Overall Game Ratings
:: 2024 :: 2023 :: 2022 :: 2021 :: 2020 :: 2019 :: 2018 :: 2017 :: 2016 :: 2015 :: 2014 :: 2013 :: 2012 :: 2011 :: 2010 :: 2009 :: 2008 :: 2007


Game Ratings detail game results (R) including the final score (Final) and the score at the conclusion of non-garbage possessions in the game (N Final). Final scores are linked to Possession Splits, the complete record of game results by possession. Overall Game Ratings (GR) are opponent-adjusted data representing scoring value generated per possession relative to an average performance on a neutral field against an average opponent. Possession efficiency (PVE) is unadjusted scoring value per non-garbage possession. Net points per drive (NPD), net available yards percentage (NAY), net yards per play (NPP), and net drive success rate (NSR) are the difference between offensive and opponent offensive efficiencies on non-garbage drives. Each game rating includes the percentile rating (Pct) of the performance relative to all others recorded this season.


Air Force 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Utah W 20-12 20-12 .53 .746 .30 .666 .68 .671 .072 .645 .79 .661 .170 .732
3 TCU W 20-17 20-17 .23 .614 .10 .544 .09 .532 -.188 .186 -.53 .390 .022 .532
4 BYU L 6-31 6-31 -1.02 .093 -1.47 .060 -3.21 .040 -.371 .060 -1.33 .244 -.403 .084
5 Navy L 20-31 20-31 -.64 .211 -.52 .253 -1.28 .217 .093 .678 -.07 .487 -.155 .287
6 UNLV W 31-14 31-14 .22 .610 .85 .846 1.70 .843 .089 .671 2.62 .893 .200 .770
7 Colorado State W 45-21 38-21 .64 .785 1.00 .877 2.68 .924 .181 .802 .95 .688 .464 .937
8 Wyoming W 20-12 20-12 -.08 .466 .38 .705 .35 .597 .097 .686 -.18 .471 .283 .833
9 New Mexico L 31-34 31-34 -.26 .392 -.10 .458 -.04 .483 -.016 .466 .71 .647 -.187 .251
10 Army W 30-10 27-10 .23 .618 .89 .853 2.00 .871 .387 .944 3.62 .952 .356 .886
11 Notre Dame W 41-24 41-24 .42 .695 .63 .778 .77 .687 .163 .777 .83 .665 .154 .711
12 San Diego State W 55-23 49-23 .66 .795 1.18 .902 2.36 .902 .117 .718 2.49 .881 .273 .829
B California L 36-42 36-42 .06 .537 -.27 .349 -.93 .280 -.118 .279 -3.60 .048 .036 .557

Akron 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Army W 22-14 22-14 -.34 .345 .32 .678 .87 .705 .092 .675 1.42 .769 .371 .897
2 Ohio State L 2-20 2-20 .22 .611 -.67 .213 -1.50 .186 -.322 .079 -4.11 .034 -.333 .130
3 Indiana L 24-41 24-41 -.77 .164 -.77 .178 -1.55 .178 -.309 .091 -.98 .304 -.273 .173
4 Kent State W 27-20 27-20 -.63 .218 .22 .618 .44 .614 -.130 .263 -2.14 .152 .063 .588
5 Connecticut L 10-44 10-37 -.90 .118 -1.17 .099 -2.17 .112 -.227 .154 -3.35 .060 -.333 .130
6 Western Michigan W 39-38 39-38 -.35 .338 .04 .505 -.19 .440 .055 .614 1.18 .734 .033 .551
7 Temple L 20-24 20-24 -1.04 .091 -.17 .402 -.52 .368 -.170 .215 -.43 .414 -.212 .223
9 Buffalo L 10-26 10-26 -1.29 .053 -.64 .219 -1.40 .197 .018 .537 -.05 .490 -.186 .254
10 Bowling Green L 20-44 6-41 -2.63 .001 -2.19 .013 -4.11 .016 -.331 .078 -2.70 .101 -.750 .004
11 Ohio W 48-37 48-31 .03 .520 .63 .778 .77 .687 .078 .652 1.76 .812 .077 .614
12 Miami (OH) L 0-7 0-7 -.82 .146 -.25 .365 .00 .510 -.159 .229 -2.16 .149 .000 .521
13 Central Michigan L 32-35 32-35 -.37 .330 -.10 .465 -.41 .391 -.188 .185 -1.64 .200 -.092 .361

Alabama 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Vanderbilt W 24-10 24-10 .61 .772 .54 .751 1.08 .746 .176 .792 1.51 .782 .385 .907
3 Arkansas W 41-38 41-38 .69 .804 .09 .529 .19 .560 .091 .673 .32 .560 .125 .670
4 Georgia L 23-26 23-26 .73 .817 -.11 .454 .13 .542 .056 .615 1.02 .702 -.128 .328
5 Florida State L 14-21 14-21 .00 .498 -.25 .365 -.50 .373 -.064 .370 -1.05 .295 -.143 .310
6 Houston W 30-24 30-24 .06 .530 .23 .626 .32 .590 -.073 .353 -.55 .383 -.026 .462
7 Ole Miss W 27-24 27-24 .05 .527 .13 .569 .25 .576 .110 .706 -.63 .368 .083 .621
8 Tennessee W 41-17 41-17 1.67 .967 1.14 .897 2.40 .905 .274 .881 .38 .574 .600 .978
10 LSU L 34-41 34-41 .77 .834 -.21 .390 -.72 .319 -.112 .292 -1.82 .175 -.158 .284
11 Mississippi State L 12-17 12-17 -.04 .482 -.23 .377 .09 .528 .109 .704 .98 .696 .164 .720
12 UL Monroe L 14-21 14-21 -.78 .159 -.28 .348 -.58 .355 .138 .748 2.12 .845 .000 .521
13 Auburn L 10-17 10-17 .22 .612 -.37 .301 -.89 .290 -.141 .249 -1.11 .282 -.144 .302
B Colorado W 30-24 30-24 .43 .703 .24 .630 .65 .666 .102 .695 -.04 .491 .115 .662

Arizona 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 BYU L 7-20 0-20 -.50 .270 -.95 .136 -1.82 .150 -.298 .098 -2.61 .108 -.364 .110
3 New Mexico L 27-29 27-29 -.23 .407 -.08 .478 -.15 .449 .038 .580 1.11 .718 .077 .614
4 California L 27-45 27-45 -.36 .336 -.69 .204 -1.09 .250 -.125 .268 -2.50 .117 -.199 .239
5 Washington State W 48-20 41-20 1.02 .896 1.05 .885 2.10 .882 .187 .810 2.80 .905 .500 .954
6 Oregon State L 16-31 16-31 -.10 .458 -.52 .258 -1.20 .230 -.115 .285 -.83 .334 -.170 .270
7 USC L 13-20 13-20 .62 .775 -.26 .357 -.54 .364 -.058 .381 -.07 .487 -.077 .394
8 Stanford L 20-21 20-21 -.07 .471 -.04 .495 -.07 .477 .047 .600 1.24 .742 .143 .695
9 Washington W 48-41 48-41 .50 .736 .25 .640 .81 .695 -.031 .437 .04 .508 .187 .749
10 UCLA W 34-27 34-27 .56 .756 .25 .640 .89 .710 .166 .779 3.85 .960 .121 .664
12 Oregon W 34-24 34-24 1.12 .914 .31 .672 -.07 .477 -.058 .380 .34 .567 -.027 .459
14 Arizona State L 17-20 17-20 .45 .711 -.11 .454 -.21 .435 .025 .548 -.13 .479 .000 .521

Arizona State 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 San Jose State W 45-3 38-3 1.42 .953 2.19 .987 4.38 .991 .529 .985 3.83 .959 .625 .982
2 Colorado W 33-14 33-14 .78 .840 .59 .770 1.46 .810 .171 .787 1.85 .829 .219 .781
3 San Diego State W 34-13 31-13 .43 .704 .95 .863 2.14 .886 .133 .739 2.57 .888 .256 .815
4 Oregon State W 44-32 44-26 .96 .883 .55 .755 .87 .704 -.034 .429 -.61 .374 .204 .772
5 Stanford W 41-3 34-3 1.31 .946 1.35 .923 2.43 .908 .316 .916 1.59 .791 .327 .869
6 Washington State W 23-20 23-20 .09 .548 .12 .562 -.21 .435 -.102 .305 -1.44 .229 -.135 .315
7 Washington W 44-20 37-20 .90 .869 .65 .784 1.31 .791 .207 .829 1.80 .820 .154 .711
9 California W 31-20 31-20 .82 .851 .48 .732 1.64 .836 .011 .523 -.65 .364 .091 .637
10 Oregon L 23-35 23-35 .38 .678 -.43 .279 -.86 .298 .082 .659 .44 .591 .071 .601
11 UCLA W 24-20 24-20 .44 .705 .13 .569 .57 .643 .031 .564 -.02 .498 .036 .553
13 USC L 24-44 17-44 -.47 .289 -1.35 .076 -3.29 .037 -.314 .085 -2.39 .124 -.578 .027
14 Arizona W 20-17 20-17 .39 .683 .11 .551 .21 .567 -.025 .451 .13 .520 .000 .521
B Texas L 34-52 34-52 .03 .518 -.55 .246 -.79 .310 -.068 .361 -1.38 .236 -.071 .403

Arkansas 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Troy W 46-26 46-20 1.11 .912 .93 .861 1.82 .853 .384 .942 3.03 .923 .381 .905
3 Alabama L 38-41 38-41 .28 .642 -.09 .472 -.19 .439 -.091 .326 -.32 .439 -.125 .331
4 Kentucky L 29-42 29-42 .10 .555 -.38 .294 -1.33 .204 .013 .528 .11 .517 -.133 .322
5 North Texas W 66-7 52-7 .95 .880 1.88 .975 3.75 .974 .518 .984 4.97 .982 .583 .975
7 Auburn L 7-9 7-9 .51 .739 -.08 .475 -.17 .445 -.179 .199 -.83 .335 -.250 .196
8 Ole Miss W 44-8 31-0 1.56 .959 1.63 .961 3.44 .968 .292 .897 1.64 .800 .567 .970
9 Florida International W 58-10 48-10 .76 .830 1.65 .966 3.97 .979 .591 .993 1.55 .785 .633 .983
10 South Carolina W 48-36 48-36 .88 .864 .50 .739 1.35 .798 .126 .732 4.31 .971 .227 .794
11 Tennessee L 13-34 13-34 -.35 .341 -.88 .150 -1.37 .199 -.172 .211 -.75 .344 -.295 .158
12 Mississippi State W 45-31 45-31 .67 .797 .48 .735 .86 .700 .041 .587 .81 .663 .128 .673
13 LSU W 50-48 50-48 1.04 .898 .06 .517 .18 .558 .065 .633 2.99 .917 -.051 .424
B Missouri L 7-38 7-31 .06 .532 -.83 .162 -1.31 .211 -.160 .226 -1.51 .219 -.077 .394

Arkansas State 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Texas L 13-21 13-21 .17 .584 -.40 .288 -.80 .308 -.015 .468 1.06 .707 .200 .770
3 SMU W 45-28 38-21 -.09 .462 .68 .794 1.55 .823 .171 .786 .69 .642 .269 .825
4 Tennessee L 27-48 27-48 -.31 .362 -.84 .159 -2.33 .101 -.257 .133 -1.58 .211 -.333 .130
5 Memphis W 35-31 35-31 -.46 .297 .17 .595 .36 .600 .119 .723 .27 .548 .091 .637
6 UL Monroe L 13-30 13-30 -1.27 .059 -.77 .178 -1.55 .178 -.176 .206 -.87 .327 -.091 .370
7 Louisiana W 52-21 52-21 .79 .841 1.48 .942 3.17 .957 .493 .980 2.87 .910 .505 .955
8 Middle Tennessee L 7-24 7-24 -1.21 .067 -.85 .155 -1.19 .233 -.341 .075 -3.07 .074 -.456 .067
9 Troy L 0-27 0-27 -.86 .134 -1.04 .121 -1.82 .150 -.158 .231 -1.66 .198 -.210 .225
10 Florida International W 27-24 27-24 -.76 .166 .13 .573 .14 .548 .105 .699 .29 .555 .155 .713
11 Florida Atlantic L 31-34 31-34 -.31 .364 -.11 .454 -.21 .435 -.065 .368 -.76 .343 -.071 .402
12 North Texas W 31-27 31-27 -.77 .163 .15 .588 .13 .546 .019 .537 .38 .574 -.038 .440
13 Southern Mississippi L 10-16 10-16 -.43 .306 -.32 .327 -.78 .312 -.091 .325 .43 .588 -.144 .302

Army 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Akron L 14-22 14-22 -.97 .102 -.32 .322 -.87 .294 -.092 .324 -1.42 .230 -.371 .103
3 Wake Forest L 10-21 10-21 -.11 .454 -.37 .302 .13 .542 -.036 .423 -.61 .375 .056 .584
4 Boston College L 17-37 17-37 -.28 .387 -.71 .195 -1.87 .142 -.282 .112 -2.95 .084 -.269 .176
5 Temple W 37-21 37-21 -.39 .323 .47 .731 -.09 .469 -.003 .492 -.47 .402 .122 .668
6 Tulane W 20-17 20-17 -.52 .267 .12 .562 .00 .510 -.062 .372 -1.30 .249 .000 .521
7 Central Michigan L 23-47 23-40 -.90 .119 -.63 .223 -1.42 .192 -.067 .363 .98 .695 -.176 .264
8 Georgia Tech L 10-34 10-34 -.86 .131 -1.04 .118 -2.26 .105 -.345 .072 -3.01 .079 -.379 .096
10 Air Force L 10-30 10-27 -.79 .155 -.89 .147 -2.00 .130 -.387 .055 -3.62 .047 -.356 .114
11 Rutgers L 6-41 6-38 -.96 .105 -1.28 .085 -3.10 .049 -.556 .011 -3.08 .073 -.600 .024
12 Tulsa L 39-49 39-49 -.45 .299 -.42 .283 -.83 .302 -.144 .244 -1.58 .211 .000 .521
14 Navy L 3-38 3-31 -1.45 .039 -1.33 .082 -2.03 .124 -.057 .383 -.30 .442 -.133 .322

Auburn 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Kansas State W 23-13 23-13 .48 .732 .34 .688 .36 .600 .085 .664 1.30 .751 .185 .745
2 South Florida L 23-26 23-26 .57 .760 -.10 .465 .00 .510 -.083 .338 .50 .603 -.286 .165
3 Mississippi State L 14-19 14-19 -.02 .492 -.21 .388 -.03 .485 .115 .713 1.10 .713 -.133 .322
4 New Mexico State W 55-20 48-20 .10 .553 1.00 .877 1.62 .830 .116 .716 -.07 .488 .308 .857
5 Florida W 20-17 20-17 1.10 .910 .15 .587 .30 .584 -.025 .452 -.74 .346 .000 .521
6 Vanderbilt W 35-7 35-0 2.13 .996 2.06 .982 4.38 .991 .466 .970 5.57 .992 .625 .982
7 Arkansas W 9-7 9-7 .68 .801 .08 .525 .17 .555 .179 .800 .83 .664 .250 .812
8 LSU L 24-30 24-30 .71 .815 -.26 .356 -.32 .412 -.177 .202 -2.29 .136 -.136 .313
9 Ole Miss W 17-3 17-3 .66 .794 .74 .812 1.59 .827 .339 .923 2.54 .886 .344 .881
11 Georgia L 20-45 20-45 -.36 .335 -1.19 .097 -2.09 .122 -.213 .162 -2.61 .107 -.236 .202
13 Alabama W 17-10 17-10 .74 .825 .37 .699 .89 .709 .141 .751 1.11 .717 .144 .698
B Clemson W 23-20 23-20 .83 .859 .10 .544 -.09 .468 .087 .667 .39 .578 -.099 .357

Ball State 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Miami (OH) L 13-14 13-14 -.61 .228 -.04 .488 -.19 .438 .045 .594 -.03 .495 -.030 .454
2 Eastern Michigan W 38-16 38-9 .59 .765 1.26 .912 2.35 .901 .288 .889 1.23 .741 .485 .946
3 Navy W 34-31 34-31 .02 .516 .14 .584 .34 .595 -.046 .402 -.54 .387 .067 .595
4 Nebraska L 40-41 40-41 -.08 .468 -.04 .491 .24 .573 .000 .500 .16 .524 .199 .762
5 Buffalo W 49-14 35-0 1.69 .968 2.33 .993 4.00 .981 .565 .989 4.39 .972 .714 .994
6 Central Michigan L 38-58 31-58 -1.31 .050 -1.04 .121 -2.46 .090 -.343 .074 -3.54 .050 -.359 .110
8 Western Michigan W 27-23 27-23 -.25 .397 .13 .574 .27 .578 .032 .566 .72 .648 .000 .521
9 Illinois L 17-28 17-28 .02 .512 -.48 .268 -1.64 .166 -.057 .383 -2.94 .085 .000 .521
10 Indiana L 20-38 20-38 -.71 .184 -.72 .193 -1.28 .218 -.118 .278 -1.92 .166 -.147 .298
12 Toledo W 41-20 41-20 .34 .664 1.00 .877 2.28 .895 .054 .613 1.51 .781 .236 .799
13 Northern Illinois W 27-21 27-21 -.71 .186 .26 .645 .70 .674 .274 .882 2.25 .859 .295 .843
B Rutgers L 30-52 23-45 -.63 .214 -.96 .134 -2.17 .111 -.210 .167 -3.03 .078 -.220 .218

Baylor 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 TCU L 0-27 0-27 -.81 .148 -.93 .138 -1.93 .136 -.137 .253 -1.01 .301 -.295 .159
2 Rice W 42-17 42-14 .66 .794 1.40 .933 3.27 .961 .175 .791 2.42 .878 .367 .895
4 Buffalo W 34-21 34-21 -.25 .397 .39 .711 1.03 .741 .104 .699 -.33 .435 .173 .734
5 Texas A&M L 10-34 10-27 -.51 .270 -.71 .199 -1.42 .194 -.366 .062 -.96 .310 -.500 .051
6 Colorado L 23-43 16-43 -.94 .110 -1.13 .106 -2.30 .103 -.256 .135 -.94 .317 -.568 .029
7 Kansas L 10-58 10-44 -.43 .308 -1.26 .090 -2.57 .083 -.253 .137 -1.93 .166 -.448 .074
8 Texas L 10-31 10-31 -.27 .390 -.84 .159 -1.17 .239 -.211 .166 -.78 .342 -.167 .278
9 Kansas State L 13-51 13-44 -.83 .143 -.97 .131 -1.94 .134 -.211 .164 -.65 .363 -.438 .077
10 Texas Tech L 7-38 0-38 -1.52 .031 -2.11 .016 -4.22 .013 -.432 .041 -5.35 .011 -.778 .003
11 Oklahoma L 21-52 21-45 -.14 .444 -1.09 .110 -1.89 .140 -.260 .129 -1.73 .193 -.236 .202
12 Oklahoma State L 14-45 14-38 -.85 .137 -1.26 .087 -2.82 .065 -.348 .070 -2.60 .109 -.478 .057

Boise State 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Washington L 10-24 10-24 -.27 .389 -.52 .257 -1.13 .244 .014 .530 -.79 .341 -.170 .270
3 Wyoming W 24-14 24-7 .25 .624 .71 .804 1.42 .806 .167 .781 .93 .681 .167 .729
5 Southern Mississippi W 38-16 38-16 .80 .847 .92 .858 2.12 .884 .310 .909 2.73 .901 .212 .778
6 New Mexico State W 58-0 45-0 1.24 .933 2.14 .985 4.50 .992 .750 .999 5.77 .994 .700 .993
7 Nevada W 69-67 69-67 -.35 .341 .07 .519 .00 .510 .038 .577 -1.12 .281 .091 .637
8 Louisiana Tech W 45-31 45-31 -.18 .426 .42 .720 1.18 .765 .095 .681 .62 .629 .173 .734
9 Fresno State W 34-21 34-21 .56 .757 .52 .745 1.67 .838 .019 .539 .62 .629 .167 .729
10 San Jose State W 42-7 42-7 1.08 .904 1.84 .974 3.42 .966 .384 .942 2.72 .900 .489 .947
11 Utah State W 52-0 45-0 1.55 .959 2.50 .996 4.75 .995 .747 .998 3.46 .946 .528 .961
12 Idaho W 58-14 52-14 .73 .822 1.81 .973 3.33 .963 .348 .930 2.31 .866 .527 .961
13 Hawaii L 27-39 27-39 -.44 .304 -.52 .254 -1.30 .215 -.174 .210 -3.85 .040 -.045 .430
B East Carolina L 38-41 38-41 -.20 .420 -.10 .465 -.89 .291 -.070 .357 -.96 .309 -.159 .283

Boston College 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Wake Forest W 38-28 38-28 .58 .763 .32 .680 1.53 .818 .068 .639 1.42 .770 .257 .817
2 NC State W 37-17 30-10 .56 .759 .74 .815 1.20 .769 .054 .612 -.33 .435 .190 .753
3 Georgia Tech W 24-10 24-10 .72 .817 .54 .751 1.08 .746 .199 .823 3.44 .945 .154 .711
4 Army W 37-17 37-17 .05 .529 .71 .805 1.87 .857 .282 .887 2.95 .915 .269 .825
6 Bowling Green W 55-24 45-10 1.62 .964 2.06 .982 4.06 .982 .450 .966 3.41 .942 .611 .979
7 Notre Dame W 27-14 27-14 .25 .627 .46 .730 1.39 .801 .187 .813 1.60 .792 .203 .772
9 Virginia Tech W 14-10 14-10 .77 .833 .14 .579 .29 .581 .036 .574 .02 .502 .000 .521
10 Florida State L 17-27 17-27 -.14 .445 -.38 .293 -.36 .401 -.047 .400 .71 .645 -.192 .246
11 Maryland L 35-42 35-42 -.15 .438 -.32 .326 -.64 .336 -.058 .381 -1.38 .234 -.091 .370
12 Clemson W 20-17 20-17 .87 .862 .14 .584 .45 .621 .101 .692 .33 .563 -.055 .419
13 Miami W 28-14 28-14 .43 .702 .47 .730 .93 .722 .207 .829 3.53 .949 .133 .684
C Virginia Tech L 16-30 16-30 .07 .541 -.56 .242 -1.11 .245 .090 .672 .41 .581 .023 .534
B Michigan State W 24-21 24-21 .45 .713 .09 .527 .18 .558 -.052 .392 -.42 .416 .000 .521

Bowling Green 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Minnesota W 32-31 32-31 -.33 .353 .04 .508 .15 .552 .022 .542 .74 .651 .109 .659
2 Michigan State L 17-28 17-28 -.02 .494 -.38 .296 -.87 .296 -.187 .188 -1.50 .220 -.090 .371
4 Temple W 48-35 48-21 .10 .556 .96 .867 1.22 .772 .252 .862 2.38 .874 .192 .758
6 Boston College L 24-55 10-45 -1.62 .025 -2.06 .018 -4.06 .017 -.450 .033 -3.41 .057 -.611 .020
7 Miami (OH) L 14-47 7-37 -1.99 .008 -1.43 .064 -3.05 .051 -.492 .020 -4.74 .021 -.509 .044
8 Kent State W 31-20 31-20 -.35 .342 .50 .739 1.00 .737 -.030 .438 1.37 .761 .091 .637
9 Ohio L 27-38 27-38 -.99 .098 -.39 .291 -.13 .454 -.006 .485 -.31 .440 -.045 .433
10 Akron W 44-20 41-6 1.53 .958 2.19 .987 4.11 .983 .331 .921 2.70 .898 .750 .996
11 Eastern Michigan W 39-32 39-32 -.28 .383 .39 .708 .78 .688 .182 .805 -.03 .494 .111 .660
12 Buffalo W 31-17 31-17 -.04 .483 .61 .773 1.40 .804 .107 .702 .82 .664 .212 .778
13 Toledo W 37-10 30-10 .40 .686 1.05 .886 2.31 .897 .232 .849 .98 .694 .244 .802
B Tulsa L 7-63 7-42 -1.55 .029 -1.52 .051 -3.82 .022 -.256 .134 -1.47 .227 -.545 .036

