 .807 .250 .778
2 Syracuse L 28-31 28-31 .10 .549 -.16 .419 -1.08 .268 -.241 .160 -.59 .382 -.250 .232
4 Louisville L 19-31 19-31 .08 .539 -.63 .242 -.44 .399 .025 .561 -1.62 .227 -.071 .408
6 Duke W 24-14 24-14 .57 .722 .53 .736 1.27 .751 .145 .738 -.37 .420 .144 .672
7 North Carolina W 41-34 41-34 .25 .605 .27 .640 .90 .695 .055 .614 .49 .602 .115 .639
8 Notre Dame L 13-31 7-24 .39 .659 -.89 .180 -1.97 .167 -.252 .146 -1.17 .275 -.356 .147
9 Virginia Tech L 6-21 6-21 -.08 .467 -.54 .263 -1.07 .270 .075 .643 .33 .576 -.143 .336
11 Miami W 28-23 28-23 1.07 .857 .25 .628 .50 .614 -.134 .279 -.85 .332 .000 .530
13 NC State W 30-29 30-29 -.05 .485 .04 .504 -.15 .466 .111 .692 -1.38 .249 .060 .582
14 Georgia L 42-44 42-44 .92 .821 -.06 .479 .00 .511 .132 .719 .85 .667 .100 .628
B Vanderbilt L 27-35 27-35 -.06 .481 -.42 .300 -1.19 .257 -.071 .362 -.23 .449 -.056 .421

Hawaii 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 UCLA L 13-16 13-16 -.03 .491 -.13 .443 -.37 .415 -.126 .288 -2.31 .163 -.205 .258
3 Sam Houston L 13-31 13-31 -1.32 .081 -.90 .179 -1.80 .185 -.248 .150 -3.22 .100 -.100 .382
6 San Diego State L 24-27 24-27 -1.05 .120 -.15 .427 -.30 .434 -.019 .454 .60 .621 -.100 .382
7 Boise State L 7-28 7-28 -.91 .158 -1.50 .087 -3.00 .085 -.353 .088 -2.73 .142 -.429 .102
8 Washington State L 10-42 10-35 -1.64 .041 -1.56 .077 -3.13 .073 -.201 .197 -.63 .373 -.250 .232
9 Nevada W 34-13 31-13 .53 .710 1.13 .859 2.80 .902 .249 .850 .70 .640 .339 .846
10 Fresno State W 21-20 21-20 -.26 .396 .05 .514 .61 .639 .169 .761 .49 .602 .073 .594
11 UNLV L 27-29 27-29 .24 .600 -.07 .477 -.14 .471 -.144 .264 -.53 .391 -.143 .336
12 Utah State L 10-55 3-45 -2.46 .004 -1.83 .043 -3.48 .053 -.389 .071 -4.26 .046 -.492 .076
14 New Mexico W 38-30 38-30 -.25 .404 .36 .681 1.07 .731 .115 .698 .90 .680 .155 .686

Houston 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 UNLV L 7-27 0-24 -.69 .229 -1.00 .162 -1.55 .216 -.290 .120 -2.26 .170 -.280 .200
2 Oklahoma L 12-16 12-16 .31 .622 -.16 .415 -.33 .426 .003 .508 1.09 .716 .000 .530
3 Rice W 33-7 26-0 .70 .762 1.24 .880 2.11 .853 .345 .907 3.58 .923 .444 .905
4 Cincinnati L 0-34 0-31 -2.18 .010 -2.38 .011 -5.17 .004 -.400 .063 -4.80 .033 -.690 .018
5 Iowa State L 0-20 0-20 -.63 .249 -1.18 .131 -2.22 .137 -.197 .201 -.97 .310 -.556 .048
6 TCU W 30-19 30-19 .93 .828 .52 .735 1.27 .753 .181 .780 .81 .657 .327 .833
8 Kansas L 14-42 14-35 -.82 .184 -1.24 .122 -2.82 .096 -.204 .194 -2.84 .130 -.528 .058
9 Utah W 17-14 17-14 .30 .618 .12 .549 .23 .548 .043 .591 .07 .518 -.077 .405
10 Kansas State W 24-19 24-19 .69 .759 .20 .603 .54 .621 .009 .520 .61 .622 .026 .542
12 Arizona L 3-27 3-27 -1.43 .067 -1.09 .145 -2.18 .142 -.093 .329 -.82 .340 -.364 .143
13 Baylor L 10-20 10-20 .02 .512 -.45 .292 -1.48 .224 -.068 .367 .05 .514 -.141 .336
14 BYU L 18-30 18-30 .20 .588 -.55 .261 -.92 .298 -.273 .134 -2.69 .144 -.172 .291

Illinois 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Kansas W 23-17 23-17 .72 .766 .30 .654 .08 .520 -.065 .370 -.38 .416 .144 .672
3 Central Michigan W 30-9 30-9 .28 .613 1.17 .867 2.33 .877 .196 .798 1.80 .792 .444 .905
4 Nebraska W 31-24 31-24 .92 .820 .35 .677 .00 .511 .059 .618 .79 .655 -.111 .367
5 Penn State L 7-21 7-21 .36 .647 -.88 .186 -1.75 .194 -.317 .108 -2.12 .182 -.375 .132
7 Purdue W 50-49 50-49 -.75 .212 .04 .508 -.09 .477 -.054 .388 -1.47 .239 .061 .583
8 Michigan W 21-7 21-7 1.34 .917 .70 .768 1.40 .765 .009 .516 .33 .575 .300 .815
9 Oregon L 9-38 9-35 -.33 .366 -1.63 .068 -3.25 .066 -.259 .144 -3.70 .064 -.375 .132
10 Minnesota L 17-25 17-25 .31 .622 -.38 .313 -.95 .291 -.039 .415 .82 .661 -.236 .238
12 Michigan State W 38-16 38-16 .84 .805 1.05 .848 1.85 .823 .163 .756 .97 .689 .245 .766
13 Rutgers W 38-31 38-31 .74 .775 .37 .684 .56 .625 .061 .622 2.10 .816 .111 .635
14 Northwestern W 38-28 38-20 .47 .684 .72 .773 2.08 .849 -.017 .459 2.79 .862 .167 .707
B South Carolina W 21-17 21-17 1.07 .857 .24 .615 .74 .672 -.107 .311 .69 .639 -.069 .409

Indiana 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Florida International W 31-7 24-7 .34 .632 1.00 .844 2.22 .864 .311 .888 2.21 .826 .389 .877
3 UCLA W 42-13 35-13 1.79 .966 1.69 .941 3.98 .969 .421 .944 1.49 .762 .262 .784
4 Charlotte W 52-14 45-14 1.32 .914 1.94 .966 3.88 .966 .500 .969 3.86 .942 .625 .971
5 Maryland W 42-28 42-28 .56 .720 .50 .731 1.00 .722 .206 .808 2.07 .814 .143 .668
6 Northwestern W 41-24 41-24 .75 .778 1.00 .844 1.56 .789 .259 .856 2.77 .861 .278 .799
8 Nebraska W 56-7 42-7 2.75 .997 2.19 .981 4.38 .983 .515 .975 6.16 .990 .625 .971
9 Washington W 31-17 31-14 1.12 .872 .81 .796 1.00 .722 .090 .665 .08 .522 .200 .741
10 Michigan State W 47-10 40-10 1.29 .910 1.50 .916 3.00 .920 .282 .872 3.72 .937 .400 .885
11 Michigan W 20-15 20-15 .87 .813 .24 .620 .64 .647 .016 .540 1.25 .735 .036 .555
13 Ohio State L 15-38 15-38 .48 .687 -1.21 .125 -1.78 .187 -.338 .095 -2.26 .170 -.333 .165
14 Purdue W 66-0 45-0 1.58 .945 2.37 .987 5.00 .992 .743 .997 6.22 .991 .889 .999
P Notre Dame L 17-27 17-27 .79 .785 -.50 .280 -1.30 .245 -.265 .140 -1.63 .226 -.367 .135

Iowa 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Iowa State L 19-20 19-20 .52 .704 -.03 .499 -.07 .483 -.009 .482 -1.24 .265 -.067 .413
3 Troy W 38-21 38-21 .14 .565 .77 .786 1.70 .802 .344 .907 1.87 .797 .300 .815
4 Minnesota W 31-14 31-14 1.47 .934 .77 .786 1.55 .786 .128 .716 1.38 .752 .273 .796
6 Ohio State L 7-35 0-28 .04 .523 -1.65 .067 -3.50 .052 -.464 .038 -3.31 .093 -.389 .125
7 Washington W 40-16 37-10 1.90 .975 1.59 .925 2.86 .906 .109 .690 1.74 .784 .403 .890
8 Michigan State L 20-32 20-32 -.81 .187 -.60 .252 -1.20 .256 -.213 .185 -.19 .459 -.500 .075
9 Northwestern W 40-14 40-7 1.13 .874 1.38 .896 3.00 .920 .369 .919 2.76 .860 .364 .863
10 Wisconsin W 42-10 35-10 1.75 .962 1.39 .898 2.78 .900 .289 .878 2.90 .875 .444 .905
11 UCLA L 17-20 17-20 -.06 .477 -.16 .419 -.52 .381 -.172 .235 .76 .650 -.256 .219
13 Maryland W 29-13 29-13 .76 .781 .70 .766 1.55 .787 .314 .889 1.30 .741 .470 .920
14 Nebraska W 13-10 13-10 .69 .758 .13 .556 .17 .536 -.161 .246 -.17 .462 -.023 .462
B Missouri L 24-27 24-27 .37 .650 -.15 .427 -.81 .316 -.029 .432 -.65 .367 -.167 .305

Iowa State 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Iowa W 20-19 20-19 .67 .751 .03 .501 .07 .517 .009 .517 1.24 .734 .067 .590
4 Arkansas State W 52-7 38-0 1.27 .906 2.00 .972 4.22 .976 .512 .974 4.92 .972 .667 .981
5 Houston W 20-0 20-0 1.06 .855 1.18 .868 2.22 .864 .197 .798 .97 .689 .556 .956
6 Baylor W 43-21 40-21 1.53 .941 1.06 .852 1.79 .814 .356 .913 2.91 .877 .417 .893
7 West Virginia W 28-16 28-10 1.16 .883 1.20 .873 2.07 .848 .142 .733 .67 .635 .196 .732
8 UCF W 38-35 38-35 .31 .623 .09 .536 .51 .615 .032 .577 -1.71 .218 .108 .631
10 Texas Tech L 22-23 22-23 .19 .586 -.04 .493 -.22 .453 .094 .674 .81 .657 .128 .653
11 Kansas L 36-45 28-45 -.39 .345 -.81 .208 -1.68 .201 -.320 .105 -1.32 .256 -.323 .172
12 Cincinnati W 34-17 34-17 1.01 .846 .81 .796 1.39 .763 .179 .774 .44 .595 .245 .766
13 Utah W 31-28 31-28 .32 .623 .14 .565 1.66 .798 .282 .871 .73 .644 .156 .690
14 Kansas State W 29-21 29-21 .79 .786 .30 .651 .72 .667 .105 .686 -1.26 .264 .176 .711
C Arizona State L 19-45 10-45 -1.53 .055 -2.33 .014 -4.20 .025 -.495 .032 -5.10 .026 -.446 .092
B Miami W 42-41 42-41 .86 .811 .05 .517 .47 .605 -.063 .375 -1.06 .291 -.036 .447

Jacksonville State 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Coastal Carolina L 27-55 13-41 -1.72 .033 -1.22 .124 -2.32 .126 -.455 .043 -3.61 .073 -.350 .150
2 Louisville L 14-49 14-42 -.76 .207 -1.47 .090 -2.64 .105 -.376 .078 -3.28 .096 -.467 .080
3 Eastern Michigan L 34-37 34-37 -.76 .203 -.13 .448 .00 .511 .019 .547 2.27 .831 .000 .530
4 Southern Mississippi W 44-7 44-7 .64 .741 2.06 .975 4.11 .972 .430 .949 4.82 .967 .667 .981
6 Kennesaw State W 63-24 49-24 -.03 .495 1.14 .862 2.50 .886 .430 .948 3.49 .917 .400 .885
7 New Mexico State W 54-13 40-6 .49 .692 1.70 .942 3.40 .940 .461 .961 4.84 .970 .500 .935
9 Middle Tennessee W 42-20 42-20 -.04 .487 1.29 .884 2.17 .857 .330 .899 1.73 .784 .167 .707
10 Liberty W 31-21 31-21 -.07 .472 .45 .711 .91 .700 .047 .596 1.93 .801 .091 .615
11 Louisiana Tech W 44-37 44-37 -.41 .337 .23 .613 .00 .511 -.081 .348 -1.81 .207 .000 .530
12 Florida International W 34-31 34-31 -.53 .290 .14 .565 .27 .557 -.014 .467 -.24 .447 .091 .615
13 Sam Houston W 21-11 21-11 .17 .574 .59 .746 1.40 .766 .119 .707 .82 .660 -.069 .409
14 Western Kentucky L 17-19 17-19 -.44 .328 -.07 .477 -.14 .471 -.084 .341 .88 .678 -.143 .336
C Western Kentucky W 52-12 38-12 1.16 .880 1.53 .917 3.42 .941 .436 .952 3.49 .918 .542 .948
B Ohio L 27-30 27-30 -.07 .470 -.12 .450 -.42 .403 -.094 .326 -.94 .312 -.032 .453

James Madison 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Charlotte W 30-7 30-7 .43 .671 1.05 .847 2.09 .850 .272 .865 3.00 .887 .364 .863
4 North Carolina W 70-50 63-44 .56 .719 .58 .744 .90 .694 .091 .666 .64 .628 .171 .708
5 Ball State W 63-7 42-7 1.61 .952 2.50 .994 5.00 .992 .465 .962 3.99 .945 .690 .983
6 UL Monroe L 19-21 19-21 -.66 .235 -.09 .472 .03 .513 .027 .563 .94 .686 .111 .635
7 Coastal Carolina W 39-7 36-7 .81 .793 1.32 .889 2.26 .868 .349 .908 2.65 .854 .309 .820
8 Georgia Southern L 14-28 14-28 -.90 .161 -.61 .249 -1.91 .172 -.179 .224 -2.81 .134 -.182 .283
9 Southern Mississippi W 32-15 32-15 -.79 .194 .63 .757 1.07 .731 .135 .723 1.50 .763 .048 .571
11 Georgia State W 38-7 38-7 .83 .801 1.48 .912 3.10 .924 .288 .877 3.17 .895 .400 .885
12 Old Dominion W 35-32 35-32 .00 .506 .11 .547 .41 .593 .057 .615 -.27 .437 .104 .629
13 Appalachian State L 20-34 20-34 -1.19 .100 -.56 .258 -.92 .299 -.073 .359 -1.71 .219 -.147 .323
14 Marshall L 33-35 33-35 -.07 .469 -.09 .472 .78 .680 .045 .592 1.05 .705 .111 .635
B Western Kentucky W 27-17 27-17 .04 .524 .42 .699 .83 .689 .141 .732 .88 .677 .333 .846

Kansas 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Illinois L 17-23 17-23 .17 .573 -.30 .348 -.08 .479 .065 .629 .38 .583 -.144 .331
3 UNLV L 20-23 20-23 .16 .570 -.15 .427 -.30 .434 -.092 .330 .73 .643 -.200 .266
4 West Virginia L 28-32 28-32 -.22 .413 -.18 .407 -.36 .419 -.084 .342 -1.39 .245 -.091 .394
5 TCU L 27-38 27-38 -.05 .486 -.46 .288 -.57 .372 -.201 .197 -2.02 .190 -.129 .346
6 Arizona State L 31-35 31-35 .60 .731 -.20 .399 -.40 .409 -.150 .257 -.35 .422 -.100 .382
8 Houston W 42-14 35-14 1.11 .871 1.24 .877 2.82 .904 .204 .806 2.84 .869 .528 .945
9 Kansas State L 27-29 27-29 .41 .665 -.08 .474 -.17 .465 -.110 .308 -.44 .405 -.083 .396
11 Iowa State W 45-36 45-28 1.36 .923 .81 .796 1.68 .799 .320 .894 1.32 .744 .323 .828
12 BYU W 17-13 17-13 .98 .838 .24 .615 .50 .614 -.179 .227 -.46 .402 .000 .530
13 Colorado W 37-21 37-21 1.63 .954 1.14 .862 2.29 .871 .372 .920 -.25 .444 .571 .959
14 Baylor L 17-45 17-42 -.99 .137 -1.47 .093 -2.54 .113 -.160 .247 .24 .552 -.278 .202

Kansas State 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Tulane W 34-27 34-27 .65 .744 .29 .648 .20 .542 -.063 .375 .42 .590 .129 .657
3 Arizona W 31-7 31-7 1.16 .882 1.50 .916 2.55 .888 .303 .886 2.14 .820 .589 .966
4 BYU L 9-38 9-38 -.96 .147 -1.71 .056 -2.30 .127 -.152 .254 -.93 .315 -.196 .269
5 Oklahoma State W 42-20 42-13 .95 .830 1.21 .874 2.42 .882 .121 .709 3.00 .887 .167 .707
7 Colorado W 31-28 31-28 .65 .745 .16 .583 .64 .650 .009 .518 -.39 .414 .156 .690
8 West Virginia W 45-18 38-18 1.02 .848 1.05 .850 2.08 .848 .169 .762 2.38 .839 .325 .830
9 Kansas W 29-27 29-27 .50 .696 .08 .527 .17 .535 .110 .691 .44 .594 .083 .604
10 Houston L 19-24 19-24 -.32 .370 -.20 .399 -.54 .380 -.009 .479 -.61 .378 -.026 .459
12 Arizona State L 14-24 14-24 .30 .620 -.50 .280 -1.00 .286 .005 .511 1.05 .706 -.100 .382
13 Cincinnati W 41-15 34-9 1.59 .947 1.39 .898 2.78 .900 .229 .828 2.29 .835 .444 .905
14 Iowa State L 21-29 21-29 .25 .606 -.30 .348 -.72 .332 -.105 .313 1.26 .736 -.176 .289
B Rutgers W 44-41 44-41 .49 .690 .12 .549 .23 .548 .096 .675 1.76 .787 .000 .530

Kennesaw State 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 UTSA L 16-28 16-28 -.86 .170 -.50 .280 -1.00 .286 -.126 .288 -.97 .308 -.167 .305
2 Louisiana L 10-34 7-27 -1.80 .028 -1.67 .063 -3.33 .062 -.474 .035 -5.41 .019 -.667 .024
3 San Jose State L 10-31 10-31 -1.30 .086 -.95 .170 -2.19 .140 -.473 .036 -4.93 .027 -.318 .177
6 Jacksonville State L 24-63 24-49 -1.35 .078 -1.14 .138 -2.50 .114 -.430 .051 -3.49 .082 -.400 .122
8 Middle Tennessee L 5-14 5-14 -1.67 .037 -.33 .332 -.20 .458 -.051 .393 -.86 .329 -.095 .383
9 Liberty W 27-24 27-24 -.37 .351 .15 .578 .30 .570 .024 .559 .38 .582 .100 .628
10 Western Kentucky L 14-31 14-31 -1.27 .091 -.89 .180 -2.48 .115 -.331 .100 -4.90 .028 -.425 .103
11 UTEP L 35-43 35-43 -1.27 .091 -.24 .385 -.37 .415 -.130 .282 -1.26 .263 -.048 .429
12 Sam Houston L 17-23 17-23 -.65 .239 -.23 .388 .00 .511 -.117 .295 -.74 .353 .000 .530
13 Florida International W 27-26 27-26 -.63 .247 .04 .503 .22 .544 .087 .660 -.50 .395 .033 .549
14 Louisiana Tech L 0-33 0-33 -2.22 .008 -1.57 .076 -3.02 .079 -.398 .065 -3.45 .085 -.445 .093