Buffalo 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Rutgers L 3-38 3-35 -1.68 .021 -2.00 .020 -4.00 .020 -.471 .026 -6.52 .002 -.750 .004
2 Temple W 42-7 35-7 .47 .723 1.33 .921 2.47 .910 .512 .983 3.52 .948 .354 .883
3 Penn State L 24-45 10-38 -.82 .145 -1.27 .086 -2.55 .086 -.171 .212 -1.38 .235 -.364 .110
4 Baylor L 21-34 21-34 -.92 .114 -.39 .289 -1.03 .258 -.104 .301 .33 .565 -.173 .266
5 Ball State L 14-49 0-35 -2.54 .001 -2.33 .007 -4.00 .020 -.565 .010 -4.39 .027 -.714 .006
6 Ohio W 31-10 31-10 .40 .689 1.00 .877 1.82 .853 .128 .733 2.01 .839 .255 .813
7 Toledo W 43-33 43-33 -.31 .362 .34 .688 .86 .702 .033 .568 2.08 .843 .100 .650
8 Syracuse L 12-20 12-20 -1.04 .090 -.44 .277 -.72 .320 -.130 .263 -2.91 .086 .056 .583
9 Akron W 26-10 26-10 -.01 .494 .64 .780 1.40 .802 -.018 .463 .05 .509 .186 .747
10 Miami (OH) L 28-31 28-31 -.69 .192 -.12 .437 -.95 .274 -.293 .102 -3.02 .079 -.315 .138
12 Bowling Green L 17-31 17-31 -1.05 .088 -.61 .227 -1.40 .195 -.107 .298 -.82 .336 -.212 .223
13 Kent State W 30-23 30-23 -.51 .268 .33 .685 -.26 .423 -.093 .322 -.45 .407 -.056 .417

BYU 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Arizona W 20-7 20-0 1.24 .932 .95 .864 1.82 .853 .298 .901 2.61 .891 .364 .893
2 UCLA L 17-27 17-27 -.03 .486 -.34 .314 -.41 .392 .047 .601 1.27 .746 -.108 .343
3 Tulsa L 47-55 47-55 -.28 .388 -.24 .366 -.44 .386 .010 .520 -2.18 .147 -.063 .410
4 Air Force W 31-6 31-6 1.57 .961 1.47 .940 3.21 .959 .371 .939 1.33 .755 .403 .916
5 New Mexico W 31-24 31-24 .05 .527 .21 .610 .00 .510 .006 .514 -.29 .447 .000 .521
7 UNLV W 24-14 24-6 .42 .700 1.06 .887 1.92 .862 .388 .945 1.75 .810 .194 .758
10 Colorado State W 35-16 35-9 .94 .879 1.30 .916 2.60 .918 .135 .743 3.17 .935 .200 .770
11 TCU W 27-22 27-22 .32 .658 .20 .609 .56 .640 .035 .573 .50 .604 .032 .550
12 Wyoming W 35-10 35-10 .93 .875 1.39 .929 2.78 .930 .383 .941 1.55 .786 .444 .925
13 Utah W 17-10 17-10 .53 .744 .29 .664 .58 .650 .211 .833 2.73 .902 .250 .812
14 San Diego State W 48-27 48-27 .65 .788 1.17 .900 2.33 .900 .258 .867 2.49 .882 .222 .788
B UCLA W 17-16 17-16 .35 .665 .03 .504 .07 .524 -.024 .453 .35 .569 -.143 .310

California 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Tennessee W 45-31 45-31 1.07 .902 .54 .751 .43 .613 .114 .711 1.81 .822 .070 .596
2 Colorado State W 34-28 34-28 -.13 .449 .23 .626 .68 .670 .004 .509 .32 .562 .192 .758
3 Louisiana Tech W 42-12 42-12 .65 .787 1.25 .909 2.18 .890 .317 .917 3.08 .927 .295 .843
4 Arizona W 45-27 45-27 .98 .886 .69 .796 1.09 .749 .125 .731 2.50 .883 .199 .762
5 Oregon W 31-24 31-24 1.08 .904 .27 .650 .38 .604 -.068 .360 -1.14 .275 .128 .673
7 Oregon State L 28-31 28-31 .31 .652 -.11 .454 -.06 .480 .104 .697 1.91 .832 -.044 .435
8 UCLA L 21-30 21-30 -.05 .478 -.36 .305 -.48 .377 -.101 .308 -.46 .403 -.147 .298
9 Arizona State L 20-31 20-31 .08 .544 -.48 .268 -1.64 .166 -.011 .476 .65 .636 -.091 .370
10 Washington State W 20-17 20-17 .10 .552 .13 .569 .12 .539 -.029 .443 -.73 .350 -.030 .454
11 USC L 17-24 17-24 .60 .769 -.28 .348 -.69 .328 -.059 .378 -.51 .395 -.103 .349
12 Washington L 23-37 23-37 -.31 .361 -.56 .242 -.76 .316 -.020 .459 .61 .625 -.175 .265
14 Stanford L 13-20 13-20 -.29 .376 -.25 .365 -.50 .373 -.046 .403 -.34 .433 -.071 .397
B Air Force W 42-36 42-36 .38 .677 .27 .651 .93 .719 .118 .720 3.60 .951 -.036 .445

Central Michigan 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Kansas L 7-52 0-42 -1.38 .046 -2.21 .011 -3.89 .022 -.416 .046 -4.41 .026 -.556 .034
2 Toledo W 52-31 52-31 .30 .647 .95 .864 1.63 .832 .183 .806 .93 .680 .227 .794
3 Purdue L 22-45 22-45 -.65 .206 -.74 .183 -1.63 .168 -.184 .192 -3.17 .065 -.217 .220
5 Northern Illinois W 35-10 35-10 .17 .583 1.14 .896 1.80 .849 -.168 .218 .29 .553 .100 .650
6 Ball State W 58-38 58-31 .83 .857 1.04 .879 2.46 .909 .343 .926 3.54 .949 .359 .889
7 Army W 47-23 40-23 -.03 .487 .63 .778 1.42 .808 .067 .636 -.98 .305 .176 .737
8 Clemson L 14-70 14-56 -1.27 .058 -2.00 .020 -3.34 .034 -.464 .031 -2.66 .105 -.568 .029
9 Kent State W 41-32 41-32 -.49 .282 .36 .697 .96 .726 .190 .817 .59 .619 .058 .585
11 Western Michigan W 34-31 34-31 -.29 .379 .10 .541 .20 .563 -.012 .475 -.72 .350 .067 .595
12 Eastern Michigan L 45-48 45-48 -.81 .147 -.14 .419 -.30 .417 .023 .544 1.87 .830 .100 .650
13 Akron W 35-32 35-32 -.55 .249 .10 .541 .41 .608 .188 .815 1.64 .799 .092 .639
C Miami (OH) W 35-10 28-10 .25 .628 .82 .834 1.64 .836 .086 .666 1.09 .710 .000 .521
B Purdue L 48-51 48-51 .00 .499 -.09 .472 .00 .510 -.083 .337 -1.28 .252 -.029 .455

Cincinnati 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Oregon State W 34-3 34-3 1.56 .960 1.15 .898 2.02 .874 .041 .586 .12 .518 .263 .820
3 Miami (OH) W 47-10 40-10 .80 .843 1.36 .927 2.37 .904 .309 .909 1.50 .776 .518 .959
4 Marshall W 40-14 40-14 .76 .831 1.13 .894 2.09 .879 .113 .711 1.75 .810 .318 .865
5 San Diego State W 52-23 42-17 .73 .821 1.25 .909 3.09 .949 .247 .857 1.13 .723 .267 .822
6 Rutgers W 28-23 28-23 .51 .739 .19 .603 .92 .718 .046 .598 -.04 .494 .077 .614
7 Louisville L 24-28 24-28 .03 .521 -.14 .423 -.40 .395 -.021 .458 .38 .577 -.090 .371
8 Pittsburgh L 17-24 17-24 -.25 .401 -.30 .332 -.77 .315 -.150 .237 -.30 .442 -.121 .334
10 South Florida W 38-33 38-33 .80 .846 .14 .574 .31 .586 -.087 .333 -.51 .394 .125 .670
11 Connecticut W 27-3 27-3 1.27 .941 1.00 .877 2.00 .871 .178 .798 1.79 .817 .250 .812
12 West Virginia L 23-28 23-28 .78 .838 -.22 .384 -.63 .340 -.065 .369 .55 .614 -.030 .454
13 Syracuse W 52-31 52-31 .08 .547 .68 .791 .93 .722 .176 .794 2.13 .846 .200 .770
B Southern Mississippi W 31-21 31-21 .24 .621 .36 .694 .71 .678 .149 .761 1.29 .749 .143 .695

Clemson 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Florida State W 24-18 24-18 .44 .708 .19 .605 .47 .621 .105 .700 .44 .591 .079 .615
2 UL Monroe W 49-26 49-13 1.30 .945 1.80 .972 3.60 .973 .442 .962 5.90 .994 .300 .850
4 NC State W 42-20 39-20 .69 .805 .86 .848 2.26 .895 .439 .961 3.41 .943 .618 .980
5 Georgia Tech L 3-13 3-13 -.22 .409 -.40 .288 -.83 .302 .002 .504 -.43 .412 .167 .729
6 Virginia Tech L 23-41 23-41 .07 .538 -.56 .239 -.07 .475 .044 .592 .21 .532 -.058 .415
8 Central Michigan W 70-14 56-14 1.73 .971 2.00 .981 3.34 .965 .464 .968 2.66 .894 .568 .971
9 Maryland W 30-17 30-3 1.76 .973 1.59 .958 2.96 .940 .449 .965 2.00 .836 .653 .986
10 Duke W 47-10 40-7 1.14 .918 1.57 .955 2.60 .918 .360 .935 4.04 .963 .400 .914
11 Wake Forest W 44-10 37-10 1.84 .982 1.59 .958 2.50 .912 .320 .919 2.90 .912 .500 .954
12 Boston College L 17-20 17-20 .29 .646 -.14 .419 -.45 .381 -.101 .308 -.33 .437 .055 .581
13 South Carolina W 23-21 23-21 .47 .720 .09 .525 -.45 .381 .165 .778 -1.80 .180 .273 .829
B Auburn L 20-23 20-23 .49 .732 -.10 .458 .09 .532 -.087 .332 -.39 .421 .099 .642

Colorado 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Colorado State W 31-28 31-28 -.23 .408 .13 .573 .00 .510 .049 .603 1.05 .706 .200 .770
2 Arizona State L 14-33 14-33 -.04 .482 -.59 .230 -1.46 .189 -.171 .213 -1.85 .171 -.219 .218
3 Florida State L 6-16 6-16 -.14 .445 -.38 .293 -.77 .314 .038 .579 .13 .522 -.077 .394
4 Miami (OH) W 42-0 28-0 .99 .890 1.56 .953 3.11 .954 .557 .989 4.29 .970 .444 .925
5 Oklahoma W 27-24 27-24 1.05 .900 .10 .544 -.05 .482 .081 .659 -.80 .337 .092 .639
6 Baylor W 43-23 43-16 .60 .768 1.13 .893 2.30 .897 .256 .864 .94 .683 .568 .971
7 Kansas State L 20-47 20-40 -.53 .259 -.67 .213 -1.02 .260 -.043 .410 -.57 .382 -.305 .147
8 Kansas L 14-19 14-19 .63 .779 -.21 .388 -.56 .359 -.003 .491 -1.13 .278 -.114 .338
9 Texas Tech W 31-26 31-26 .83 .858 .24 .629 .30 .584 -.031 .436 -1.36 .240 .010 .525
10 Missouri L 10-55 10-48 -.57 .238 -1.46 .060 -2.92 .060 -.425 .044 -4.19 .031 -.462 .065
11 Iowa State L 28-31 28-31 -.47 .290 -.10 .465 -.20 .438 .025 .550 .04 .506 -.067 .409
13 Nebraska W 65-51 65-43 .69 .808 .73 .811 1.28 .781 .136 .744 -.62 .369 .243 .801
B Alabama L 24-30 24-30 .13 .570 -.24 .370 -.65 .334 -.102 .304 .04 .508 -.115 .337

Colorado State 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Colorado L 28-31 28-31 .06 .532 -.13 .430 .00 .510 -.049 .396 -1.05 .293 -.200 .237
2 California L 28-34 28-34 .11 .558 -.23 .375 -.68 .329 -.004 .490 -.32 .438 -.192 .246
4 Houston L 27-38 27-38 -.54 .255 -.37 .302 -.41 .390 -.089 .329 -.27 .450 -.024 .465
5 TCU L 12-24 12-24 -.38 .329 -.50 .263 -1.00 .267 -.134 .259 -.54 .386 -.083 .383
6 San Diego State L 20-24 20-24 -.66 .202 -.14 .419 -.18 .442 .005 .511 -.41 .417 .022 .532
7 Air Force L 21-45 21-38 -.90 .121 -1.00 .130 -2.68 .075 -.181 .197 -.95 .312 -.464 .063
8 UNLV W 48-23 41-23 -.01 .495 .62 .776 .61 .656 .155 .765 -.26 .454 .226 .791
9 Utah L 3-27 3-20 -.66 .204 -.89 .147 -1.92 .136 -.173 .211 -1.60 .206 -.456 .067
10 BYU L 16-35 9-35 -.85 .138 -1.30 .084 -2.60 .082 -.135 .256 -3.17 .065 -.200 .237
11 New Mexico L 23-26 23-26 -.29 .379 -.13 .430 .00 .510 .167 .780 .04 .507 .091 .637
13 Wyoming W 36-28 36-28 -.18 .428 .29 .656 .96 .727 .103 .696 1.14 .726 .192 .758

Connecticut 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Duke W 45-14 38-14 .42 .697 .86 .848 2.19 .890 .414 .952 3.03 .922 .495 .948
3 Temple W 22-17 22-17 -.65 .206 .21 .613 .42 .610 .060 .623 -.51 .393 .167 .729
4 Pittsburgh W 34-14 34-14 .77 .836 .71 .805 1.25 .777 .141 .751 .31 .558 .274 .830
5 Akron W 44-10 37-10 .52 .742 1.17 .901 2.17 .888 .227 .845 3.35 .940 .333 .877
7 Virginia L 16-17 16-17 .16 .580 -.04 .494 -.27 .419 -.116 .283 -1.11 .283 .024 .536
8 Louisville W 21-17 21-17 .35 .669 .18 .602 .40 .606 -.020 .460 .87 .674 .000 .521
9 South Florida W 22-15 22-15 .96 .883 .29 .664 .10 .532 -.083 .338 -.53 .389 .038 .558
10 Rutgers W 38-19 38-19 1.15 .921 .83 .836 1.48 .812 .026 .551 1.28 .748 .100 .650
11 Cincinnati L 3-27 3-27 -.40 .320 -1.00 .130 -2.00 .130 -.178 .201 -1.79 .182 -.250 .196
12 Syracuse W 30-7 30-0 .91 .871 1.50 .947 2.67 .923 .356 .933 2.85 .909 .456 .934
13 West Virginia L 21-66 14-52 -.52 .266 -1.52 .052 -2.48 .088 -.275 .117 -4.21 .030 -.485 .055
B Wake Forest L 10-24 10-24 -.28 .381 -.54 .251 -1.60 .171 -.267 .125 -2.16 .150 -.224 .209

Duke 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Connecticut L 14-45 14-38 -.59 .236 -.86 .153 -2.19 .109 -.414 .047 -3.03 .077 -.495 .051
2 Virginia L 13-24 13-24 -.22 .409 -.42 .280 -.99 .270 -.055 .386 -.70 .356 -.032 .452
3 Northwestern W 20-14 20-14 .01 .508 .30 .666 .60 .654 -.170 .214 .49 .602 .100 .650
4 Navy L 43-46 43-46 -.24 .405 -.12 .437 .04 .517 -.053 .388 1.31 .753 -.109 .342
5 Miami L 14-24 14-24 -.49 .274 -.45 .274 -.91 .287 -.164 .222 -1.90 .168 -.273 .173
6 Wake Forest L 36-41 36-41 .10 .554 -.16 .410 -.16 .447 .043 .590 1.22 .738 -.116 .336
7 Virginia Tech L 14-43 14-43 -.41 .315 -1.04 .121 -1.90 .138 -.358 .066 -3.62 .046 -.476 .058
9 Florida State L 6-25 6-25 -.66 .203 -.90 .145 -1.67 .160 -.429 .042 -1.60 .208 -.536 .037
10 Clemson L 10-47 7-40 -.84 .139 -1.57 .045 -2.60 .082 -.360 .064 -4.04 .036 -.400 .088
11 Georgia Tech L 24-41 24-41 -.33 .348 -.52 .259 -1.20 .232 -.272 .121 -3.27 .062 -.197 .239
12 Notre Dame L 7-28 0-28 -1.55 .029 -1.33 .082 -2.55 .086 -.249 .141 -1.14 .274 -.355 .115
13 North Carolina L 14-20 14-20 -.34 .343 -.26 .356 -.13 .459 .087 .669 .86 .669 .164 .720

East Carolina 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Virginia Tech L 7-17 7-17 .23 .614 -.40 .288 -.37 .397 -.109 .294 -.97 .308 -.105 .344
2 North Carolina W 34-31 34-31 .02 .513 .10 .544 .50 .626 .027 .554 -.86 .328 .292 .840
3 Southern Mississippi L 21-28 21-28 -.40 .315 -.29 .343 -.58 .355 -.048 .397 -1.63 .203 .000 .521
4 West Virginia L 7-48 0-34 -1.43 .041 -2.43 .005 -4.86 .004 -.775 .000 -6.37 .004 -.857 .001
5 Houston W 37-35 37-35 -.12 .454 .06 .515 .53 .633 -.040 .415 -.26 .453 -.059 .414
6 UCF W 52-38 52-38 .66 .793 .44 .721 .93 .722 -.095 .317 -.26 .455 .133 .684
7 UTEP W 45-42 45-42 -.48 .283 .09 .532 -.32 .409 -.038 .420 1.81 .823 -.105 .346
8 NC State L 20-34 20-34 -.63 .218 -.45 .275 -.83 .303 -.144 .244 -1.93 .165 -.135 .315
9 UAB W 41-6 41-6 .83 .856 1.75 .970 3.50 .971 .389 .945 4.46 .975 .400 .914
10 Memphis W 56-40 56-40 -.09 .463 .53 .748 1.07 .743 .175 .791 2.92 .914 .133 .684
11 Marshall L 7-26 7-26 -1.42 .042 -1.06 .113 -2.11 .117 -.297 .099 -1.76 .188 -.333 .130
13 Tulane W 35-12 35-12 .29 .643 .92 .860 2.18 .890 .303 .905 2.43 .879 .212 .778
B Boise State W 41-38 41-38 .41 .690 .10 .541 .89 .709 .070 .643 .96 .690 .159 .716

Eastern Michigan 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Pittsburgh L 3-27 3-24 -.99 .096 -1.05 .116 -2.10 .119 -.265 .127 -2.39 .122 -.300 .155
2 Ball State L 16-38 9-38 -1.47 .036 -1.26 .089 -2.35 .098 -.288 .110 -1.23 .258 -.485 .055
3 Northern Illinois W 21-19 21-19 -.87 .130 .10 .541 .20 .563 .100 .690 .49 .601 .100 .650
5 Vanderbilt L 7-30 7-27 -.76 .168 -.83 .162 -1.23 .225 -.430 .041 -2.39 .123 -.371 .103
6 Michigan L 22-33 22-33 .14 .572 -.39 .291 -1.04 .257 -.274 .118 -2.27 .137 -.192 .246
7 Ohio L 42-48 42-48 -.80 .152 -.20 .393 -1.19 .232 -.168 .217 -1.38 .237 -.258 .182
8 Northwestern L 14-26 14-26 -.83 .140 -.55 .246 -1.09 .249 -.032 .432 -2.17 .148 -.182 .257
9 Western Michigan W 19-2 19-2 .39 .682 .77 .824 1.55 .822 .211 .835 .85 .668 .455 .931
10 Toledo L 28-52 28-45 -1.47 .037 -.81 .169 -1.95 .133 -.182 .196 -2.26 .140 -.336 .121
11 Bowling Green L 32-39 32-39 -.83 .141 -.39 .291 -.78 .312 -.182 .195 .03 .505 -.111 .340
12 Central Michigan W 48-45 48-45 -.13 .449 .14 .584 .30 .584 -.023 .455 -1.87 .169 -.100 .357

Florida 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Troy W 59-31 49-24 1.22 .930 1.04 .881 2.45 .909 .204 .826 2.27 .862 .220 .783
3 Tennessee W 59-20 49-20 1.79 .976 1.26 .912 2.71 .926 .291 .894 3.81 .958 .283 .833
4 Ole Miss W 30-24 30-24 .20 .597 .27 .651 .55 .638 .085 .665 -1.14 .275 .000 .521
5 Auburn L 17-20 17-20 .44 .707 -.15 .413 -.30 .417 .025 .548 .74 .654 .000 .521
6 LSU L 24-28 24-28 .75 .828 -.22 .381 -.44 .383 -.116 .282 1.46 .771 -.222 .214
8 Kentucky W 45-37 45-37 .88 .864 .40 .715 .80 .692 -.069 .358 .51 .606 .000 .521
9 Georgia L 30-42 30-42 .26 .633 -.57 .237 -1.90 .138 -.050 .394 -1.50 .222 -.300 .155
10 Vanderbilt W 49-22 49-16 1.64 .965 1.57 .955 3.12 .954 .346 .928 5.01 .983 .467 .939
11 South Carolina W 51-31 51-31 1.15 .921 .77 .820 1.54 .820 .260 .871 .65 .635 .231 .795
12 Florida Atlantic W 59-20 52-20 1.13 .917 1.33 .921 2.42 .907 .229 .847 2.08 .843 .303 .851
13 Florida State W 45-12 38-12 1.87 .984 1.63 .960 3.25 .960 .382 .940 2.55 .887 .250 .812
B Michigan L 35-41 35-41 .30 .650 -.23 .375 -.24 .428 -.182 .195 -.46 .404 .045 .568

Florida Atlantic 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Middle Tennessee W 27-14 27-14 .10 .557 .46 .730 1.29 .784 .177 .798 3.10 .928 .338 .879
2 Oklahoma State L 6-42 6-35 -.79 .154 -1.21 .096 -2.05 .123 -.184 .190 -3.54 .049 -.197 .240
3 Minnesota W 42-39 42-39 -.26 .393 .11 .551 .33 .594 -.125 .270 .70 .643 .083 .621
4 North Texas W 30-20 30-20 -.55 .250 .37 .701 .88 .708 .040 .583 .83 .666 .104 .653
5 Kentucky L 17-45 17-45 -.85 .136 -1.33 .082 -2.10 .119 -.478 .024 -2.26 .139 -.400 .088
6 South Florida L 23-35 23-35 .29 .645 -.38 .298 -.75 .317 -.052 .389 -1.16 .270 .125 .670
8 Louisiana W 39-32 39-32 -.42 .310 .27 .650 .07 .521 -.010 .480 -1.05 .294 .000 .521
9 UL Monroe L 30-33 30-33 -.60 .230 -.10 .465 .00 .510 .032 .567 .47 .599 -.083 .377
11 Arkansas State W 34-31 34-31 -.36 .334 .11 .551 .21 .567 .065 .631 .76 .656 .071 .601
12 Florida L 20-59 20-52 -.38 .327 -1.33 .082 -2.42 .093 -.229 .152 -2.08 .156 -.303 .149
13 Florida International W 55-23 42-9 .48 .731 1.38 .928 2.75 .928 .218 .842 5.50 .990 .333 .877
14 Troy W 38-32 38-32 .42 .699 .24 .630 .71 .675 .062 .626 2.01 .838 .045 .568
B Memphis W 44-27 44-27 .19 .593 .81 .834 1.95 .866 .257 .866 3.20 .935 .245 .803

Florida International 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Penn State L 0-59 0-45 -1.10 .080 -1.55 .047 -3.00 .057 -.363 .063 -4.13 .033 -.450 .072
2 Maryland L 10-26 10-26 -.40 .317 -.57 .237 -1.10 .248 -.138 .252 -.37 .426 -.203 .228
3 Miami L 9-23 9-23 -.62 .220 -.58 .233 -1.17 .239 -.203 .175 -2.01 .161 -.333 .130
4 Kansas L 3-55 3-41 -.75 .174 -1.58 .043 -2.84 .064 -.484 .023 -4.13 .032 -.462 .064
5 Middle Tennessee L 6-47 6-47 -1.77 .018 -1.41 .066 -3.36 .034 -.364 .063 -4.13 .032 -.500 .051
6 Troy L 16-34 16-34 -.46 .295 -.64 .218 -.93 .276 -.230 .152 -2.12 .155 -.170 .270
8 UL Monroe L 14-28 14-28 -1.06 .086 -.56 .242 -1.26 .221 -.157 .232 -2.69 .102 -.186 .254
9 Arkansas L 10-58 10-48 -1.06 .085 -1.65 .035 -3.97 .020 -.591 .006 -1.55 .214 -.633 .016
10 Arkansas State L 24-27 24-27 -.60 .231 -.13 .430 -.14 .452 -.105 .300 -.29 .445 -.155 .287
12 Louisiana L 28-38 28-38 -1.09 .082 -.40 .288 -1.30 .213 -.142 .246 -.17 .473 -.161 .282
13 Florida Atlantic L 23-55 9-42 -1.58 .027 -1.38 .071 -2.75 .071 -.218 .157 -5.50 .009 -.333 .130
14 North Texas W 38-19 38-19 -.19 .423 .73 .810 1.00 .737 .041 .586 2.18 .853 .167 .729