Kent State 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Pittsburgh L 24-55 24-52 -1.23 .096 -1.22 .124 -2.80 .098 -.442 .046 -3.79 .061 -.400 .122
3 Tennessee L 0-71 0-65 -2.76 .001 -3.61 .000 -7.25 .000 -.944 .000 -9.46 .001 -1.000 .000
4 Penn State L 0-56 0-42 -1.57 .050 -2.80 .001 -5.25 .003 -.654 .005 -7.22 .004 -.750 .008
5 Eastern Michigan L 33-52 27-52 -1.50 .060 -.86 .192 -1.54 .217 -.185 .215 .59 .618 -.314 .178
7 Ball State L 35-37 35-37 -.98 .140 -.09 .467 -.18 .463 -.045 .406 1.82 .793 -.091 .394
8 Bowling Green L 6-27 6-27 -1.21 .098 -1.05 .151 -2.10 .148 -.320 .105 -2.50 .154 -.400 .122
9 Western Michigan L 21-52 7-38 -2.01 .018 -1.48 .089 -3.16 .070 -.436 .047 -5.17 .023 -.509 .063
11 Ohio L 0-41 0-34 -1.84 .026 -1.89 .038 -2.86 .094 -.452 .044 -3.59 .075 -.714 .014
12 Miami (OH) L 7-34 7-34 -1.28 .090 -1.17 .132 -2.20 .140 -.265 .138 -4.43 .041 -.402 .113
13 Akron L 17-38 10-38 -2.00 .018 -1.40 .101 -2.80 .098 -.434 .049 -3.14 .107 -.500 .075
14 Buffalo L 7-43 7-36 -1.74 .031 -1.32 .111 -2.96 .087 -.445 .045 -2.86 .129 -.509 .063

Kentucky 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Southern Mississippi W 31-0 31-0 .97 .835 2.38 .989 4.43 .984 .495 .968 3.07 .891 .714 .989
2 South Carolina L 6-31 6-31 -.42 .335 -1.25 .118 -2.07 .152 -.198 .200 -2.48 .154 -.244 .236
3 Georgia L 12-13 12-13 .92 .824 -.05 .480 -.24 .451 .023 .555 -.21 .454 .067 .590
4 Ohio W 41-6 34-6 1.70 .960 1.65 .936 2.63 .894 .419 .942 3.30 .905 .500 .935
5 Ole Miss W 20-17 20-17 1.27 .907 .15 .578 .30 .570 -.039 .414 -1.54 .233 .000 .530
7 Vanderbilt L 13-20 13-20 -.14 .442 -.50 .280 -1.00 .286 .004 .510 -.49 .397 -.286 .199
8 Florida L 20-48 20-41 -.26 .393 -.88 .186 -2.23 .133 -.158 .249 -3.62 .071 -.402 .113
9 Auburn L 10-24 10-24 -.46 .318 -.78 .212 -1.56 .212 -.242 .159 -2.27 .167 -.333 .165
10 Tennessee L 18-28 18-28 .44 .674 -.42 .303 -.83 .312 -.180 .222 -.30 .431 -.333 .165
13 Texas L 14-31 14-31 .42 .669 -.81 .208 -2.04 .157 -.217 .181 -1.26 .263 -.323 .172
14 Louisville L 14-41 14-41 -.32 .368 -1.04 .155 -1.76 .190 -.270 .137 -1.76 .213 -.346 .152

Liberty 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 New Mexico State W 30-24 30-24 -.98 .142 .23 .612 .15 .533 .145 .737 1.97 .806 .192 .728
3 UTEP W 28-10 28-10 -.29 .383 .75 .782 1.50 .779 .088 .664 1.78 .788 .083 .603
4 East Carolina W 35-24 35-24 .16 .569 .52 .735 1.32 .758 -.073 .358 .04 .508 .045 .570
7 Florida International W 31-24 31-24 -.36 .356 .30 .657 -.22 .456 -.029 .430 -.52 .392 -.036 .447
9 Kennesaw State L 24-27 24-27 -1.32 .082 -.15 .427 -.30 .434 -.024 .440 -.38 .417 -.100 .382
10 Jacksonville State L 21-31 21-31 -.67 .232 -.45 .292 -.91 .304 -.047 .403 -1.93 .199 -.091 .394
11 Middle Tennessee W 37-17 37-14 .02 .508 1.35 .895 2.36 .878 .239 .836 2.94 .880 .417 .893
12 Massachusetts W 35-34 35-34 -.97 .145 .05 .517 .31 .571 -.013 .469 .37 .580 -.156 .312
13 Western Kentucky W 38-21 38-21 .63 .739 1.00 .844 1.60 .792 .212 .813 1.09 .717 .292 .805
14 Sam Houston L 18-20 18-20 -.50 .306 -.08 .476 -.15 .468 -.053 .390 -.38 .417 -.154 .320
B Buffalo L 7-26 0-19 -1.42 .068 -1.00 .162 -2.11 .147 -.279 .130 -.21 .452 -.567 .043

Louisiana 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Kennesaw State W 34-10 27-7 .50 .695 1.67 .939 3.33 .937 .474 .964 5.41 .980 .667 .981
4 Tulane L 33-41 33-41 -.06 .474 -.42 .300 -.56 .373 -.118 .293 1.96 .804 -.257 .217
5 Wake Forest W 41-38 41-38 -.08 .466 .16 .583 .76 .677 .116 .701 .64 .629 .078 .598
6 Southern Mississippi W 23-13 23-13 -.92 .157 .50 .731 1.00 .722 .369 .919 1.30 .740 .300 .815
7 Appalachian State W 34-24 34-24 -.22 .414 .42 .699 .83 .689 .014 .534 1.04 .703 .250 .778
8 Coastal Carolina W 34-24 34-24 .00 .503 .50 .731 1.00 .722 .127 .713 .75 .648 .200 .741
10 Texas State W 23-17 23-17 .50 .699 .35 .677 .99 .712 .002 .504 1.31 .742 .181 .716
11 Arkansas State W 55-19 48-12 1.27 .906 2.00 .972 4.00 .972 .385 .927 4.93 .973 .667 .981
12 South Alabama L 22-24 22-24 -.27 .391 -.10 .462 -.20 .459 .078 .647 .78 .652 .100 .628
13 Troy W 51-30 51-30 .21 .591 .84 .800 1.17 .741 .169 .763 2.62 .852 .333 .846
14 UL Monroe W 37-23 37-23 .09 .546 .67 .764 1.61 .793 .195 .796 1.37 .749 .145 .675
C Marshall L 3-31 3-24 -1.15 .105 -1.17 .135 -2.33 .125 -.198 .201 -1.67 .221 -.333 .165
B TCU L 3-34 0-34 -1.59 .046 -2.00 .031 -4.25 .023 -.551 .016 -3.54 .080 -.639 .027

Louisiana Tech 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
3 NC State L 20-30 20-30 -.56 .269 -.48 .284 -.74 .327 -.034 .421 1.05 .706 -.192 .273
4 Tulsa L 20-23 20-23 -1.49 .061 -.10 .461 .11 .526 .054 .610 .33 .575 -.055 .422
5 Florida International L 10-17 10-17 -1.01 .131 -.35 .327 -.70 .339 .000 .499 -.73 .355 -.100 .382
7 Middle Tennessee W 48-21 48-21 .08 .540 1.42 .904 3.90 .968 .622 .991 3.33 .908 .700 .984
8 New Mexico State L 30-33 30-33 -1.31 .083 -.11 .458 -.40 .409 -.064 .373 -1.58 .228 .017 .534
9 UTEP W 14-10 14-10 -.87 .167 .17 .588 .33 .577 .060 .620 -.11 .472 .000 .530
10 Sam Houston L 3-9 3-9 -.67 .231 -.25 .375 -.50 .390 .077 .647 -.87 .325 -.083 .400
11 Jacksonville State L 37-44 37-44 -.45 .326 -.23 .387 .00 .511 .081 .652 1.81 .793 .000 .530
12 Western Kentucky W 12-7 12-7 -.08 .466 .29 .650 .63 .643 .139 .726 .07 .521 .500 .935
13 Arkansas L 14-35 14-35 -.51 .296 -.78 .212 -1.62 .206 -.180 .221 -2.19 .175 -.154 .320
14 Kennesaw State W 33-0 33-0 .41 .662 1.57 .924 3.02 .920 .398 .935 3.45 .914 .445 .907
B Army L 6-27 6-27 -1.01 .132 -1.62 .070 -3.64 .040 -.329 .101 -1.72 .217 -.381 .127

Louisville 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Jacksonville State W 49-14 42-14 1.26 .903 1.47 .910 2.64 .895 .376 .922 3.28 .904 .467 .920
4 Georgia Tech W 31-19 31-19 .97 .834 .63 .758 .44 .600 -.025 .439 1.62 .773 .071 .592
5 Notre Dame L 24-31 24-31 1.01 .845 -.28 .357 -.97 .288 .017 .541 -.39 .414 -.147 .323
6 SMU L 27-34 27-34 .32 .626 -.39 .311 -.78 .321 .048 .600 -1.24 .266 -.222 .250
7 Virginia W 24-20 24-20 .03 .514 .19 .599 .58 .631 -.019 .454 1.15 .722 .136 .662
8 Miami L 45-52 45-52 .51 .701 -.30 .345 -1.05 .272 -.117 .294 -1.17 .274 -.064 .415
9 Boston College W 31-27 31-27 .35 .642 .15 .571 .46 .604 .181 .779 2.04 .810 .176 .711
10 Clemson W 33-21 33-21 1.25 .900 .52 .732 1.25 .750 .063 .626 1.99 .808 .311 .821
12 Stanford L 35-38 35-38 -.39 .346 -.12 .450 -.01 .487 -.006 .486 .06 .516 -.122 .355
13 Pittsburgh W 37-9 34-0 2.11 .985 2.13 .978 4.25 .979 .519 .977 4.70 .964 .750 .994
14 Kentucky W 41-14 41-14 1.36 .922 1.04 .845 1.76 .809 .270 .862 1.76 .786 .346 .848
B Washington W 35-34 35-34 .35 .640 .04 .511 -.29 .436 -.035 .420 -.14 .465 -.053 .424

LSU 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 USC L 20-27 20-27 .38 .655 -.35 .327 -.70 .339 -.098 .323 -1.84 .204 -.200 .266
3 South Carolina W 36-33 36-33 .94 .830 .11 .547 .41 .594 .156 .747 .10 .524 -.038 .442
4 UCLA W 34-17 34-17 1.16 .881 1.06 .853 2.13 .855 .381 .924 2.23 .827 .375 .871
5 South Alabama W 42-10 35-10 1.30 .912 1.47 .909 3.26 .936 .380 .924 6.30 .991 .403 .890
7 Ole Miss W 29-26 29-26 1.23 .897 .11 .544 .00 .511 -.067 .369 .12 .533 .000 .530
8 Arkansas W 34-10 34-10 1.60 .948 1.33 .892 2.67 .897 .280 .870 .39 .585 .444 .905
9 Texas A&M L 23-38 23-38 .11 .553 -.56 .259 -1.28 .246 -.023 .442 .81 .659 -.033 .451
11 Alabama L 13-42 6-35 -1.01 .132 -1.93 .034 -4.25 .023 -.354 .088 -2.41 .156 -.464 .081
12 Florida L 16-27 16-27 .03 .516 -.58 .255 -1.40 .235 -.061 .378 -3.45 .083 -.056 .421
13 Vanderbilt W 24-17 24-17 .83 .799 .47 .714 1.30 .756 .206 .809 .83 .662 .196 .732
14 Oklahoma W 37-17 34-17 1.32 .915 .85 .805 1.89 .825 .263 .858 1.75 .786 .333 .846
B Baylor W 44-31 44-31 1.00 .843 .52 .732 .72 .665 -.001 .496 .64 .630 .215 .746

Marshall 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Virginia Tech L 14-31 14-31 -.25 .403 -.71 .230 -1.02 .274 -.176 .231 .07 .519 -.114 .364
4 Ohio State L 14-49 14-49 -.25 .397 -1.94 .032 -3.89 .033 -.506 .026 -8.44 .003 -.556 .048
5 Western Michigan W 27-20 27-20 -.18 .425 .35 .677 .70 .664 .116 .704 2.04 .811 .200 .741
6 Appalachian State W 52-37 52-31 .42 .668 1.05 .850 1.90 .827 .226 .825 2.98 .886 .178 .712
7 Georgia Southern L 23-24 23-24 -.32 .369 -.04 .497 -.07 .482 -.069 .365 -.84 .334 .071 .593
8 Georgia State W 35-20 35-20 .11 .553 .75 .782 1.50 .779 .001 .503 1.90 .799 .200 .741
10 UL Monroe W 28-23 28-23 -.33 .363 .24 .620 .71 .664 .148 .742 .19 .541 .145 .675
11 Southern Mississippi W 37-3 34-3 -.07 .473 1.35 .893 2.84 .905 .630 .991 5.37 .979 .644 .974
12 Coastal Carolina W 31-19 31-19 -.04 .488 .46 .713 .69 .659 -.053 .391 -1.07 .287 .056 .581
13 Old Dominion W 42-35 42-35 .15 .568 .26 .634 .54 .619 .049 .602 .61 .623 .154 .684
14 James Madison W 35-33 35-33 .09 .544 .09 .531 -.78 .321 -.045 .407 -1.05 .294 -.111 .367
C Louisiana W 31-3 24-3 1.04 .852 1.17 .867 2.33 .877 .198 .799 1.67 .778 .333 .846

Maryland 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Connecticut W 50-7 43-7 1.26 .904 1.50 .916 3.00 .920 .384 .926 3.28 .902 .500 .935
2 Michigan State L 24-27 24-27 -.34 .360 -.14 .439 -.27 .442 -.079 .350 -1.56 .230 .000 .530
3 Virginia W 27-13 27-13 .40 .661 .56 .742 1.25 .750 .015 .536 -1.18 .273 .269 .790
5 Indiana L 28-42 28-42 .57 .723 -.50 .280 -1.00 .286 -.206 .191 -2.07 .185 -.143 .336
7 Northwestern L 10-37 10-30 -1.12 .112 -.87 .189 -1.39 .237 .036 .581 -1.09 .284 -.227 .246
8 USC W 29-28 29-28 .77 .783 .04 .511 .08 .521 .022 .551 .06 .514 .000 .530
9 Minnesota L 23-48 10-41 -1.03 .126 -1.72 .056 -3.14 .072 -.282 .129 -2.97 .115 -.528 .058
11 Oregon L 18-39 18-39 .34 .638 -.95 .170 -1.56 .209 -.134 .279 -1.53 .234 -.227 .246
12 Rutgers L 17-31 17-31 -.37 .353 -.74 .224 -1.74 .194 .111 .692 .40 .586 -.156 .312
13 Iowa L 13-29 13-29 -.06 .481 -.70 .233 -1.55 .212 -.314 .110 -1.30 .258 -.470 .079
14 Penn State L 7-44 7-38 -.17 .427 -1.41 .100 -2.82 .096 -.331 .098 -2.18 .175 -.545 .050

Massachusetts 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Eastern Michigan L 14-28 7-28 -1.95 .021 -1.31 .114 -2.63 .108 -.234 .167 -2.82 .132 -.250 .232
2 Toledo L 23-38 23-38 -.80 .190 -.56 .259 -.94 .293 -.081 .347 -2.97 .115 -.060 .418
3 Buffalo L 3-34 3-34 -1.83 .026 -1.41 .100 -2.43 .117 -.232 .169 -2.46 .155 -.227 .246
5 Miami (OH) L 20-23 20-23 -.25 .404 -.14 .434 .22 .546 .033 .578 -.10 .472 .044 .565
6 Northern Illinois L 20-34 20-34 -.92 .157 -.74 .224 -1.78 .187 -.179 .222 -.60 .380 -.156 .312
7 Missouri L 3-45 3-38 -1.67 .038 -2.19 .019 -4.38 .018 -.395 .067 -4.33 .042 -.625 .031
10 Mississippi State L 20-45 13-38 -1.61 .045 -1.47 .093 -2.60 .110 -.191 .206 -4.21 .048 -.292 .196
12 Liberty L 34-35 34-35 -.57 .266 -.05 .484 -.31 .428 .013 .530 -.37 .420 .156 .690
13 Georgia L 21-59 21-52 -.85 .175 -1.82 .044 -3.15 .071 -.323 .104 -1.04 .295 -.389 .125
14 Connecticut L 42-47 42-47 -.42 .335 -.19 .405 -.33 .426 -.156 .251 -1.26 .262 -.155 .313

Memphis 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Troy W 38-17 38-10 1.12 .872 1.75 .949 3.50 .951 .388 .927 2.57 .848 .500 .935
3 Florida State W 20-12 20-12 .03 .518 .38 .687 .62 .640 .151 .744 .45 .596 .155 .686
4 Navy L 44-56 44-56 -.06 .479 -.50 .280 -1.23 .253 -.038 .416 -3.58 .078 -.117 .360
5 Middle Tennessee W 24-7 24-7 -.49 .310 .85 .805 1.97 .833 .242 .843 -.10 .473 .456 .916
7 South Florida W 21-3 21-3 .42 .670 .72 .773 1.04 .727 .186 .787 1.11 .718 .196 .729
8 North Texas W 52-44 52-44 -.08 .465 .26 .630 .72 .667 -.001 .498 .38 .581 .163 .694
9 Charlotte W 33-28 33-28 -.39 .343 .23 .610 .45 .603 .316 .890 -.22 .451 .182 .723
10 UTSA L 36-44 36-44 -.63 .246 -.27 .363 -.74 .326 -.064 .372 1.06 .709 -.314 .178
11 Rice W 27-20 27-20 -.22 .412 .32 .664 .64 .647 -.045 .405 -.21 .454 .091 .615
12 UAB W 53-18 46-18 .56 .717 1.33 .892 2.38 .880 .318 .892 1.33 .744 .518 .939
14 Tulane W 34-24 34-17 1.25 .902 .89 .820 1.51 .779 .054 .612 -2.31 .164 .267 .789
B West Virginia W 42-37 42-37 .20 .591 .24 .620 .84 .690 .138 .725 2.13 .818 .255 .780

Miami 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Florida W 41-17 38-10 2.17 .987 1.56 .922 3.11 .926 .364 .915 2.93 .878 .556 .956
3 Ball State W 62-0 41-0 1.68 .958 2.56 .995 5.13 .994 .633 .993 5.78 .984 .875 .998
4 South Florida W 50-15 43-15 1.45 .933 1.75 .949 3.50 .951 .203 .803 3.63 .930 .125 .648
5 Virginia Tech W 38-34 38-34 .64 .742 .18 .594 .36 .583 .079 .648 1.16 .724 .000 .530
6 California W 39-38 39-38 .13 .561 .04 .511 .43 .599 .141 .731 -1.55 .232 .045 .570
8 Louisville W 52-45 52-45 1.02 .849 .30 .657 1.05 .728 .117 .706 1.17 .726 .064 .585
9 Florida State W 36-14 29-7 1.22 .895 1.57 .924 3.14 .928 .394 .930 1.38 .753 .714 .989
10 Duke W 53-31 53-31 .86 .809 .81 .796 1.86 .824 .243 .844 1.02 .702 .258 .783
11 Georgia Tech L 23-28 23-28 .08 .541 -.25 .375 -.50 .390 .134 .721 .85 .667 .000 .530
13 Wake Forest W 42-14 35-14 .72 .766 .95 .834 2.02 .841 .247 .848 2.67 .855 .389 .877
14 Syracuse L 38-42 38-42 .06 .528 -.20 .399 -.09 .477 .022 .552 .80 .655 .044 .565
B Iowa State L 41-42 41-42 .50 .697 -.05 .484 -.47 .394 .063 .624 1.06 .708 .036 .555

Miami (OH) 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Northwestern L 6-13 6-13 -.62 .253 -.37 .318 -.84 .309 -.123 .289 -.63 .372 -.144 .331
3 Cincinnati L 16-27 16-27 -.30 .377 -.50 .280 -1.00 .286 -.059 .382 .98 .693 -.182 .283
4 Notre Dame L 3-28 3-21 .43 .672 -.86 .194 -2.06 .154 -.216 .183 -3.29 .095 -.152 .321
5 Massachusetts W 23-20 23-20 -.88 .165 .14 .571 -.22 .455 -.033 .422 .10 .527 -.044 .438
6 Toledo L 20-30 20-30 -.70 .224 -.45 .292 -.91 .304 -.116 .297 -.21 .453 -.182 .283
7 Eastern Michigan W 38-14 31-14 .10 .551 .74 .778 1.93 .831 .117 .705 5.14 .976 .250 .778
8 Ohio W 30-20 30-20 .47 .682 .42 .699 .83 .689 .122 .710 2.40 .841 .167 .707
9 Central Michigan W 46-7 36-7 .72 .767 1.61 .929 3.22 .933 .533 .982 5.40 .979 .667 .981
11 Ball State W 27-21 27-21 -.60 .258 .29 .646 1.30 .756 .057 .616 -.25 .443 .200 .741
12 Kent State W 34-7 34-7 -.44 .330 1.17 .868 2.20 .860 .265 .861 4.43 .959 .402 .887
13 Northern Illinois W 20-9 20-9 .34 .636 .52 .735 1.18 .742 .242 .842 4.07 .948 .227 .759
14 Bowling Green W 28-12 28-12 .48 .688 .64 .761 1.40 .764 .229 .829 3.04 .890 .179 .713
C Ohio L 3-38 3-31 -2.75 .001 -2.80 .001 -5.60 .001 -.680 .003 -2.71 .143 -.800 .004
B Colorado State W 43-17 36-10 .73 .768 1.18 .870 2.36 .879 .189 .793 .87 .676 .455 .913