Florida State 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Clemson L 18-24 18-24 .53 .748 -.19 .394 -.47 .378 -.105 .299 -.44 .409 -.079 .385
2 UAB W 34-24 34-24 -.55 .249 .37 .701 1.31 .791 .191 .818 .92 .678 .154 .711
3 Colorado W 16-6 16-6 .57 .761 .38 .707 .77 .687 -.038 .421 -.13 .478 .077 .614
5 Alabama W 21-14 21-14 .62 .777 .25 .640 .50 .629 .064 .629 1.05 .704 .143 .695
6 NC State W 27-10 27-10 .63 .782 .81 .834 1.22 .774 .156 .766 1.89 .831 .467 .939
7 Wake Forest L 21-24 21-24 .16 .579 -.09 .470 -.10 .466 -.044 .408 -.98 .303 -.050 .426
8 Miami L 29-37 29-37 -.30 .372 -.26 .358 -.68 .330 -.050 .395 -1.01 .300 .043 .563
9 Duke W 25-6 25-6 .47 .721 .90 .855 1.67 .839 .429 .957 1.60 .791 .536 .962
10 Boston College W 27-17 27-17 .82 .855 .38 .707 .36 .598 .047 .599 -.71 .354 .192 .758
11 Virginia Tech L 21-40 21-38 .06 .534 -.57 .238 -1.14 .242 -.136 .254 -1.63 .202 -.143 .310
12 Maryland W 24-16 24-16 .48 .726 .31 .670 .62 .659 .040 .584 1.15 .728 -.077 .394
13 Florida L 12-45 12-38 -.67 .198 -1.63 .040 -3.25 .039 -.382 .059 -2.55 .112 -.250 .196
B Kentucky L 28-35 28-35 .26 .634 -.22 .383 -.93 .277 -.093 .323 -.21 .466 -.200 .237

Fresno State 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Texas A&M L 45-47 45-47 .13 .570 -.06 .482 -.17 .443 -.023 .454 1.22 .739 -.122 .332
3 Oregon L 21-52 14-42 -.41 .314 -1.22 .094 -2.33 .101 -.199 .177 -3.45 .054 -.333 .130
5 Louisiana Tech W 17-6 17-6 -.14 .442 .46 .728 .92 .716 -.058 .379 .13 .521 .083 .621
6 Nevada W 49-41 49-41 -.16 .434 .26 .642 .18 .559 -.029 .442 1.49 .775 -.033 .448
7 Idaho W 37-24 34-17 -.34 .346 .74 .813 1.67 .840 .204 .825 .86 .671 .303 .851
8 San Jose State W 30-0 27-0 .58 .764 1.35 .924 2.70 .925 .135 .742 1.22 .739 .300 .850
9 Boise State L 21-34 21-34 -.21 .412 -.52 .254 -1.67 .162 -.019 .461 -.62 .371 -.167 .278
10 Utah State W 38-27 38-20 .05 .529 1.00 .877 2.21 .893 .176 .795 .67 .639 .159 .716
11 Hawaii L 30-37 30-37 -.21 .414 -.29 .343 -.99 .268 -.066 .365 -3.37 .059 -.220 .218
13 Kansas State W 45-29 45-21 1.40 .951 1.26 .913 2.90 .938 .505 .982 .90 .675 .478 .943
14 New Mexico State W 30-23 30-23 -.57 .242 .33 .685 .89 .711 .195 .819 1.41 .768 .236 .799
B Georgia Tech W 40-28 40-28 .78 .839 .60 .771 1.20 .768 .303 .904 2.86 .909 .300 .850

Georgia 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Oklahoma State W 35-14 35-14 1.33 .947 .91 .857 2.02 .872 .217 .840 1.76 .813 .288 .837
2 South Carolina L 12-16 12-16 .21 .603 -.17 .402 -.45 .381 .007 .515 -.38 .423 .053 .579
4 Alabama W 26-23 26-23 .48 .730 .11 .551 -.13 .458 -.056 .384 -1.02 .298 .128 .673
5 Ole Miss W 45-17 38-17 1.09 .906 1.17 .900 2.10 .879 .097 .687 2.37 .872 .292 .839
6 Tennessee L 14-35 14-35 -.47 .289 -1.00 .130 -2.23 .106 -.311 .088 -2.61 .107 -.318 .136
7 Vanderbilt W 20-17 20-17 .20 .600 .13 .573 .12 .539 -.006 .486 -.65 .362 .144 .697
9 Florida W 42-30 42-30 1.52 .957 .57 .764 1.90 .861 .050 .605 1.50 .777 .300 .850
10 Troy W 44-34 44-27 .75 .827 .57 .762 1.00 .738 .074 .649 1.46 .772 .176 .738
11 Auburn W 45-20 45-20 1.78 .975 1.19 .902 2.09 .879 .213 .838 2.61 .892 .236 .799
12 Kentucky W 24-13 24-13 .92 .874 .44 .722 1.00 .737 .079 .653 .05 .510 .026 .539
13 Georgia Tech W 31-17 31-17 .74 .824 .56 .760 1.17 .763 .051 .606 2.01 .840 .083 .625
B Hawaii W 41-10 38-3 1.75 .973 1.67 .967 3.17 .957 .377 .940 2.99 .918 .465 .938

Georgia Tech 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Notre Dame W 33-3 33-3 1.29 .943 1.50 .947 3.00 .946 .472 .974 3.48 .947 .700 .993
3 Boston College L 10-24 10-24 -.10 .459 -.54 .251 -1.08 .254 -.199 .176 -3.44 .055 -.154 .294
4 Virginia L 23-28 23-28 .05 .524 -.15 .412 -.06 .480 -.047 .400 -.54 .386 .098 .641
5 Clemson W 13-3 13-3 1.13 .916 .40 .715 .83 .699 -.002 .495 .43 .587 -.167 .278
6 Maryland L 26-28 26-28 .07 .543 -.10 .467 -.90 .288 .175 .790 -1.11 .285 .200 .770
7 Miami W 17-14 17-14 .13 .568 .17 .595 .33 .594 .208 .830 .71 .646 .111 .660
8 Army W 34-10 34-10 .38 .680 1.04 .882 2.26 .894 .345 .927 3.01 .920 .379 .904
10 Virginia Tech L 3-27 3-27 -.30 .373 -.92 .139 -1.83 .145 -.079 .345 .03 .504 -.378 .096
11 Duke W 41-24 41-24 .08 .545 .52 .740 1.20 .768 .272 .879 3.27 .938 .197 .760
12 North Carolina W 27-25 27-25 -.02 .493 .06 .517 .13 .540 .027 .553 1.30 .752 -.063 .412
13 Georgia L 17-31 17-31 .27 .638 -.56 .242 -1.17 .239 -.051 .393 -2.01 .159 -.083 .377
B Fresno State L 28-40 28-40 -.56 .247 -.60 .228 -1.20 .231 -.303 .096 -2.86 .090 -.300 .155

Hawaii 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Louisiana Tech W 45-44 45-44 -.57 .244 .03 .502 .00 .510 .100 .689 2.74 .903 .071 .601
3 UNLV W 49-14 42-7 1.31 .947 1.94 .978 3.60 .973 .399 .949 2.74 .902 .403 .916
5 Idaho W 48-20 48-10 .28 .640 1.36 .926 2.12 .883 .319 .919 3.25 .937 .357 .888
6 Utah State W 52-37 52-27 .19 .594 1.14 .896 2.50 .912 .246 .856 6.16 .995 .300 .850
7 San Jose State W 42-35 42-35 -.57 .242 .19 .606 .66 .666 .131 .739 1.11 .715 .086 .626
9 New Mexico State W 50-13 43-13 .40 .688 1.30 .916 2.40 .906 .159 .770 1.75 .807 .311 .860
11 Fresno State W 37-30 37-30 .33 .661 .29 .664 .99 .731 .066 .634 3.37 .940 .220 .783
12 Nevada W 28-26 28-26 -.33 .350 .08 .525 .17 .555 .026 .553 .66 .638 .000 .521
13 Boise State W 39-27 39-27 .83 .857 .52 .746 1.30 .784 .174 .789 3.85 .959 .045 .570
14 Washington W 35-28 35-28 .54 .751 .29 .664 .58 .650 .081 .656 1.50 .777 .167 .729
B Georgia L 10-41 3-38 -.83 .140 -1.67 .033 -3.17 .043 -.377 .060 -2.99 .081 -.465 .062

Houston 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Oregon L 27-48 27-48 -.03 .487 -.84 .159 -1.44 .190 -.026 .447 -1.15 .272 -.199 .239
3 Tulane W 34-10 31-3 .77 .832 1.40 .933 2.80 .933 .442 .963 3.05 .925 .400 .914
4 Colorado State W 38-27 38-27 .01 .504 .37 .698 .41 .610 .089 .671 .27 .549 .024 .536
5 East Carolina L 35-37 35-37 -.15 .437 -.06 .484 -.53 .367 .040 .584 .26 .546 .059 .586
6 Alabama L 24-30 24-30 .14 .574 -.23 .375 -.32 .410 .073 .647 .55 .616 .026 .539
7 Rice W 56-48 56-48 -.49 .280 .25 .640 1.00 .737 .291 .895 3.75 .956 .071 .601
8 UAB W 49-10 49-10 .77 .837 1.70 .968 3.17 .958 .325 .921 .18 .527 .485 .946
9 UTEP W 34-31 34-31 -.45 .298 .13 .569 .02 .513 .059 .621 -.74 .348 .045 .572
10 SMU W 38-28 38-28 -.40 .319 .37 .701 .92 .718 .096 .683 -.75 .345 .181 .742
11 Tulsa L 7-56 0-42 -2.37 .003 -2.33 .007 -4.67 .006 -.472 .025 -5.10 .015 -.556 .034
12 Marshall W 35-28 35-28 -.05 .477 .32 .676 .64 .663 .028 .555 .13 .522 .000 .521
B TCU L 13-20 13-20 -.17 .431 -.29 .343 -.58 .355 -.019 .461 .69 .640 .000 .521

Idaho 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 USC L 10-38 3-38 -.87 .129 -1.75 .030 -3.50 .030 -.438 .039 -2.83 .093 -.400 .088
3 Washington State L 28-45 28-45 -.62 .223 -.59 .231 -1.35 .202 -.312 .086 -2.15 .151 -.376 .098
4 Northern Illinois L 35-42 35-42 -1.17 .072 -.20 .393 .03 .514 .035 .572 -.19 .471 .005 .522
5 Hawaii L 20-48 10-48 -1.28 .057 -1.36 .074 -2.12 .116 -.319 .081 -3.25 .063 -.357 .112
6 San Jose State L 20-28 20-28 -1.09 .083 -.32 .322 -1.25 .224 -.312 .086 -2.23 .141 -.250 .196
7 Fresno State L 24-37 17-34 -.70 .188 -.74 .187 -1.67 .159 -.204 .174 -.86 .329 -.303 .149
8 New Mexico State L 31-45 31-45 -1.46 .038 -.56 .242 -1.42 .195 -.101 .307 -1.39 .233 -.138 .312
9 Nevada L 21-37 21-37 -1.11 .076 -.70 .203 -1.09 .249 -.235 .147 -1.20 .263 -.427 .079
10 Louisiana Tech L 16-28 16-28 -.96 .105 -.35 .308 -.84 .300 -.061 .374 -1.06 .291 -.079 .385
12 Boise State L 14-58 14-52 -1.50 .032 -1.81 .027 -3.33 .037 -.348 .070 -2.31 .133 -.527 .039
13 Utah State L 19-24 19-24 -1.17 .070 -.23 .377 -.67 .331 .177 .796 .67 .638 -.036 .445

Illinois 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Missouri L 34-40 34-40 .71 .813 -.18 .400 .07 .522 .038 .581 .84 .667 -.133 .322
3 Syracuse W 41-20 41-10 .96 .881 1.55 .952 3.10 .952 .470 .973 3.10 .928 .500 .954
4 Indiana W 27-14 27-14 .46 .713 .45 .724 1.00 .732 .073 .648 .28 .550 .224 .789
5 Penn State W 27-20 27-20 .70 .813 .25 .640 .11 .537 -.118 .280 -.40 .419 -.049 .426
6 Wisconsin W 31-26 31-26 .60 .772 .24 .629 .74 .682 -.104 .303 .46 .595 -.045 .430
7 Iowa L 6-10 6-10 -.33 .354 -.24 .372 -.58 .355 -.189 .184 .47 .597 -.028 .457
8 Michigan L 17-27 17-27 .11 .560 -.42 .283 -.70 .326 -.196 .180 -.39 .420 -.053 .421
9 Ball State W 28-17 28-17 .27 .637 .48 .732 1.64 .836 .057 .617 2.94 .914 .000 .521
10 Minnesota W 44-17 37-10 1.14 .919 1.50 .947 3.00 .946 .346 .928 4.68 .978 .556 .968
11 Ohio State W 28-21 28-21 1.23 .931 .35 .691 .70 .673 .018 .535 .45 .593 .100 .650
12 Northwestern W 41-22 41-22 .54 .750 .83 .836 1.89 .860 .295 .899 1.12 .720 .386 .909
B USC L 17-49 10-42 -.40 .317 -1.28 .085 -2.73 .072 -.236 .147 -1.66 .197 -.269 .176

Indiana 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Western Michigan W 37-27 37-27 -.07 .471 .31 .672 .67 .668 .179 .799 .57 .617 .267 .822
3 Akron W 41-24 41-24 .12 .563 .77 .824 1.55 .822 .309 .908 .98 .695 .273 .829
4 Illinois L 14-27 14-27 .05 .525 -.45 .275 -1.00 .268 -.073 .351 -.28 .449 -.224 .210
5 Iowa W 38-20 38-20 .63 .781 .72 .809 1.50 .815 .093 .676 1.78 .814 .083 .621
6 Minnesota W 40-20 40-20 .54 .752 .91 .855 1.82 .853 .234 .850 .91 .677 .455 .931
7 Michigan State L 27-52 20-45 -.89 .122 -1.25 .092 -2.00 .130 -.467 .029 -.21 .468 -.333 .130
8 Penn State L 31-36 31-36 .28 .641 -.17 .404 -.36 .402 -.038 .421 .59 .621 -.143 .310
9 Wisconsin L 3-33 3-27 -.59 .232 -.96 .133 -2.02 .126 -.280 .115 -1.52 .216 -.340 .119
10 Ball State W 38-20 38-20 .51 .740 .72 .809 1.28 .782 .118 .721 1.92 .833 .147 .702
11 Northwestern L 28-31 28-31 -.43 .305 -.14 .419 -.57 .358 -.282 .113 -.55 .384 -.256 .185
12 Purdue W 27-24 27-24 .20 .601 .12 .562 .23 .571 .032 .565 .21 .531 .077 .614
B Oklahoma State L 33-49 27-49 -.54 .256 -.96 .134 -1.63 .166 -.197 .178 -1.20 .264 -.129 .325

Iowa 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Northern Illinois W 16-3 16-3 -.49 .282 .48 .734 1.02 .739 .154 .764 1.38 .763 .165 .721
2 Syracuse W 35-0 35-0 1.25 .935 1.84 .974 3.89 .978 .579 .990 5.11 .985 .356 .886
3 Iowa State L 13-15 13-15 -.47 .294 -.10 .467 -.06 .479 -.062 .371 -.59 .378 -.145 .301
4 Wisconsin L 13-17 13-17 .23 .616 -.14 .423 -.44 .384 -.044 .407 -.42 .415 .036 .554
5 Indiana L 20-38 20-38 -.71 .184 -.72 .193 -1.50 .186 -.093 .324 -1.78 .185 -.083 .383
6 Penn State L 7-27 7-27 -.29 .380 -.74 .185 -1.39 .199 -.314 .084 -2.85 .092 -.352 .117
7 Illinois W 10-6 10-6 .73 .820 .24 .627 .58 .650 .189 .815 -.47 .402 .028 .542
8 Purdue L 6-31 6-28 -.79 .154 -.88 .149 -1.87 .143 -.211 .163 -1.62 .204 -.179 .259
9 Michigan State W 34-27 34-27 .59 .767 .23 .626 .00 .510 -.161 .225 -.39 .421 .000 .521
10 Northwestern W 28-17 28-17 .07 .539 .35 .692 .80 .693 -.009 .481 .60 .623 .017 .525
11 Minnesota W 21-16 21-16 -.15 .440 .22 .616 .58 .644 -.002 .494 .61 .627 .023 .534
12 Western Michigan L 19-28 19-28 -.73 .178 -.35 .311 -.57 .357 -.099 .311 -.37 .428 -.365 .106

Iowa State 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Kent State L 14-23 14-23 -1.21 .068 -.36 .305 -.60 .344 -.097 .315 .27 .547 .026 .539
3 Iowa W 15-13 15-13 .00 .503 .10 .533 .06 .520 .062 .628 .59 .621 .145 .700
4 Toledo L 35-36 35-36 -.69 .190 -.04 .494 .32 .588 .029 .559 -1.08 .291 .065 .590
5 Nebraska L 17-35 17-35 -.76 .171 -.72 .193 -.92 .284 -.018 .463 -1.75 .190 -.083 .383
6 Texas Tech L 17-42 3-35 -.80 .151 -1.39 .070 -2.55 .084 -.419 .046 -4.54 .023 -.317 .137
7 Texas L 3-56 3-49 -2.13 .006 -2.71 .001 -4.88 .002 -.470 .027 -4.66 .022 -.500 .051
8 Oklahoma L 7-17 7-17 .49 .735 -.45 .274 -.91 .287 -.012 .475 -.79 .340 -.091 .370
9 Missouri L 28-42 28-42 .25 .626 -.64 .221 -1.30 .213 -.068 .362 -1.84 .173 -.300 .155
10 Kansas State W 31-20 31-20 .53 .744 .39 .710 .31 .585 -.135 .258 -.44 .410 -.077 .394
11 Colorado W 31-28 31-28 .29 .643 .10 .541 .20 .563 -.025 .449 -.04 .493 .067 .595
12 Kansas L 7-45 7-38 -.72 .182 -1.55 .048 -3.10 .049 -.356 .067 -3.68 .044 -.500 .051

Kansas 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Central Michigan W 52-7 42-0 1.94 .988 2.21 .989 3.89 .978 .416 .953 4.41 .973 .556 .968
3 Toledo W 45-13 45-7 .70 .811 1.36 .926 2.96 .941 .469 .971 4.95 .981 .467 .940
4 Florida International W 55-3 41-3 .69 .807 1.58 .956 2.84 .935 .484 .976 4.13 .968 .462 .935
6 Kansas State W 30-24 30-24 .35 .668 .21 .614 .43 .612 .039 .581 1.12 .719 .000 .521
7 Baylor W 58-10 44-10 .73 .820 1.26 .909 2.57 .916 .253 .862 1.93 .834 .448 .926
8 Colorado W 19-14 19-14 .40 .687 .21 .613 .56 .640 .003 .508 1.13 .721 .114 .661
9 Texas A&M W 19-11 19-11 .55 .754 .35 .690 .81 .694 .251 .861 .99 .697 .470 .941
10 Nebraska W 76-39 69-31 1.69 .970 1.73 .968 3.45 .968 .396 .948 .41 .583 .455 .931
11 Oklahoma State W 43-28 43-28 .93 .876 .52 .742 1.07 .744 .131 .737 1.11 .716 .286 .836
12 Iowa State W 45-7 38-7 1.18 .925 1.55 .952 3.10 .952 .356 .932 3.68 .956 .500 .954
13 Missouri L 28-36 28-36 .55 .755 -.33 .318 -.67 .332 -.052 .391 1.37 .760 .000 .521
B Virginia Tech W 24-21 24-21 .74 .826 .12 .562 .25 .576 -.010 .478 -.24 .459 .000 .521

Kansas State 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Auburn L 13-23 13-23 .24 .622 -.34 .314 -.36 .399 -.085 .336 -1.30 .249 -.185 .254
2 San Jose State W 34-14 34-7 .66 .791 1.42 .935 2.62 .921 .287 .888 2.59 .889 .489 .947
5 Texas W 41-21 41-21 1.34 .949 .77 .820 .38 .604 .034 .571 -.62 .371 .269 .825
6 Kansas L 24-30 24-30 .62 .777 -.21 .385 -.43 .388 -.039 .418 -1.12 .280 .000 .521
7 Colorado W 47-20 40-20 .86 .861 .67 .789 1.02 .739 .043 .589 .57 .617 .305 .852
8 Oklahoma State L 39-41 39-41 .34 .662 -.07 .479 .63 .661 .073 .647 1.18 .732 .038 .562
9 Baylor W 51-13 44-13 .44 .709 .97 .869 1.94 .865 .211 .836 .65 .636 .438 .922
10 Iowa State L 20-31 20-31 -.76 .165 -.39 .291 -.31 .414 .135 .742 .44 .589 .077 .614
11 Nebraska L 31-73 10-52 -2.51 .002 -2.47 .004 -4.38 .010 -.499 .018 -5.34 .011 -.625 .018
12 Missouri L 32-49 25-42 .21 .603 -.68 .208 -1.60 .171 -.121 .275 -.74 .346 -.121 .334
13 Fresno State L 29-45 21-45 -1.22 .065 -1.26 .087 -2.90 .061 -.505 .017 -.90 .324 -.478 .057

Kent State 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Iowa State W 23-14 23-14 -.01 .496 .36 .697 .60 .655 .097 .684 -.27 .452 -.026 .462
2 Kentucky L 20-56 20-49 -.78 .158 -1.26 .089 -2.79 .067 -.060 .377 -2.67 .104 -.386 .091
4 Akron L 20-27 20-27 -.87 .128 -.22 .383 -.44 .385 .130 .737 2.14 .847 -.063 .412
5 Ohio W 33-25 33-25 -.29 .378 .31 .670 .62 .659 .229 .846 1.14 .723 .308 .857
6 Miami (OH) L 13-20 13-20 -.88 .124 -.32 .326 -.64 .338 .012 .525 -2.29 .135 -.091 .370
7 Ohio State L 3-48 0-42 -1.92 .012 -2.80 .000 -4.67 .006 -.440 .038 -3.39 .058 -.667 .013
8 Bowling Green L 20-31 20-31 -.94 .109 -.50 .263 -1.00 .267 .030 .562 -1.37 .239 -.091 .370
9 Central Michigan L 32-41 32-41 -.63 .213 -.36 .305 -.96 .273 -.190 .182 -.59 .381 -.058 .415
11 Northern Illinois L 20-27 20-27 -1.24 .061 -.27 .353 -.54 .364 -.185 .190 -1.25 .256 -.154 .294
12 Temple L 14-24 14-24 -1.22 .065 -.36 .306 -1.18 .235 -.421 .045 -2.32 .131 -.423 .080
13 Buffalo L 23-30 23-30 -.98 .100 -.33 .318 .26 .577 .093 .677 .45 .592 .056 .583

Kentucky 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Kent State W 56-20 49-20 .41 .692 1.26 .912 2.79 .932 .060 .622 2.67 .895 .386 .909
3 Louisville W 40-34 40-34 .42 .698 .25 .640 .63 .660 -.029 .441 -1.20 .263 .083 .625
4 Arkansas W 42-29 42-29 .98 .887 .38 .706 1.33 .796 -.013 .471 -.11 .482 .133 .684
5 Florida Atlantic W 45-17 45-17 1.13 .917 1.33 .921 2.10 .882 .478 .975 2.26 .860 .400 .914
6 South Carolina L 23-38 23-38 -.20 .421 -.58 .235 -.27 .422 .048 .602 -.36 .429 .053 .579
7 LSU W 43-37 43-37 1.20 .928 .22 .621 .25 .574 .067 .637 1.05 .706 -.045 .430
8 Florida L 37-45 37-45 .55 .754 -.40 .288 -.80 .308 .069 .641 -.51 .393 .000 .521
9 Mississippi State L 14-31 14-31 -.52 .265 -.71 .199 -1.31 .207 -.050 .395 .12 .520 -.144 .303
11 Vanderbilt W 27-20 27-20 .39 .683 .32 .676 .45 .621 -.160 .227 -.49 .397 -.045 .428
12 Georgia L 13-24 13-24 .39 .685 -.44 .277 -1.00 .267 -.079 .346 -.05 .489 -.026 .462
13 Tennessee L 50-52 50-52 .48 .727 -.05 .485 -.13 .456 .011 .522 -.92 .320 -.025 .463
B Florida State W 35-28 35-28 .46 .716 .22 .618 .93 .723 .093 .676 .21 .534 .200 .770

Louisiana 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 South Carolina L 14-28 14-28 -.32 .359 -.70 .201 -1.40 .197 -.159 .228 -1.63 .202 -.300 .155
2 Ohio L 23-31 23-31 -.94 .108 -.35 .310 -.90 .287 -.005 .487 .48 .600 -.121 .334
4 Troy L 31-48 31-48 -.35 .340 -.53 .252 -.80 .309 -.134 .258 -1.08 .290 -.088 .372
5 UCF L 19-37 19-37 -.53 .261 -.75 .183 -1.14 .242 -.108 .296 -.79 .341 -.129 .325
6 North Texas W 38-29 38-29 -.61 .225 .31 .671 .99 .730 -.033 .430 1.99 .836 .128 .673
7 Arkansas State L 21-52 21-52 -1.94 .010 -1.48 .058 -3.17 .043 -.493 .020 -2.87 .089 -.505 .044
8 Florida Atlantic L 32-39 32-39 -.47 .288 -.27 .353 -.07 .478 .010 .519 1.05 .705 .000 .521
10 Tennessee L 7-59 7-45 -1.85 .015 -2.38 .006 -4.29 .011 -.403 .049 -1.24 .256 -.583 .026
11 Middle Tennessee W 34-24 34-24 .06 .531 .42 .718 .83 .699 .209 .831 2.71 .899 .083 .625
12 Florida International W 38-28 38-28 -.49 .275 .40 .715 1.30 .787 .142 .754 .17 .526 .161 .718
13 UL Monroe L 11-17 11-17 -.76 .171 -.26 .356 -.08 .473 .125 .730 1.75 .808 -.133 .322

Louisiana Tech 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Hawaii L 44-45 44-45 .05 .526 -.03 .499 .00 .510 -.100 .310 -2.74 .096 -.071 .402
3 California L 12-42 12-42 -.91 .116 -1.25 .092 -2.18 .110 -.317 .082 -3.08 .072 -.295 .158
5 Fresno State L 6-17 6-17 -.42 .312 -.46 .272 -.92 .284 .058 .620 -.13 .478 -.083 .383
6 Ole Miss L 0-24 0-17 -.68 .195 -.61 .228 -1.21 .229 -.026 .449 -1.49 .225 -.071 .402
7 New Mexico State W 22-21 22-21 -.87 .129 .03 .504 .17 .555 .075 .650 .64 .633 .095 .640
8 Boise State L 31-45 31-45 -.12 .453 -.42 .279 -1.18 .234 -.095 .318 -.62 .370 -.173 .266
9 Utah State W 31-21 31-14 -.14 .447 .81 .834 1.42 .807 .206 .828 .91 .678 .145 .700
10 Idaho W 28-16 28-16 -.72 .181 .35 .692 .84 .699 .061 .626 1.06 .708 .079 .615
11 LSU L 10-58 7-44 -.40 .321 -1.37 .072 -2.88 .063 -.368 .061 -5.27 .012 -.544 .037
12 San Jose State W 27-23 27-23 -.61 .228 .16 .591 .48 .624 -.075 .349 -1.24 .257 .038 .562
14 Nevada L 10-49 10-49 -2.04 .008 -1.63 .040 -3.81 .023 -.487 .022 -4.43 .025 -.402 .084

Louisville 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Middle Tennessee W 58-42 58-42 .26 .631 .62 .775 .96 .728 .095 .679 -2.18 .147 .186 .747
3 Kentucky L 34-40 34-40 .23 .617 -.25 .365 -.63 .339 .029 .558 1.20 .737 -.083 .377
4 Syracuse L 35-38 35-38 -.69 .190 -.10 .465 .12 .538 .060 .624 -.95 .313 -.024 .465
5 NC State W 29-10 29-10 .73 .819 .90 .855 1.64 .836 .145 .756 .09 .514 .436 .921
6 Utah L 35-44 35-44 -.09 .465 -.32 .320 -.64 .335 -.135 .256 -.30 .443 -.143 .310
7 Cincinnati W 28-24 28-24 .74 .823 .14 .579 .40 .606 .021 .541 -.38 .422 .090 .629
8 Connecticut L 17-21 17-21 .09 .549 -.18 .398 -.40 .395 .020 .539 -.87 .325 .000 .521
9 Pittsburgh W 24-17 24-17 .36 .671 .30 .669 .77 .685 .105 .701 .45 .593 .205 .773
11 West Virginia L 31-38 31-38 .78 .838 -.22 .383 -.13 .456 -.030 .438 .86 .669 -.021 .471
12 South Florida L 17-55 10-48 -.98 .100 -1.65 .035 -2.98 .058 -.289 .110 -1.78 .185 -.374 .100
14 Rutgers W 41-38 41-38 .45 .712 .13 .569 .25 .576 .036 .576 .64 .632 .000 .521

LSU 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Mississippi State W 45-0 38-0 1.84 .981 1.65 .966 3.17 .956 .247 .857 1.60 .794 .500 .954
2 Virginia Tech W 48-7 34-7 2.13 .995 1.50 .947 3.00 .946 .505 .982 4.78 .979 .556 .968
3 Middle Tennessee W 44-0 37-0 1.82 .978 2.18 .986 4.11 .984 .691 .996 6.52 .996 .778 .998
4 South Carolina W 28-16 28-10 1.10 .908 .72 .809 1.56 .825 .190 .817 2.16 .849 .263 .820
5 Tulane W 34-9 34-9 .37 .673 1.00 .877 1.88 .858 .114 .712 1.32 .754 .455 .932
6 Florida W 28-24 28-24 1.18 .924 .22 .621 .44 .617 .116 .717 -1.46 .228 .222 .788
7 Kentucky L 37-43 37-43 .26 .633 -.22 .381 -.25 .426 -.067 .362 -1.05 .294 .045 .570
8 Auburn W 30-24 30-24 .85 .860 .26 .645 .32 .588 .177 .797 2.29 .863 .136 .687
10 Alabama W 41-34 41-34 .58 .763 .21 .610 .72 .680 .112 .707 1.82 .824 .158 .715
11 Louisiana Tech W 58-10 44-7 .77 .834 1.37 .928 2.88 .938 .368 .938 5.27 .987 .544 .963
12 Ole Miss W 41-24 41-24 .70 .810 .77 .824 1.70 .843 -.067 .364 -1.17 .270 .300 .850
13 Arkansas L 48-50 48-50 .53 .746 -.06 .483 -.18 .441 -.065 .367 -2.99 .082 .051 .577
C Tennessee W 21-14 21-14 .82 .854 .29 .664 .02 .513 .033 .570 .01 .500 .030 .547
P Ohio State W 38-24 38-17 1.93 .987 1.05 .885 2.10 .882 .139 .750 -.33 .436 .200 .770

Marshall 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Miami L 3-31 3-24 -.95 .107 -.91 .143 -1.93 .135 -.319 .081 -2.80 .093 -.288 .163
2 West Virginia L 23-48 23-41 .33 .659 -.67 .213 -1.51 .183 -.141 .247 -1.18 .268 -.104 .348
4 Cincinnati L 14-40 14-40 -.53 .258 -1.13 .105 -2.09 .122 -.113 .289 -1.75 .189 -.318 .136
6 Memphis L 21-24 21-24 -.77 .160 -.15 .413 -.30 .417 -.089 .329 .43 .586 -.200 .237
7 Tulsa L 31-38 31-38 -.32 .356 -.29 .343 -.58 .355 -.157 .232 -1.34 .243 -.083 .383
8 Southern Mississippi L 24-33 24-33 -.45 .300 -.33 .318 -.82 .303 -.114 .287 -.63 .369 -.176 .264
9 Rice W 34-21 34-21 -.20 .421 .54 .753 1.08 .749 -.042 .411 -.29 .448 .250 .812
10 UCF L 13-47 13-40 -.95 .107 -1.17 .099 -2.15 .113 -.165 .221 -1.04 .296 -.311 .141
11 East Carolina W 26-7 26-7 .96 .882 1.06 .886 2.11 .883 .297 .900 1.76 .811 .333 .877
12 Houston L 28-35 28-35 -.49 .275 -.32 .326 -.64 .338 -.028 .444 -.13 .477 .000 .521
13 UAB W 46-39 46-39 -.59 .233 .33 .685 1.13 .756 .043 .591 .29 .554 .178 .739

Maryland 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Florida International W 26-10 26-10 -.32 .357 .57 .764 1.10 .751 .138 .747 .37 .573 .203 .772
3 West Virginia L 14-31 14-31 .19 .593 -.81 .169 -1.83 .145 -.303 .095 -3.14 .068 -.418 .081
4 Wake Forest L 24-31 24-31 .01 .508 -.24 .369 .54 .636 .046 .596 -.22 .463 .077 .614
5 Rutgers W 34-24 34-24 .67 .798 .34 .688 .71 .678 .149 .760 -.34 .432 .357 .888
6 Georgia Tech W 28-26 28-26 .28 .639 .10 .533 .90 .711 -.175 .209 1.11 .714 -.200 .237
8 Virginia L 17-18 17-18 .15 .577 -.05 .487 -.09 .470 -.270 .121 -1.61 .205 -.091 .370
9 Clemson L 17-30 3-30 -.86 .133 -1.59 .042 -2.96 .059 -.449 .034 -2.00 .163 -.653 .015
10 North Carolina L 13-16 13-16 -.21 .415 -.13 .434 -.15 .449 .014 .529 -.23 .459 -.061 .413
11 Boston College W 42-35 42-35 .76 .829 .32 .676 .64 .664 .058 .619 1.38 .765 .091 .637
12 Florida State L 16-24 16-24 -.06 .475 -.31 .330 -.62 .341 -.040 .416 -1.15 .271 .077 .614
13 NC State W 37-0 30-0 1.25 .936 1.43 .937 3.00 .946 .296 .900 2.14 .848 .600 .978
B Oregon State L 14-21 14-21 .12 .566 -.29 .343 -.58 .355 -.161 .225 -.38 .424 -.083 .383

Memphis 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Ole Miss L 21-23 21-23 -.15 .436 -.08 .477 .50 .629 .069 .640 -.29 .446 -.026 .462
4 UCF L 20-56 6-49 -2.31 .004 -2.53 .002 -5.46 .000 -.651 .004 -4.49 .024 -.653 .015
5 Arkansas State L 31-35 31-35 -.63 .215 -.17 .408 -.36 .400 -.119 .277 -.27 .452 -.091 .370
6 Marshall W 24-21 24-21 -.22 .410 .15 .587 .30 .584 .089 .670 -.43 .413 .200 .770
7 Middle Tennessee L 7-21 7-21 -.88 .126 -.52 .257 -1.25 .224 -.311 .088 -2.23 .143 -.190 .247
8 Rice W 38-35 38-35 -.60 .230 .14 .576 .27 .579 .155 .765 .02 .503 .273 .829
9 Tulane W 28-27 28-27 -.59 .234 .05 .513 .09 .528 -.084 .336 .20 .530 -.182 .257
10 East Carolina L 40-56 40-56 -.63 .217 -.53 .251 -1.07 .256 -.175 .209 -2.92 .086 -.133 .322
11 Southern Mississippi W 29-26 29-26 .02 .515 .14 .576 .64 .663 .121 .724 .60 .622 -.045 .428
12 UAB W 25-9 25-9 -.03 .485 .89 .852 1.78 .847 .181 .801 2.47 .880 .444 .925
13 SMU W 55-52 55-52 -.68 .192 .09 .527 .00 .510 .095 .680 -1.29 .250 .071 .604
B Florida Atlantic L 27-44 27-44 -1.01 .094 -.81 .169 -1.95 .133 -.257 .133 -3.20 .064 -.245 .197

Miami 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Marshall W 31-3 24-3 .55 .753 .91 .857 1.93 .864 .319 .918 2.80 .906 .288 .837
2 Oklahoma L 13-51 13-38 -.14 .446 -1.09 .111 -2.02 .126 -.308 .092 -3.15 .067 -.250 .196
3 Florida International W 23-9 23-9 -.31 .364 .58 .768 1.17 .763 .203 .824 2.01 .838 .333 .877
4 Texas A&M W 34-17 31-3 1.60 .963 1.40 .933 2.77 .930 .395 .947 3.90 .963 .378 .902
5 Duke W 24-14 24-14 .02 .513 .45 .726 .91 .714 .164 .777 1.90 .831 .273 .829
6 North Carolina L 27-33 27-33 -.31 .367 -.22 .381 -.61 .343 -.004 .489 .26 .545 -.181 .258
7 Georgia Tech L 14-17 14-17 .01 .511 -.17 .408 -.33 .408 -.208 .169 -.71 .353 -.111 .340
8 Florida State W 37-29 37-29 .50 .737 .26 .642 .68 .669 .050 .604 1.01 .699 -.043 .436
10 NC State L 16-19 16-19 -.29 .377 -.11 .447 -.10 .463 .001 .501 1.50 .778 -.032 .452
11 Virginia L 0-48 0-38 -1.70 .020 -1.90 .022 -3.80 .024 -.426 .043 -4.30 .029 -.600 .024
12 Virginia Tech L 14-44 14-37 -.47 .293 -1.10 .108 -2.43 .092 -.255 .136 -2.21 .145 -.518 .042
13 Boston College L 14-28 14-28 -.03 .489 -.47 .269 -.93 .279 -.207 .170 -3.53 .051 -.133 .322

Miami (OH) 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Ball State W 14-13 14-13 -.17 .433 .04 .511 .19 .561 -.045 .405 .03 .504 .030 .547
2 Minnesota L 35-41 35-41 -.53 .258 -.17 .408 .00 .510 -.016 .468 .30 .555 .067 .595
3 Cincinnati L 10-47 10-40 -.76 .166 -1.36 .073 -2.37 .096 -.309 .091 -1.50 .223 -.518 .042
4 Colorado L 0-42 0-28 -1.37 .048 -1.56 .046 -3.11 .046 -.557 .011 -4.29 .029 -.444 .077
5 Syracuse W 17-14 17-14 -.48 .286 .12 .562 .23 .571 .126 .732 .94 .683 .077 .614
6 Kent State W 20-13 20-13 -.53 .260 .32 .676 .64 .663 -.012 .474 2.29 .864 .091 .637
7 Bowling Green W 47-14 37-7 .99 .889 1.43 .937 3.05 .948 .492 .979 4.74 .978 .509 .956
8 Temple L 17-24 17-24 -1.10 .078 -.24 .369 -.87 .296 .001 .503 -1.85 .171 -.067 .409
9 Vanderbilt L 13-24 13-24 -.43 .307 -.50 .263 -1.22 .227 -.251 .140 -1.84 .173 -.036 .445
10 Buffalo W 31-28 31-28 -.53 .261 .12 .565 .95 .725 .293 .897 3.02 .921 .315 .862
12 Akron W 7-0 7-0 -.40 .316 .25 .640 .00 .510 .159 .770 2.16 .850 .000 .521
13 Ohio L 29-38 29-38 -.96 .106 -.36 .305 -.59 .348 .131 .738 .70 .644 -.007 .477
C Central Michigan L 10-35 10-28 -1.09 .081 -.82 .165 -1.64 .166 -.086 .334 -1.09 .289 .000 .521

Michigan 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Oregon L 7-39 7-39 -.72 .183 -1.52 .050 -3.26 .039 -.344 .073 -4.06 .035 -.518 .042
3 Notre Dame W 38-0 38-0 1.90 .985 2.11 .984 4.22 .987 .581 .992 4.90 .980 .667 .990
4 Penn State W 14-9 14-9 .68 .803 .23 .624 .45 .618 .130 .735 -.47 .401 .000 .521
5 Northwestern W 28-16 28-16 .19 .595 .48 .733 1.10 .754 .014 .529 -.65 .366 .192 .758
6 Eastern Michigan W 33-22 33-22 -.28 .385 .39 .710 1.04 .742 .274 .881 2.27 .862 .192 .758
7 Purdue W 48-21 48-7 1.73 .972 1.64 .961 3.06 .949 .359 .934 3.44 .944 .524 .959
8 Illinois W 27-17 27-17 .91 .873 .42 .718 .70 .674 .196 .820 .39 .579 .053 .579
9 Minnesota W 34-10 27-10 .34 .664 .71 .804 1.98 .869 .292 .895 3.86 .961 .326 .868
10 Michigan State W 28-24 28-24 .50 .737 .14 .579 .40 .606 .001 .504 1.18 .733 .019 .527
11 Wisconsin L 21-37 21-37 -.21 .416 -.57 .237 -1.35 .203 -.237 .145 -.65 .365 -.324 .133
12 Ohio State L 3-14 3-14 .50 .738 -.38 .296 -.80 .308 -.162 .223 -2.38 .126 -.010 .475
B Florida W 41-35 41-35 1.18 .926 .23 .626 .24 .572 .182 .804 .46 .596 -.045 .433

Michigan State 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 UAB W 55-18 48-5 1.34 .948 2.26 .991 4.27 .988 .555 .987 5.75 .993 .689 .991
2 Bowling Green W 28-17 28-17 -.06 .474 .38 .704 .87 .704 .187 .812 1.50 .779 .090 .629
3 Pittsburgh W 17-13 17-13 .22 .610 .16 .591 -.09 .471 .052 .609 -1.78 .184 .042 .563
4 Notre Dame W 31-14 31-14 .44 .710 .65 .784 1.31 .791 .273 .880 1.50 .779 .308 .857
5 Wisconsin L 34-37 34-37 .25 .626 -.12 .445 -.23 .431 .066 .635 1.48 .773 .000 .521
6 Northwestern L 41-48 41-48 -.57 .244 -.28 .348 .31 .586 -.082 .339 .87 .672 -.038 .441
7 Indiana W 52-27 45-20 1.26 .938 1.25 .909 2.00 .871 .467 .971 .21 .532 .333 .877
8 Ohio State L 17-24 17-24 .59 .766 -.29 .343 -1.70 .158 -.232 .151 -2.67 .103 -.317 .137
9 Iowa L 27-34 27-34 -.32 .357 -.23 .373 .00 .510 .161 .774 .39 .579 .000 .521
10 Michigan L 24-28 24-28 .39 .685 -.14 .423 -.40 .395 -.001 .496 -1.18 .266 -.019 .473
11 Purdue W 48-31 48-31 .80 .844 .71 .804 1.14 .758 .060 .625 -2.51 .115 .311 .860
12 Penn State W 35-31 35-31 .60 .771 .15 .586 .48 .623 .097 .685 2.12 .846 .027 .541
B Boston College L 21-24 21-24 .35 .667 -.09 .473 -.18 .442 .052 .607 .42 .584 .000 .521

Middle Tennessee 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Florida Atlantic L 14-27 14-27 -.67 .200 -.46 .270 -1.29 .216 -.177 .202 -3.10 .072 -.338 .120
2 Louisville L 42-58 42-58 -.44 .303 -.62 .225 -.96 .272 -.095 .320 2.18 .852 -.186 .254
3 LSU L 0-44 0-37 -1.20 .069 -2.18 .013 -4.11 .015 -.691 .003 -6.52 .003 -.778 .003
5 Florida International W 47-6 47-6 .52 .743 1.41 .933 3.36 .966 .364 .937 4.13 .967 .500 .954
6 Virginia L 21-23 21-23 .12 .567 -.07 .479 -.27 .421 -.016 .467 -.94 .315 -.022 .469
7 Memphis W 21-7 21-7 -.10 .457 .52 .744 1.25 .777 .311 .911 2.23 .856 .190 .753
8 Arkansas State W 24-7 24-7 .38 .681 .85 .846 1.19 .766 .341 .924 3.07 .926 .456 .934
9 North Texas W 48-28 48-28 -.26 .395 .67 .789 1.33 .796 .118 .721 -1.78 .183 .200 .770
10 UL Monroe W 43-40 43-40 -.38 .326 .12 .562 -.01 .489 -.111 .293 1.03 .703 .038 .562
11 Louisiana L 24-34 24-34 -1.10 .077 -.42 .283 -.83 .302 -.209 .168 -2.71 .100 -.083 .377
13 Troy L 7-45 7-38 -1.29 .052 -1.48 .058 -3.10 .049 -.302 .096 -1.71 .195 -.500 .051

Minnesota 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Bowling Green L 31-32 31-32 -.48 .284 -.04 .494 -.15 .449 -.022 .457 -.74 .348 -.109 .342
2 Miami (OH) W 41-35 41-35 -.40 .320 .17 .595 .00 .510 .016 .532 -.30 .444 -.067 .409
3 Florida Atlantic L 39-42 39-42 -.31 .364 -.11 .454 -.33 .408 .125 .730 -.70 .357 -.083 .383
4 Purdue L 31-45 31-45 -.43 .305 -.52 .257 -.43 .387 -.124 .271 -.36 .430 -.161 .282
5 Ohio State L 7-30 7-30 -.04 .484 -.92 .140 -1.96 .131 -.261 .128 -3.00 .081 -.263 .181
6 Indiana L 20-40 20-40 -.90 .119 -.91 .144 -1.82 .150 -.234 .149 -.91 .322 -.455 .072
7 Northwestern L 48-49 48-49 -.32 .358 -.03 .499 .00 .510 -.046 .402 -.10 .485 -.077 .394
9 Michigan L 10-34 10-27 -.18 .428 -.71 .199 -1.98 .131 -.292 .104 -3.86 .039 -.326 .131
10 Illinois L 17-44 10-37 -1.00 .095 -1.50 .055 -3.00 .057 -.346 .071 -4.68 .022 -.556 .034
11 Iowa L 16-21 16-21 -.31 .365 -.22 .384 -.58 .355 .002 .505 -.61 .372 -.023 .466
12 Wisconsin L 34-41 34-41 .10 .553 -.27 .353 -.32 .410 -.010 .479 -.54 .388 -.192 .246

Mississippi State 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 LSU L 0-45 0-38 -.68 .197 -1.65 .035 -3.17 .044 -.247 .143 -1.60 .206 -.500 .051
2 Tulane W 38-17 38-17 .21 .602 .84 .843 1.17 .763 .299 .902 .25 .542 .333 .877
3 Auburn W 19-14 19-14 .80 .843 .21 .613 .03 .515 -.115 .286 -1.10 .286 .133 .684
5 South Carolina L 21-38 21-38 -.30 .371 -.68 .208 -1.17 .235 -.188 .185 -1.36 .242 -.288 .162
6 UAB W 30-13 30-13 -.15 .438 .77 .824 1.12 .755 .073 .645 -.12 .482 .036 .557
7 Tennessee L 21-33 21-33 .07 .539 -.46 .271 -.92 .283 -.122 .274 -.95 .311 -.385 .093
8 West Virginia L 13-38 13-38 -.09 .463 -1.09 .111 -2.37 .096 -.259 .130 -3.10 .070 -.379 .096
9 Kentucky W 31-14 31-14 1.19 .926 .71 .804 1.31 .792 .050 .605 -.12 .480 .144 .697
11 Alabama W 17-12 17-12 .60 .770 .23 .624 -.09 .472 -.109 .295 -.98 .303 -.164 .280
12 Arkansas L 31-45 31-45 .11 .560 -.48 .265 -.86 .299 -.041 .412 -.81 .336 -.128 .328
13 Ole Miss W 17-14 17-14 .02 .515 .10 .534 -.16 .447 -.042 .412 -.25 .456 -.045 .434
B UCF W 10-3 10-3 .47 .723 .25 .640 .50 .629 -.052 .388 -.17 .474 -.071 .402

Missouri 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Illinois W 40-34 40-34 .67 .799 .18 .600 -.07 .478 -.038 .419 -.84 .332 .133 .684
2 Ole Miss W 38-25 38-25 .47 .719 .54 .753 1.08 .749 .076 .651 .37 .572 .250 .812
3 Western Michigan W 52-24 45-24 .42 .697 .81 .830 2.04 .876 .218 .841 3.12 .930 .365 .894
6 Nebraska W 41-6 34-6 1.96 .990 2.00 .981 4.00 .981 .442 .963 3.76 .957 .571 .972
7 Oklahoma L 31-41 24-41 .24 .620 -.71 .199 -1.50 .186 -.218 .159 -1.19 .265 -.267 .178
8 Texas Tech W 41-10 38-10 1.99 .993 1.40 .933 2.88 .936 .311 .910 2.55 .886 .325 .867
9 Iowa State W 42-28 42-28 .26 .635 .64 .779 1.30 .786 .068 .638 1.84 .826 .300 .850
10 Colorado W 55-10 48-10 1.65 .966 1.46 .939 2.92 .940 .425 .956 4.19 .968 .462 .935
11 Texas A&M W 40-26 40-26 .81 .848 .61 .773 1.44 .808 .196 .820 1.58 .790 .129 .676
12 Kansas State W 49-32 42-25 .82 .853 .68 .794 1.60 .829 .121 .725 .74 .653 .121 .666
13 Kansas W 36-28 36-28 1.17 .923 .33 .685 .67 .668 .052 .608 -1.37 .239 .000 .521
C Oklahoma L 17-38 17-35 .00 .501 -.95 .137 -2.19 .107 -.116 .282 -.80 .338 -.156 .286
B Arkansas W 38-7 31-7 1.42 .954 .83 .837 1.31 .791 .160 .773 1.51 .780 .077 .614