Michigan 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Fresno State W 30-10 30-10 .65 .746 .95 .829 1.30 .756 .037 .582 -.65 .368 .300 .815
2 Texas L 12-31 6-31 -.56 .274 -1.79 .048 -3.57 .043 -.515 .024 -1.88 .201 -.571 .041
3 Arkansas State W 28-18 28-3 .74 .774 1.47 .909 3.17 .930 .355 .912 3.89 .943 .167 .707
4 USC W 27-24 27-24 .84 .803 .10 .541 .15 .530 .023 .558 .76 .649 -.017 .466
5 Minnesota W 27-24 27-24 .82 .798 .13 .560 .45 .603 .028 .567 -.05 .487 .038 .556
6 Washington L 17-27 17-27 -.15 .435 -.45 .292 -.91 .304 -.268 .138 -1.82 .206 -.364 .143
8 Illinois L 7-21 7-21 -.23 .410 -.70 .232 -1.40 .235 -.009 .483 -.33 .424 -.300 .193
9 Michigan State W 24-17 24-17 .18 .579 .39 .690 .78 .680 -.052 .393 .20 .544 .000 .530
10 Oregon L 17-38 17-38 .19 .585 -1.11 .143 -2.33 .125 -.265 .139 -1.73 .217 -.333 .165
11 Indiana L 15-20 15-20 .83 .801 -.24 .383 -.64 .355 -.016 .459 -1.25 .264 -.036 .447
13 Northwestern W 50-6 38-6 1.75 .964 2.00 .972 4.00 .972 .459 .959 3.28 .904 .500 .935
14 Ohio State W 13-10 13-10 1.85 .971 .16 .583 .44 .602 .010 .524 -.44 .406 -.067 .413
B Alabama W 19-13 19-13 1.17 .884 .24 .623 .58 .634 .010 .521 -1.13 .279 .186 .725

Michigan State 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Florida Atlantic W 16-10 16-10 -.54 .281 .24 .623 .55 .623 .040 .586 .11 .531 -.064 .414
2 Maryland W 27-24 27-24 .20 .590 .14 .565 .27 .560 .079 .649 1.56 .769 .000 .530
4 Boston College L 19-23 19-23 .00 .506 -.20 .399 -.40 .409 -.027 .435 -.26 .442 .100 .628
5 Ohio State L 7-38 7-38 -.03 .492 -1.72 .056 -3.44 .057 -.319 .107 -1.37 .250 -.556 .048
6 Oregon L 10-31 0-31 -.77 .199 -2.07 .023 -3.88 .034 -.553 .015 -2.85 .130 -.625 .031
8 Iowa W 32-20 32-20 1.24 .898 .60 .749 1.20 .743 .213 .815 .19 .540 .500 .935
9 Michigan L 17-24 17-24 .25 .602 -.39 .311 -.78 .321 .052 .607 -.20 .456 .000 .530
10 Indiana L 10-47 10-40 -.43 .333 -1.50 .087 -3.00 .085 -.282 .128 -3.72 .063 -.400 .122
12 Illinois L 16-38 16-38 -.58 .263 -1.05 .152 -1.85 .176 -.163 .244 -.97 .311 -.245 .235
13 Purdue W 24-17 24-17 -.42 .336 .37 .684 .97 .710 -.012 .472 -.76 .350 .044 .565
14 Rutgers L 14-41 7-34 -1.43 .066 -1.80 .046 -3.25 .066 -.421 .056 -1.44 .240 -.732 .009

Middle Tennessee 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Ole Miss L 3-52 3-38 -1.57 .049 -2.69 .004 -5.90 .001 -.664 .004 -5.88 .013 -.857 .004
3 Western Kentucky L 21-49 14-42 -2.53 .003 -2.15 .021 -3.67 .039 -.216 .184 -.05 .488 -.524 .060
4 Duke L 17-45 17-38 -.87 .167 -.91 .176 -2.04 .157 -.195 .202 -3.32 .092 -.295 .194
5 Memphis L 7-24 7-24 -.76 .207 -.85 .197 -1.97 .167 -.242 .156 .10 .526 -.456 .086
7 Louisiana Tech L 21-48 21-48 -2.07 .015 -1.42 .097 -3.90 .032 -.622 .009 -3.33 .091 -.700 .016
8 Kennesaw State W 14-5 14-5 -.83 .179 .33 .670 .20 .541 .051 .606 .86 .670 .095 .617
9 Jacksonville State L 20-42 20-42 -1.51 .059 -1.29 .116 -2.17 .143 -.330 .100 -1.73 .216 -.167 .305
10 UTEP W 20-13 20-13 -.77 .201 .27 .640 .67 .652 .076 .645 .98 .692 .026 .542
11 Liberty L 17-37 14-37 -1.88 .024 -1.35 .105 -2.36 .122 -.239 .163 -2.94 .120 -.417 .108
13 New Mexico State L 21-36 21-36 -2.00 .019 -.79 .210 -1.53 .219 -.141 .269 -1.80 .208 -.450 .091
14 Florida International L 24-35 24-35 -1.19 .101 -.52 .266 -1.32 .242 -.228 .172 -1.65 .224 -.045 .432

Minnesota 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 North Carolina L 17-19 17-19 -.11 .456 -.09 .467 -.18 .463 -.010 .476 .54 .612 .000 .530
3 Nevada W 27-0 27-0 1.09 .861 1.69 .940 3.38 .940 .456 .957 7.16 .994 .500 .935
4 Iowa L 14-31 14-31 -.13 .444 -.77 .216 -1.55 .216 -.128 .283 -1.38 .247 -.273 .209
5 Michigan L 24-27 24-27 .51 .700 -.13 .443 -.45 .397 -.028 .432 .05 .512 -.038 .444
6 USC W 24-17 24-17 1.14 .877 .41 .695 1.11 .737 .113 .694 .74 .646 .056 .580
7 UCLA W 21-17 21-17 .29 .615 .19 .599 .55 .623 .031 .574 -.43 .409 .127 .652
9 Maryland W 48-23 41-10 1.79 .966 1.72 .945 3.14 .927 .282 .870 2.97 .885 .528 .945
10 Illinois W 25-17 25-17 .85 .807 .38 .687 .95 .708 .039 .585 -.82 .338 .236 .762
11 Rutgers L 19-26 19-26 .08 .537 -.29 .353 -.58 .368 -.115 .301 -.66 .366 .000 .530
13 Penn State L 25-26 25-26 1.18 .887 -.05 .482 -.10 .475 -.048 .402 -1.17 .274 .000 .530
14 Wisconsin W 24-7 24-7 1.17 .885 .81 .796 1.48 .774 .222 .822 2.56 .848 .255 .780
B Virginia Tech W 24-10 24-10 1.20 .889 .74 .777 2.00 .838 .274 .867 1.68 .779 .425 .897

Mississippi State 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Arizona State L 23-30 23-30 .41 .664 -.39 .311 -.32 .427 -.069 .366 .67 .636 -.181 .286
3 Toledo L 17-41 10-38 -1.89 .023 -1.65 .067 -3.64 .041 -.419 .058 -2.27 .166 -.528 .058
4 Florida L 28-45 28-45 -.24 .407 -.85 .197 -1.70 .199 -.150 .256 -2.91 .123 -.300 .193
5 Texas L 13-35 13-35 .07 .532 -1.16 .137 -2.06 .155 -.272 .136 -4.36 .041 -.167 .305
7 Georgia L 31-41 24-41 .16 .571 -.81 .208 -1.33 .241 -.300 .115 -2.60 .150 -.327 .169
8 Texas A&M L 24-34 24-34 .19 .583 -.48 .284 -1.22 .256 -.009 .480 -.63 .372 -.236 .238
9 Arkansas L 25-58 25-51 -.97 .142 -1.24 .122 -2.14 .144 -.032 .423 -3.00 .112 -.318 .177
10 Massachusetts W 45-20 38-13 .45 .677 1.47 .909 2.60 .890 .191 .794 4.21 .951 .292 .805
11 Tennessee L 14-33 14-33 -.01 .500 -.86 .191 -1.73 .196 -.359 .085 -2.18 .176 -.455 .088
13 Missouri L 20-39 20-39 -.54 .286 -1.06 .148 -1.78 .187 -.116 .298 .97 .690 -.306 .182
14 Ole Miss L 14-26 14-26 .62 .737 -.50 .280 -.89 .306 -.030 .429 -.11 .469 -.318 .177

Missouri 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Buffalo W 38-0 31-0 1.30 .911 1.72 .945 3.44 .944 .453 .956 2.89 .874 .667 .981
3 Boston College W 27-21 27-21 .54 .714 .33 .670 .67 .652 .153 .746 .10 .525 .333 .846
4 Vanderbilt W 30-27 30-27 .48 .685 .11 .547 .15 .531 .276 .867 .48 .600 .220 .749
6 Texas A&M L 10-41 7-34 -1.02 .129 -1.69 .060 -3.38 .060 -.383 .074 -3.38 .087 -.625 .031
7 Massachusetts W 45-3 38-3 1.17 .885 2.19 .981 4.38 .983 .395 .932 4.33 .957 .625 .971
8 Auburn W 21-17 21-17 .47 .683 .15 .580 .92 .701 .070 .635 .70 .642 .250 .778
9 Alabama L 0-34 0-27 -.49 .307 -1.42 .097 -3.00 .085 -.239 .164 -3.18 .104 -.456 .086
11 Oklahoma W 30-23 30-23 .73 .773 .26 .634 .58 .634 .043 .591 -.27 .438 .000 .530
12 South Carolina L 30-34 30-34 .64 .741 -.19 .402 -.67 .346 -.159 .249 -2.06 .187 .136 .662
13 Mississippi State W 39-20 39-20 .92 .822 1.06 .852 1.78 .813 .116 .702 -.97 .310 .306 .818
14 Arkansas W 28-21 28-21 .61 .734 .35 .677 .70 .664 .019 .546 .00 .501 .200 .741
B Iowa W 27-24 27-24 .79 .786 .15 .578 .81 .684 .029 .568 .65 .633 .167 .707

Navy 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Temple W 38-11 38-3 1.04 .852 1.84 .957 3.90 .968 .415 .940 5.26 .977 .456 .916
4 Memphis W 56-44 56-44 .59 .728 .50 .731 1.23 .747 .038 .583 3.58 .921 .117 .640
5 UAB W 41-18 38-10 1.38 .927 2.15 .979 3.76 .962 .289 .879 5.48 .982 .524 .940
6 Air Force W 34-7 34-7 .78 .784 1.42 .904 2.62 .890 .248 .850 1.84 .796 .489 .923
8 Charlotte W 51-17 51-17 .80 .790 1.42 .902 2.28 .870 .199 .800 .86 .671 .350 .852
9 Notre Dame L 14-51 14-44 -.38 .348 -1.67 .063 -3.00 .085 -.251 .147 -1.14 .278 -.500 .075
10 Rice L 10-24 10-24 -1.17 .102 -.64 .241 -1.27 .247 -.215 .184 -1.56 .229 -.273 .209
11 South Florida W 28-7 28-0 1.03 .851 1.33 .892 2.55 .888 .186 .786 1.55 .768 .364 .863
12 Tulane L 0-35 0-28 -1.51 .058 -1.87 .041 -3.50 .052 -.368 .081 -3.81 .060 -.500 .075
14 East Carolina W 34-20 34-13 .47 .685 .84 .800 1.53 .781 .161 .753 2.63 .853 .128 .653
16 Army W 31-13 31-13 1.80 .967 1.20 .873 2.02 .840 .307 .887 3.58 .922 .196 .732
B Oklahoma W 21-20 21-20 .52 .706 .05 .517 .28 .561 -.030 .428 .97 .690 .036 .555

NC State 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Tennessee L 10-51 10-44 -.76 .201 -1.62 .070 -3.37 .061 -.497 .031 -3.45 .085 -.589 .039
3 Louisiana Tech W 30-20 30-20 -.17 .427 .48 .717 .74 .672 .034 .578 -1.05 .293 .192 .726
4 Clemson L 35-59 14-52 -1.00 .136 -1.73 .053 -3.45 .054 -.426 .053 -3.59 .074 -.455 .088
5 Northern Illinois W 24-17 24-17 .11 .552 .29 .648 .13 .527 -.032 .425 -.11 .471 .023 .539
6 Wake Forest L 30-34 30-34 -.41 .338 -.17 .411 -.59 .363 .050 .604 -.03 .494 .038 .556
7 Syracuse L 17-24 17-24 -.18 .426 -.44 .294 -.88 .307 -.085 .341 3.62 .928 -.125 .353
8 California W 24-23 24-23 .13 .560 .04 .508 .41 .595 -.065 .372 -.26 .440 -.007 .469
10 Stanford W 59-28 59-21 1.85 .970 2.11 .977 4.22 .976 .460 .960 2.03 .810 .667 .981
11 Duke L 19-29 19-29 -.33 .367 -.37 .315 -1.00 .286 -.025 .438 -.78 .346 .000 .530
13 Georgia Tech L 29-30 29-30 .30 .619 -.04 .496 .15 .534 -.111 .308 1.38 .751 -.060 .418
14 North Carolina W 35-30 35-30 .18 .580 .20 .603 .61 .638 .140 .727 .30 .568 .122 .645
B East Carolina L 21-26 21-26 -.64 .241 -.28 .358 -.56 .375 -.014 .467 -.09 .476 -.222 .250

Nebraska 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 UTEP W 40-7 40-7 .90 .818 1.94 .967 3.60 .957 .610 .989 2.88 .873 .542 .948
2 Colorado W 28-10 28-3 1.68 .959 1.19 .871 2.06 .846 .272 .864 2.39 .840 .172 .709
4 Illinois L 24-31 24-31 .12 .555 -.35 .327 .00 .511 -.059 .381 -.79 .345 .111 .635
5 Purdue W 28-10 21-3 .21 .593 1.00 .844 2.00 .838 .525 .979 4.81 .967 .444 .905
6 Rutgers W 14-7 14-7 .69 .757 .32 .664 .64 .647 -.112 .306 -.20 .457 .000 .530
8 Indiana L 7-56 7-42 -1.12 .112 -2.19 .019 -4.38 .018 -.515 .024 -6.16 .009 -.625 .031
9 Ohio State L 17-21 17-21 1.52 .939 -.17 .411 -.49 .392 -.061 .377 -2.94 .119 -.030 .456
10 UCLA L 20-27 20-27 -.25 .398 -.35 .327 -.22 .455 -.031 .426 -1.39 .246 -.144 .331
12 USC L 20-28 20-28 .37 .651 -.36 .321 -1.25 .252 -.094 .327 -1.31 .257 -.155 .315
13 Wisconsin W 44-25 44-25 1.22 .895 .86 .810 1.73 .805 .115 .701 -.57 .385 .182 .723
14 Iowa L 10-13 10-13 .51 .704 -.13 .448 -.17 .464 .161 .753 .17 .537 .023 .539
B Boston College W 20-15 20-15 .50 .694 .29 .650 .81 .682 .001 .501 1.04 .704 .042 .560

Nevada 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
0 SMU L 24-29 24-29 .49 .692 -.22 .392 -.62 .358 -.082 .345 -1.12 .280 -.212 .256
1 Troy W 28-26 28-26 -.52 .293 .11 .547 .22 .546 .056 .615 .83 .662 .000 .530
2 Georgia Southern L 17-20 17-20 -.44 .331 -.15 .427 -.30 .434 .189 .791 1.00 .698 -.100 .382
3 Minnesota L 0-27 0-27 -.99 .137 -1.69 .060 -3.38 .060 -.456 .042 -7.16 .005 -.500 .075
6 San Jose State L 31-35 31-35 -.57 .266 -.22 .392 -.44 .398 .019 .548 -.29 .432 .000 .530
7 Oregon State W 42-37 42-37 -.28 .390 .24 .620 1.01 .724 -.012 .471 .79 .654 .080 .598
8 Fresno State L 21-24 21-24 -.44 .328 -.14 .434 -.49 .392 -.168 .239 -.75 .351 -.127 .350
9 Hawaii L 13-34 13-31 -1.81 .028 -1.13 .141 -2.80 .097 -.249 .149 -.70 .359 -.339 .153
10 Colorado State L 21-38 21-38 -1.31 .085 -.85 .197 -1.00 .286 .009 .518 .73 .645 -.333 .165
11 Boise State L 21-28 21-28 .29 .615 -.30 .345 -.80 .318 -.114 .303 -.91 .319 -.114 .364
13 Air Force L 19-22 19-22 -.80 .188 -.17 .414 -.33 .426 .029 .569 .96 .688 .000 .530
14 UNLV L 14-38 7-38 -1.63 .043 -1.94 .034 -3.55 .048 -.399 .064 -3.53 .081 -.589 .038

New Mexico 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Arizona L 39-61 39-61 -1.22 .097 -.88 .182 -1.83 .180 -.254 .145 -4.57 .037 -.333 .165
3 Auburn L 19-45 19-38 -.63 .244 -.95 .172 -2.32 .125 -.182 .219 -1.20 .269 -.167 .305
4 Fresno State L 21-38 21-38 -1.15 .104 -.85 .197 -1.70 .199 -.145 .263 .11 .529 -.300 .193
5 New Mexico State W 50-40 50-33 -.50 .305 .71 .771 1.42 .769 .140 .727 -.20 .455 .083 .603
7 Air Force W 52-37 52-24 1.01 .845 1.65 .936 2.63 .894 .298 .884 3.20 .897 .375 .871
8 Utah State W 50-45 50-45 -.46 .321 .18 .591 .38 .589 .058 .617 .99 .694 -.077 .403
9 Colorado State L 6-17 6-17 -1.01 .133 -.55 .260 -.51 .383 .128 .714 .24 .553 -.033 .449
10 Wyoming L 45-49 45-49 -.84 .177 -.15 .421 -.04 .485 -.100 .321 1.80 .791 -.045 .434
11 San Diego State W 21-16 21-16 -.64 .241 .26 .636 .73 .671 .081 .651 4.26 .955 -.067 .413
12 Washington State W 38-35 38-35 .06 .529 .14 .565 .27 .560 -.011 .474 -1.09 .282 .091 .615
14 Hawaii L 30-38 30-38 -1.04 .122 -.36 .321 -1.07 .268 -.115 .301 -.90 .320 -.155 .315

New Mexico State 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Liberty L 24-30 24-30 -.75 .209 -.23 .388 -.15 .468 -.145 .263 -1.97 .194 -.192 .273
3 Fresno State L 0-48 0-38 -2.20 .009 -1.90 .037 -3.80 .036 -.501 .029 -8.64 .002 -.600 .033
4 Sam Houston L 11-31 3-28 -1.55 .051 -1.14 .138 -2.27 .130 -.365 .083 -3.01 .111 -.273 .209
5 New Mexico L 40-50 33-50 -1.32 .081 -.71 .230 -1.42 .232 -.140 .273 .20 .544 -.083 .400
7 Jacksonville State L 13-54 6-40 -1.91 .022 -1.70 .057 -3.40 .059 -.461 .039 -4.84 .029 -.500 .075
8 Louisiana Tech W 33-30 33-30 -.54 .284 .11 .544 .40 .592 .064 .627 1.58 .771 -.017 .466
10 Florida International L 13-34 13-34 -1.62 .043 -.95 .170 -1.91 .172 -.238 .164 -3.58 .078 -.273 .209
11 Western Kentucky L 28-41 21-38 -1.08 .116 -.71 .230 -1.42 .232 -.100 .322 -1.35 .254 -.167 .305
12 Texas A&M L 3-38 3-31 -.89 .164 -1.56 .080 -3.11 .075 -.407 .061 -3.37 .089 -.333 .165
13 Middle Tennessee W 36-21 36-21 -.55 .279 .79 .789 1.53 .781 .141 .730 1.80 .791 .450 .909
14 UTEP L 35-42 35-42 -1.26 .093 -.23 .390 .28 .560 .112 .694 -.35 .422 .290 .803