Navy 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Temple W 30-19 30-19 -.25 .400 .61 .774 1.22 .774 .269 .876 2.32 .867 .222 .788
2 Rutgers L 24-41 17-34 -.74 .176 -1.06 .112 -2.13 .114 -.259 .131 -2.98 .084 -.375 .100
3 Ball State L 31-34 31-34 -.35 .338 -.14 .419 -.34 .404 .046 .597 .54 .612 -.067 .409
4 Duke W 46-43 46-43 -.32 .360 .12 .565 -.04 .482 .053 .612 -1.31 .246 .109 .659
5 Air Force W 31-20 31-20 .63 .780 .52 .746 1.28 .782 -.093 .322 .07 .513 .155 .713
7 Pittsburgh W 48-45 48-45 .19 .592 .13 .573 -.42 .388 .029 .560 -.16 .475 .133 .684
8 Wake Forest L 24-44 24-44 -.86 .133 -1.11 .107 -1.96 .132 -.181 .197 -1.36 .241 -.556 .034
10 Notre Dame W 46-44 46-44 -.12 .452 .09 .529 -.64 .335 -.119 .276 .22 .534 -.054 .419
11 North Texas W 74-62 74-56 -.26 .395 .67 .789 1.26 .779 .187 .811 3.16 .933 .218 .780
12 Northern Illinois W 35-24 35-24 -.42 .311 .55 .756 1.10 .753 .030 .560 1.81 .821 .100 .650
14 Army W 38-3 31-3 .67 .798 1.33 .921 2.03 .875 .057 .616 .30 .557 .133 .684
B Utah L 32-35 32-35 .12 .562 -.12 .437 -.72 .320 -.146 .240 -.02 .499 .007 .523

NC State 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 UCF L 23-25 23-25 .15 .577 -.07 .480 -.14 .451 -.011 .477 .25 .541 -.071 .397
2 Boston College L 17-37 10-30 -.30 .369 -.74 .185 -1.20 .230 -.054 .387 .33 .564 -.190 .247
4 Clemson L 20-42 20-39 -.14 .447 -.86 .151 -2.26 .105 -.439 .039 -3.41 .056 -.618 .020
5 Louisville L 10-29 10-29 -.73 .179 -.90 .145 -1.64 .166 -.145 .243 -.09 .485 -.436 .078
6 Florida State L 10-27 10-27 -.56 .246 -.81 .169 -1.22 .226 -.156 .233 -1.89 .169 -.467 .061
8 East Carolina W 34-20 34-20 .35 .670 .45 .725 .83 .697 .144 .756 1.93 .834 .135 .685
9 Virginia W 29-24 29-24 .38 .680 .19 .603 .52 .632 .081 .657 1.62 .795 .176 .737
10 Miami W 19-16 19-16 .07 .542 .11 .553 .10 .536 -.001 .498 -1.50 .221 .032 .550
11 North Carolina W 31-27 31-27 .06 .537 .15 .586 1.30 .787 .094 .678 .31 .559 .051 .577
12 Wake Forest L 18-38 18-38 -.49 .281 -.74 .185 -1.30 .214 -.095 .317 -.71 .355 -.131 .323
13 Maryland L 0-37 0-30 -1.26 .060 -1.43 .064 -3.00 .057 -.296 .100 -2.14 .152 -.600 .024

Nebraska 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Nevada W 52-10 45-10 1.25 .937 1.67 .967 3.76 .975 .404 .951 2.98 .916 .525 .960
2 Wake Forest W 20-17 20-17 .37 .674 .12 .562 .23 .571 .013 .527 .73 .650 .077 .614
3 USC L 31-49 17-42 -.26 .393 -1.14 .105 -2.78 .068 -.214 .161 -2.49 .119 -.350 .117
4 Ball State W 41-40 41-40 -.17 .430 .04 .509 -.24 .426 .000 .499 -.16 .475 -.199 .239
5 Iowa State W 35-17 35-17 .35 .666 .72 .809 .92 .716 .018 .536 1.75 .809 .083 .621
6 Missouri L 6-41 6-34 -1.11 .075 -2.00 .020 -4.00 .020 -.442 .036 -3.76 .042 -.571 .027
7 Oklahoma State L 14-45 0-38 -2.12 .006 -2.53 .001 -5.43 .001 -.620 .006 -5.43 .010 -.857 .001
8 Texas A&M L 14-36 14-36 -.80 .149 -1.00 .130 -1.87 .143 -.029 .442 .74 .652 -.345 .118
9 Texas L 25-28 25-28 .46 .715 -.12 .445 -.23 .431 -.122 .272 -1.96 .164 -.231 .205
10 Kansas L 39-76 31-69 -.89 .121 -1.73 .031 -3.45 .031 -.396 .051 -.41 .416 -.455 .072
11 Kansas State W 73-31 52-10 2.61 .999 2.47 .996 4.38 .991 .499 .981 5.34 .988 .625 .982
13 Colorado L 51-65 43-65 -.54 .254 -.73 .188 -1.28 .218 -.136 .255 .62 .630 -.243 .198

Nevada 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Nebraska L 10-52 10-45 -1.71 .020 -1.67 .033 -3.76 .025 -.404 .048 -2.98 .083 -.525 .039
2 Northwestern L 31-36 31-36 -.46 .296 -.17 .404 -.50 .374 .017 .534 .12 .519 -.029 .456
5 UNLV W 27-20 27-20 -.35 .336 .28 .655 .71 .676 .066 .633 .53 .611 .109 .659
6 Fresno State L 41-49 41-49 -.22 .412 -.26 .358 -.18 .440 .029 .558 -1.49 .224 .033 .551
7 Boise State L 67-69 67-69 .24 .619 -.07 .480 .00 .510 -.038 .422 1.12 .718 -.091 .370
8 Utah State W 31-28 31-28 -.82 .147 .13 .573 .91 .714 .269 .877 2.80 .904 .182 .744
9 Idaho W 37-21 37-21 -.38 .327 .70 .798 1.09 .751 .235 .852 1.20 .736 .427 .920
10 New Mexico State W 40-38 40-38 -.82 .145 .08 .523 .41 .609 .057 .617 .68 .640 .045 .568
12 Hawaii L 26-28 26-28 .00 .499 -.08 .475 -.17 .445 -.026 .447 -.66 .362 .000 .521
13 San Jose State L 24-27 24-27 -.89 .124 -.12 .437 .15 .549 -.003 .492 1.78 .813 .000 .521
14 Louisiana Tech W 49-10 49-10 1.02 .897 1.63 .960 3.81 .976 .487 .977 4.43 .974 .402 .915
B New Mexico L 0-23 0-20 -.99 .098 -.83 .162 -1.67 .162 -.386 .056 -4.99 .017 -.583 .026

New Mexico 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 UTEP L 6-10 6-10 -.76 .173 -.18 .398 -.36 .400 .184 .808 -.52 .391 .091 .637
2 New Mexico State W 44-34 44-34 -.49 .279 .42 .718 1.17 .763 .039 .582 2.29 .864 .227 .794
3 Arizona W 29-27 29-27 .36 .671 .08 .522 .15 .552 -.038 .419 -1.11 .282 -.077 .394
5 BYU L 24-31 24-31 .25 .625 -.21 .390 .00 .510 -.006 .485 .29 .552 .000 .521
7 Wyoming W 20-3 20-3 .31 .654 .77 .824 1.03 .740 .143 .754 1.51 .782 .209 .774
8 San Diego State W 20-17 20-17 -.41 .313 .11 .551 .21 .567 .045 .593 .52 .609 .071 .601
9 Air Force W 34-31 34-31 .21 .604 .10 .544 .04 .516 .016 .533 -.71 .353 .187 .749
10 TCU L 0-37 0-37 -1.64 .022 -1.76 .029 -3.33 .036 -.548 .013 -3.90 .037 -.667 .013
11 Colorado State W 26-23 26-23 -.23 .408 .13 .573 .00 .510 -.167 .219 -.04 .492 -.091 .370
12 Utah L 10-28 10-28 -.34 .343 -.58 .234 -.79 .310 -.099 .312 -1.02 .299 -.143 .310
13 UNLV W 27-6 24-6 .01 .506 .64 .782 1.29 .783 .205 .827 2.27 .861 .143 .695
B Nevada W 23-0 20-0 .42 .695 .83 .839 1.67 .838 .386 .943 4.99 .982 .583 .975

New Mexico State 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 New Mexico L 34-44 34-44 -.57 .239 -.42 .283 -1.17 .239 -.039 .417 -2.29 .136 -.227 .207
3 UTEP W 29-24 29-24 -.38 .325 .19 .605 1.00 .737 .289 .892 1.69 .803 .333 .877
4 Auburn L 20-55 20-48 -.41 .313 -1.00 .130 -1.62 .170 -.116 .284 .07 .511 -.308 .146
6 Boise State L 0-58 0-45 -1.84 .017 -2.14 .014 -4.50 .008 -.750 .001 -5.77 .006 -.700 .008
7 Louisiana Tech L 21-22 21-22 -.64 .212 -.03 .496 -.17 .444 -.075 .350 -.64 .367 -.095 .360
8 Idaho W 45-31 45-31 -.52 .268 .56 .760 1.42 .805 .101 .692 1.39 .766 .138 .688
9 Hawaii L 13-50 13-43 -1.22 .064 -1.30 .083 -2.40 .093 -.159 .230 -1.75 .192 -.311 .141
10 Nevada L 38-40 38-40 -.49 .272 -.08 .477 -.41 .390 -.057 .382 -.68 .360 -.045 .433
11 San Jose State L 17-51 10-44 -2.24 .004 -1.48 .056 -2.76 .070 -.237 .146 -1.81 .176 -.485 .055
12 Utah State L 17-35 17-35 -1.80 .018 -.86 .153 -1.10 .247 -.006 .487 -.06 .489 -.200 .237
14 Fresno State L 23-30 23-30 -.29 .376 -.33 .318 -.89 .289 -.195 .180 -1.41 .231 -.236 .202

North Carolina 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 East Carolina L 31-34 31-34 -.20 .419 -.10 .458 -.50 .374 -.027 .445 .86 .671 -.292 .159
3 Virginia L 20-22 20-22 .09 .551 -.11 .454 -.44 .383 .020 .541 2.36 .871 -.367 .105
4 South Florida L 10-37 3-30 -.56 .246 -1.23 .093 -2.73 .073 -.494 .019 -3.30 .060 -.509 .044
5 Virginia Tech L 10-17 10-17 .32 .659 -.30 .332 -.71 .322 .063 .629 .57 .618 -.106 .343
6 Miami W 33-27 33-27 .18 .589 .22 .621 .61 .657 .004 .510 -.26 .454 .181 .742
7 South Carolina L 15-21 15-21 .17 .585 -.21 .388 -.50 .373 .113 .709 .22 .536 -.019 .473
9 Wake Forest L 10-37 10-37 -.97 .103 -1.23 .093 -1.56 .175 -.070 .357 .44 .588 -.356 .114
10 Maryland W 16-13 16-13 .29 .645 .13 .569 .15 .550 -.014 .471 .23 .540 .061 .587
11 NC State L 27-31 27-31 -.33 .355 -.15 .415 -1.30 .212 -.094 .321 -.31 .440 -.051 .424
12 Georgia Tech L 25-27 25-27 .12 .564 -.06 .483 -.13 .459 -.027 .446 -1.30 .247 .063 .588
13 Duke W 20-14 20-14 -.18 .429 .26 .645 .13 .541 -.087 .331 -.86 .331 -.164 .280

North Texas 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Oklahoma L 10-79 3-56 -1.17 .071 -2.12 .015 -4.86 .003 -.554 .013 -7.64 .000 -.650 .015
2 SMU L 31-45 31-45 -1.27 .058 -.50 .263 -.71 .324 .000 .501 -.26 .456 -.104 .348
4 Florida Atlantic L 20-30 20-30 -.57 .239 -.37 .300 -.88 .291 -.040 .416 -.83 .333 -.104 .348
5 Arkansas L 7-66 7-52 -1.28 .056 -1.88 .024 -3.75 .025 -.518 .015 -4.97 .018 -.583 .026
6 Louisiana L 29-38 29-38 -1.00 .096 -.31 .329 -.99 .269 .033 .569 -1.99 .164 -.128 .328
7 UL Monroe W 31-21 31-21 -.17 .430 .32 .680 .10 .537 .065 .632 .61 .624 .167 .729
8 Troy L 7-45 7-35 -.78 .157 -.97 .131 -1.69 .159 -.273 .120 -3.66 .044 -.241 .199
9 Middle Tennessee L 28-48 28-48 -1.03 .092 -.67 .213 -1.33 .204 -.118 .279 1.78 .817 -.200 .237
11 Navy L 62-74 56-74 -.78 .156 -.67 .213 -1.26 .221 -.187 .188 -3.16 .067 -.218 .219
12 Arkansas State L 27-31 27-31 -.62 .221 -.15 .411 -.13 .454 -.019 .462 -.38 .425 .038 .562
14 Florida International L 19-38 19-38 -1.62 .025 -.73 .189 -1.00 .267 -.041 .413 -2.18 .146 -.167 .278

Northern Illinois 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Iowa L 3-16 3-16 -.57 .241 -.48 .265 -1.02 .261 -.154 .235 -1.38 .237 -.165 .279
3 Eastern Michigan L 19-21 19-21 -.77 .161 -.10 .465 -.20 .438 -.100 .310 -.49 .398 -.100 .357
4 Idaho W 42-35 42-35 -.88 .127 .20 .609 -.03 .485 -.035 .427 .19 .529 -.005 .478
5 Central Michigan L 10-35 10-35 -1.41 .044 -1.14 .105 -1.80 .150 .168 .782 -.29 .447 -.100 .357
6 Temple L 15-16 15-16 -.90 .120 -.04 .491 .40 .607 -.036 .424 -.29 .449 -.103 .349
7 Western Michigan L 13-17 13-17 -.52 .264 -.14 .423 -.35 .403 -.088 .330 .97 .693 -.019 .473
8 Wisconsin L 3-44 0-38 -1.87 .014 -2.24 .010 -4.22 .013 -.579 .008 -5.52 .008 -.667 .013
9 Toledo L 21-70 14-56 -2.87 .000 -2.21 .011 -4.67 .006 -.588 .007 -5.16 .013 -.667 .013
11 Kent State W 27-20 27-20 -.58 .237 .27 .650 .54 .636 .185 .810 1.25 .744 .154 .711
12 Navy L 24-35 24-35 -.67 .199 -.55 .244 -1.10 .247 -.030 .439 -1.81 .178 -.100 .357
13 Ball State L 21-27 21-27 -.47 .291 -.26 .356 -.70 .326 -.274 .117 -2.25 .140 -.295 .158

Northwestern 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Nevada W 36-31 36-31 -.24 .403 .17 .597 .50 .625 -.017 .465 -.12 .480 .029 .543
3 Duke L 14-20 14-20 -.74 .178 -.30 .333 -.60 .346 .170 .785 -.49 .397 -.100 .357
4 Ohio State L 7-58 7-52 -1.37 .047 -2.25 .009 -5.00 .001 -.716 .002 -7.50 .001 -.778 .003
5 Michigan L 16-28 16-28 .05 .528 -.48 .266 -1.10 .246 -.014 .470 .65 .633 -.192 .246
6 Michigan State W 48-41 48-41 .64 .784 .28 .655 -.31 .414 .082 .660 -.87 .327 .038 .558
7 Minnesota W 49-48 49-48 -.33 .352 .03 .502 .00 .510 .046 .598 .10 .515 .077 .614
8 Eastern Michigan W 26-14 26-14 -.12 .450 .55 .755 1.09 .751 .032 .567 2.17 .851 .182 .744
9 Purdue L 17-35 17-35 -.63 .216 -.72 .193 -1.28 .219 -.065 .369 -.34 .431 -.212 .224
10 Iowa L 17-28 17-28 -.45 .301 -.35 .307 -.80 .306 .009 .518 -.60 .376 -.017 .474
11 Indiana W 31-28 31-28 .15 .576 .14 .584 .57 .641 .282 .886 .55 .615 .256 .815
12 Illinois L 22-41 22-41 -.33 .353 -.83 .164 -1.89 .140 -.295 .100 -1.12 .279 -.386 .091

Notre Dame 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Georgia Tech L 3-33 3-33 -1.32 .048 -1.50 .055 -3.00 .057 -.472 .025 -3.48 .053 -.700 .008
2 Penn State L 10-31 10-31 -.35 .337 -.81 .172 -1.75 .154 -.182 .194 -1.78 .183 -.167 .278
3 Michigan L 0-38 0-38 -1.58 .027 -2.11 .016 -4.22 .013 -.581 .008 -4.90 .020 -.667 .013
4 Michigan State L 14-31 14-31 -.29 .375 -.65 .217 -1.31 .211 -.273 .119 -1.50 .221 -.308 .146
5 Purdue L 19-33 19-33 -.49 .273 -.58 .233 -1.17 .239 -.071 .356 -.77 .343 -.250 .196
6 UCLA W 20-6 20-6 .79 .842 .48 .735 .60 .654 -.052 .393 -.95 .313 .097 .640
7 Boston College L 14-27 14-27 -.03 .490 -.46 .270 -1.39 .199 -.187 .187 -1.60 .207 -.203 .228
8 USC L 0-38 0-31 -.27 .390 -1.15 .102 -2.38 .095 -.354 .068 -2.89 .088 -.308 .146
10 Navy L 44-46 44-46 -.21 .414 -.09 .472 .64 .665 .119 .723 -.22 .465 .054 .580
11 Air Force L 24-41 24-41 -.53 .263 -.63 .223 -.77 .314 -.163 .223 -.83 .334 -.154 .294
12 Duke W 28-7 28-0 .90 .869 1.33 .921 2.55 .914 .249 .858 1.14 .725 .355 .884
13 Stanford W 21-14 21-14 .20 .600 .24 .633 .57 .642 .102 .695 1.27 .745 -.114 .338

Ohio 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Louisiana W 31-23 31-23 -.34 .346 .35 .690 .90 .712 .005 .512 -.48 .399 .121 .666
3 Virginia Tech L 7-28 7-28 -.18 .426 -.81 .172 -1.79 .151 -.446 .035 -4.93 .019 -.256 .183
4 Wyoming L 33-34 33-34 -.49 .277 -.03 .499 -1.08 .252 -.107 .297 .37 .572 -.021 .471
5 Kent State L 25-33 25-33 -1.15 .072 -.31 .330 -.62 .341 -.229 .153 -1.14 .276 -.308 .146
6 Buffalo L 10-31 10-31 -1.65 .022 -1.00 .130 -1.82 .150 -.128 .266 -2.01 .160 -.255 .186
7 Eastern Michigan W 48-42 48-42 -.47 .291 .20 .609 1.19 .767 .168 .782 1.38 .762 .258 .817
8 Toledo L 40-43 40-43 -.76 .172 -.10 .465 -.01 .488 -.017 .466 2.68 .897 -.105 .346
9 Bowling Green W 38-27 38-27 -.05 .476 .39 .710 .13 .546 .006 .515 .31 .560 .045 .568
10 Temple W 23-7 23-7 -.17 .432 .70 .798 1.51 .816 .246 .855 1.65 .801 .470 .941
11 Akron L 37-48 31-48 -1.28 .054 -.63 .223 -.77 .314 -.078 .347 -1.76 .188 -.077 .394
13 Miami (OH) W 38-29 38-29 -.21 .416 .36 .697 .59 .652 -.131 .261 -.70 .355 .007 .522

Ohio State 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Akron W 20-2 20-2 .01 .506 .67 .789 1.50 .815 .322 .920 4.11 .966 .333 .877
3 Washington W 33-14 27-7 1.12 .914 .87 .849 1.82 .853 .225 .844 2.02 .841 .455 .931
4 Northwestern W 58-7 52-7 1.96 .991 2.25 .990 5.00 .998 .716 .997 7.50 .998 .778 .998
5 Minnesota W 30-7 30-7 .56 .756 .92 .860 1.96 .868 .261 .871 3.00 .919 .263 .820
6 Purdue W 23-7 23-0 .91 .871 .82 .835 1.64 .836 .233 .850 2.45 .879 .357 .888
7 Kent State W 48-3 42-0 1.95 .989 2.80 .999 4.67 .994 .440 .961 3.39 .941 .667 .990
8 Michigan State W 24-17 24-17 .65 .789 .29 .664 1.70 .843 .232 .848 2.67 .896 .317 .863
9 Penn State W 37-17 34-10 1.95 .989 1.50 .947 2.61 .919 .267 .875 1.13 .721 .464 .937
10 Wisconsin W 38-17 38-17 1.28 .942 .91 .857 1.62 .831 .211 .834 1.30 .751 .311 .860
11 Illinois L 21-28 21-28 .15 .574 -.35 .309 -.70 .327 -.018 .464 -.45 .406 -.100 .357
12 Michigan W 14-3 14-3 .91 .872 .38 .704 .80 .692 .162 .776 2.38 .874 .010 .524
P LSU L 24-38 17-38 -.08 .468 -1.05 .116 -2.10 .119 -.139 .249 .33 .563 -.200 .237

Oklahoma 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 North Texas W 79-10 56-3 1.20 .928 2.12 .985 4.86 .996 .554 .987 7.64 .999 .650 .984
2 Miami W 51-13 38-13 1.05 .899 1.09 .889 2.02 .873 .308 .907 3.15 .932 .250 .812
3 Utah State W 54-3 54-3 1.48 .956 2.43 .995 4.50 .992 .664 .996 7.51 .999 .700 .993
4 Tulsa W 62-21 55-21 1.38 .950 1.42 .934 2.61 .920 .253 .863 1.81 .822 .394 .910
5 Colorado L 24-27 24-27 .09 .548 -.10 .458 .05 .518 -.081 .341 .80 .662 -.092 .361
6 Texas W 28-21 28-21 .84 .860 .27 .650 .54 .634 .035 .574 -1.10 .287 .154 .711
7 Missouri W 41-31 41-24 1.60 .962 .71 .804 1.50 .815 .218 .841 1.19 .735 .267 .822
8 Iowa State W 17-7 17-7 .08 .546 .45 .726 .91 .714 .012 .525 .79 .659 .091 .637
10 Texas A&M W 42-14 28-0 1.67 .968 1.47 .941 3.11 .954 .250 .859 2.66 .895 .333 .877
11 Baylor W 52-21 45-21 .56 .758 1.09 .890 1.89 .859 .260 .870 1.73 .806 .236 .799
12 Texas Tech L 27-34 27-34 .38 .679 -.21 .386 -.88 .293 -.101 .309 -.69 .358 -.188 .250
13 Oklahoma State W 49-17 42-17 1.98 .992 1.56 .954 3.13 .955 .161 .775 1.71 .805 .250 .812
C Missouri W 38-17 35-17 1.83 .980 .95 .863 2.19 .892 .116 .718 .80 .662 .156 .713
B West Virginia L 28-48 28-48 .23 .615 -.77 .181 -1.54 .180 -.129 .265 -4.07 .034 -.308 .146