North Carolina 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Minnesota W 19-17 19-17 .78 .784 .09 .534 .18 .538 .010 .524 -.54 .387 .000 .530
2 Charlotte W 38-20 31-13 .33 .628 .95 .827 2.14 .856 .218 .819 2.29 .835 .367 .866
4 James Madison L 50-70 44-63 -.57 .265 -.58 .256 -.90 .305 -.091 .333 -.64 .371 -.171 .292
5 Duke L 20-21 20-21 .01 .507 -.04 .497 -.19 .461 -.066 .370 -.70 .358 -.022 .464
6 Pittsburgh L 24-34 24-34 -.47 .315 -.45 .292 -1.39 .237 -.073 .358 -1.96 .196 -.245 .235
7 Georgia Tech L 34-41 34-41 .07 .529 -.27 .362 -.90 .305 -.055 .385 -.49 .397 -.115 .363
9 Virginia W 41-14 38-6 1.62 .952 1.78 .951 3.21 .932 .433 .950 3.33 .909 .528 .945
10 Florida State W 35-11 35-11 .99 .841 1.33 .892 2.67 .897 .477 .965 3.21 .898 .444 .905
12 Wake Forest W 31-24 31-24 .03 .517 .27 .640 .15 .533 .012 .528 -.27 .439 .109 .632
13 Boston College L 21-41 7-34 -1.08 .117 -1.29 .117 -3.00 .085 -.517 .023 -3.32 .093 -.556 .048
14 NC State L 30-35 30-35 -.29 .384 -.20 .399 -.61 .361 -.140 .272 -.30 .432 -.122 .355
B Connecticut L 14-27 14-27 -.86 .173 -.62 .245 -2.00 .164 -.318 .108 -1.07 .289 -.500 .075

North Texas 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 South Alabama W 52-38 52-38 .47 .681 .64 .760 1.05 .728 .185 .785 .88 .679 .164 .694
3 Texas Tech L 21-66 14-52 -1.35 .076 -1.58 .075 -2.92 .088 -.394 .068 -3.03 .110 -.386 .127
4 Wyoming W 44-17 41-17 .51 .702 1.20 .873 2.99 .914 .331 .902 2.92 .878 .478 .922
5 Tulsa W 52-20 38-3 .21 .592 1.59 .925 3.18 .932 .207 .810 4.21 .952 .455 .910
7 Florida Atlantic W 41-37 41-37 -.62 .250 .16 .585 .33 .577 -.082 .346 .11 .528 -.083 .400
8 Memphis L 44-52 44-52 -.17 .429 -.26 .370 -.72 .333 .001 .501 -.38 .418 -.163 .306
9 Tulane L 37-45 37-45 .05 .525 -.31 .341 -.38 .413 .014 .531 -1.28 .261 -.038 .442
11 Army L 3-14 3-14 -.31 .373 -.92 .174 -1.83 .180 .010 .523 .78 .653 -.167 .305
12 UTSA L 27-48 27-48 -1.14 .108 -.78 .212 -1.18 .258 -.156 .253 1.08 .714 -.310 .179
13 East Carolina L 28-40 28-40 -.83 .182 -.46 .287 -.92 .297 -.076 .356 -.61 .377 -.077 .405
14 Temple W 24-17 24-17 -.60 .257 .21 .604 .44 .600 .014 .533 .26 .558 .063 .584
B Texas State L 28-30 28-30 .06 .528 -.09 .467 -.18 .463 -.071 .363 .77 .651 -.182 .283

Northern Illinois 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Notre Dame W 16-14 16-14 1.38 .928 .10 .537 .33 .573 .148 .741 1.05 .707 .136 .662
4 Buffalo L 20-23 20-23 -.53 .286 -.11 .455 -.13 .473 .234 .831 .78 .652 .051 .575
5 NC State L 17-24 17-24 -.38 .349 -.29 .353 -.13 .472 .032 .575 .11 .529 -.023 .462
6 Massachusetts W 34-20 34-20 -.28 .387 .74 .777 1.78 .813 .179 .777 .60 .620 .156 .690
7 Bowling Green W 17-7 17-7 .32 .625 .48 .717 1.06 .729 .165 .758 .05 .513 .227 .759
8 Toledo L 6-13 6-13 -.51 .301 -.26 .369 -.57 .370 -.005 .487 -.81 .343 -.016 .467
9 Ball State L 23-25 23-25 -.97 .143 -.09 .472 -.36 .420 -.103 .318 .91 .682 -.303 .183
11 Western Michigan W 42-28 42-28 .17 .572 .70 .768 1.09 .732 .134 .721 1.13 .720 .267 .789
12 Akron W 29-16 29-16 -.10 .458 .50 .731 1.48 .774 .178 .771 3.65 .932 .218 .747
13 Miami (OH) L 9-20 9-20 -.63 .246 -.52 .266 -1.18 .258 -.242 .157 -4.07 .051 -.227 .246
14 Central Michigan W 24-16 24-16 -.51 .298 .38 .687 .93 .705 .302 .885 1.79 .790 .227 .759
B Fresno State W 28-20 28-20 .05 .524 .35 .672 .00 .511 .037 .583 -1.56 .229 .000 .530

Northwestern 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Miami (OH) W 13-6 13-6 .26 .609 .37 .684 .84 .690 .123 .711 .63 .628 .144 .672
2 Duke L 20-26 20-26 -.15 .434 -.19 .400 .00 .511 -.021 .449 -.09 .476 .000 .530
4 Washington L 5-24 5-24 -.56 .274 -.86 .191 -1.73 .196 -.219 .179 -3.82 .059 -.364 .143
6 Indiana L 24-41 24-41 .07 .533 -1.00 .162 -1.56 .212 -.259 .143 -2.77 .138 -.278 .202
7 Maryland W 37-10 30-10 .93 .827 .87 .813 1.39 .763 -.036 .419 1.09 .716 .227 .759
8 Wisconsin L 3-23 3-23 -.55 .276 -.91 .177 -1.82 .182 -.186 .212 -2.32 .162 -.091 .394
9 Iowa L 14-40 7-40 -.74 .215 -1.38 .103 -3.00 .085 -.369 .080 -2.76 .139 -.364 .143
10 Purdue W 26-20 26-20 -.49 .309 .30 .654 .00 .511 -.002 .494 -.46 .403 .000 .530
12 Ohio State L 7-31 7-31 .09 .543 -1.60 .073 -3.55 .048 -.428 .052 -3.60 .073 -.589 .038
13 Michigan L 6-50 6-38 -1.36 .075 -2.00 .031 -4.00 .029 -.459 .040 -3.28 .095 -.500 .075
14 Illinois L 28-38 20-38 -.25 .402 -.72 .227 -2.08 .150 .017 .541 -2.79 .137 -.167 .305

Notre Dame 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Texas A&M W 23-13 23-13 1.10 .865 .43 .705 1.01 .723 .144 .736 1.47 .760 .205 .743
2 Northern Illinois L 14-16 14-16 -.28 .389 -.10 .463 -.33 .427 -.148 .258 -1.05 .293 -.136 .340
3 Purdue W 66-7 52-7 1.46 .934 2.25 .982 4.30 .980 .546 .983 6.01 .988 .678 .981
4 Miami (OH) W 28-3 21-3 .75 .779 .86 .807 2.06 .846 .216 .816 3.29 .905 .152 .679
5 Louisville W 31-24 31-24 1.00 .842 .28 .643 .97 .711 -.017 .458 .39 .586 .147 .678
7 Stanford W 49-7 35-7 1.60 .950 1.87 .960 4.13 .974 .427 .947 3.68 .935 .589 .966
8 Georgia Tech W 31-13 24-7 1.23 .896 .89 .820 1.97 .833 .252 .853 1.17 .724 .356 .854
9 Navy W 51-14 44-14 2.11 .984 1.67 .939 3.00 .920 .251 .853 1.14 .721 .500 .935
11 Florida State W 52-3 38-3 1.49 .936 1.84 .957 3.47 .946 .437 .953 5.45 .981 .589 .961
12 Virginia W 35-14 35-0 1.24 .899 1.40 .899 2.92 .910 .258 .855 3.37 .911 .500 .935
13 Army W 49-14 35-7 2.35 .993 1.75 .949 3.50 .951 .672 .996 5.78 .985 .750 .994
14 USC W 49-35 49-28 1.61 .951 .88 .817 1.17 .741 .008 .515 .68 .637 .267 .789
P Indiana W 27-17 27-17 1.57 .945 .50 .731 1.30 .756 .265 .860 1.63 .773 .367 .866
P Georgia W 23-10 23-10 1.56 .944 .59 .747 .69 .659 -.028 .433 -1.15 .277 .218 .748
P Penn State W 27-24 27-24 1.37 .926 .14 .565 .27 .560 .106 .687 .22 .549 .091 .615
P Ohio State L 23-34 23-34 .96 .832 -.73 .224 -.96 .290 -.211 .187 -1.65 .223 -.179 .287

Ohio 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Syracuse L 22-38 22-38 -.54 .283 -.80 .209 -1.60 .207 -.036 .418 .13 .534 -.100 .382
2 South Alabama W 27-20 27-20 .13 .561 .30 .657 .64 .647 .010 .522 .74 .647 .091 .615
4 Kentucky L 6-41 6-34 -1.33 .080 -1.65 .067 -2.63 .108 -.419 .057 -3.30 .094 -.500 .075
5 Akron W 30-10 30-10 .14 .563 .74 .779 1.38 .761 .241 .839 3.14 .893 .203 .741
7 Central Michigan W 27-25 27-25 -.80 .189 .09 .531 .37 .586 .195 .796 3.64 .930 .121 .643
8 Miami (OH) L 20-30 20-30 -.52 .293 -.42 .303 -.83 .312 -.122 .289 -2.40 .158 -.167 .305
9 Buffalo W 47-16 47-16 1.13 .875 1.55 .919 2.82 .904 .242 .840 3.44 .914 .267 .789
11 Kent State W 41-0 34-0 .27 .612 1.89 .961 2.86 .905 .452 .956 3.59 .924 .714 .989
12 Eastern Michigan W 35-10 28-10 .18 .580 .82 .797 1.64 .796 .186 .786 3.36 .910 .273 .796
13 Toledo W 24-7 24-7 .53 .709 .77 .786 1.55 .786 .291 .880 1.31 .743 .273 .796
14 Ball State W 42-21 35-14 .07 .531 .95 .834 2.23 .865 .227 .826 4.17 .951 .318 .826
C Miami (OH) W 38-3 31-3 2.70 .996 2.80 .999 5.60 .998 .680 .997 2.71 .857 .800 .995
B Jacksonville State W 30-27 30-27 -.09 .462 .12 .551 .42 .596 .094 .673 .94 .687 .032 .548

Ohio State 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Akron W 52-6 45-6 1.45 .932 2.05 .974 3.56 .956 .448 .955 4.06 .947 .444 .905
2 Western Michigan W 56-0 42-0 1.94 .979 2.47 .992 4.67 .988 .558 .985 7.16 .994 .542 .948
4 Marshall W 49-14 49-14 1.96 .981 1.94 .967 3.89 .967 .506 .973 8.44 .997 .556 .956
5 Michigan State W 38-7 38-7 1.51 .939 1.72 .945 3.44 .944 .319 .893 1.37 .749 .556 .956
6 Iowa W 35-7 28-0 2.29 .991 1.65 .936 3.50 .951 .464 .961 3.31 .906 .389 .877
7 Oregon L 31-32 31-32 1.25 .901 -.05 .487 .19 .539 -.141 .268 -1.08 .286 -.136 .340
9 Nebraska W 21-17 21-17 .74 .776 .17 .590 .49 .608 .061 .622 2.94 .880 .030 .546
10 Penn State W 20-13 20-13 1.65 .955 .41 .695 1.75 .808 .039 .585 .85 .666 .250 .778
11 Purdue W 45-0 38-0 1.93 .977 2.71 .997 5.17 .996 .487 .967 2.87 .872 .690 .983
12 Northwestern W 31-7 31-7 1.35 .921 1.60 .928 3.55 .953 .428 .947 3.60 .926 .589 .966
13 Indiana W 38-15 38-15 2.28 .991 1.21 .875 1.78 .813 .338 .904 2.26 .829 .333 .846
14 Michigan L 10-13 10-13 .48 .687 -.16 .419 -.44 .398 -.010 .475 .44 .593 .067 .590
P Tennessee W 42-17 42-10 2.63 .995 1.78 .951 3.56 .956 .528 .979 5.75 .984 .556 .956
P Oregon W 41-21 41-21 2.17 .986 .87 .813 1.98 .833 .325 .896 5.44 .981 .386 .873
P Texas W 28-14 28-14 1.86 .972 .64 .760 .83 .686 .038 .584 1.38 .751 .118 .641
P Notre Dame W 34-23 34-23 2.02 .982 .73 .775 .96 .709 .211 .813 1.65 .776 .179 .712

Oklahoma 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Temple W 51-3 37-3 .74 .774 1.55 .917 3.09 .922 .341 .906 2.97 .885 .545 .950
2 Houston W 16-12 16-12 .04 .522 .16 .585 .33 .577 -.003 .491 -1.09 .283 .000 .530
3 Tulane W 34-19 34-19 .96 .833 .60 .749 1.75 .808 .185 .783 1.20 .731 .250 .778
4 Tennessee L 15-25 15-25 .53 .711 -.32 .333 -.72 .331 -.062 .376 -.86 .330 -.146 .323
5 Auburn W 27-21 27-21 .58 .725 .26 .635 .25 .554 -.179 .224 -.83 .336 -.017 .466
7 Texas L 3-34 3-27 .14 .563 -1.09 .145 -2.18 .142 -.319 .106 -3.45 .084 -.364 .143
8 South Carolina L 9-35 9-35 -.13 .445 -.96 .162 -1.00 .286 -.080 .350 -.17 .462 -.167 .305
9 Ole Miss L 14-26 14-26 .64 .743 -.48 .281 -1.29 .246 -.143 .266 -1.97 .194 -.301 .184
11 Missouri L 23-30 23-30 .26 .608 -.26 .369 -.58 .368 -.043 .408 .27 .561 .000 .530
13 Alabama W 24-3 24-3 2.24 .989 1.31 .888 2.05 .844 .297 .883 1.97 .806 .446 .908
14 LSU L 17-37 17-34 -.09 .463 -.85 .197 -1.89 .174 -.263 .141 -1.75 .214 -.333 .165
B Navy L 20-21 20-21 .39 .658 -.05 .484 -.28 .439 .030 .571 -.97 .309 -.036 .447

Oklahoma State 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Arkansas W 39-31 39-31 .52 .707 .26 .630 -.38 .412 -.234 .167 -2.06 .187 -.045 .434
3 Tulsa W 45-10 35-0 .68 .754 2.06 .976 4.38 .983 .328 .898 4.50 .961 .514 .938
4 Utah L 19-22 19-22 .07 .534 -.11 .458 -.21 .457 -.203 .195 -.91 .318 -.143 .336
5 Kansas State L 20-42 13-42 -.71 .221 -1.21 .125 -2.42 .118 -.121 .290 -3.00 .113 -.167 .305
6 West Virginia L 14-38 7-31 -1.64 .041 -1.60 .073 -3.55 .048 -.578 .013 -3.38 .086 -.589 .038
8 BYU L 35-38 35-38 .59 .729 -.15 .427 -.30 .434 -.188 .209 -.86 .331 .000 .530
9 Baylor L 28-38 28-38 .04 .523 -.43 .296 -1.12 .261 -.140 .271 -3.70 .063 -.129 .346
10 Arizona State L 21-42 14-42 -.85 .175 -1.65 .067 -2.92 .091 -.339 .095 -1.78 .211 -.528 .058
11 TCU L 13-38 13-38 -1.51 .058 -1.92 .036 -3.26 .064 -.423 .055 -2.76 .140 -.667 .024
13 Texas Tech L 48-56 48-56 -.05 .482 -.29 .355 -.34 .422 -.010 .477 2.25 .828 .033 .549
14 Colorado L 0-52 0-38 -.97 .144 -1.46 .093 -2.92 .089 -.469 .037 -5.27 .022 -.462 .083

Old Dominion 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 South Carolina L 19-23 19-23 .69 .756 -.14 .434 -.29 .437 -.030 .427 .29 .565 -.143 .336
2 East Carolina L 14-20 14-20 -.58 .262 -.21 .395 -.35 .420 -.157 .251 -1.50 .236 -.132 .341
3 Virginia Tech L 17-37 10-34 -.50 .303 -.96 .163 -2.06 .153 -.396 .066 -2.96 .117 -.429 .101
5 Bowling Green W 30-27 30-27 -.03 .492 .13 .556 .25 .554 -.068 .367 -.23 .448 .083 .603
6 Coastal Carolina L 37-45 37-45 -.85 .174 -.35 .329 -.72 .333 -.118 .293 -1.06 .292 -.100 .382
7 Georgia State W 21-14 21-14 -.38 .348 .26 .634 .75 .675 .051 .605 .60 .619 .036 .551
8 Texas State W 24-14 24-14 .59 .726 .43 .705 .91 .700 -.049 .397 -.29 .433 .000 .530
9 Georgia Southern W 47-19 44-7 1.56 .942 1.85 .958 3.70 .961 .434 .951 2.96 .882 .500 .935
10 Appalachian State L 20-28 20-28 -1.05 .120 -.42 .300 -1.11 .263 .072 .639 .01 .501 -.044 .438
12 James Madison L 32-35 32-35 -.11 .456 -.11 .455 -.41 .407 -.057 .384 .27 .563 -.104 .371
13 Marshall L 35-42 35-42 -.24 .405 -.26 .369 -.54 .380 -.049 .397 -.61 .376 -.154 .320
14 Arkansas State W 40-32 40-32 -.38 .346 .35 .672 .97 .711 .096 .675 3.22 .900 .129 .657

Ole Miss 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Middle Tennessee W 52-3 38-3 1.36 .922 2.69 .996 5.90 .999 .664 .995 5.88 .986 .857 .997
3 Wake Forest W 40-6 33-6 1.26 .905 1.50 .916 3.00 .920 .335 .904 3.10 .892 .444 .905
4 Georgia Southern W 52-13 45-10 1.38 .927 1.67 .939 3.50 .951 .501 .971 5.94 .987 .500 .935
5 Kentucky L 17-20 17-20 .17 .575 -.15 .427 -.30 .434 .039 .586 1.54 .766 .000 .530
6 South Carolina W 27-3 27-3 1.87 .974 1.04 .846 2.20 .862 .164 .756 2.80 .863 .288 .802
7 LSU L 26-29 26-29 .65 .746 -.11 .458 .00 .511 .067 .630 -.12 .467 .000 .530
9 Oklahoma W 26-14 26-14 .95 .831 .48 .718 1.29 .754 .143 .734 1.97 .805 .301 .815
10 Arkansas W 63-31 56-17 2.32 .992 2.05 .974 3.56 .956 .580 .987 5.34 .978 .333 .846
11 Georgia W 28-10 28-10 1.92 .976 .95 .827 1.69 .799 .179 .776 2.07 .813 .478 .922
13 Florida L 17-24 17-24 .34 .638 -.27 .362 -.43 .401 .180 .778 .41 .589 .026 .542
14 Mississippi State W 26-14 26-14 .36 .648 .50 .731 .89 .694 .030 .571 .11 .530 .318 .826
B Duke W 52-20 38-7 1.67 .957 1.63 .932 3.18 .931 .402 .937 3.37 .912 .525 .940

Oregon 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Boise State W 37-34 37-34 .69 .758 .10 .538 -.50 .391 -.015 .462 1.07 .712 -.159 .308
3 Oregon State W 49-14 39-14 1.41 .930 1.92 .964 4.50 .986 .531 .981 5.75 .983 .571 .959
5 UCLA W 34-13 34-13 1.26 .904 1.17 .867 3.03 .922 .423 .945 2.63 .852 .417 .893
6 Michigan State W 31-10 31-0 1.86 .972 2.07 .976 3.88 .966 .553 .984 2.85 .870 .625 .971
7 Ohio State W 32-31 32-31 1.74 .961 .05 .514 -.19 .460 .141 .732 1.08 .713 .136 .662
8 Purdue W 35-0 28-0 1.08 .858 1.87 .960 4.00 .972 .394 .932 3.59 .924 .589 .966
9 Illinois W 38-9 35-9 2.09 .984 1.63 .931 3.25 .934 .259 .855 3.70 .935 .375 .871
10 Michigan W 38-17 38-17 1.74 .962 1.11 .857 2.33 .877 .265 .860 1.73 .783 .333 .846
11 Maryland W 39-18 39-18 1.02 .848 .95 .834 1.56 .790 .134 .720 1.53 .766 .227 .759
12 Wisconsin W 16-13 16-13 .50 .695 .14 .571 .42 .596 .284 .873 1.70 .780 .127 .652
14 Washington W 49-21 42-14 1.95 .980 1.65 .936 2.92 .910 .363 .915 3.74 .938 .403 .890
C Penn State W 45-37 45-37 1.60 .949 .36 .681 .73 .670 .022 .555 -.04 .492 .000 .530
P Ohio State L 21-41 21-41 .82 .797 -.87 .189 -1.98 .166 -.325 .103 -5.44 .019 -.386 .127

Oregon State 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 San Diego State W 21-0 21-0 .15 .566 1.05 .850 2.10 .852 .339 .905 1.95 .801 .500 .935
3 Oregon L 14-49 14-39 -.63 .248 -1.92 .036 -4.50 .014 -.531 .019 -5.75 .016 -.571 .041
4 Purdue W 38-21 38-21 .02 .511 .81 .796 1.00 .722 .172 .764 -1.04 .297 .300 .815
6 Colorado State W 39-31 39-31 -.09 .462 .36 .681 .00 .511 -.104 .315 -1.91 .200 .000 .530
7 Nevada L 37-42 37-42 -.83 .180 -.24 .383 -1.01 .275 .012 .528 -.79 .345 -.080 .401
8 UNLV L 25-33 25-33 -.05 .483 -.36 .321 -.73 .331 -.089 .335 -.56 .385 -.273 .209
9 California L 7-44 0-34 -2.18 .011 -2.27 .016 -4.25 .023 -.563 .014 -4.01 .053 -.732 .009
11 San Jose State L 13-24 13-24 -.90 .160 -.55 .260 -.59 .364 -.046 .404 -3.64 .068 -.144 .331
12 Air Force L 0-28 0-21 -2.14 .013 -1.50 .087 -3.00 .085 -.523 .021 -2.81 .133 -.714 .014
13 Washington State W 41-38 41-38 .08 .536 .15 .578 .66 .651 .077 .645 -1.34 .254 .144 .672
14 Boise State L 18-34 18-34 -.17 .428 -.76 .216 -1.76 .189 -.352 .090 .04 .508 -.327 .169

Penn State 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 West Virginia W 34-12 34-12 1.06 .856 1.10 .855 2.20 .860 .172 .765 3.87 .942 .200 .741
2 Bowling Green W 34-27 34-27 .16 .570 .32 .664 .64 .647 .101 .680 1.36 .747 .091 .615
4 Kent State W 56-0 42-0 1.19 .888 2.80 .999 5.25 .996 .654 .994 7.22 .995 .750 .994
5 Illinois W 21-7 21-7 1.34 .919 .88 .817 1.75 .808 .317 .891 2.12 .817 .375 .871
6 UCLA W 27-11 24-3 1.60 .949 1.50 .916 3.00 .920 .246 .847 2.17 .823 .429 .898
7 USC W 33-30 33-30 .86 .810 .13 .556 .00 .511 .109 .689 .31 .571 .000 .530
9 Wisconsin W 28-13 28-13 1.11 .868 .75 .782 1.03 .726 .172 .766 1.88 .798 .033 .551
10 Ohio State L 13-20 13-20 1.28 .908 -.41 .305 -1.75 .194 -.039 .414 -.85 .333 -.250 .232
11 Washington W 35-6 28-3 2.81 .998 2.50 .994 5.00 .992 .502 .972 3.82 .941 .400 .885
12 Purdue W 49-10 42-3 1.51 .937 2.29 .984 4.92 .990 .532 .981 5.85 .986 .528 .945
13 Minnesota W 26-25 26-25 .74 .776 .05 .518 .10 .525 .048 .598 1.17 .725 .000 .530
14 Maryland W 44-7 38-7 1.47 .935 1.41 .901 2.82 .903 .331 .902 2.18 .824 .545 .950
C Oregon L 37-45 37-45 .93 .828 -.36 .321 -.73 .331 -.022 .445 .04 .507 .000 .530
P SMU W 38-10 38-3 2.46 .994 1.75 .949 2.70 .899 .204 .805 1.84 .795 .300 .815
P Boise State W 31-14 31-14 1.36 .925 .77 .786 1.55 .786 .079 .648 1.07 .709 .091 .615
P Notre Dame L 24-27 24-27 1.15 .879 -.14 .439 -.27 .442 -.106 .312 -.22 .451 -.091 .394

Pittsburgh 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Kent State W 55-24 52-24 -.40 .342 1.22 .876 2.80 .902 .442 .954 3.79 .939 .400 .885
2 Cincinnati W 28-27 28-27 .25 .603 .05 .514 .09 .524 -.004 .490 1.50 .764 .000 .530
3 West Virginia W 38-34 38-34 .14 .564 .17 .590 .27 .556 -.023 .443 .59 .617 .000 .530
6 North Carolina W 34-24 34-24 .44 .675 .45 .711 1.39 .763 .073 .641 1.96 .803 .245 .766
7 California W 17-15 17-15 .18 .578 .09 .531 .30 .565 .016 .539 1.55 .767 -.061 .417
9 Syracuse W 41-13 38-6 1.86 .971 1.60 .928 1.83 .818 .082 .655 2.36 .838 .329 .833
10 SMU L 25-48 11-48 -.97 .145 -1.68 .060 -3.36 .061 -.247 .152 -4.13 .050 -.455 .088
11 Virginia L 19-24 19-24 -.36 .355 -.20 .399 -.54 .380 -.104 .317 -.70 .360 .051 .575
12 Clemson L 20-24 20-24 .59 .727 -.14 .434 -.29 .437 .076 .644 -.18 .461 .071 .593
13 Louisville L 9-37 0-34 -1.41 .070 -2.13 .021 -4.25 .023 -.519 .023 -4.70 .035 -.750 .008
14 Boston College L 23-34 23-34 -.20 .420 -.41 .305 -.61 .362 -.128 .284 -1.41 .244 -.048 .429
B Toledo L 46-48 46-48 -.30 .377 -.05 .481 .73 .670 -.047 .402 -1.44 .241 .084 .605

Purdue 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
3 Notre Dame L 7-66 7-52 -.96 .148 -2.25 .017 -4.30 .019 -.546 .016 -6.01 .011 -.678 .018
4 Oregon State L 21-38 21-38 -1.33 .080 -.81 .208 -1.00 .286 -.172 .236 1.04 .702 -.300 .193
5 Nebraska L 10-28 3-21 -.43 .331 -1.00 .162 -2.00 .164 -.525 .021 -4.81 .033 -.444 .100
6 Wisconsin L 6-52 6-42 -1.54 .053 -1.89 .038 -3.45 .055 -.372 .079 -4.26 .045 -.350 .150
7 Illinois L 49-50 49-50 .43 .672 -.04 .493 .09 .524 .054 .611 1.47 .761 -.061 .416
8 Oregon L 0-35 0-28 -.57 .268 -1.87 .041 -4.00 .029 -.394 .068 -3.59 .076 -.589 .038
10 Northwestern L 20-26 20-26 -.55 .278 -.30 .348 .00 .511 .002 .506 .46 .596 .000 .530
11 Ohio State L 0-45 0-38 -1.02 .127 -2.71 .003 -5.17 .004 -.487 .033 -2.87 .127 -.690 .018
12 Penn State L 10-49 3-42 -1.06 .119 -2.29 .016 -4.92 .009 -.532 .018 -5.85 .014 -.528 .058
13 Michigan State L 17-24 17-24 -.58 .264 -.37 .318 -.97 .289 .012 .527 .76 .650 -.044 .438
14 Indiana L 0-66 0-45 -1.30 .086 -2.37 .013 -5.00 .009 -.743 .002 -6.22 .009 -.889 .001

Rice 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Sam Houston L 14-34 14-34 -1.29 .088 -.87 .189 -1.53 .217 -.282 .127 -1.95 .197 -.250 .232
3 Houston L 7-33 0-26 -1.36 .076 -1.24 .122 -2.11 .147 -.345 .092 -3.58 .076 -.444 .100
4 Army L 14-37 7-37 -1.70 .036 -2.31 .015 -5.12 .006 -.485 .033 -2.21 .174 -.548 .049
5 Charlotte L 20-21 20-21 -.66 .234 -.04 .491 -.08 .478 .224 .823 1.82 .794 .167 .707
7 UTSA W 29-27 29-27 -.28 .388 .08 .527 .17 .535 .088 .662 2.27 .832 .000 .530
8 Tulane L 10-24 10-24 -.16 .432 -.52 .268 -.83 .313 -.035 .419 .53 .609 -.130 .341
9 Connecticut L 10-17 10-17 -.46 .316 -.23 .390 -.93 .294 -.151 .256 -2.06 .188 -.200 .266
10 Navy W 24-10 24-10 1.08 .858 .64 .760 1.27 .753 .215 .815 1.56 .771 .273 .796
11 Memphis L 20-27 20-27 -.23 .410 -.32 .339 -.64 .355 .045 .594 .21 .546 -.091 .394
13 UAB L 14-40 14-33 -1.64 .040 -.86 .191 -1.33 .241 .019 .544 -.19 .458 -.318 .177
14 South Florida W 35-28 35-28 -.07 .474 .23 .613 .47 .605 .192 .794 .15 .536 .267 .789

Rutgers 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Akron W 49-17 42-10 1.17 .887 1.78 .951 3.56 .956 .483 .966 4.77 .966 .333 .846
4 Virginia Tech W 26-23 26-23 .58 .724 .12 .551 .25 .554 .223 .823 -.06 .482 .250 .778
5 Washington W 21-18 21-18 .46 .678 .15 .578 .30 .570 -.250 .148 -1.92 .199 -.300 .193
6 Nebraska L 7-14 7-14 .25 .603 -.32 .339 -.64 .355 .112 .693 .20 .543 .000 .530
7 Wisconsin L 7-42 7-35 -.76 .202 -1.12 .142 -2.38 .120 -.331 .098 -3.68 .065 -.346 .152
8 UCLA L 32-35 32-35 -.07 .471 -.17 .414 -.33 .426 -.043 .409 .08 .521 .000 .530
9 USC L 20-42 20-42 -.56 .271 -1.29 .116 -3.03 .078 -.165 .241 -4.05 .053 -.306 .182
11 Minnesota W 26-19 26-19 .99 .840 .29 .648 .58 .634 .115 .699 .66 .633 .000 .530
12 Maryland W 31-17 31-17 .80 .791 .74 .777 1.74 .805 -.111 .307 -.40 .413 .156 .690
13 Illinois L 31-38 31-38 .10 .549 -.37 .318 -.56 .375 -.061 .378 -2.10 .183 -.111 .367
14 Michigan State W 41-14 34-7 1.59 .947 1.80 .954 3.25 .934 .421 .943 1.44 .759 .732 .991
B Kansas State L 41-44 41-44 .38 .654 -.12 .452 -.23 .452 -.096 .325 -1.76 .212 .000 .530

Sam Houston 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Rice W 34-14 34-14 .33 .630 .87 .813 1.53 .782 .282 .872 1.95 .803 .250 .778
2 UCF L 14-45 7-45 -2.01 .017 -2.24 .018 -4.13 .026 -.537 .017 -2.41 .157 -.653 .025
3 Hawaii W 31-13 31-13 .22 .595 .90 .821 1.80 .816 .248 .849 3.22 .899 .100 .628
4 New Mexico State W 31-11 28-3 -.07 .472 1.14 .862 2.27 .870 .365 .916 3.01 .888 .273 .796
5 Texas State W 40-39 40-39 .19 .584 .04 .508 .52 .617 .010 .521 -.50 .395 .121 .643
6 UTEP W 41-21 38-21 -.43 .332 .61 .750 1.64 .797 .184 .782 2.14 .820 .275 .797
8 Western Kentucky L 14-31 14-31 -1.15 .107 -.77 .216 -1.55 .216 -.073 .360 -.22 .450 -.091 .394
9 Florida International W 10-7 10-7 -.52 .294 .14 .571 .36 .583 .128 .714 .65 .632 .309 .820
10 Louisiana Tech W 9-3 9-3 -.40 .341 .25 .628 .50 .614 -.077 .353 .87 .675 .083 .603
12 Kennesaw State W 23-17 23-17 -.94 .151 .23 .612 .00 .511 .117 .704 .74 .647 .000 .530
13 Jacksonville State L 11-21 11-21 -.80 .191 -.59 .254 -1.40 .234 -.119 .292 -.82 .339 .069 .591
14 Liberty W 20-18 20-18 -.45 .325 .08 .524 .15 .533 .053 .609 .38 .583 .154 .684
B Georgia Southern W 31-26 31-26 -.10 .459 .19 .596 .00 .511 -.011 .473 -.29 .434 -.051 .427

San Diego State 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Oregon State L 0-21 0-21 -1.57 .049 -1.05 .151 -2.10 .148 -.339 .094 -1.95 .198 -.500 .075
3 California L 10-31 10-31 -.78 .195 -.88 .186 -1.75 .194 -.225 .175 -2.81 .135 -.333 .165
5 Central Michigan L 21-22 21-22 -.93 .152 -.04 .491 -.25 .450 -.051 .395 .39 .584 -.038 .444
6 Hawaii W 27-24 27-24 -.53 .288 .15 .578 .30 .570 .019 .545 -.60 .378 .100 .628
7 Wyoming W 27-24 27-24 -.58 .261 .10 .541 -.06 .484 .045 .593 .06 .516 -.026 .459
9 Washington State L 26-29 26-29 -.22 .414 -.14 .434 -.86 .308 -.071 .362 -.51 .393 .010 .532
10 Boise State L 24-56 10-42 -1.41 .070 -2.00 .031 -3.75 .038 -.500 .029 -2.62 .148 -.464 .081
11 New Mexico L 16-21 16-21 -.87 .166 -.26 .364 -.73 .328 -.081 .348 -4.26 .044 .067 .590
12 UNLV L 20-41 20-41 -.53 .289 -.84 .201 -1.88 .175 -.373 .078 -2.81 .135 -.353 .147
13 Utah State L 20-41 13-34 -1.59 .047 -.95 .170 -1.91 .172 -.179 .225 -2.57 .150 -.182 .283
14 Air Force L 20-31 20-31 -1.48 .062 -.85 .199 -2.31 .127 -.172 .233 -3.25 .098 -.405 .109

San Jose State 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Air Force W 17-7 17-7 -.27 .392 .37 .685 .81 .683 .161 .754 2.34 .838 .159 .692
3 Kennesaw State W 31-10 31-10 -.21 .417 .95 .834 2.19 .859 .473 .964 4.93 .972 .318 .826
4 Washington State L 52-54 52-54 -.14 .440 -.06 .477 .29 .564 -.014 .464 .92 .683 -.032 .453
6 Nevada W 35-31 35-31 -.37 .352 .22 .608 .44 .602 -.019 .452 .29 .567 .000 .530
7 Colorado State L 24-31 24-31 -.77 .198 -.32 .339 -1.12 .262 -.082 .345 -.92 .316 -.145 .326
8 Wyoming W 24-14 24-7 -.03 .493 .65 .763 1.46 .772 .199 .801 3.93 .944 .340 .847
9 Fresno State L 10-33 7-33 -1.54 .053 -1.24 .122 -2.66 .104 -.219 .179 .30 .569 -.418 .105
11 Oregon State W 24-13 24-13 .03 .518 .55 .740 .59 .635 .046 .595 3.64 .932 .144 .672
12 Boise State L 21-42 21-42 -.51 .297 -1.11 .143 -2.04 .156 -.130 .283 .12 .532 -.417 .108
13 UNLV L 16-27 16-27 -.17 .429 -.48 .282 -1.64 .204 -.259 .143 -1.24 .266 -.455 .090
14 Stanford W 34-31 34-31 -.13 .447 .14 .565 .69 .659 .116 .703 1.98 .808 .145 .675
B South Florida L 39-41 39-41 -.35 .357 -.06 .479 .41 .593 .220 .821 2.13 .818 .051 .575

SMU 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
0 Nevada W 29-24 29-24 -.38 .350 .22 .607 .62 .641 .082 .655 1.12 .719 .212 .744
2 BYU L 15-18 15-18 .64 .740 -.11 .458 -.13 .472 -.005 .488 -2.17 .177 .099 .617
4 TCU W 66-42 59-28 1.82 .969 1.41 .901 2.20 .862 .219 .820 1.38 .750 .511 .937
5 Florida State W 42-16 42-16 .89 .817 1.24 .880 2.27 .868 .294 .882 1.64 .774 .467 .920
6 Louisville W 34-27 34-27 1.10 .866 .39 .690 .78 .680 -.048 .400 1.24 .733 .222 .753
8 Stanford W 40-10 33-10 .56 .718 .82 .798 2.01 .839 .333 .903 5.90 .987 .357 .855
9 Duke W 28-27 28-27 .08 .538 .04 .506 .00 .511 .013 .531 1.09 .715 -.167 .305
10 Pittsburgh W 48-25 48-11 1.67 .956 1.68 .939 3.36 .938 .247 .848 4.13 .949 .455 .913
12 Boston College W 38-28 38-28 .68 .754 .48 .717 .65 .650 .100 .679 1.77 .788 .327 .833
13 Virginia W 33-7 26-0 1.21 .893 1.37 .895 2.89 .907 .380 .923 3.68 .934 .567 .957
14 California W 38-6 31-6 1.28 .909 1.19 .871 2.22 .862 .095 .674 .87 .673 .155 .686
C Clemson L 31-34 31-34 .63 .738 -.10 .461 -.05 .484 .090 .665 .45 .595 -.038 .442
P Penn State L 10-38 3-38 -.52 .295 -1.75 .053 -2.70 .101 -.204 .194 -1.84 .204 -.300 .193

South Alabama 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 North Texas L 38-52 38-52 -.98 .140 -.64 .241 -1.05 .272 -.185 .214 -.88 .321 -.164 .305
2 Ohio L 20-27 20-27 -.26 .397 -.30 .345 -.64 .355 -.010 .477 -.74 .352 -.091 .394
4 Appalachian State W 48-14 41-7 1.37 .925 2.00 .972 4.35 .981 .353 .910 2.87 .871 .639 .973
5 LSU L 10-42 10-35 -.71 .222 -1.47 .093 -3.26 .063 -.380 .076 -6.30 .008 -.403 .112
6 Arkansas State L 16-18 16-18 -.83 .181 -.10 .463 -.35 .421 -.058 .383 -.28 .435 -.227 .246
8 Troy W 25-9 25-3 .32 .627 .96 .836 2.01 .838 .246 .846 2.63 .853 .371 .867
9 UL Monroe W 46-17 39-17 .38 .655 .96 .836 2.11 .853 .288 .878 .84 .664 .295 .806
10 Georgia Southern L 30-34 30-34 -.48 .313 -.19 .402 -.40 .409 .043 .589 .38 .581 .100 .628
12 Louisiana W 24-22 24-22 -.03 .494 .10 .538 .20 .541 -.078 .352 -.78 .347 -.100 .382
13 Southern Mississippi W 35-14 35-14 -.50 .303 .91 .825 1.80 .816 .010 .525 2.91 .875 .127 .652
14 Texas State L 38-45 38-45 -.12 .451 -.27 .362 -.58 .368 -.191 .206 .10 .526 -.083 .400
B Western Michigan W 30-23 30-23 -.16 .430 .37 .684 1.03 .726 .205 .806 3.66 .933 .167 .707