Oklahoma State 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Georgia L 14-35 14-35 -.08 .466 -.91 .143 -2.02 .127 -.217 .159 -1.76 .187 -.288 .163
2 Florida Atlantic W 42-6 35-6 1.00 .892 1.21 .904 2.05 .876 .184 .809 3.54 .950 .197 .759
3 Troy L 23-41 16-41 -.65 .209 -.83 .162 -1.36 .201 -.340 .076 -1.52 .216 -.157 .285
4 Texas Tech W 49-45 49-45 .74 .824 .15 .586 .55 .639 -.023 .456 -.97 .307 .044 .565
6 Texas A&M L 23-24 23-24 .15 .575 -.05 .485 -.10 .466 .012 .527 .21 .533 .100 .650
7 Nebraska W 45-14 38-0 2.49 .999 2.53 .998 5.43 .999 .620 .994 5.43 .989 .857 .999
8 Kansas State W 41-39 41-39 .21 .606 .07 .521 -.63 .338 -.073 .352 -1.18 .267 -.038 .440
10 Texas L 35-38 35-38 .46 .715 -.12 .445 -.59 .346 .125 .729 -1.23 .259 .038 .562
11 Kansas L 28-43 28-43 .32 .657 -.52 .258 -1.07 .255 -.131 .262 -1.11 .284 -.286 .165
12 Baylor W 45-14 38-14 .73 .822 1.26 .913 2.82 .935 .348 .929 2.60 .890 .478 .943
13 Oklahoma L 17-49 17-42 -.61 .224 -1.56 .046 -3.13 .044 -.161 .224 -1.71 .195 -.250 .196
B Indiana W 49-33 49-27 .96 .885 .96 .866 1.63 .833 .197 .821 1.20 .735 .129 .676

Ole Miss 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Memphis W 23-21 23-21 -.54 .254 .08 .523 -.50 .370 -.069 .359 .29 .553 .026 .539
2 Missouri L 25-38 25-38 .35 .666 -.54 .247 -1.08 .251 -.076 .348 -.37 .428 -.250 .196
3 Vanderbilt L 17-31 17-31 -.63 .219 -.70 .201 -1.40 .197 -.289 .108 .23 .539 -.200 .237
4 Florida L 24-30 24-30 .68 .802 -.27 .349 -.55 .362 -.085 .334 1.14 .725 .000 .521
5 Georgia L 17-45 17-38 -.33 .350 -1.17 .100 -2.10 .120 -.097 .313 -2.37 .127 -.292 .161
6 Louisiana Tech W 24-0 17-0 .00 .502 .61 .772 1.21 .771 .026 .551 1.49 .775 .071 .601
7 Alabama L 24-27 24-27 .25 .624 -.13 .434 -.25 .425 -.110 .294 .63 .631 -.083 .383
8 Arkansas L 8-44 0-31 -1.04 .091 -1.63 .039 -3.44 .032 -.292 .103 -1.64 .199 -.567 .030
9 Auburn L 3-17 3-17 -.15 .440 -.74 .188 -1.59 .172 -.339 .077 -2.54 .114 -.344 .119
12 LSU L 24-41 24-41 .20 .599 -.77 .178 -1.70 .158 .067 .636 1.17 .730 -.300 .155
13 Mississippi State L 14-17 14-17 .09 .550 -.10 .466 .16 .553 .042 .588 .25 .543 .045 .565

Oregon 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Houston W 48-27 48-27 .66 .796 .84 .843 1.44 .809 .026 .552 1.15 .728 .199 .762
2 Michigan W 39-7 39-7 2.06 .994 1.52 .949 3.26 .961 .344 .926 4.06 .964 .518 .959
3 Fresno State W 52-21 42-14 1.26 .939 1.22 .905 2.33 .900 .199 .822 3.45 .945 .333 .877
4 Stanford W 55-31 55-31 .67 .796 .71 .800 1.50 .815 .267 .876 2.06 .842 .313 .861
5 California L 24-31 24-31 .07 .540 -.27 .353 -.38 .396 .068 .640 1.14 .724 -.128 .328
7 Washington State W 53-7 47-7 1.87 .985 1.90 .978 4.05 .982 .392 .947 3.01 .919 .609 .978
8 Washington W 55-34 55-34 1.03 .897 .78 .825 1.31 .794 .229 .846 -.59 .380 .253 .813
9 USC W 24-17 24-17 1.17 .923 .29 .664 .98 .729 .146 .758 .61 .626 .150 .704
10 Arizona State W 35-23 35-23 .98 .888 .43 .721 .86 .702 -.082 .340 -.44 .408 -.071 .402
12 Arizona L 24-34 24-34 -.03 .488 -.31 .328 .07 .524 .058 .619 -.34 .433 .027 .540
13 UCLA L 0-16 0-16 -.15 .441 -.46 .272 -.94 .275 -.072 .355 -1.21 .262 -.235 .203
14 Oregon State L 31-38 31-38 .21 .609 -.20 .393 -.10 .466 -.112 .291 -1.41 .232 -.162 .281
B South Florida W 56-21 49-14 2.13 .994 1.46 .938 2.65 .921 .400 .949 3.16 .933 .386 .909

Oregon State 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Utah W 24-7 24-7 .89 .866 .65 .784 1.31 .791 .122 .727 2.00 .837 .154 .711
2 Cincinnati L 3-34 3-34 -.55 .251 -1.15 .102 -2.02 .126 -.041 .414 -.12 .481 -.263 .181
4 Arizona State L 32-44 26-44 .01 .505 -.55 .246 -.87 .295 .034 .570 .61 .626 -.204 .227
5 UCLA L 14-40 14-33 -.28 .383 -.59 .230 -1.52 .182 -.085 .335 -.91 .323 -.221 .215
6 Arizona W 31-16 31-16 .80 .846 .52 .742 1.20 .770 .115 .714 .83 .666 .170 .732
7 California W 31-28 31-28 .44 .711 .11 .551 .06 .519 -.104 .302 -1.91 .167 .044 .564
9 Stanford W 23-6 23-6 .62 .773 .65 .784 1.31 .791 .176 .794 1.31 .754 .154 .711
10 USC L 3-24 3-24 .04 .522 -.84 .159 -1.77 .154 -.113 .290 -1.28 .253 -.263 .181
11 Washington W 29-23 29-23 .42 .699 .18 .600 .02 .513 .040 .585 -.27 .451 .140 .688
12 Washington State W 52-17 52-17 1.06 .902 1.09 .890 2.19 .891 .129 .734 .09 .513 .375 .900
14 Oregon W 38-31 38-31 1.01 .895 .20 .609 .10 .535 .112 .708 1.41 .768 .162 .718
B Maryland W 21-14 21-14 .46 .716 .29 .664 .58 .650 .161 .775 .38 .575 .083 .621

Penn State 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Florida International W 59-0 45-0 .66 .792 1.55 .952 3.00 .946 .363 .936 4.13 .966 .450 .927
2 Notre Dame W 31-10 31-10 .60 .768 .81 .830 1.75 .845 .182 .805 1.78 .816 .167 .729
3 Buffalo W 45-24 38-10 .62 .778 1.27 .914 2.55 .914 .171 .787 1.38 .765 .364 .893
4 Michigan L 9-14 9-14 .30 .651 -.23 .377 -.45 .381 -.130 .264 .47 .598 .000 .521
5 Illinois L 20-27 20-27 .25 .623 -.25 .365 -.11 .462 .118 .719 .40 .580 .049 .573
6 Iowa W 27-7 27-7 .65 .789 .74 .815 1.39 .801 .314 .915 2.85 .907 .352 .883
7 Wisconsin W 38-7 31-7 1.41 .952 1.04 .882 2.52 .913 .266 .874 1.83 .825 .433 .921
8 Indiana W 36-31 36-31 .18 .587 .17 .597 .36 .598 .038 .578 -.59 .379 .143 .695
9 Ohio State L 17-37 10-34 -.62 .222 -1.50 .055 -2.61 .081 -.267 .124 -1.13 .279 -.464 .063
10 Purdue W 26-19 26-19 .41 .691 .32 .676 1.16 .759 .216 .839 1.58 .789 .055 .581
11 Temple W 31-0 24-0 .47 .723 1.33 .921 2.67 .923 .289 .890 2.53 .885 .333 .877
12 Michigan State L 31-35 31-35 .21 .605 -.15 .415 -.48 .376 -.097 .314 -2.12 .154 -.027 .459
B Texas A&M W 24-17 24-17 .48 .728 .28 .655 .87 .706 .190 .816 1.55 .784 .224 .789

Pittsburgh 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Eastern Michigan W 27-3 24-3 .38 .678 1.05 .885 2.10 .882 .265 .872 2.39 .877 .300 .850
3 Michigan State L 13-17 13-17 .20 .598 -.16 .409 .09 .529 -.052 .390 1.78 .815 -.042 .437
4 Connecticut L 14-34 14-34 -.45 .301 -.71 .195 -1.25 .224 -.141 .248 -.31 .441 -.274 .169
5 Virginia L 14-44 14-37 -.85 .138 -1.05 .117 -2.30 .103 -.280 .114 -1.15 .272 -.400 .088
7 Navy L 45-48 45-48 -.25 .402 -.13 .430 .42 .611 -.029 .440 .16 .525 -.133 .322
8 Cincinnati W 24-17 24-17 .90 .870 .30 .669 .77 .685 .150 .762 .30 .558 .121 .666
9 Louisville L 17-24 17-24 -.13 .448 -.30 .332 -.77 .315 -.105 .298 -.45 .407 -.205 .226
10 Syracuse W 20-17 20-17 -.49 .279 .11 .551 .21 .567 .116 .715 .38 .576 .143 .695
12 Rutgers L 16-20 16-20 .18 .588 -.14 .419 -.29 .419 .102 .693 -.51 .392 .071 .604
13 South Florida L 37-48 29-48 .01 .509 -.66 .214 -.54 .362 -.035 .428 -.48 .400 -.176 .264
14 West Virginia W 13-9 13-7 1.25 .934 .25 .640 .45 .617 .025 .547 .10 .515 .061 .587

Purdue 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Toledo W 52-24 45-17 .34 .664 1.00 .877 1.71 .844 .304 .906 5.17 .987 .324 .867
3 Central Michigan W 45-22 45-22 .47 .721 .74 .816 1.63 .831 .184 .808 3.17 .934 .217 .779
4 Minnesota W 45-31 45-31 .15 .578 .52 .744 .43 .613 .124 .728 .36 .570 .161 .718
5 Notre Dame W 33-19 33-19 .37 .675 .58 .768 1.17 .763 .071 .643 .77 .657 .250 .812
6 Ohio State L 7-23 0-23 .06 .535 -.82 .164 -1.64 .163 -.233 .150 -2.45 .120 -.357 .112
7 Michigan L 21-48 7-48 -1.11 .077 -1.64 .038 -3.06 .051 -.359 .065 -3.44 .055 -.524 .040
8 Iowa W 31-6 28-6 .79 .841 .88 .850 1.87 .856 .211 .836 1.62 .796 .179 .740
9 Northwestern W 35-17 35-17 .43 .704 .72 .809 1.28 .780 .065 .631 .34 .568 .212 .775
10 Penn State L 19-26 19-26 .14 .571 -.32 .326 -1.16 .240 -.216 .160 -1.58 .210 -.055 .419
11 Michigan State L 31-48 31-48 -.35 .339 -.71 .199 -1.14 .242 -.060 .374 2.51 .884 -.311 .141
12 Indiana L 24-27 24-27 -.11 .456 -.12 .445 -.23 .431 -.032 .434 -.21 .468 -.077 .394
B Central Michigan W 51-48 51-48 -.18 .425 .09 .529 .00 .510 .083 .662 1.28 .747 .029 .544

Rice 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Baylor L 17-42 14-42 -1.93 .011 -1.40 .069 -3.27 .038 -.175 .208 -2.42 .121 -.367 .105
3 Texas Tech L 24-59 17-49 -.86 .131 -1.45 .062 -2.91 .060 -.315 .084 -3.61 .048 -.364 .110
4 Texas L 14-58 7-48 -1.38 .046 -1.95 .020 -4.16 .014 -.465 .030 -5.57 .007 -.618 .020
6 Southern Mississippi W 31-29 31-29 -.05 .479 .06 .518 .13 .545 -.046 .404 -.59 .379 .133 .684
7 Houston L 48-56 48-56 -.43 .309 -.25 .365 -1.00 .267 -.291 .105 -3.75 .043 -.071 .402
8 Memphis L 35-38 35-38 -.76 .170 -.14 .424 -.27 .420 -.155 .234 -.02 .496 -.273 .173
9 Marshall L 21-34 21-34 -.91 .117 -.54 .247 -1.08 .251 .042 .588 .29 .551 -.250 .196
10 UTEP W 56-48 56-48 -.38 .324 .19 .604 .58 .650 .095 .680 1.72 .805 -.029 .456
11 SMU W 43-42 43-42 -.74 .177 .03 .502 -.49 .375 .079 .654 1.02 .701 -.149 .296
12 Tulane L 31-45 24-45 -1.44 .040 -.81 .172 -1.62 .170 -.150 .237 -.90 .324 -.154 .294
13 Tulsa L 43-48 43-48 -.20 .419 -.17 .408 -.33 .408 -.032 .435 -1.86 .170 .000 .521

Rutgers 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Buffalo W 38-3 35-3 1.35 .949 2.00 .981 4.00 .981 .471 .973 6.52 .997 .750 .996
2 Navy W 41-24 34-17 .94 .879 1.06 .888 2.13 .885 .259 .869 2.98 .916 .375 .900
5 Maryland L 24-34 24-34 -.18 .427 -.34 .314 -.71 .322 -.149 .239 .34 .567 -.357 .112
6 Cincinnati L 23-28 23-28 .41 .693 -.19 .397 -.92 .283 -.046 .401 .04 .506 -.077 .394
7 Syracuse W 38-14 38-14 .41 .690 1.00 .877 2.00 .871 .251 .860 2.36 .871 .417 .917
8 South Florida W 30-27 30-27 .77 .835 .10 .541 .51 .630 .090 .673 .92 .679 .072 .605
9 West Virginia L 3-31 3-31 -.65 .210 -1.65 .037 -3.02 .052 -.139 .250 -2.22 .144 -.270 .173
10 Connecticut L 19-38 19-38 -.56 .248 -.83 .164 -1.48 .188 -.026 .448 -1.28 .251 -.100 .357
11 Army W 41-6 38-6 .62 .776 1.28 .915 3.10 .952 .556 .988 3.08 .926 .600 .978
12 Pittsburgh W 20-16 20-16 .20 .598 .14 .584 .29 .581 -.102 .306 .51 .607 -.071 .397
14 Louisville L 38-41 38-41 .05 .525 -.13 .434 -.25 .425 -.036 .423 -.64 .367 .000 .521
B Ball State W 52-30 45-23 .75 .827 .96 .866 2.17 .888 .210 .832 3.03 .921 .220 .783

San Diego State 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Washington State L 17-45 17-45 -1.50 .033 -1.47 .059 -2.61 .080 -.390 .053 -3.41 .058 -.256 .185
3 Arizona State L 13-34 13-31 -.39 .322 -.95 .137 -2.14 .114 -.133 .260 -2.57 .111 -.256 .185
5 Cincinnati L 23-52 17-42 -.65 .209 -1.25 .092 -3.09 .050 -.247 .142 -1.13 .277 -.267 .178
6 Colorado State W 24-20 24-20 -.22 .411 .14 .584 .18 .557 -.005 .488 .41 .582 -.022 .469
7 Utah L 7-23 7-23 -.49 .276 -.73 .190 -1.45 .190 -.343 .074 -2.72 .099 -.364 .110
8 New Mexico L 17-20 17-20 -.26 .391 -.11 .454 -.21 .435 -.045 .406 -.52 .390 -.071 .402
10 Wyoming W 27-24 27-24 -.37 .331 .09 .532 .55 .638 -.002 .493 1.03 .702 .050 .574
11 UNLV W 38-30 38-30 -.30 .369 .33 .685 -.10 .466 -.076 .348 .72 .647 -.100 .357
12 Air Force L 23-55 23-49 -1.08 .084 -1.18 .098 -2.36 .097 -.117 .281 -2.49 .118 -.273 .173
13 TCU L 33-45 33-45 -.25 .398 -.38 .298 -.94 .275 -.302 .097 -.32 .438 -.092 .362
14 BYU L 27-48 27-48 -.71 .185 -1.17 .100 -2.33 .101 -.258 .132 -2.49 .117 -.222 .214

San Jose State 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Arizona State L 3-45 3-38 -1.63 .023 -2.19 .013 -4.38 .010 -.529 .015 -3.83 .041 -.625 .018
2 Kansas State L 14-34 7-34 -1.28 .055 -1.42 .065 -2.62 .079 -.287 .111 -2.59 .110 -.489 .053
3 Stanford L 0-37 0-30 -1.62 .026 -1.58 .044 -3.33 .036 -.406 .048 -3.04 .075 -.567 .030
4 Utah State W 23-20 23-20 -.83 .142 .12 .562 .59 .651 .202 .824 3.03 .923 .189 .751
6 Idaho W 28-20 28-20 -.76 .173 .32 .678 1.25 .777 .312 .913 2.23 .858 .250 .812
7 Hawaii L 35-42 35-42 -.11 .455 -.19 .393 -.66 .333 -.131 .261 -1.11 .284 -.086 .373
8 Fresno State L 0-30 0-27 -1.31 .051 -1.35 .076 -2.70 .074 -.135 .257 -1.22 .261 -.300 .155
10 Boise State L 7-42 7-42 -1.54 .030 -1.84 .026 -3.42 .033 -.384 .057 -2.72 .100 -.489 .053
11 New Mexico State W 51-17 44-10 .57 .762 1.48 .943 2.76 .929 .237 .853 1.81 .824 .485 .946
12 Louisiana Tech L 23-27 23-27 -.76 .167 -.16 .409 -.48 .376 .075 .650 1.24 .742 -.038 .440
13 Nevada W 27-24 27-24 -.29 .374 .12 .565 -.15 .450 .003 .508 -1.78 .186 .000 .521

SMU 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Texas Tech L 9-49 6-42 -1.30 .051 -1.89 .023 -3.53 .028 -.294 .101 -2.20 .145 -.378 .098
2 North Texas W 45-31 45-31 -.42 .310 .50 .739 .71 .676 .000 .499 .26 .544 .104 .653
3 Arkansas State L 28-45 21-38 -1.15 .074 -.68 .208 -1.55 .176 -.171 .213 -.69 .357 -.269 .176
4 TCU L 7-21 7-21 -.40 .322 -.52 .257 -.14 .452 .087 .668 .87 .673 -.019 .471
5 UTEP L 45-48 45-48 -.68 .193 -.11 .454 -.05 .481 .183 .807 2.37 .873 .084 .626
7 Southern Mississippi L 7-28 0-28 -1.76 .019 -1.65 .037 -3.50 .030 -.180 .199 -1.85 .172 -.278 .169
8 Tulane L 34-41 34-41 -.93 .113 -.29 .343 .00 .510 -.081 .341 -.94 .315 .000 .521
9 Tulsa L 23-29 23-29 -.26 .396 -.22 .381 -.59 .347 -.025 .450 -2.23 .143 .121 .664
10 Houston L 28-38 28-38 -.55 .252 -.37 .300 -.92 .283 -.096 .316 .75 .654 -.181 .258
11 Rice L 42-43 42-43 -.77 .162 -.03 .499 .49 .624 -.079 .346 -1.02 .298 .149 .703
12 UCF L 20-49 20-49 -.99 .099 -1.21 .096 -1.83 .144 -.146 .241 -3.62 .046 -.167 .278
13 Memphis L 52-55 52-55 -.71 .185 -.09 .473 .00 .510 -.095 .319 1.29 .749 -.071 .397

South Carolina 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Louisiana W 28-14 28-14 .01 .507 .70 .799 1.40 .803 .159 .771 1.63 .797 .300 .850
2 Georgia W 16-12 16-12 1.01 .894 .17 .598 .45 .621 -.007 .484 .38 .577 -.053 .421
4 LSU L 16-28 10-28 .25 .629 -.72 .193 -1.56 .174 -.190 .183 -2.16 .150 -.263 .181
5 Mississippi State W 38-21 38-21 .86 .862 .68 .794 1.17 .764 .188 .814 1.36 .758 .288 .838
6 Kentucky W 38-23 38-23 1.06 .901 .58 .765 .27 .577 -.048 .397 .36 .570 -.053 .421
7 North Carolina W 21-15 21-15 .12 .567 .21 .611 .50 .629 -.113 .291 -.22 .463 .019 .527
8 Vanderbilt L 6-17 6-17 -.31 .367 -.38 .296 -.81 .304 -.113 .289 -.44 .409 -.152 .295
9 Tennessee L 24-27 24-27 .42 .694 -.11 .447 .15 .552 .245 .855 1.34 .757 -.051 .424
10 Arkansas L 36-48 36-48 .09 .551 -.50 .263 -1.35 .202 -.126 .267 -4.31 .028 -.227 .207
11 Florida L 31-51 31-51 .18 .591 -.77 .181 -1.54 .180 -.260 .129 -.65 .364 -.231 .205
13 Clemson L 21-23 21-23 .64 .784 -.09 .474 .45 .621 -.165 .221 1.80 .819 -.273 .173

South Florida 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Auburn W 26-23 26-23 .69 .806 .10 .541 .00 .510 .083 .662 -.50 .396 .286 .836
4 North Carolina W 37-10 30-3 1.14 .920 1.23 .907 2.73 .927 .494 .980 3.30 .939 .509 .956
5 West Virginia W 21-13 21-13 1.29 .945 .30 .666 .24 .572 -.104 .301 -.23 .461 .036 .553
6 Florida Atlantic W 35-23 35-23 .17 .584 .38 .702 .75 .683 .052 .610 1.16 .729 -.125 .331
7 UCF W 64-12 50-10 1.65 .966 1.43 .937 2.81 .933 .360 .935 3.29 .938 .418 .918
8 Rutgers L 27-30 27-30 .22 .613 -.10 .465 -.51 .369 -.090 .327 -.92 .320 -.072 .395
9 Connecticut L 15-22 15-22 -.02 .492 -.29 .343 -.10 .467 .083 .661 .53 .610 -.038 .442
10 Cincinnati L 33-38 33-38 .46 .717 -.14 .425 -.31 .413 .087 .666 .51 .605 -.125 .331
11 Syracuse W 41-10 41-10 .75 .829 1.35 .923 2.82 .934 .423 .955 1.56 .787 .545 .964
12 Louisville W 55-17 48-10 1.82 .978 1.65 .966 2.98 .942 .289 .890 1.78 .815 .374 .899
13 Pittsburgh W 48-37 48-29 .71 .814 .66 .785 .54 .637 .035 .572 .48 .600 .176 .737
B Oregon L 21-56 14-49 -.65 .208 -1.46 .061 -2.65 .078 -.400 .050 -3.16 .066 -.386 .091

Southern Mississippi 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Tennessee L 19-39 19-39 -.27 .388 -.80 .173 -1.67 .162 -.139 .251 -1.10 .287 -.083 .377
3 East Carolina W 28-21 28-21 .19 .596 .29 .664 .58 .650 .048 .603 1.63 .796 .000 .521
5 Boise State L 16-38 16-38 -.61 .226 -.92 .141 -2.12 .115 -.310 .090 -2.73 .098 -.212 .223
6 Rice L 29-31 29-31 -.80 .150 -.06 .482 -.13 .454 .046 .595 .59 .620 -.133 .322
7 SMU W 28-7 28-0 .88 .863 1.65 .963 3.50 .971 .180 .801 1.85 .827 .278 .831
8 Marshall W 33-24 33-24 -.03 .485 .33 .685 .82 .696 .114 .713 .63 .631 .176 .737
9 UCF L 17-34 17-34 -.78 .157 -1.00 .130 -2.36 .098 -.198 .178 -1.38 .235 -.306 .147
10 UAB W 37-7 37-7 .44 .709 1.36 .927 2.73 .927 .435 .959 2.56 .888 .455 .931
11 Memphis L 26-29 26-29 -.76 .170 -.14 .424 -.64 .338 -.121 .275 -.60 .377 .045 .572
12 UTEP W 56-30 56-30 .46 .718 1.04 .880 2.17 .888 .334 .922 1.48 .774 .250 .812
13 Arkansas State W 16-10 16-10 -.15 .439 .32 .673 .78 .688 .091 .674 -.43 .412 .144 .698
B Cincinnati L 21-31 21-31 .24 .621 -.36 .306 -.71 .322 -.149 .239 -1.29 .251 -.143 .310