South Carolina 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Old Dominion W 23-19 23-19 .03 .519 .14 .571 .29 .563 .030 .572 -.29 .434 .143 .668
2 Kentucky W 31-6 31-6 1.57 .944 1.25 .882 2.07 .847 .198 .799 2.48 .845 .244 .764
3 LSU L 33-36 33-36 .65 .744 -.11 .455 -.41 .405 -.156 .252 -.10 .475 .038 .559
4 Akron W 50-7 36-7 .85 .806 1.45 .905 2.90 .908 .392 .930 3.56 .920 .400 .885
6 Ole Miss L 3-27 3-27 .08 .538 -1.04 .154 -2.20 .138 -.164 .243 -2.80 .136 -.288 .197
7 Alabama L 25-27 25-27 .84 .804 -.09 .472 -.68 .343 -.022 .447 .12 .531 -.036 .447
8 Oklahoma W 35-9 35-9 1.44 .931 .96 .837 1.00 .722 .080 .650 .17 .538 .167 .707
10 Texas A&M W 44-20 37-20 1.32 .915 .65 .763 1.31 .757 .284 .873 2.83 .868 .231 .760
11 Vanderbilt W 28-7 28-7 1.68 .959 1.31 .888 2.63 .894 .188 .789 2.79 .862 .500 .935
12 Missouri W 34-30 34-30 .71 .763 .19 .599 .67 .654 .159 .751 2.06 .812 -.136 .340
14 Clemson W 17-14 17-14 .86 .810 .13 .560 .38 .587 .009 .519 -.01 .496 .106 .630
B Illinois L 17-21 17-21 .23 .596 -.24 .385 -.74 .328 .107 .688 -.69 .360 .069 .591

South Florida 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Alabama L 16-42 16-35 .29 .617 -.63 .241 -1.50 .223 -.063 .374 -1.15 .276 -.045 .434
3 Southern Mississippi W 49-24 49-21 -.14 .438 1.27 .882 2.55 .887 .243 .845 -.32 .427 .273 .796
4 Miami L 15-50 15-43 -.93 .152 -1.75 .053 -3.50 .052 -.203 .196 -3.63 .070 -.125 .353
5 Tulane L 10-45 10-38 -1.29 .087 -1.65 .067 -3.64 .041 -.398 .065 -3.59 .075 -.528 .058
7 Memphis L 3-21 3-21 -.63 .247 -.72 .227 -1.04 .273 -.186 .212 -1.11 .281 -.196 .270
8 UAB W 35-25 35-25 -.47 .315 .31 .659 .77 .678 -.054 .389 -.04 .491 -.042 .440
10 Florida Atlantic W 44-21 44-21 .10 .548 .88 .818 1.77 .811 .067 .631 1.02 .701 .231 .760
11 Navy L 7-28 0-28 -.89 .162 -1.33 .110 -2.55 .112 -.186 .213 -1.55 .231 -.364 .143
12 Charlotte W 59-24 52-24 .55 .716 1.17 .867 1.80 .816 .286 .875 4.10 .949 .367 .866
13 Tulsa W 63-30 49-7 .17 .576 1.56 .922 3.27 .937 .286 .874 2.13 .819 .544 .949
14 Rice L 28-35 28-35 -.77 .199 -.23 .387 -.47 .395 -.192 .205 -.15 .464 -.267 .214
B San Jose State W 41-39 41-39 -.29 .380 .06 .521 -.41 .406 -.220 .178 -2.13 .181 -.051 .427

Southern Mississippi 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Kentucky L 0-31 0-31 -2.06 .016 -2.38 .011 -4.43 .015 -.495 .031 -3.07 .108 -.714 .014
3 South Florida L 24-49 21-49 -1.57 .048 -1.27 .117 -2.55 .112 -.243 .155 .32 .572 -.273 .209
4 Jacksonville State L 7-44 7-44 -2.27 .006 -2.06 .024 -4.11 .027 -.430 .051 -4.82 .032 -.667 .024
6 Louisiana L 13-23 13-23 -.63 .245 -.50 .280 -1.00 .286 -.369 .081 -1.30 .259 -.300 .193
7 UL Monroe L 21-38 14-31 -1.31 .084 -.74 .222 -2.27 .130 -.185 .216 -1.64 .225 -.364 .143
8 Arkansas State L 28-44 28-44 -1.46 .065 -.73 .226 -1.45 .229 -.178 .227 -.69 .361 -.364 .143
9 James Madison L 15-32 15-32 -.63 .249 -.63 .244 -1.07 .270 -.135 .276 -1.50 .237 -.048 .429
11 Marshall L 3-37 3-34 -1.33 .079 -1.35 .107 -2.84 .095 -.630 .008 -5.37 .021 -.644 .026
12 Texas State L 3-58 3-44 -2.41 .004 -2.56 .005 -5.13 .006 -.666 .004 -6.69 .007 -.750 .008
13 South Alabama L 14-35 14-35 -1.08 .115 -.91 .176 -1.80 .185 -.010 .474 -2.91 .124 -.127 .350
14 Troy L 20-52 20-45 -1.72 .033 -1.09 .146 -1.98 .165 -.141 .271 -.24 .445 -.145 .326

Stanford 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 TCU L 27-34 27-34 .12 .555 -.29 .353 -.58 .368 -.230 .170 -1.40 .244 -.167 .305
4 Syracuse W 26-24 26-24 .34 .633 .08 .525 -.42 .404 -.028 .434 -.86 .328 .083 .604
5 Clemson L 14-40 7-33 -.40 .340 -1.13 .140 -2.42 .118 -.184 .218 -2.83 .132 -.462 .082
6 Virginia Tech L 7-31 7-28 -.85 .174 -1.31 .114 -2.63 .108 -.104 .316 -2.14 .179 -.250 .232
7 Notre Dame L 7-49 7-35 -.58 .263 -1.87 .041 -4.13 .026 -.427 .053 -3.68 .065 -.589 .038
8 SMU L 10-40 10-33 -.11 .455 -.82 .202 -2.01 .160 -.333 .096 -5.90 .013 -.357 .145
9 Wake Forest L 24-27 24-27 -.37 .353 -.13 .443 -.91 .304 -.143 .265 .00 .499 -.091 .394
10 NC State L 28-59 21-59 -2.20 .009 -2.11 .022 -4.22 .024 -.460 .039 -2.03 .190 -.667 .024
12 Louisville W 38-35 38-35 .84 .802 .12 .551 .01 .512 .006 .514 -.06 .483 .122 .645
13 California L 21-24 21-24 -.06 .479 -.15 .427 -.57 .373 -.175 .231 -2.40 .157 -.156 .312
14 San Jose State L 31-34 31-34 -.49 .310 -.14 .439 -.69 .342 -.116 .296 -1.98 .192 -.145 .326

Syracuse 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Ohio W 38-22 38-22 .85 .806 .80 .791 1.60 .793 .036 .581 -.13 .466 .100 .628
2 Georgia Tech W 31-28 31-28 .49 .691 .16 .583 1.08 .732 .241 .840 .59 .617 .250 .778
4 Stanford L 24-26 24-26 -.35 .359 -.08 .474 .42 .595 .028 .566 .86 .672 -.083 .396
6 UNLV W 44-41 44-41 .45 .677 .14 .571 -.08 .481 .071 .638 -1.78 .210 -.025 .460
7 NC State W 24-17 24-17 .35 .642 .44 .706 .88 .692 .085 .659 -3.62 .071 .125 .648
9 Pittsburgh L 13-41 6-38 -1.62 .044 -1.60 .073 -1.83 .181 -.082 .344 -2.36 .161 -.329 .166
10 Virginia Tech W 38-31 38-31 .73 .771 .27 .640 .00 .511 -.048 .400 -.42 .409 .000 .530
11 Boston College L 31-37 31-37 -.04 .490 -.24 .378 -.69 .343 -.018 .456 -.71 .357 -.115 .363
12 California W 33-25 33-25 .51 .701 .42 .702 1.17 .741 .208 .810 -1.20 .271 .278 .799
13 Connecticut W 31-24 31-24 .08 .539 .32 .664 .64 .648 .206 .808 1.36 .747 .273 .796
14 Miami W 42-38 42-38 1.02 .846 .20 .603 .09 .522 -.022 .447 -.80 .344 -.044 .438
B Washington State W 52-35 45-28 .78 .783 .85 .805 2.17 .857 .091 .669 2.95 .881 .244 .764

TCU 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Stanford W 34-27 34-27 .03 .513 .29 .648 .58 .634 .230 .830 1.40 .755 .167 .707
3 UCF L 34-35 34-35 .17 .575 -.05 .482 -.10 .475 -.029 .431 -.01 .494 .000 .530
4 SMU L 42-66 28-59 -.70 .226 -1.41 .100 -2.20 .138 -.219 .180 -1.38 .249 -.511 .062
5 Kansas W 38-27 38-27 .88 .813 .46 .712 .57 .628 .201 .802 2.02 .809 .129 .657
6 Houston L 19-30 19-30 -.64 .240 -.52 .266 -1.27 .247 -.181 .219 -.81 .342 -.327 .169
8 Utah W 13-7 13-7 .40 .662 .22 .608 .50 .614 .185 .784 .87 .675 .236 .761
9 Texas Tech W 35-34 35-34 .27 .611 .04 .504 .26 .556 -.045 .405 3.27 .902 -.115 .363
10 Baylor L 34-37 34-37 .33 .632 -.14 .434 .04 .514 -.021 .449 .25 .555 .055 .577
11 Oklahoma State W 38-13 38-13 1.67 .957 1.92 .964 3.26 .935 .423 .944 2.76 .860 .667 .981
13 Arizona W 49-28 49-21 1.14 .876 1.47 .910 2.57 .889 .235 .834 2.96 .882 .256 .782
14 Cincinnati W 20-13 20-13 .52 .705 .32 .664 .52 .618 -.007 .485 -.43 .407 .255 .780
B Louisiana W 34-3 34-0 1.87 .973 2.00 .972 4.25 .979 .551 .984 3.54 .919 .639 .973

Temple 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Oklahoma L 3-51 3-37 -1.07 .118 -1.55 .082 -3.09 .077 -.341 .093 -2.97 .114 -.545 .050
2 Navy L 11-38 3-38 -1.40 .072 -1.84 .043 -3.90 .032 -.415 .059 -5.26 .023 -.456 .086
3 Coastal Carolina L 20-28 20-28 -.90 .159 -.40 .308 -.33 .426 -.020 .451 .64 .630 .167 .707
4 Utah State W 45-29 45-29 -.02 .497 .62 .754 1.23 .746 -.102 .318 1.20 .729 .154 .684
5 Army L 14-42 14-35 -.56 .270 -1.17 .135 -2.33 .125 -.236 .165 -2.87 .128 -.333 .165
6 Connecticut L 20-29 20-23 -.33 .364 -.09 .465 -.51 .384 -.042 .411 -.58 .384 -.027 .457
8 Tulsa W 20-10 20-10 -.93 .155 .45 .711 .91 .700 .093 .671 .12 .533 .182 .723
9 East Carolina L 34-56 34-56 -1.21 .098 -.85 .199 -1.47 .226 -.162 .245 -2.94 .120 -.122 .355
11 Tulane L 6-52 0-42 -1.98 .019 -2.33 .014 -4.67 .013 -.630 .008 -6.78 .006 -.667 .024
12 Florida Atlantic W 18-15 18-15 -.65 .239 .14 .565 .00 .511 .023 .556 -1.00 .302 .400 .885
13 UTSA L 27-51 27-44 -.86 .170 -.50 .280 -.88 .306 -.287 .123 -4.82 .031 -.239 .237
14 North Texas L 17-24 17-24 -.55 .280 -.21 .395 -.44 .400 -.014 .466 -.26 .442 -.063 .415

Tennessee 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 NC State W 51-10 44-10 1.53 .940 1.62 .930 3.37 .939 .497 .969 3.45 .915 .589 .961
3 Kent State W 71-0 65-0 2.00 .982 3.61 .999 7.25 .999 .944 .999 9.46 .999 1.000 .999
4 Oklahoma W 25-15 25-15 .80 .788 .32 .667 .72 .668 .062 .623 .86 .670 .146 .676
6 Arkansas L 14-19 14-19 .03 .513 -.24 .383 -.63 .356 -.189 .209 -.98 .306 -.318 .177
7 Florida W 23-17 23-17 .83 .799 .21 .607 .00 .511 -.115 .300 -1.22 .267 .000 .530
8 Alabama W 24-17 24-17 1.19 .888 .26 .634 .63 .644 .175 .768 2.51 .846 .176 .711
10 Kentucky W 28-18 28-18 .74 .773 .42 .699 .83 .689 .180 .778 .30 .568 .333 .846
11 Mississippi State W 33-14 33-14 .73 .769 .86 .810 1.73 .805 .359 .914 2.18 .823 .455 .913
12 Georgia L 17-31 17-31 .20 .587 -.78 .212 -1.56 .212 -.147 .260 -2.25 .171 -.222 .250
13 UTEP W 56-0 42-0 .96 .833 2.00 .972 3.82 .964 .277 .868 3.28 .903 .445 .907
14 Vanderbilt W 36-23 36-17 1.36 .924 1.00 .844 2.40 .881 .297 .883 3.34 .909 .350 .852
P Ohio State L 17-42 10-42 -.09 .464 -1.78 .049 -3.56 .046 -.528 .020 -5.75 .016 -.556 .048

Texas 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Colorado State W 52-0 38-0 1.92 .976 2.38 .987 4.75 .989 .621 .990 5.13 .975 .750 .994
2 Michigan W 31-12 31-6 2.42 .994 1.79 .952 3.57 .956 .515 .976 1.88 .798 .571 .959
3 UTSA W 56-7 49-7 1.39 .929 1.75 .949 3.50 .951 .366 .917 6.10 .989 .333 .846
4 UL Monroe W 51-3 37-3 1.22 .894 1.79 .952 3.79 .962 .502 .972 4.84 .969 .356 .854
5 Mississippi State W 35-13 35-13 1.02 .850 1.16 .863 2.06 .845 .272 .863 4.36 .958 .167 .707
7 Oklahoma W 34-3 27-3 1.56 .943 1.09 .855 2.18 .858 .319 .893 3.45 .915 .364 .863
8 Georgia L 15-30 15-30 .44 .675 -.54 .263 -1.07 .270 -.022 .446 -.07 .479 -.286 .199
9 Vanderbilt W 27-24 27-24 .49 .693 .13 .560 .45 .603 .128 .715 .27 .561 .121 .643
11 Florida W 49-17 42-0 3.08 .999 2.47 .992 4.67 .988 .458 .958 5.65 .982 .653 .975
12 Arkansas W 20-10 20-10 .76 .781 .50 .731 1.00 .722 .088 .662 .53 .610 .200 .741
13 Kentucky W 31-14 31-14 1.13 .875 .81 .796 2.04 .843 .217 .818 1.26 .736 .323 .828
14 Texas A&M W 17-7 17-7 1.17 .883 .50 .731 1.70 .802 .209 .812 2.39 .840 .400 .885
C Georgia L 19-22 19-22 .84 .803 -.14 .439 .00 .511 .080 .650 .71 .642 .200 .741
P Clemson W 38-24 38-24 1.34 .918 .61 .752 1.45 .771 .199 .801 1.52 .764 .212 .744
P Arizona State W 39-31 39-31 1.11 .867 .31 .659 -.50 .390 -.174 .232 .32 .573 .045 .570
P Ohio State L 14-28 14-28 1.05 .854 -.64 .241 -.83 .313 -.038 .415 -1.38 .248 -.118 .359

Texas A&M 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Notre Dame L 13-23 13-23 .85 .808 -.43 .296 -1.01 .276 -.144 .264 -1.47 .239 -.205 .258
3 Florida W 33-20 33-20 1.30 .910 .68 .766 1.25 .750 .325 .897 .61 .622 .575 .960
4 Bowling Green W 26-20 26-20 .14 .565 .30 .654 .60 .637 -.055 .387 .01 .503 .100 .628
5 Arkansas W 21-17 21-17 .42 .669 .15 .580 .31 .571 .022 .554 .51 .606 .000 .530
6 Missouri W 41-10 34-7 2.21 .988 1.69 .940 3.38 .940 .383 .925 3.38 .912 .625 .971
8 Mississippi State W 34-24 34-24 .34 .635 .48 .717 1.22 .744 .009 .519 .63 .627 .236 .762
9 LSU W 38-23 38-23 1.31 .912 .56 .741 1.28 .753 .023 .557 -.81 .341 .033 .549
10 South Carolina L 20-44 20-37 .18 .576 -.65 .238 -1.31 .242 -.284 .126 -2.83 .131 -.231 .240
12 New Mexico State W 38-3 31-3 .35 .640 1.56 .922 3.11 .926 .407 .939 3.37 .910 .333 .846
13 Auburn L 41-43 41-43 .26 .607 -.06 .478 .20 .540 .135 .722 -1.00 .300 .038 .559
14 Texas L 7-17 7-17 .73 .772 -.50 .280 -1.70 .199 -.209 .187 -2.39 .160 -.400 .122
B USC L 31-35 31-35 .58 .726 -.15 .421 -.31 .429 .028 .565 .05 .510 .000 .530

Texas State 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 UTSA W 49-10 49-10 1.33 .916 1.70 .942 3.17 .930 .401 .937 4.82 .969 .402 .887
3 Arizona State L 28-31 28-31 .68 .755 -.12 .452 -.23 .452 -.014 .465 -.16 .463 -.154 .320
5 Sam Houston L 39-40 39-40 -.46 .318 -.04 .493 -.52 .383 -.010 .479 .50 .605 -.121 .358
6 Troy W 38-17 38-17 .32 .625 .95 .834 1.91 .830 .194 .795 2.46 .844 .273 .796
7 Arkansas State W 41-9 38-9 1.08 .859 1.81 .955 3.63 .957 .287 .875 3.62 .929 .375 .871
8 Old Dominion L 14-24 14-24 -.54 .283 -.43 .296 -.91 .304 .049 .603 .29 .566 .000 .530
10 Louisiana L 17-23 17-23 -.48 .311 -.35 .322 -.99 .288 -.002 .495 -1.31 .258 -.181 .286
11 UL Monroe W 38-17 38-17 .34 .635 .91 .825 1.62 .795 .178 .771 .82 .660 .227 .759
12 Southern Mississippi W 58-3 44-3 1.15 .878 2.56 .995 5.13 .994 .666 .996 6.69 .992 .750 .994
13 Georgia State L 44-52 44-52 -.93 .155 -.29 .355 -.95 .292 .032 .575 -2.55 .152 -.187 .274
14 South Alabama W 45-38 45-38 .10 .547 .27 .640 .58 .634 .191 .793 -.10 .474 .083 .603
B North Texas W 30-28 30-28 -.25 .402 .09 .534 .18 .538 .071 .637 -.77 .348 .182 .723

Texas Tech 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Washington State L 16-37 16-37 -.82 .183 -.75 .220 -1.70 .197 -.179 .226 -1.96 .195 -.324 .170
3 North Texas W 66-21 52-14 1.24 .900 1.58 .924 2.92 .911 .394 .931 3.03 .889 .386 .873
4 Arizona State W 30-22 30-22 1.16 .882 .36 .681 .73 .670 -.002 .494 -1.74 .214 .182 .723
5 Cincinnati W 44-41 44-41 .33 .629 .13 .560 .69 .660 .061 .623 -.07 .480 .028 .543
6 Arizona W 28-22 28-22 -.12 .449 .21 .607 .43 .598 -.105 .314 .26 .558 -.143 .336
8 Baylor L 35-59 21-52 -.87 .168 -1.35 .107 -2.23 .134 -.216 .182 -2.19 .174 -.367 .135
9 TCU L 34-35 34-35 .37 .652 -.04 .496 -.26 .444 .045 .595 -3.27 .098 .115 .639
10 Iowa State W 23-22 23-22 .59 .727 .04 .508 .22 .546 -.094 .326 -.81 .343 -.128 .347
11 Colorado L 27-41 27-41 .04 .521 -.45 .293 -.74 .326 -.014 .464 -.27 .437 -.054 .424
13 Oklahoma State W 56-48 56-48 .03 .514 .29 .646 .34 .578 .010 .523 -2.25 .172 -.033 .451
14 West Virginia W 52-15 42-3 2.75 .997 2.79 .997 5.57 .997 .644 .994 4.45 .961 .857 .997
B Arkansas L 26-39 19-36 -.44 .327 -.71 .230 -1.42 .232 -.069 .365 -3.09 .108 -.250 .232

Toledo 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Massachusetts W 38-23 38-23 -.46 .316 .56 .741 .94 .706 .081 .652 2.97 .884 .060 .582
3 Mississippi State W 41-17 38-10 1.51 .938 1.65 .936 3.64 .959 .419 .942 2.27 .833 .528 .945
4 Western Kentucky L 21-26 21-26 -.56 .273 -.19 .405 -.49 .393 -.021 .451 -1.07 .288 -.093 .383
6 Miami (OH) W 30-20 30-20 .35 .641 .45 .711 .91 .700 .116 .702 .21 .546 .182 .723
7 Buffalo L 15-30 15-30 -1.02 .128 -.60 .252 -1.25 .251 .016 .538 1.07 .710 -.250 .232
8 Northern Illinois W 13-6 13-6 .08 .536 .26 .634 .57 .629 .005 .512 .81 .656 .016 .533
9 Bowling Green L 26-41 26-41 -.76 .208 -.60 .252 -1.09 .266 -.156 .253 -.63 .374 -.161 .307
10 Eastern Michigan W 29-28 29-28 -.60 .256 .03 .501 .07 .517 .017 .542 1.08 .714 -.133 .340
12 Central Michigan W 37-10 34-3 .66 .747 1.55 .919 2.70 .899 .315 .890 2.61 .850 .456 .916
13 Ohio L 7-24 7-24 -.72 .218 -.77 .216 -1.55 .216 -.291 .119 -1.31 .256 -.273 .209
14 Akron L 14-21 14-21 -.92 .156 -.32 .339 .00 .511 .263 .859 .86 .672 .300 .815
B Pittsburgh W 48-46 48-46 .04 .519 .05 .519 -.73 .331 .047 .597 1.44 .759 -.084 .395

Troy 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Nevada L 26-28 26-28 -.70 .222 -.11 .455 -.22 .455 -.056 .385 -.83 .338 .000 .530
2 Memphis L 17-38 10-38 -1.66 .039 -1.75 .053 -3.50 .052 -.388 .072 -2.57 .151 -.500 .075
3 Iowa L 21-38 21-38 -.13 .444 -.77 .216 -1.70 .199 -.344 .093 -1.87 .202 -.300 .193
5 UL Monroe L 9-13 9-13 -.82 .184 -.25 .375 -.50 .390 .018 .543 -.86 .330 .125 .648
6 Texas State L 17-38 17-38 -.80 .189 -.95 .170 -1.91 .172 -.194 .204 -2.46 .155 -.273 .209
8 South Alabama L 9-25 3-25 -1.13 .111 -.96 .165 -2.01 .161 -.246 .153 -2.63 .146 -.371 .133
9 Arkansas State L 31-34 31-34 -.86 .172 -.13 .448 -.25 .450 -.055 .386 -.25 .445 -.167 .305
10 Coastal Carolina W 38-24 38-24 .20 .588 .70 .768 1.82 .818 .293 .881 2.75 .859 .267 .789
12 Georgia Southern W 28-20 28-20 .21 .593 .50 .731 1.00 .722 .278 .868 .05 .509 .125 .648
13 Louisiana L 30-51 30-51 -.97 .143 -.84 .201 -1.17 .261 -.169 .237 -2.62 .148 -.333 .165
14 Southern Mississippi W 52-20 45-20 -.33 .365 1.09 .853 1.98 .835 .141 .729 .24 .554 .145 .675

Tulane 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Kansas State L 27-34 27-34 .20 .590 -.29 .353 -.20 .457 .063 .625 -.42 .410 -.129 .346
3 Oklahoma L 19-34 19-34 -.13 .448 -.60 .252 -1.75 .194 -.185 .217 -1.20 .269 -.250 .232
4 Louisiana W 41-33 41-33 .29 .616 .42 .702 .56 .626 .118 .706 -1.96 .195 .257 .783
5 South Florida W 45-10 38-10 1.35 .920 1.65 .936 3.64 .959 .398 .934 3.59 .925 .528 .945
6 UAB W 71-20 50-6 1.32 .913 2.10 .977 4.34 .981 .567 .986 3.24 .900 .596 .966
8 Rice W 24-10 24-10 -.02 .499 .52 .731 .83 .687 .035 .580 -.53 .390 .130 .658
9 North Texas W 45-37 45-37 -.03 .491 .31 .659 .38 .586 -.014 .468 1.28 .738 .038 .559
10 Charlotte W 34-3 27-3 .98 .838 1.60 .928 2.96 .912 .416 .941 .46 .597 .708 .984
11 Temple W 52-6 42-0 1.53 .940 2.33 .986 4.67 .988 .630 .992 6.78 .993 .667 .981
12 Navy W 35-0 28-0 2.31 .992 1.87 .960 3.50 .951 .368 .918 3.81 .940 .500 .935
14 Memphis L 24-34 17-34 -.80 .190 -.89 .180 -1.51 .220 -.054 .388 2.31 .836 -.267 .214
C Army L 14-35 7-28 -1.30 .085 -1.91 .036 -4.20 .024 -.388 .071 -1.42 .242 -.400 .122
B Florida L 8-33 0-26 -.57 .267 -1.18 .130 -2.36 .121 -.366 .083 -3.19 .103 -.455 .090

Tulsa 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Arkansas State L 24-28 24-28 -.89 .163 -.16 .415 -.25 .445 -.093 .328 -.30 .430 -.092 .384
3 Oklahoma State L 10-45 0-35 -2.31 .006 -2.06 .024 -4.38 .018 -.328 .102 -4.50 .038 -.514 .061
4 Louisiana Tech W 23-20 23-20 -.54 .281 .10 .541 -.11 .474 -.054 .390 -.33 .425 .055 .578
5 North Texas L 20-52 3-38 -1.93 .021 -1.59 .074 -3.18 .068 -.207 .190 -4.21 .048 -.455 .090
6 Army L 7-49 7-42 -1.90 .023 -2.50 .007 -5.00 .009 -.459 .041 -9.08 .001 -.714 .014
8 Temple L 10-20 10-20 -1.26 .093 -.45 .292 -.91 .304 -.093 .328 -.12 .466 -.182 .283
9 UTSA W 46-45 46-45 -.34 .362 .03 .500 .26 .555 -.087 .339 .22 .548 .022 .537
10 UAB L 21-59 14-59 -2.82 .000 -2.05 .026 -3.80 .036 -.294 .118 -4.73 .034 -.600 .033
12 East Carolina L 31-38 31-38 -.60 .258 -.23 .387 -.82 .314 -.030 .427 -.32 .426 -.043 .439
13 South Florida L 30-63 7-49 -1.85 .025 -1.56 .080 -3.27 .063 -.286 .125 -2.13 .180 -.544 .051
14 Florida Atlantic L 16-63 16-56 -2.16 .012 -1.38 .103 -2.68 .102 -.377 .077 -8.05 .004 -.349 .150

UAB 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 UL Monroe L 6-32 6-32 -1.81 .027 -1.24 .122 -1.90 .174 -.228 .172 -1.37 .251 -.300 .193
3 Arkansas L 27-37 27-37 -.26 .393 -.53 .264 -1.41 .232 -.240 .162 -2.28 .165 -.389 .125
5 Navy L 18-41 10-38 -1.71 .034 -2.15 .021 -3.76 .038 -.289 .120 -5.48 .018 -.524 .060
6 Tulane L 20-71 6-50 -1.74 .032 -2.10 .023 -4.34 .019 -.567 .013 -3.24 .099 -.596 .033
7 Army L 10-44 3-41 -2.11 .014 -2.71 .003 -5.43 .003 -.473 .036 -3.81 .060 -.714 .014
8 South Florida L 25-35 25-35 -.61 .254 -.31 .340 -.77 .321 .054 .610 .04 .509 .042 .560
10 Tulsa W 59-21 59-14 .66 .749 2.05 .973 3.80 .964 .294 .882 4.73 .965 .600 .967
11 Connecticut L 23-31 23-31 -.52 .292 -.29 .355 -.57 .370 .024 .560 .55 .613 -.071 .408
12 Memphis L 18-53 18-46 -1.24 .095 -1.33 .110 -2.38 .119 -.318 .107 -1.33 .255 -.518 .061
13 Rice W 40-14 33-14 .33 .627 .86 .810 1.33 .759 -.019 .455 .19 .541 .318 .826
14 Charlotte L 27-29 27-29 -.70 .226 -.08 .476 -.15 .468 .086 .659 -.66 .365 .000 .530

UCF 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Sam Houston W 45-14 45-7 1.82 .968 2.24 .982 4.13 .974 .537 .982 2.41 .843 .653 .975
3 TCU W 35-34 35-34 .46 .680 .05 .518 .10 .525 .029 .568 .01 .505 .000 .530
5 Colorado L 21-48 21-41 -.34 .360 -.83 .201 -1.67 .201 .008 .516 -.58 .383 -.250 .232
6 Florida L 13-24 13-24 .00 .504 -.61 .247 -1.22 .255 -.106 .313 -1.02 .298 -.222 .250
7 Cincinnati L 13-19 13-19 -.10 .461 -.30 .348 -.60 .363 -.097 .323 .87 .674 -.200 .266
8 Iowa State L 35-38 35-38 .46 .679 -.09 .465 -.51 .385 -.032 .422 1.71 .781 -.108 .369
9 BYU L 24-37 18-37 -.21 .418 -.95 .172 -1.90 .174 -.260 .142 -.19 .457 -.400 .122
10 Arizona W 56-12 49-12 2.13 .986 2.47 .991 4.41 .984 .613 .989 4.88 .971 .714 .989
11 Arizona State L 31-35 31-35 .63 .737 -.17 .411 .25 .554 .032 .576 .50 .605 .250 .778
13 West Virginia L 21-31 14-31 -1.10 .114 -1.06 .147 -2.13 .145 -.137 .275 .49 .603 -.375 .132
14 Utah L 14-28 7-28 -.69 .227 -.88 .186 -.82 .315 .060 .619 .62 .624 -.217 .253

UCLA 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Hawaii W 16-13 16-13 -.55 .277 .13 .560 .37 .586 .126 .711 2.31 .836 .205 .743
3 Indiana L 13-42 13-35 -.62 .251 -1.69 .058 -3.98 .031 -.421 .056 -1.49 .237 -.262 .216
4 LSU L 17-34 17-34 -.30 .375 -1.06 .147 -2.13 .145 -.381 .075 -2.23 .172 -.375 .132
5 Oregon L 13-34 13-34 .13 .559 -1.17 .135 -3.03 .078 -.423 .055 -2.63 .147 -.417 .108
6 Penn State L 11-27 3-24 -.27 .392 -1.50 .087 -3.00 .085 -.246 .152 -2.17 .177 -.429 .102
7 Minnesota L 17-21 17-21 .50 .698 -.19 .402 -.55 .376 -.031 .425 .43 .591 -.127 .350
8 Rutgers W 35-32 35-32 .54 .714 .17 .588 .33 .577 .043 .590 -.08 .478 .000 .530
10 Nebraska W 27-20 27-20 .92 .820 .35 .677 .22 .546 .031 .573 1.39 .754 .144 .672
11 Iowa W 20-17 20-17 .80 .789 .16 .583 .52 .618 .172 .764 -.76 .349 .256 .782
12 Washington L 19-31 13-31 -.55 .278 -.86 .194 -1.52 .219 -.083 .343 -2.10 .184 -.055 .423
13 USC L 13-19 13-19 .42 .667 -.32 .340 -.81 .316 -.132 .281 1.21 .731 -.256 .219
14 Fresno State W 20-13 20-13 .03 .516 .33 .670 .70 .664 .188 .789 -.03 .493 .100 .628

UL Monroe 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 UAB W 32-6 32-6 .46 .679 1.24 .880 1.90 .827 .228 .828 1.37 .748 .300 .815
4 Texas L 3-51 3-37 -.56 .271 -1.79 .047 -3.79 .037 -.502 .028 -4.84 .030 -.356 .147
5 Troy W 13-9 13-9 -.38 .347 .25 .628 .50 .614 -.018 .457 .86 .669 -.125 .353
6 James Madison W 21-19 21-19 .09 .544 .09 .531 -.03 .486 -.027 .436 -.94 .313 -.111 .367
7 Southern Mississippi W 38-21 31-14 -.68 .231 .74 .778 2.27 .870 .185 .783 1.64 .774 .364 .863
9 South Alabama L 17-46 17-39 -1.13 .111 -.96 .165 -2.11 .146 -.288 .122 -.84 .335 -.295 .194
10 Marshall L 23-28 23-28 -.22 .412 -.24 .383 -.71 .335 -.148 .258 -.19 .459 -.145 .326
11 Texas State L 17-38 17-38 -.76 .202 -.91 .176 -1.62 .204 -.178 .229 -.82 .340 -.227 .246
12 Auburn L 14-48 7-38 -1.40 .071 -1.72 .056 -3.44 .057 -.530 .019 -4.58 .036 -.556 .048
13 Arkansas State L 21-28 21-28 -1.10 .113 -.37 .318 -1.01 .276 -.019 .456 .93 .685 -.144 .331
14 Louisiana L 23-37 23-37 -.80 .192 -.67 .236 -1.61 .206 -.195 .203 -1.37 .251 -.145 .326

UNLV 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Houston W 27-7 24-0 .88 .814 1.00 .844 1.55 .786 .290 .880 2.26 .830 .280 .799
3 Kansas W 23-20 23-20 .57 .722 .15 .578 .30 .570 .092 .669 -.73 .356 .200 .741
5 Fresno State W 59-14 45-7 1.51 .937 1.81 .954 3.10 .924 .273 .866 4.44 .960 .500 .935
6 Syracuse L 41-44 41-44 .12 .554 -.14 .434 .08 .518 -.071 .361 1.78 .789 .025 .539
7 Utah State W 50-34 47-28 .13 .557 .76 .783 1.76 .810 .165 .759 1.73 .783 .359 .856
8 Oregon State W 33-25 33-25 -.15 .433 .36 .681 .73 .670 .089 .664 .56 .614 .273 .796
9 Boise State L 24-29 24-29 .34 .637 -.25 .375 -.50 .390 -.074 .357 -.01 .497 -.100 .382
11 Hawaii W 29-27 29-27 -.61 .254 .07 .523 .14 .529 .144 .735 .53 .608 .143 .668
12 San Diego State W 41-20 41-20 -.06 .475 .84 .800 1.88 .825 .373 .921 2.81 .865 .353 .852
13 San Jose State W 27-16 27-16 .13 .558 .48 .717 1.64 .796 .259 .857 1.24 .734 .455 .910
14 Nevada W 38-14 38-7 1.34 .920 1.94 .966 3.55 .953 .399 .935 3.53 .919 .589 .966
C Boise State L 7-21 7-21 -.08 .468 -.67 .236 -1.46 .227 -.108 .311 -1.29 .261 -.118 .359
B California W 24-13 24-13 .51 .703 .42 .702 .85 .691 .001 .502 .93 .685 .000 .530

USC 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 LSU W 27-20 27-20 1.11 .868 .35 .677 .70 .664 .098 .677 1.84 .796 .200 .741
2 Utah State W 48-0 34-0 1.79 .967 2.43 .990 4.86 .989 .744 .998 4.21 .952 .857 .997
4 Michigan L 24-27 24-27 .53 .711 -.10 .461 -.15 .469 -.023 .442 -.76 .350 .017 .534
5 Wisconsin W 38-21 38-21 1.04 .853 .68 .765 .91 .700 .189 .792 -.01 .495 .182 .723
6 Minnesota L 17-24 17-24 .28 .613 -.41 .305 -1.11 .263 -.113 .305 -.74 .353 -.056 .421
7 Penn State L 30-33 30-33 1.11 .869 -.13 .448 .00 .511 -.109 .310 -.31 .428 .000 .530
8 Maryland L 28-29 28-29 .02 .511 -.04 .491 -.08 .479 -.022 .448 -.06 .485 .000 .530
9 Rutgers W 42-20 42-20 1.66 .956 1.29 .884 3.03 .922 .165 .758 4.05 .947 .306 .818
10 Washington L 21-26 21-26 .07 .531 -.24 .383 -.69 .342 .114 .696 .44 .593 -.136 .340
12 Nebraska W 28-20 28-20 .93 .826 .36 .681 1.25 .747 .094 .672 1.31 .742 .155 .686
13 UCLA W 19-13 19-13 .41 .665 .32 .660 .81 .684 .132 .719 -1.21 .268 .256 .782
14 Notre Dame L 35-49 28-49 .41 .666 -.88 .186 -1.17 .261 -.008 .484 -.68 .363 -.267 .214
B Texas A&M W 35-31 35-31 .82 .796 .15 .580 .31 .571 -.028 .434 -.05 .489 .000 .530

Utah 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Baylor W 23-12 23-12 .92 .821 .44 .706 .62 .642 .147 .740 1.17 .726 .147 .678
3 Utah State W 38-21 38-21 .00 .502 .63 .757 1.10 .735 .164 .757 1.68 .779 .115 .639
4 Oklahoma State W 22-19 22-19 -.15 .435 .11 .544 .21 .543 .203 .804 .91 .682 .143 .668
5 Arizona L 10-23 10-23 -.90 .160 -.57 .256 -1.26 .249 -.035 .420 -.97 .308 -.379 .128
7 Arizona State L 19-27 19-27 .38 .653 -.42 .300 -1.10 .264 -.003 .491 -2.08 .185 .056 .580
8 TCU L 7-13 7-13 .19 .583 -.22 .392 -.50 .390 -.185 .216 -.87 .324 -.236 .239
9 Houston L 14-17 14-17 -.24 .409 -.12 .452 -.23 .452 -.043 .409 -.07 .481 .077 .596
11 BYU L 21-22 21-22 .70 .761 -.04 .487 .55 .622 -.025 .437 -.18 .461 -.091 .394
12 Colorado L 24-49 24-42 -.13 .447 -.62 .244 -1.09 .266 -.141 .270 -2.39 .159 -.051 .427
13 Iowa State L 28-31 28-31 .41 .667 -.14 .439 -1.66 .202 -.282 .128 -.73 .355 -.156 .312
14 UCF W 28-14 28-7 1.10 .862 .88 .817 .82 .685 -.060 .380 -.62 .375 .217 .747

Utah State 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 USC L 0-48 0-34 -1.70 .036 -2.43 .009 -4.86 .010 -.744 .001 -4.21 .047 -.857 .004
3 Utah L 21-38 21-38 -.45 .323 -.63 .244 -1.10 .264 -.164 .242 -1.68 .221 -.115 .363
4 Temple L 29-45 29-45 -1.42 .068 -.62 .246 -1.23 .253 .102 .681 -1.20 .270 -.154 .320
6 Boise State L 30-62 17-52 -1.08 .117 -1.67 .063 -3.45 .055 -.288 .123 -3.22 .101 -.505 .064
7 UNLV L 34-50 28-47 -.45 .324 -.76 .217 -1.76 .190 -.165 .241 -1.73 .216 -.359 .143
8 New Mexico L 45-50 45-50 -.79 .193 -.18 .409 -.38 .412 -.058 .382 -.99 .305 .077 .597
9 Wyoming W 27-25 27-25 -.60 .259 .09 .531 -.02 .487 -.145 .262 -1.02 .299 -.129 .346
11 Washington State L 28-49 14-42 -1.63 .042 -1.56 .080 -3.11 .075 -.351 .091 -4.01 .054 -.556 .048
12 Hawaii W 55-10 45-3 1.15 .877 1.83 .956 3.48 .947 .389 .929 4.26 .954 .492 .924
13 San Diego State W 41-20 34-13 .05 .526 .95 .834 1.91 .830 .179 .774 2.57 .849 .182 .723
14 Colorado State L 37-42 37-42 -.64 .242 -.18 .409 -.92 .297 -.049 .398 -.23 .449 -.154 .320

UTEP 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Nebraska L 7-40 7-40 -1.37 .074 -1.94 .033 -3.60 .043 -.610 .011 -2.88 .127 -.542 .053
3 Liberty L 10-28 10-28 -1.27 .090 -.75 .220 -1.50 .223 -.088 .336 -1.78 .211 -.083 .400
4 Colorado State L 17-27 17-27 -.86 .172 -.40 .308 -.94 .293 -.091 .333 -.91 .318 -.186 .276
6 Sam Houston L 21-41 21-38 -1.03 .127 -.61 .249 -1.64 .202 -.184 .217 -2.14 .179 -.275 .202
7 Western Kentucky L 17-44 17-41 -1.57 .048 -1.20 .128 -2.99 .086 -.353 .090 -1.60 .227 -.478 .078
8 Florida International W 30-21 30-21 -.34 .361 .32 .665 .64 .649 .048 .600 .65 .632 .214 .745
9 Louisiana Tech L 10-14 10-14 -.81 .185 -.17 .414 -.33 .426 -.060 .379 .11 .528 .000 .530
10 Middle Tennessee L 13-20 13-20 -1.61 .046 -.27 .362 -.67 .348 -.076 .355 -.98 .307 -.026 .459
11 Kennesaw State W 43-35 43-35 -.93 .154 .24 .615 .37 .584 .130 .717 1.26 .737 .048 .571
13 Tennessee L 0-56 0-42 -1.15 .107 -2.00 .031 -3.82 .035 -.277 .132 -3.28 .096 -.445 .093
14 New Mexico State W 42-35 42-35 -.98 .139 .23 .610 -.28 .439 -.112 .306 .35 .578 -.290 .197