Stanford 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 UCLA L 17-45 17-38 -.37 .331 -.68 .209 -1.47 .188 -.170 .216 -2.90 .088 -.283 .166
3 San Jose State W 37-0 30-0 .81 .850 1.58 .956 3.33 .964 .406 .952 3.04 .924 .567 .970
4 Oregon L 31-55 31-55 .10 .555 -.71 .199 -1.50 .186 -.267 .124 -2.06 .157 -.313 .138
5 Arizona State L 3-41 3-34 -.79 .152 -1.35 .077 -2.43 .092 -.316 .083 -1.59 .209 -.327 .131
6 USC W 24-23 24-23 .91 .874 .04 .508 -.23 .432 -.159 .228 -2.36 .129 -.036 .447
7 TCU L 36-38 34-38 -.04 .480 -.17 .408 -.33 .408 -.108 .296 -2.01 .159 .000 .521
8 Arizona W 21-20 21-20 .32 .657 .04 .505 .07 .524 -.047 .399 -1.24 .258 -.143 .310
9 Oregon State L 6-23 6-23 -.24 .404 -.65 .217 -1.31 .211 -.176 .206 -1.31 .246 -.154 .294
10 Washington L 9-27 9-27 -.61 .227 -.86 .153 -1.55 .176 -.307 .093 -1.09 .288 -.336 .121
11 Washington State L 17-33 17-33 -.58 .237 -.55 .243 -1.03 .258 -.349 .069 -3.48 .052 -.167 .278
13 Notre Dame L 14-21 14-21 -.45 .298 -.24 .369 -.57 .357 -.102 .305 -1.27 .254 .114 .662
14 California W 20-13 20-13 .59 .765 .25 .640 .50 .629 .046 .596 .34 .566 .071 .604

Syracuse 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Washington L 12-42 12-35 -.96 .103 -1.21 .095 -2.56 .084 -.235 .148 -3.64 .045 -.222 .214
2 Iowa L 0-35 0-35 -1.93 .011 -1.84 .026 -3.89 .022 -.579 .009 -5.11 .014 -.356 .114
3 Illinois L 20-41 10-41 -1.05 .088 -1.55 .048 -3.10 .049 -.470 .027 -3.10 .071 -.500 .051
4 Louisville W 38-35 38-35 .27 .638 .10 .541 -.12 .461 -.060 .375 .95 .687 .024 .536
5 Miami (OH) L 14-17 14-17 -.68 .194 -.12 .445 -.23 .431 -.126 .268 -.94 .316 -.077 .394
6 West Virginia L 14-55 14-48 -.79 .153 -1.79 .028 -3.00 .057 -.450 .034 -2.31 .134 -.556 .034
7 Rutgers L 14-38 14-38 -.68 .197 -1.00 .130 -2.00 .130 -.251 .139 -2.36 .128 -.417 .082
8 Buffalo W 20-12 20-12 -.20 .417 .44 .723 .72 .680 .130 .736 2.91 .913 -.056 .417
10 Pittsburgh L 17-20 17-20 -.05 .475 -.11 .454 -.21 .435 -.116 .284 -.38 .423 -.143 .310
11 South Florida L 10-41 10-41 -.68 .196 -1.35 .077 -2.82 .065 -.423 .044 -1.56 .213 -.545 .036
12 Connecticut L 7-30 0-30 -1.23 .062 -1.50 .055 -2.67 .077 -.356 .067 -2.85 .091 -.456 .067
13 Cincinnati L 31-52 31-52 -.08 .467 -.68 .209 -.93 .279 -.176 .205 -2.13 .153 -.200 .237

TCU 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Baylor W 27-0 27-0 .40 .688 .93 .862 1.93 .864 .137 .746 1.01 .699 .295 .841
2 Texas L 13-34 13-34 -.23 .406 -.81 .172 -1.70 .156 -.213 .162 -2.34 .130 -.318 .136
3 Air Force L 17-20 17-20 .00 .500 -.10 .458 -.09 .468 .188 .813 .53 .610 -.022 .469
4 SMU W 21-7 21-7 -.25 .399 .52 .744 .14 .548 -.087 .331 -.87 .326 .019 .528
5 Colorado State W 24-12 24-12 .14 .573 .50 .739 1.00 .737 .134 .740 .54 .613 .083 .621
6 Wyoming L 21-24 21-24 -.57 .240 -.11 .447 -.35 .404 -.052 .390 -1.13 .277 -.027 .459
7 Stanford W 38-36 38-34 .13 .569 .17 .595 .33 .594 .108 .703 2.01 .841 .000 .521
8 Utah L 20-27 20-27 -.01 .497 -.24 .369 -.61 .343 .097 .685 .99 .698 -.022 .469
10 New Mexico W 37-0 37-0 1.61 .963 1.76 .971 3.33 .964 .548 .986 3.90 .962 .667 .990
11 BYU L 22-27 22-27 .25 .630 -.20 .393 -.56 .360 -.035 .426 -.50 .395 -.032 .452
12 UNLV W 34-10 34-10 .70 .810 1.33 .921 2.67 .923 .461 .968 .79 .660 .444 .925
13 San Diego State W 45-33 45-33 -.14 .443 .38 .702 .94 .724 .302 .902 .32 .561 .092 .638
B Houston W 20-13 20-13 .12 .563 .29 .664 .58 .650 .019 .538 -.69 .359 .000 .521

Temple 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Navy L 19-30 19-30 -.73 .180 -.61 .225 -1.22 .226 -.269 .123 -2.32 .132 -.222 .214
2 Buffalo L 7-42 7-35 -1.98 .009 -1.33 .082 -2.47 .089 -.512 .016 -3.52 .051 -.354 .116
3 Connecticut L 17-22 17-22 .06 .533 -.21 .388 -.42 .389 -.060 .376 .51 .607 -.167 .278
4 Bowling Green L 35-48 21-48 -1.41 .044 -.96 .132 -1.22 .228 -.252 .138 -2.38 .125 -.192 .246
5 Army L 21-37 21-37 -1.13 .074 -.47 .268 .09 .530 .003 .507 .47 .598 -.122 .331
6 Northern Illinois W 16-15 16-15 -.93 .111 .04 .509 -.40 .393 .036 .575 .29 .551 .103 .651
7 Akron W 24-20 24-20 -.48 .284 .17 .598 .52 .631 .170 .784 .43 .586 .212 .778
8 Miami (OH) W 24-17 24-17 -.32 .355 .24 .633 .87 .704 -.001 .496 1.85 .828 .067 .595
10 Ohio L 7-23 7-23 -1.29 .053 -.70 .203 -1.51 .183 -.246 .144 -1.65 .199 -.470 .059
11 Penn State L 0-31 0-24 -.88 .126 -1.33 .082 -2.67 .077 -.289 .109 -2.53 .114 -.333 .130
12 Kent State W 24-14 24-14 -.49 .277 .36 .694 1.18 .765 .421 .954 2.32 .868 .423 .919
13 Western Michigan L 3-16 3-16 -.89 .123 -.50 .263 -1.00 .267 -.312 .087 -2.60 .110 -.308 .146

Tennessee 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 California L 31-45 31-45 -.20 .418 -.54 .251 -.43 .387 -.114 .288 -1.81 .177 -.070 .404
2 Southern Mississippi W 39-19 39-19 .69 .805 .80 .827 1.67 .838 .139 .749 1.10 .712 .083 .625
3 Florida L 20-59 20-49 -.31 .366 -1.26 .089 -2.71 .074 -.291 .105 -3.81 .041 -.283 .167
4 Arkansas State W 48-27 48-27 .37 .676 .84 .843 2.33 .900 .257 .867 1.58 .788 .333 .877
6 Georgia W 35-14 35-14 1.83 .980 1.00 .877 2.23 .893 .311 .912 2.61 .893 .318 .865
7 Mississippi State W 33-21 33-21 .65 .787 .46 .728 .92 .718 .122 .725 .95 .688 .385 .907
8 Alabama L 17-41 17-41 -.77 .162 -1.14 .103 -2.40 .094 -.274 .119 -.38 .426 -.600 .024
9 South Carolina W 27-24 27-24 .49 .734 .11 .553 -.15 .449 -.245 .145 -1.34 .242 .051 .577
10 Louisiana W 59-7 45-7 1.69 .969 2.38 .994 4.29 .989 .403 .950 1.24 .743 .583 .975
11 Arkansas W 34-13 34-13 1.47 .955 .88 .850 1.37 .800 .172 .788 .75 .655 .295 .843
12 Vanderbilt W 25-24 25-24 .12 .565 .05 .513 .32 .588 .177 .796 1.26 .744 .145 .700
13 Kentucky W 52-50 52-50 .53 .749 .05 .515 .13 .544 -.011 .478 .92 .680 .025 .537
C LSU L 14-21 14-21 .68 .803 -.29 .343 -.02 .487 -.033 .430 -.01 .499 -.030 .454
B Wisconsin W 21-17 21-17 .53 .747 .17 .595 .33 .594 .008 .518 .22 .537 .083 .621

Texas 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Arkansas State W 21-13 21-13 -.07 .473 .40 .715 .80 .692 .015 .531 -1.06 .292 -.200 .237
2 TCU W 34-13 34-13 .93 .876 .81 .830 1.70 .843 .213 .837 2.34 .869 .318 .865
3 UCF W 35-32 35-32 .32 .656 .09 .532 -.13 .455 .221 .843 .45 .594 .221 .784
4 Rice W 58-14 48-7 1.22 .930 1.95 .979 4.16 .985 .465 .969 5.57 .992 .618 .980
5 Kansas State L 21-41 21-41 -.63 .216 -.77 .181 -.38 .396 -.034 .428 .62 .628 -.269 .176
6 Oklahoma L 21-28 21-28 .68 .801 -.27 .353 -.54 .365 -.035 .426 1.10 .713 -.154 .294
7 Iowa State W 56-3 49-3 2.33 .998 2.71 .999 4.88 .997 .470 .972 4.66 .977 .500 .954
8 Baylor W 31-10 31-10 .31 .654 .84 .843 1.17 .763 .211 .834 .78 .657 .167 .729
9 Nebraska W 28-25 28-25 .08 .544 .12 .562 .23 .571 .122 .728 1.96 .835 .231 .795
10 Oklahoma State W 38-35 38-35 .53 .745 .12 .562 .59 .653 -.125 .270 1.23 .740 -.038 .440
11 Texas Tech W 59-43 52-35 1.44 .954 .85 .846 1.31 .793 .170 .783 -1.18 .268 .133 .684
13 Texas A&M L 30-38 30-38 -.12 .452 -.32 .322 -1.25 .224 -.119 .277 -.42 .414 -.167 .278
B Arizona State W 52-34 52-34 1.10 .907 .55 .755 .79 .690 .068 .638 1.38 .763 .071 .596

Texas A&M 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Fresno State W 47-45 47-45 .11 .558 .06 .518 .17 .556 .023 .545 -1.22 .260 .122 .667
3 UL Monroe W 54-14 41-7 1.77 .974 2.27 .992 4.13 .985 .454 .967 1.58 .787 .732 .994
4 Miami L 17-34 3-31 -1.44 .041 -1.40 .069 -2.77 .070 -.395 .052 -3.90 .037 -.378 .098
5 Baylor W 34-10 27-10 .18 .586 .71 .804 1.42 .806 .366 .938 .96 .690 .500 .954
6 Oklahoma State W 24-23 24-23 .47 .718 .05 .514 .10 .535 -.012 .473 -.21 .466 -.100 .357
7 Texas Tech L 7-35 7-35 -1.05 .086 -1.65 .037 -3.01 .053 -.289 .107 -2.85 .091 -.292 .161
8 Nebraska W 36-14 36-14 .96 .884 1.00 .877 1.87 .857 .029 .557 -.74 .347 .345 .881
9 Kansas L 11-19 11-19 .49 .733 -.35 .310 -.81 .305 -.251 .138 -.99 .302 -.470 .059
10 Oklahoma L 14-42 0-28 -.53 .263 -1.47 .059 -3.11 .046 -.250 .140 -2.66 .105 -.333 .130
11 Missouri L 26-40 26-40 .28 .640 -.61 .227 -1.44 .191 -.196 .179 -1.58 .209 -.129 .325
13 Texas W 38-30 38-30 .89 .867 .32 .678 1.25 .777 .119 .722 .42 .585 .167 .729
B Penn State L 17-24 17-24 .17 .586 -.28 .348 -.87 .294 -.190 .183 -1.55 .215 -.224 .211

Texas Tech 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 SMU W 49-9 42-6 1.12 .915 1.89 .976 3.53 .971 .294 .898 2.20 .854 .378 .902
2 UTEP W 45-31 45-31 .06 .534 .64 .779 1.27 .779 .137 .746 1.37 .761 .182 .744
3 Rice W 59-24 49-17 .72 .815 1.45 .938 2.91 .939 .315 .916 3.61 .952 .364 .893
4 Oklahoma State L 45-49 45-49 .27 .636 -.15 .415 -.55 .360 .023 .544 .97 .692 -.044 .435
6 Iowa State W 42-17 35-3 1.02 .895 1.39 .930 2.55 .915 .419 .954 4.54 .976 .317 .863
7 Texas A&M W 35-7 35-7 1.84 .982 1.65 .963 3.01 .947 .289 .893 2.85 .908 .292 .839
8 Missouri L 10-41 10-38 -.51 .269 -1.40 .069 -2.88 .063 -.311 .089 -2.55 .113 -.325 .132
9 Colorado L 26-31 26-31 -.05 .478 -.24 .371 -.30 .415 .031 .563 1.36 .759 -.010 .475
10 Baylor W 38-7 38-0 1.58 .961 2.11 .984 4.22 .987 .432 .959 5.35 .989 .778 .998
11 Texas L 43-59 35-52 -.28 .386 -.85 .155 -1.31 .206 -.170 .216 1.18 .731 -.133 .322
12 Oklahoma W 34-27 34-27 1.16 .922 .21 .614 .88 .706 .101 .690 .69 .641 .188 .749
B Virginia W 31-28 31-28 .31 .655 .12 .562 .08 .525 .027 .555 -.11 .483 .051 .577

Toledo 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Purdue L 24-52 17-45 -.91 .117 -1.00 .130 -1.71 .155 -.304 .093 -5.17 .013 -.324 .133
2 Central Michigan L 31-52 31-52 -1.23 .063 -.95 .135 -1.63 .167 -.183 .193 -.93 .319 -.227 .207
3 Kansas L 13-45 7-45 -.52 .265 -1.36 .074 -2.96 .058 -.469 .028 -4.95 .018 -.467 .060
4 Iowa State W 36-35 36-35 -.33 .347 .04 .508 -.32 .412 -.029 .440 1.08 .709 -.065 .409
5 Western Michigan L 28-42 21-42 -1.23 .063 -.84 .159 -1.32 .205 -.142 .246 .20 .529 -.189 .249
7 Buffalo L 33-43 33-43 -.99 .097 -.34 .314 -.86 .297 -.033 .431 -2.08 .157 -.100 .357
8 Ohio W 43-40 43-40 -.50 .272 .10 .541 .01 .511 .017 .534 -2.68 .103 .105 .654
9 Northern Illinois W 70-21 56-14 1.24 .933 2.21 .989 4.67 .994 .588 .992 5.16 .986 .667 .990
10 Eastern Michigan W 52-28 45-28 .14 .572 .81 .834 1.95 .867 .182 .803 2.26 .860 .336 .879
12 Ball State L 20-41 20-41 -1.21 .067 -1.00 .130 -2.28 .104 -.054 .386 -1.51 .218 -.236 .202
13 Bowling Green L 10-37 10-30 -1.50 .034 -1.05 .114 -2.31 .102 -.232 .150 -.98 .305 -.244 .197

Troy 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Arkansas L 26-46 20-46 -.33 .348 -.93 .138 -1.82 .146 -.384 .058 -3.03 .077 -.381 .094
2 Florida L 31-59 24-49 -.09 .464 -1.04 .119 -2.45 .091 -.204 .173 -2.27 .138 -.220 .218
3 Oklahoma State W 41-23 41-16 1.25 .935 .83 .839 1.36 .798 .340 .923 1.52 .784 .157 .714
4 Louisiana W 48-31 48-31 -.16 .435 .53 .747 .80 .690 .134 .741 1.08 .709 .088 .627
5 UL Monroe W 24-7 24-7 .18 .590 .68 .794 .96 .728 .146 .757 1.79 .818 .189 .751
6 Florida International W 34-16 34-16 -.25 .400 .64 .782 .93 .723 .230 .848 2.12 .844 .170 .732
8 North Texas W 45-7 35-7 .04 .522 .97 .868 1.69 .841 .273 .879 3.66 .955 .241 .801
9 Arkansas State W 27-0 27-0 .57 .761 1.04 .879 1.82 .853 .158 .768 1.66 .801 .210 .775
10 Georgia L 34-44 27-44 .27 .636 -.57 .238 -1.00 .261 -.074 .350 -1.46 .228 -.176 .261
13 Middle Tennessee W 45-7 38-7 1.12 .913 1.48 .942 3.10 .952 .302 .903 1.71 .804 .500 .954
14 Florida Atlantic L 32-38 32-38 -.44 .303 -.24 .370 -.71 .324 -.062 .373 -2.01 .162 -.045 .433

Tulane 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Mississippi State L 17-38 17-38 -.66 .205 -.84 .159 -1.17 .239 -.299 .098 -.25 .457 -.333 .130
3 Houston L 10-34 3-31 -1.58 .028 -1.40 .069 -2.80 .067 -.442 .037 -3.05 .074 -.400 .088
5 LSU L 9-34 9-34 -.03 .491 -1.00 .130 -1.88 .141 -.114 .287 -1.32 .245 -.455 .067
6 Army L 17-20 17-20 -.78 .159 -.12 .445 .00 .510 .062 .627 1.30 .750 .000 .521
7 UAB L 21-26 21-26 -1.10 .079 -.18 .399 .04 .515 -.001 .497 -.94 .314 -.170 .270
8 SMU W 41-34 41-34 -.48 .285 .29 .664 .00 .510 .081 .658 .94 .684 .000 .521
9 Memphis L 27-28 27-28 -.67 .199 -.05 .487 -.09 .472 .084 .663 -.20 .469 .182 .744
10 Tulsa L 25-49 18-42 -.92 .114 -.89 .148 -1.90 .139 -.276 .116 -2.31 .133 -.240 .199
11 UTEP W 34-19 34-19 .11 .559 .68 .794 1.36 .799 .122 .726 1.40 .767 .091 .637
12 Rice W 45-31 45-24 .07 .541 .81 .830 1.62 .830 .150 .763 .90 .676 .154 .711
13 East Carolina L 12-35 12-35 -1.02 .093 -.92 .140 -2.18 .110 -.303 .094 -2.43 .121 -.212 .223

Tulsa 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 UL Monroe W 35-17 35-17 .20 .596 .69 .796 1.78 .848 .259 .868 2.23 .857 .280 .831
3 BYU W 55-47 55-47 .70 .808 .24 .633 .44 .614 -.010 .480 2.18 .853 .063 .589
4 Oklahoma L 21-62 21-55 -.47 .292 -1.42 .065 -2.61 .079 -.253 .136 -1.81 .178 -.394 .089
5 UAB W 38-30 38-30 -.66 .204 .27 .646 .53 .633 .080 .655 3.21 .936 .067 .595
6 UTEP L 47-48 47-48 -.62 .223 -.04 .489 -.37 .397 .008 .516 -.15 .476 .032 .550
7 Marshall W 38-31 38-31 -.08 .469 .29 .664 .58 .650 .157 .768 1.34 .756 .083 .621
8 UCF L 23-44 23-41 -.44 .302 -.67 .213 -1.77 .153 -.266 .126 -1.69 .196 -.298 .156
9 SMU W 29-23 29-23 -.55 .251 .22 .621 .59 .652 .025 .549 2.23 .857 -.121 .336
10 Tulane W 49-25 42-18 .25 .629 .89 .852 1.90 .860 .276 .883 2.31 .867 .240 .800
11 Houston W 56-7 42-0 2.16 .996 2.33 .993 4.67 .994 .472 .975 5.10 .985 .556 .968
12 Army W 49-39 49-39 -.24 .402 .42 .718 .83 .699 .144 .755 1.58 .789 .000 .521
13 Rice W 48-43 48-43 -.57 .243 .17 .595 .33 .594 .032 .565 1.86 .829 .000 .521
C UCF L 25-44 25-44 -.54 .256 -.76 .182 -1.00 .267 .023 .546 -2.50 .116 -.250 .196
B Bowling Green W 63-7 42-7 1.08 .905 1.52 .949 3.82 .977 .256 .865 1.47 .772 .545 .964

UAB 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Michigan State L 18-55 5-48 -1.90 .013 -2.26 .008 -4.27 .011 -.555 .012 -5.75 .006 -.689 .008
2 Florida State L 24-34 24-34 -.12 .451 -.37 .300 -1.31 .211 -.191 .181 -.92 .321 -.154 .294
5 Tulsa L 30-38 30-38 -.30 .371 -.27 .353 -.53 .366 -.080 .344 -3.21 .063 -.067 .409
6 Mississippi State L 13-30 13-30 -.59 .235 -.77 .178 -1.12 .244 -.073 .354 .12 .518 -.036 .445
7 Tulane W 26-21 26-21 -.46 .296 .18 .600 -.04 .484 .001 .502 .94 .685 .170 .732
8 Houston L 10-49 10-49 -1.87 .013 -1.70 .032 -3.17 .041 -.325 .079 -.18 .472 -.485 .055
9 East Carolina L 6-41 6-41 -1.85 .016 -1.75 .030 -3.50 .030 -.389 .054 -4.46 .025 -.400 .088
10 Southern Mississippi L 7-37 7-37 -1.48 .035 -1.36 .073 -2.73 .073 -.435 .040 -2.56 .112 -.455 .072
11 UCF L 31-45 31-45 -.32 .360 -.54 .251 -1.08 .254 -.153 .236 -1.80 .180 -.154 .294
12 Memphis L 9-25 9-25 -1.51 .032 -.89 .148 -1.78 .152 -.181 .198 -2.47 .119 -.444 .077
13 Marshall L 39-46 39-46 -.70 .187 -.33 .318 -1.13 .243 -.043 .409 -.29 .445 -.178 .261

UCF 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 NC State W 25-23 25-23 -.11 .456 .07 .520 .14 .548 .011 .522 -.25 .458 .071 .604
3 Texas L 32-35 32-35 .48 .729 -.09 .470 .13 .544 -.221 .157 -.45 .405 -.221 .216
4 Memphis W 56-20 49-6 1.91 .987 2.53 .997 5.46 .999 .651 .995 4.49 .975 .653 .986
5 Louisiana W 37-19 37-19 .06 .536 .75 .817 1.14 .758 .108 .704 .79 .658 .129 .676
6 East Carolina L 38-52 38-52 -.53 .257 -.44 .278 -.93 .279 .095 .683 .26 .544 -.133 .322
7 South Florida L 12-64 10-50 -.76 .169 -1.43 .064 -2.81 .066 -.360 .065 -3.29 .061 -.418 .081
8 Tulsa W 44-23 41-23 .63 .782 .67 .789 1.77 .846 .266 .873 1.69 .803 .298 .843
9 Southern Mississippi W 34-17 34-17 .89 .865 1.00 .877 2.36 .902 .198 .822 1.38 .764 .306 .853
10 Marshall W 47-13 40-13 .81 .848 1.17 .901 2.15 .886 .165 .779 1.04 .704 .311 .860
11 UAB W 45-31 45-31 -.39 .324 .54 .751 1.08 .746 .153 .763 1.80 .820 .154 .711
12 SMU W 49-20 49-20 .44 .706 1.21 .904 1.83 .855 .146 .758 3.62 .953 .167 .729
13 UTEP W 36-20 36-20 .12 .565 .70 .798 2.09 .879 .283 .888 .23 .539 .364 .893
C Tulsa W 44-25 44-25 .73 .818 .76 .817 1.00 .737 -.023 .454 2.50 .883 .250 .812
B Mississippi State L 3-10 3-10 -.07 .473 -.25 .365 -.50 .373 .052 .611 .17 .525 .071 .601

UCLA 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Stanford W 45-17 38-17 .64 .783 .68 .791 1.47 .811 .170 .784 2.90 .912 .283 .834
2 BYU W 27-17 27-17 .80 .845 .34 .688 .41 .607 -.047 .398 -1.27 .254 .108 .657
3 Utah L 6-44 6-44 -1.28 .055 -1.52 .052 -2.88 .063 -.222 .156 -.86 .329 -.449 .073
4 Washington W 44-31 44-31 .65 .791 .41 .716 .37 .601 .205 .827 .97 .691 .226 .791
5 Oregon State W 40-14 33-14 1.01 .893 .59 .770 1.52 .817 .085 .664 .91 .676 .221 .784
6 Notre Dame L 6-20 6-20 -.70 .188 -.48 .265 -.60 .346 .052 .607 .95 .686 -.097 .359
8 California W 30-21 30-21 .70 .809 .36 .697 .48 .622 .101 .691 .46 .596 .147 .702
9 Washington State L 7-27 7-27 -.83 .144 -.80 .173 -1.49 .187 -.290 .106 -1.63 .201 -.372 .101
10 Arizona L 27-34 27-34 .03 .520 -.25 .365 -.89 .289 -.166 .220 -3.85 .039 -.121 .336
11 Arizona State L 20-24 20-24 .43 .702 -.13 .434 -.57 .356 -.031 .435 .02 .501 -.036 .447
13 Oregon W 16-0 16-0 1.26 .940 .46 .727 .94 .725 .072 .644 1.21 .737 .235 .796
14 USC L 7-24 7-24 .29 .644 -.59 .231 -1.21 .229 -.292 .103 -2.33 .131 -.286 .165
B BYU L 16-17 16-17 .42 .696 -.03 .496 -.07 .477 .024 .546 -.35 .430 .143 .695