UTSA 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Kennesaw State W 28-16 28-16 -.67 .233 .50 .731 1.00 .722 .126 .712 .97 .691 .167 .707
2 Texas State L 10-49 10-49 -1.54 .051 -1.70 .058 -3.17 .069 -.401 .063 -4.82 .031 -.402 .113
3 Texas L 7-56 7-49 -.52 .291 -1.75 .053 -3.50 .052 -.366 .082 -6.10 .010 -.333 .165
5 East Carolina L 20-30 20-30 -.69 .228 -.32 .333 -.54 .378 .050 .603 .05 .513 -.108 .369
7 Rice L 27-29 27-29 -.62 .253 -.08 .474 -.17 .465 -.088 .338 -2.27 .167 .000 .530
8 Florida Atlantic W 38-24 38-24 -.28 .385 .50 .731 1.41 .766 .216 .817 1.30 .739 .269 .790
9 Tulsa L 45-46 45-46 -1.41 .069 -.03 .499 -.26 .444 .087 .660 -.22 .452 -.022 .462
10 Memphis W 44-36 44-36 .36 .645 .27 .637 .74 .674 .064 .627 -1.06 .291 .314 .822
12 North Texas W 48-27 48-27 .44 .673 .78 .789 1.18 .741 .156 .747 -1.08 .285 .310 .820
13 Temple W 51-27 44-27 -.31 .375 .50 .731 .88 .693 .287 .876 4.82 .969 .239 .763
14 Army L 24-29 24-29 .35 .645 -.25 .375 -.50 .390 -.240 .162 .63 .625 -.300 .193
B Coastal Carolina W 44-15 44-15 .66 .747 1.16 .863 1.83 .820 .270 .863 4.27 .956 .417 .893

Vanderbilt 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Virginia Tech W 34-27 34-27 .79 .787 .33 .670 -.30 .434 -.100 .321 -1.56 .231 .044 .565
3 Georgia State L 32-36 32-36 -.81 .187 -.17 .414 .08 .519 .013 .529 -.08 .477 -.129 .346
4 Missouri L 27-30 27-30 .41 .663 -.11 .455 -.15 .469 -.276 .132 -.48 .399 -.220 .251
6 Alabama W 40-35 40-35 1.20 .892 .28 .642 .36 .580 .177 .770 -2.88 .126 .194 .729
7 Kentucky W 20-13 20-13 .82 .798 .50 .731 1.00 .722 -.004 .489 .49 .603 .286 .801
8 Ball State W 24-14 24-14 -.30 .376 .59 .746 1.44 .769 .242 .841 1.39 .753 .403 .890
9 Texas L 24-27 24-27 1.10 .863 -.13 .443 -.45 .397 -.128 .284 -.27 .439 -.121 .358
10 Auburn W 17-7 17-7 .75 .778 .43 .705 .96 .709 -.025 .437 -1.19 .272 .023 .539
11 South Carolina L 7-28 7-28 -.48 .311 -1.31 .114 -2.63 .108 -.188 .210 -2.79 .138 -.500 .075
13 LSU L 17-24 17-24 .29 .617 -.47 .286 -1.30 .243 -.206 .190 -.83 .337 -.196 .269
14 Tennessee L 23-36 17-36 -.15 .437 -1.00 .162 -2.40 .118 -.297 .116 -3.34 .090 -.350 .150
B Georgia Tech W 35-27 35-27 .76 .779 .42 .702 1.19 .742 .071 .637 .23 .551 .056 .580

Virginia 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Wake Forest W 31-30 31-30 -.20 .422 .04 .506 .08 .519 -.109 .310 -.48 .398 -.077 .405
3 Maryland L 13-27 13-27 -.50 .306 -.56 .258 -1.25 .251 -.015 .463 1.18 .727 -.269 .210
4 Coastal Carolina W 43-24 43-17 .80 .789 1.30 .885 2.02 .841 .228 .826 -.30 .429 .394 .877
6 Boston College W 24-14 24-14 .70 .763 .50 .731 .49 .606 .136 .724 .26 .560 .356 .854
7 Louisville L 20-24 20-24 .52 .708 -.19 .402 -.58 .369 .019 .546 -1.15 .278 -.136 .340
8 Clemson L 31-48 25-48 -.32 .372 -1.05 .153 -2.09 .150 -.326 .102 -2.80 .137 -.364 .143
9 North Carolina L 14-41 6-38 -1.79 .029 -1.78 .049 -3.21 .067 -.433 .049 -3.33 .091 -.528 .058
11 Pittsburgh W 24-19 24-19 .18 .581 .20 .603 .54 .621 .104 .682 .70 .640 -.051 .427
12 Notre Dame L 14-35 0-35 -.11 .454 -1.40 .101 -2.92 .091 -.258 .145 -3.37 .088 -.500 .075
13 SMU L 7-33 0-26 -.66 .237 -1.37 .104 -2.89 .092 -.380 .076 -3.68 .066 -.567 .043
14 Virginia Tech L 17-37 17-37 -.54 .284 -1.00 .162 -2.00 .164 -.244 .154 -3.56 .080 -.400 .122

Virginia Tech 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Vanderbilt L 27-34 27-34 .03 .515 -.33 .332 .30 .570 .100 .678 1.56 .769 -.044 .438
2 Marshall W 31-14 31-14 .72 .768 .71 .771 1.02 .725 .176 .769 -.07 .481 .114 .636
3 Old Dominion W 37-17 34-10 .85 .808 .96 .836 2.06 .846 .396 .934 2.96 .883 .429 .898
4 Rutgers L 23-26 23-26 .25 .604 -.12 .450 -.25 .450 -.223 .177 .06 .518 -.250 .232
5 Miami L 34-38 34-38 .63 .739 -.18 .407 -.36 .419 -.079 .352 -1.16 .276 .000 .530
6 Stanford W 31-7 28-7 1.05 .853 1.31 .888 2.63 .894 .104 .683 2.14 .821 .250 .778
8 Boston College W 42-21 42-21 1.12 .873 .91 .825 1.59 .791 .053 .607 3.95 .944 .227 .759
9 Georgia Tech W 21-6 21-6 .87 .812 .54 .737 1.07 .731 -.075 .357 -.33 .424 .143 .668
10 Syracuse L 31-38 31-38 -.01 .499 -.27 .362 .00 .511 .048 .599 .42 .590 .000 .530
11 Clemson L 14-24 7-24 .08 .535 -.65 .238 -1.85 .179 -.262 .142 -.99 .303 -.301 .184
13 Duke L 28-31 28-31 -.05 .484 -.09 .465 -.19 .461 .025 .560 -1.65 .224 .000 .530
14 Virginia W 37-17 37-17 .84 .805 1.00 .844 2.00 .838 .244 .845 3.56 .920 .400 .885
B Minnesota L 10-24 10-24 -.04 .487 -.74 .224 -2.00 .164 -.274 .133 -1.68 .220 -.425 .103

Wake Forest 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Virginia L 30-31 30-31 -.20 .422 -.04 .494 -.08 .480 .109 .690 .48 .601 .077 .596
3 Ole Miss L 6-40 6-33 -.38 .350 -1.50 .087 -3.00 .085 -.335 .096 -3.10 .107 -.444 .100
5 Louisiana L 38-41 38-41 -.29 .382 -.16 .419 -.76 .323 -.116 .298 -.64 .370 -.078 .402
6 NC State W 34-30 34-30 .09 .543 .17 .590 .59 .636 -.050 .395 .03 .506 -.038 .443
7 Clemson L 14-49 14-42 -.83 .182 -1.56 .080 -3.11 .075 -.410 .060 -2.92 .122 -.444 .100
8 Connecticut W 23-20 23-20 -.11 .454 .13 .556 .25 .554 .187 .788 .84 .665 .167 .707
9 Stanford W 27-24 27-24 -.14 .443 .13 .560 .91 .700 .143 .734 .00 .500 .091 .615
11 California L 36-46 36-46 -.24 .405 -.33 .332 -.39 .410 -.139 .274 -.05 .489 -.171 .292
12 North Carolina L 24-31 24-31 -.29 .385 -.27 .362 -.15 .468 -.012 .472 .27 .560 -.109 .368
13 Miami L 14-42 14-35 -.14 .439 -.95 .170 -2.02 .158 -.247 .151 -2.67 .145 -.389 .125
14 Duke L 17-23 17-23 -.21 .417 -.25 .375 -.37 .415 -.003 .492 -1.52 .234 .030 .546

Washington 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Eastern Michigan W 30-9 30-9 .68 .753 1.31 .888 2.63 .894 .212 .814 4.44 .959 .250 .778
3 Washington State L 19-24 19-24 -.31 .373 -.24 .383 -.67 .346 -.104 .315 -.67 .364 -.045 .432
4 Northwestern W 24-5 24-5 .62 .734 .86 .810 1.73 .805 .219 .820 3.82 .940 .364 .863
5 Rutgers L 18-21 18-21 .22 .595 -.15 .427 -.30 .434 .250 .852 1.92 .800 .300 .815
6 Michigan W 27-17 27-17 1.09 .860 .45 .711 .91 .700 .268 .862 1.82 .794 .364 .863
7 Iowa L 16-40 10-37 -.95 .149 -1.59 .075 -2.86 .093 -.109 .309 -1.74 .215 -.403 .112
9 Indiana L 17-31 14-31 .26 .608 -.81 .208 -1.00 .286 -.090 .334 -.08 .477 -.200 .266
10 USC W 26-21 26-21 .97 .836 .24 .620 .69 .659 -.114 .303 -.44 .407 .136 .662
11 Penn State L 6-35 3-28 -1.27 .092 -2.50 .007 -5.00 .009 -.502 .027 -3.82 .058 -.400 .122
12 UCLA W 31-19 31-13 .95 .831 .86 .807 1.52 .780 .083 .657 2.10 .815 .055 .576
14 Oregon L 21-49 14-42 -.35 .358 -1.65 .067 -2.92 .091 -.363 .085 -3.74 .061 -.403 .112
B Louisville L 34-35 34-35 .67 .753 -.04 .491 .29 .563 .035 .579 .14 .534 .053 .575

Washington State 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Texas Tech W 37-16 37-16 .98 .839 .75 .782 1.70 .803 .179 .773 1.96 .805 .324 .829
3 Washington W 24-19 24-19 .55 .715 .24 .620 .67 .654 .104 .685 .67 .635 .045 .570
4 San Jose State W 54-52 54-52 -.28 .386 .06 .522 -.29 .435 .014 .535 -.92 .316 .032 .548
5 Boise State L 24-45 17-38 -.41 .339 -1.00 .162 -2.25 .132 -.235 .166 -3.64 .068 -.327 .169
7 Fresno State W 25-17 25-17 .10 .548 .40 .694 .68 .655 .104 .684 -.53 .389 .000 .530
8 Hawaii W 42-10 35-10 .88 .815 1.56 .922 3.13 .927 .201 .803 .63 .626 .250 .778
9 San Diego State W 29-26 29-26 -.76 .206 .14 .571 .86 .692 .071 .638 .51 .607 -.010 .467
11 Utah State W 49-28 42-14 .92 .825 1.56 .922 3.11 .926 .351 .909 4.01 .945 .556 .956
12 New Mexico L 35-38 35-38 -.75 .212 -.14 .439 -.27 .442 .011 .526 1.09 .717 -.091 .394
13 Oregon State L 38-41 38-41 -.67 .232 -.15 .427 -.66 .348 -.077 .354 1.34 .745 -.144 .331
14 Wyoming L 14-15 14-15 -.73 .216 -.05 .487 -.09 .477 -.114 .302 .27 .563 -.182 .283
B Syracuse L 35-52 28-45 -.59 .259 -.85 .197 -2.17 .143 -.091 .331 -2.95 .118 -.244 .236

West Virginia 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Penn State L 12-34 12-34 .13 .562 -1.10 .144 -2.20 .139 -.172 .234 -3.87 .057 -.200 .266
3 Pittsburgh L 34-38 34-38 -.19 .424 -.17 .411 -.27 .443 .023 .556 -.59 .383 .000 .530
4 Kansas W 32-28 32-28 .60 .731 .18 .594 .36 .583 .084 .657 1.39 .754 .091 .615
6 Oklahoma State W 38-14 31-7 1.34 .919 1.60 .928 3.55 .953 .578 .987 3.38 .913 .589 .966
7 Iowa State L 16-28 10-28 -.65 .238 -1.20 .128 -2.07 .152 -.142 .266 -.67 .365 -.196 .269
8 Kansas State L 18-45 18-38 -.56 .273 -1.05 .149 -2.08 .151 -.169 .237 -2.38 .160 -.325 .170
9 Arizona W 31-26 31-26 -.04 .486 .29 .650 .99 .712 .048 .598 .30 .570 .181 .716
11 Cincinnati W 31-24 31-24 .48 .689 .28 .643 -.15 .470 -.015 .462 .35 .578 -.008 .468
12 Baylor L 35-49 28-49 -.48 .313 -.95 .170 -1.91 .172 -.049 .398 -1.11 .281 -.364 .143
13 UCF W 31-21 31-14 1.28 .909 1.06 .853 2.13 .855 .137 .724 -.49 .396 .375 .871
14 Texas Tech L 15-52 3-42 -2.55 .002 -2.79 .002 -5.57 .002 -.644 .006 -4.45 .039 -.857 .004
B Memphis L 37-42 37-42 -.15 .436 -.24 .383 -.84 .310 -.138 .274 -2.13 .182 -.255 .221

Western Kentucky 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Alabama L 0-63 0-42 -1.28 .089 -2.21 .018 -4.67 .013 -.404 .061 -11.82 .000 -.567 .043
3 Middle Tennessee W 49-21 42-14 .82 .794 2.15 .979 3.67 .960 .216 .816 .05 .511 .524 .940
4 Toledo W 26-21 26-21 -.06 .476 .19 .596 .49 .607 .021 .549 1.07 .711 .093 .616
5 Boston College L 20-21 20-21 .16 .568 -.05 .484 -.28 .439 -.013 .471 -.01 .497 .064 .585
7 UTEP W 44-17 41-17 .16 .571 1.20 .873 2.99 .914 .353 .910 1.60 .772 .478 .922
8 Sam Houston W 31-14 31-14 .35 .644 .77 .786 1.55 .786 .073 .640 .22 .549 .091 .615
10 Kennesaw State W 31-14 31-14 -.27 .390 .89 .820 2.48 .885 .331 .900 4.90 .971 .425 .897
11 New Mexico State W 41-28 38-21 -.50 .305 .71 .771 1.42 .769 .100 .677 1.35 .746 .167 .707
12 Louisiana Tech L 7-12 7-12 -.94 .150 -.29 .350 -.63 .357 -.139 .273 -.07 .479 -.500 .075
13 Liberty L 21-38 21-38 -1.52 .056 -1.00 .162 -1.60 .207 -.212 .186 -1.09 .283 -.292 .196
14 Jacksonville State W 19-17 19-17 -.14 .439 .07 .523 .14 .529 .084 .658 -.88 .321 .143 .668
C Jacksonville State L 12-52 12-38 -1.74 .031 -1.53 .083 -3.42 .058 -.436 .048 -3.49 .081 -.542 .053
B James Madison L 17-27 17-27 -.41 .338 -.42 .303 -.83 .312 -.141 .267 -.88 .322 -.333 .165

Western Michigan 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Wisconsin L 14-28 14-28 -.52 .294 -.88 .186 -1.50 .223 -.132 .281 .51 .607 -.321 .172
2 Ohio State L 0-56 0-42 -.78 .195 -2.47 .008 -4.67 .013 -.558 .014 -7.16 .006 -.542 .053
5 Marshall L 20-27 20-27 -.33 .363 -.35 .327 -.70 .339 -.116 .296 -2.04 .189 -.200 .266
6 Ball State W 45-42 45-42 -.76 .204 .13 .556 .57 .628 .113 .695 .47 .598 .129 .657
7 Akron W 34-24 34-24 -.19 .425 .42 .699 .27 .560 -.006 .486 -.81 .341 -.091 .394
8 Buffalo W 48-41 48-41 -.16 .430 .26 .634 .54 .621 -.030 .429 .32 .574 .077 .597
9 Kent State W 52-21 38-7 -.14 .440 1.48 .912 3.16 .929 .436 .952 5.17 .976 .509 .937
11 Northern Illinois L 28-42 28-42 -.88 .164 -.70 .232 -1.09 .267 -.134 .278 -1.13 .279 -.267 .214
12 Bowling Green L 13-31 13-31 -1.16 .103 -1.00 .162 -2.43 .116 -.356 .086 -4.15 .049 -.292 .196
13 Central Michigan L 14-16 14-16 -.98 .138 -.09 .467 -.75 .323 -.170 .236 -1.48 .238 -.264 .214
14 Eastern Michigan W 26-18 26-18 -.24 .408 .40 .694 .62 .642 .168 .760 1.44 .758 .067 .590
B South Alabama L 23-30 23-30 -.54 .285 -.37 .318 -1.03 .274 -.205 .193 -3.66 .066 -.167 .305

Wisconsin 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Western Michigan W 28-14 28-14 .34 .637 .88 .817 1.50 .779 .132 .718 -.51 .392 .321 .827
3 Alabama L 10-42 10-35 -.32 .368 -1.25 .118 -2.50 .114 -.205 .192 -3.21 .102 -.300 .193
5 USC L 21-38 21-38 .05 .527 -.68 .235 -.91 .304 -.189 .207 .01 .504 -.182 .283
6 Purdue W 52-6 42-6 1.11 .867 1.89 .962 3.45 .944 .372 .920 4.26 .954 .350 .852
7 Rutgers W 42-7 35-7 1.49 .935 1.12 .858 2.38 .880 .331 .901 3.68 .934 .346 .848
8 Northwestern W 23-3 23-3 .66 .748 .91 .823 1.82 .817 .186 .788 2.32 .837 .091 .615
9 Penn State L 13-28 13-28 .48 .689 -.75 .220 -1.03 .274 -.172 .234 -1.88 .202 -.033 .449
10 Iowa L 10-42 10-35 -.75 .211 -1.39 .102 -2.78 .100 -.289 .121 -2.90 .125 -.444 .100
12 Oregon L 13-16 13-16 1.15 .880 -.14 .434 -.42 .404 -.284 .127 -1.70 .219 -.127 .350
13 Nebraska L 25-44 25-44 -.30 .378 -.86 .191 -1.73 .196 -.115 .299 .57 .615 -.182 .283
14 Minnesota L 7-24 7-24 -.12 .452 -.81 .208 -1.48 .225 -.222 .177 -2.56 .152 -.255 .221

Wyoming 2024 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Arizona State L 7-48 0-41 -1.61 .044 -2.41 .010 -3.86 .034 -.775 .001 -6.08 .011 -.857 .004
3 BYU L 14-34 7-34 -.61 .255 -1.35 .105 -2.30 .128 -.396 .066 -4.26 .046 -.456 .086
4 North Texas L 17-44 17-41 -1.54 .052 -1.20 .128 -2.99 .086 -.331 .097 -2.92 .122 -.478 .078
5 Air Force W 31-19 31-19 .07 .530 .71 .769 1.76 .811 .146 .739 .69 .637 .181 .716
7 San Diego State L 24-27 24-27 -1.01 .133 -.10 .461 .06 .516 -.045 .407 -.06 .484 .026 .542
8 San Jose State L 14-24 7-24 -1.00 .135 -.65 .238 -1.46 .227 -.199 .198 -3.93 .056 -.340 .152
9 Utah State L 25-27 25-27 -.72 .219 -.09 .472 .02 .513 .145 .737 1.02 .700 .129 .657
10 New Mexico W 49-45 49-45 -.46 .319 .15 .580 .04 .514 .100 .679 -1.80 .209 .045 .566
12 Colorado State L 10-24 10-24 -1.04 .123 -.58 .254 -1.17 .261 -.224 .175 -3.61 .072 -.333 .165
13 Boise State L 13-17 13-17 .41 .664 -.18 .407 -.36 .419 -.042 .412 -.59 .382 .000 .530
14 Washington State W 15-14 15-14 -.03 .496 .05 .514 .09 .524 .114 .697 -.27 .436 .182 .723