UL Monroe 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Tulsa L 17-35 17-35 -.73 .180 -.69 .204 -1.78 .152 -.259 .131 -2.23 .142 -.280 .168
2 Clemson L 26-49 13-49 -1.07 .084 -1.80 .027 -3.60 .026 -.442 .037 -5.90 .005 -.300 .155
3 Texas A&M L 14-54 7-41 -2.07 .007 -2.27 .008 -4.13 .015 -.454 .032 -1.58 .212 -.732 .005
5 Troy L 7-24 7-24 -.50 .271 -.68 .208 -.96 .271 -.146 .242 -1.79 .181 -.189 .248
6 Arkansas State W 30-13 30-13 .31 .653 .77 .824 1.55 .822 .176 .793 .87 .673 .091 .637
7 North Texas L 21-31 21-31 -1.25 .060 -.32 .320 -.10 .463 -.065 .367 -.61 .376 -.167 .278
8 Florida International W 28-14 28-14 -.33 .349 .56 .760 1.26 .778 .157 .767 2.69 .897 .186 .747
9 Florida Atlantic W 33-30 33-30 -.10 .459 .10 .541 .00 .510 -.032 .433 -.47 .400 .083 .625
10 Middle Tennessee L 40-43 40-43 -.47 .287 -.12 .445 .01 .511 .111 .706 -1.03 .296 -.038 .440
12 Alabama W 21-14 21-14 .65 .790 .28 .655 .58 .650 -.138 .251 -2.12 .154 .000 .521
13 Louisiana W 17-11 17-11 -.43 .308 .26 .645 .08 .526 -.125 .269 -1.75 .191 .133 .684

UNLV 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Utah State W 23-16 23-16 -.67 .201 .28 .655 .73 .681 -.005 .489 .41 .581 .235 .796
2 Wisconsin L 13-20 13-20 .02 .511 -.35 .309 -.70 .327 -.022 .456 -.34 .434 -.100 .357
3 Hawaii L 14-49 7-42 -1.86 .015 -1.94 .021 -3.60 .027 -.399 .051 -2.74 .097 -.403 .084
4 Utah W 27-0 20-0 1.01 .893 .77 .820 1.54 .820 .060 .624 .94 .682 .385 .907
5 Nevada L 20-27 20-27 -.69 .189 -.28 .348 -.71 .323 -.066 .366 -.53 .388 -.109 .342
6 Air Force L 14-31 14-31 -.75 .175 -.85 .155 -1.70 .158 -.089 .328 -2.62 .106 -.200 .237
7 BYU L 14-24 6-24 -.60 .229 -1.06 .112 -1.92 .137 -.388 .055 -1.75 .190 -.194 .241
8 Colorado State L 23-48 23-41 -.98 .101 -.62 .223 -.61 .343 -.155 .235 .26 .546 -.226 .208
9 Wyoming L 24-29 24-29 -.63 .213 -.17 .404 -.86 .298 -.150 .238 -1.09 .289 -.214 .221
11 San Diego State L 30-38 30-38 -.85 .135 -.33 .318 .10 .535 .076 .652 -.72 .352 .100 .650
12 TCU L 10-34 10-34 -1.21 .066 -1.33 .082 -2.67 .077 -.461 .032 -.79 .339 -.444 .077
13 New Mexico L 6-27 6-24 -.80 .150 -.64 .218 -1.29 .216 -.205 .173 -2.27 .138 -.143 .310

USC 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Idaho W 38-10 38-3 .67 .800 1.75 .970 3.50 .971 .438 .960 2.83 .907 .400 .914
3 Nebraska W 49-31 42-17 1.10 .907 1.14 .896 2.78 .931 .214 .838 2.49 .881 .350 .882
4 Washington State W 47-14 40-14 1.50 .956 1.53 .950 3.44 .968 .632 .994 3.10 .930 .653 .986
5 Washington W 27-24 27-24 .35 .669 .11 .551 .51 .631 .081 .657 1.75 .808 .179 .739
6 Stanford L 23-24 23-24 -.08 .470 -.04 .494 .23 .567 .159 .772 2.36 .870 .036 .553
7 Arizona W 20-13 20-13 .54 .751 .26 .643 .54 .636 .058 .618 .07 .512 .077 .614
8 Notre Dame W 38-0 31-0 .94 .877 1.15 .898 2.38 .904 .354 .931 2.89 .911 .308 .857
9 Oregon L 17-24 17-24 .52 .742 -.29 .343 -.98 .270 -.146 .242 -.61 .373 -.150 .296
10 Oregon State W 24-3 24-3 1.25 .938 .84 .843 1.77 .846 .113 .709 1.28 .746 .263 .820
11 California W 24-17 24-17 .62 .775 .28 .655 .69 .671 .059 .621 .51 .605 .103 .651
13 Arizona State W 44-24 44-17 1.90 .986 1.35 .924 3.29 .962 .314 .914 2.39 .876 .578 .973
14 UCLA W 24-7 24-7 .90 .867 .59 .769 1.21 .771 .292 .896 2.33 .869 .286 .836
B Illinois W 49-17 42-10 1.78 .975 1.28 .915 2.73 .928 .236 .853 1.66 .802 .269 .825

Utah 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Oregon State L 7-24 7-24 -.24 .404 -.65 .217 -1.31 .211 -.122 .272 -2.00 .162 -.154 .294
2 Air Force L 12-20 12-20 -.19 .423 -.30 .334 -.68 .329 -.072 .355 -.79 .338 -.170 .270
3 UCLA W 44-6 44-6 1.83 .979 1.52 .948 2.88 .938 .222 .843 .86 .670 .449 .926
4 UNLV L 0-27 0-20 -1.40 .045 -.77 .181 -1.54 .180 -.060 .376 -.94 .317 -.385 .093
5 Utah State W 34-18 34-18 -.33 .351 .62 .775 1.07 .744 .158 .769 1.33 .756 .147 .702
6 Louisville W 44-35 44-35 .49 .735 .32 .679 .64 .665 .135 .744 .30 .556 .143 .695
7 San Diego State W 23-7 23-7 .21 .605 .73 .810 1.45 .810 .343 .925 2.72 .900 .364 .893
8 TCU W 27-20 27-20 .36 .673 .24 .633 .61 .657 -.097 .315 -.99 .301 .022 .532
9 Colorado State W 27-3 20-3 .54 .749 .89 .853 1.92 .863 .173 .789 1.60 .793 .456 .934
11 Wyoming W 50-0 43-0 1.41 .952 1.87 .975 3.58 .972 .488 .978 4.40 .973 .667 .990
12 New Mexico W 28-10 28-10 .42 .701 .58 .765 .79 .689 .099 .688 1.02 .700 .143 .695
13 BYU L 10-17 10-17 .16 .581 -.29 .343 -.58 .355 -.211 .166 -2.73 .098 -.250 .196
B Navy W 35-32 35-32 .00 .501 .12 .565 .72 .679 .146 .759 .02 .501 -.007 .476

Utah State 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 UNLV L 16-23 16-23 -.91 .115 -.28 .348 -.73 .318 .005 .511 -.41 .419 -.235 .204
2 Wyoming L 18-32 18-32 -1.04 .089 -.58 .233 -1.58 .173 -.073 .353 -1.17 .269 -.136 .313
3 Oklahoma L 3-54 3-54 -1.48 .034 -2.43 .005 -4.50 .008 -.664 .004 -7.51 .001 -.700 .008
4 San Jose State L 20-23 20-23 -.88 .125 -.12 .445 -.59 .348 -.202 .176 -3.03 .076 -.189 .249
5 Utah L 18-34 18-34 -.38 .328 -.62 .225 -1.07 .256 -.158 .230 -1.33 .244 -.147 .298
6 Hawaii L 37-52 27-52 -1.05 .087 -1.14 .105 -2.50 .088 -.246 .143 -6.16 .004 -.300 .155
8 Nevada L 28-31 28-31 -.54 .253 -.13 .430 -.91 .287 -.269 .122 -2.80 .095 -.182 .257
9 Louisiana Tech L 21-31 14-31 -1.41 .043 -.81 .169 -1.42 .192 -.206 .171 -.91 .322 -.145 .301
10 Fresno State L 27-38 20-38 -.96 .104 -1.00 .130 -2.21 .107 -.176 .204 -.67 .360 -.159 .284
11 Boise State L 0-52 0-45 -2.19 .005 -2.50 .003 -4.75 .004 -.747 .001 -3.46 .053 -.528 .038
12 New Mexico State W 35-17 35-17 -.05 .480 .86 .848 1.10 .753 .006 .513 .06 .511 .200 .770
13 Idaho W 24-19 24-19 -.85 .136 .23 .624 .67 .669 -.177 .204 -.67 .361 .036 .557

UTEP 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 New Mexico W 10-6 10-6 .03 .517 .18 .602 .36 .600 -.184 .191 .52 .608 -.091 .370
2 Texas Tech L 31-45 31-45 -.04 .481 -.64 .221 -1.27 .220 -.137 .254 -1.37 .238 -.182 .257
3 New Mexico State L 24-29 24-29 -1.10 .081 -.19 .395 -1.00 .267 -.289 .107 -1.69 .197 -.333 .130
5 SMU W 48-45 48-45 -.66 .202 .11 .551 .05 .518 -.183 .192 -2.37 .126 -.084 .374
6 Tulsa W 48-47 48-47 .01 .504 .04 .510 .37 .603 -.008 .483 .15 .523 -.032 .452
7 East Carolina L 42-45 42-45 -.19 .424 -.09 .470 .32 .591 .038 .579 -1.81 .176 .105 .654
9 Houston L 31-34 31-34 -.30 .370 -.13 .434 -.02 .487 -.059 .379 .74 .652 -.045 .428
10 Rice L 48-56 48-56 -.93 .112 -.19 .395 -.58 .349 -.095 .320 -1.72 .194 .029 .544
11 Tulane L 19-34 19-34 -1.32 .049 -.68 .205 -1.36 .200 -.122 .273 -1.40 .232 -.091 .370
12 Southern Mississippi L 30-56 30-56 -1.15 .073 -1.04 .119 -2.17 .112 -.334 .077 -1.48 .225 -.250 .196
13 UCF L 20-36 20-36 -.47 .287 -.70 .203 -2.09 .122 -.283 .112 -.23 .460 -.364 .110

Vanderbilt 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
2 Alabama L 10-24 10-24 -.16 .433 -.54 .251 -1.08 .254 -.176 .207 -1.51 .218 -.385 .093
3 Ole Miss W 31-17 31-17 .63 .779 .70 .799 1.40 .803 .289 .891 -.23 .461 .200 .770
5 Eastern Michigan W 30-7 27-7 .16 .581 .83 .839 1.23 .775 .430 .958 2.39 .876 .371 .897
6 Auburn L 7-35 0-35 -1.47 .037 -2.06 .018 -4.38 .010 -.466 .029 -5.57 .008 -.625 .018
7 Georgia L 17-20 17-20 .70 .812 -.13 .430 -.12 .461 .006 .513 .65 .637 -.144 .303
8 South Carolina W 17-6 17-6 .76 .831 .38 .704 .81 .695 .113 .710 .44 .590 .152 .704
9 Miami (OH) W 24-13 24-13 -.07 .472 .50 .739 1.22 .772 .251 .860 1.84 .827 .036 .557
10 Florida L 22-49 16-49 -.62 .221 -1.57 .045 -3.12 .045 -.346 .072 -5.01 .016 -.467 .061
11 Kentucky L 20-27 20-27 .16 .582 -.32 .326 -.45 .381 .160 .772 .49 .603 .045 .572
12 Tennessee L 24-25 24-25 .48 .730 -.05 .486 -.32 .412 -.177 .203 -1.26 .255 -.145 .301
13 Wake Forest L 17-31 17-31 -.15 .442 -.40 .288 -.88 .292 .012 .526 -.18 .473 -.127 .329

Virginia 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Wyoming L 3-23 3-20 -1.20 .070 -.74 .187 -1.57 .173 -.487 .022 -3.88 .038 -.371 .103
2 Duke W 24-13 24-13 -.01 .496 .42 .719 .99 .730 .055 .614 .70 .643 .032 .550
3 North Carolina W 22-20 22-20 .02 .514 .11 .545 .44 .617 -.020 .459 -2.36 .129 .367 .895
4 Georgia Tech W 28-23 28-23 .33 .660 .15 .588 .06 .520 .047 .600 .54 .614 -.098 .358
5 Pittsburgh W 44-14 37-14 1.10 .909 1.05 .883 2.30 .896 .280 .885 1.15 .727 .400 .914
6 Middle Tennessee W 23-21 23-21 -.29 .381 .07 .521 .27 .579 .016 .532 .94 .685 .022 .532
7 Connecticut W 17-16 17-16 .31 .652 .04 .508 .27 .580 .116 .716 1.11 .716 -.024 .465
8 Maryland W 18-17 18-17 .21 .608 .05 .513 .09 .529 .270 .878 1.61 .794 .091 .637
9 NC State L 24-29 24-29 -.36 .334 -.19 .397 -.52 .367 -.081 .343 -1.62 .204 -.176 .264
10 Wake Forest W 17-16 17-16 .30 .647 .04 .511 .08 .527 -.002 .494 .22 .535 -.250 .196
11 Miami W 48-0 38-0 1.86 .983 1.90 .977 3.80 .975 .426 .956 4.30 .971 .600 .978
13 Virginia Tech L 21-33 21-33 .18 .591 -.44 .277 -.92 .283 -.208 .169 -2.74 .096 -.308 .146
B Texas Tech L 28-31 28-31 .48 .728 -.12 .445 -.08 .474 -.027 .445 .11 .516 -.051 .424

Virginia Tech 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 East Carolina W 17-7 17-7 .30 .650 .40 .715 .37 .602 .109 .705 .97 .692 .105 .655
2 LSU L 7-48 7-34 -.53 .262 -1.50 .055 -3.00 .057 -.505 .018 -4.78 .020 -.556 .034
3 Ohio W 28-7 28-7 .21 .607 .81 .830 1.79 .848 .446 .964 4.93 .980 .256 .816
5 North Carolina W 17-10 17-10 .22 .612 .30 .669 .71 .677 -.063 .371 -.57 .381 .106 .656
6 Clemson W 41-23 41-23 1.29 .944 .56 .761 .07 .525 -.044 .407 -.21 .467 .058 .585
7 Duke W 43-14 43-14 .60 .770 1.04 .878 1.90 .862 .358 .933 3.62 .954 .476 .942
9 Boston College L 10-14 10-14 .30 .649 -.14 .423 -.29 .419 -.036 .425 -.02 .497 .000 .521
10 Georgia Tech W 27-3 27-3 1.10 .911 .92 .860 1.83 .854 .079 .654 -.03 .496 .378 .903
11 Florida State W 40-21 38-21 .81 .850 .57 .762 1.14 .757 .136 .745 1.63 .798 .143 .695
12 Miami W 44-14 37-14 1.06 .900 1.10 .891 2.43 .908 .255 .864 2.21 .855 .518 .959
13 Virginia W 33-21 33-21 .64 .786 .44 .723 .92 .718 .208 .831 2.74 .904 .308 .857
C Boston College W 30-16 30-16 1.00 .891 .56 .760 1.11 .754 -.090 .327 -.41 .418 -.023 .466
B Kansas L 21-24 21-24 .72 .816 -.12 .445 -.25 .425 .010 .521 .24 .541 .000 .521

Wake Forest 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Boston College L 28-38 28-38 .11 .561 -.32 .320 -1.53 .181 -.068 .360 -1.42 .230 -.257 .183
2 Nebraska L 17-20 17-20 -.15 .435 -.12 .445 -.23 .431 -.013 .472 -.73 .349 -.077 .394
3 Army W 21-10 21-10 -.29 .374 .37 .698 -.13 .458 .036 .577 .61 .624 -.056 .416
4 Maryland W 31-24 31-24 .41 .692 .24 .633 -.54 .364 -.046 .404 .22 .537 -.077 .394
6 Duke W 41-36 41-36 -.28 .384 .16 .589 .16 .553 -.043 .409 -1.22 .261 .116 .663
7 Florida State W 24-21 24-21 .34 .662 .09 .532 .10 .535 .044 .591 .98 .697 .050 .574
8 Navy W 44-24 44-24 .99 .890 1.11 .893 1.96 .867 .181 .803 1.36 .758 .556 .968
9 North Carolina W 37-10 37-10 1.14 .920 1.23 .907 1.56 .824 .070 .642 -.44 .411 .356 .886
10 Virginia L 16-17 16-17 .16 .579 -.04 .489 -.08 .473 .002 .506 -.22 .464 .250 .812
11 Clemson L 10-44 10-37 -.86 .133 -1.59 .042 -2.50 .088 -.320 .080 -2.90 .087 -.500 .051
12 NC State W 38-18 38-18 .56 .759 .74 .815 1.30 .785 .095 .682 .71 .645 .131 .676
13 Vanderbilt W 31-17 31-17 .47 .724 .40 .715 .88 .707 -.012 .473 .18 .527 .127 .671
B Connecticut W 24-10 24-10 .81 .849 .54 .751 1.60 .828 .267 .874 2.16 .850 .224 .790

Washington 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Syracuse W 42-12 35-12 .62 .774 1.21 .904 2.56 .916 .235 .851 3.64 .954 .222 .788
2 Boise State W 24-10 24-10 .82 .855 .52 .744 1.13 .756 -.014 .469 .79 .659 .170 .732
3 Ohio State L 14-33 7-27 .01 .510 -.87 .150 -1.82 .150 -.225 .155 -2.02 .158 -.455 .072
4 UCLA L 31-44 31-44 -.10 .461 -.41 .284 -.37 .398 -.205 .172 -.97 .308 -.226 .209
5 USC L 24-27 24-27 .77 .836 -.11 .454 -.51 .369 -.081 .342 -1.75 .192 -.179 .260
7 Arizona State L 20-44 20-37 -.10 .460 -.65 .217 -1.31 .211 -.207 .171 -1.80 .179 -.154 .294
8 Oregon L 34-55 34-55 .03 .518 -.78 .174 -1.31 .206 -.229 .154 .59 .619 -.253 .187
9 Arizona L 41-48 41-48 .03 .520 -.25 .365 -.81 .305 .031 .563 -.04 .492 -.187 .251
10 Stanford W 27-9 27-9 .82 .853 .86 .848 1.55 .824 .307 .907 1.09 .711 .336 .879
11 Oregon State L 23-29 23-29 .24 .619 -.18 .400 -.02 .486 -.040 .414 .27 .548 -.140 .311
12 California W 37-23 37-23 .90 .868 .56 .760 .76 .683 .020 .540 -.61 .374 .175 .735
13 Washington State L 35-42 35-42 -.26 .395 -.23 .378 -.93 .279 .008 .517 -2.38 .124 -.067 .409
14 Hawaii L 28-35 28-35 -.21 .414 -.29 .343 -.58 .355 -.081 .343 -1.50 .223 -.167 .278

Washington State 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Wisconsin L 21-42 21-42 -.74 .176 -1.11 .107 -2.33 .101 -.281 .114 -.96 .310 -.222 .214
2 San Diego State W 45-17 45-17 .96 .881 1.47 .941 2.61 .919 .390 .946 3.41 .942 .256 .815
3 Idaho W 45-28 45-28 -.49 .278 .59 .769 1.35 .797 .312 .914 2.15 .848 .376 .901
4 USC L 14-47 14-40 -.65 .207 -1.53 .049 -3.44 .032 -.632 .005 -3.10 .070 -.653 .015
5 Arizona L 20-48 20-41 -.77 .164 -1.05 .116 -2.10 .119 -.187 .189 -2.80 .094 -.500 .051
6 Arizona State L 20-23 20-23 .44 .706 -.12 .445 .21 .564 .102 .694 1.44 .770 .135 .685
7 Oregon L 7-53 7-47 -1.10 .079 -1.90 .022 -4.05 .018 -.392 .053 -3.01 .080 -.609 .021
9 UCLA W 27-7 27-7 1.11 .912 .80 .827 1.49 .813 .290 .893 1.63 .798 .372 .898
10 California L 17-20 17-20 .21 .607 -.13 .434 -.12 .461 .029 .556 .73 .650 .030 .547
11 Stanford W 33-17 33-17 .51 .741 .55 .756 1.03 .742 .349 .930 3.48 .947 .167 .729
12 Oregon State L 17-52 17-52 -.68 .195 -1.09 .109 -2.19 .108 -.129 .265 -.09 .486 -.375 .100
13 Washington W 42-35 42-35 .47 .725 .23 .621 .93 .722 -.008 .482 2.38 .875 .067 .595

West Virginia 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Western Michigan W 62-24 56-21 1.20 .929 1.59 .959 3.18 .959 .537 .985 5.04 .984 .455 .931
2 Marshall W 48-23 41-23 .30 .648 .67 .789 1.51 .817 .141 .752 1.18 .732 .104 .653
3 Maryland W 31-14 31-14 .98 .888 .81 .834 1.83 .855 .303 .904 3.14 .931 .418 .919
4 East Carolina W 48-7 34-0 2.33 .997 2.43 .995 4.86 .996 .775 .999 6.37 .996 .857 .999
5 South Florida L 13-21 13-21 .37 .676 -.30 .334 -.24 .427 .104 .698 .23 .538 -.036 .447
6 Syracuse W 55-14 48-14 1.20 .927 1.79 .971 3.00 .946 .450 .966 2.31 .865 .556 .968
8 Mississippi State W 38-13 38-13 1.27 .942 1.09 .889 2.37 .903 .259 .869 3.10 .929 .379 .904
9 Rutgers W 31-3 31-3 1.97 .992 1.65 .963 3.02 .947 .139 .749 2.22 .855 .270 .826
11 Louisville W 38-31 38-31 .39 .684 .22 .618 .13 .544 .030 .561 -.86 .330 .021 .529
12 Cincinnati W 28-23 28-23 .82 .852 .22 .616 .63 .659 .065 .630 -.55 .385 .030 .547
13 Connecticut W 66-21 52-14 1.79 .977 1.52 .948 2.48 .911 .275 .883 4.21 .969 .485 .946
14 Pittsburgh L 9-13 7-13 -.19 .422 -.25 .365 -.45 .382 -.025 .452 -.10 .484 -.061 .413
B Oklahoma W 48-28 48-28 1.72 .971 .77 .820 1.54 .820 .129 .735 4.07 .965 .308 .857

Western Michigan 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 West Virginia L 24-62 21-56 -.59 .232 -1.59 .041 -3.18 .041 -.537 .014 -5.04 .015 -.455 .072
2 Indiana L 27-37 27-37 -.30 .368 -.31 .328 -.67 .332 -.179 .200 -.57 .383 -.267 .178
3 Missouri L 24-52 24-45 .08 .546 -.81 .172 -2.04 .124 -.218 .158 -3.12 .069 -.365 .106
5 Toledo W 42-28 42-21 .18 .588 .84 .843 1.32 .794 .142 .753 -.20 .470 .189 .751
6 Akron L 38-39 38-39 -.69 .191 -.04 .495 .19 .560 -.055 .385 -1.18 .265 -.033 .449
7 Northern Illinois W 17-13 17-13 -.83 .143 .14 .579 .35 .596 .088 .669 -.97 .306 .019 .527
8 Ball State L 23-27 23-27 -.34 .344 -.13 .426 -.27 .421 -.032 .433 -.72 .351 .000 .521
9 Eastern Michigan L 2-19 2-19 -1.44 .039 -.77 .178 -1.55 .178 -.211 .164 -.85 .331 -.455 .072
11 Central Michigan L 31-34 31-34 -.37 .330 -.10 .465 -.20 .438 .012 .524 .72 .649 -.067 .409
12 Iowa W 28-19 28-19 .26 .631 .35 .688 .57 .643 .099 .688 .37 .571 .365 .894
13 Temple W 16-3 16-3 -.36 .333 .50 .739 1.00 .737 .312 .912 2.60 .890 .308 .857

Wisconsin 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Washington State W 42-21 42-21 1.08 .903 1.11 .892 2.33 .900 .281 .886 .96 .689 .222 .788
2 UNLV W 20-13 20-13 -.28 .382 .35 .691 .70 .673 .022 .543 .34 .565 .100 .650
4 Iowa W 17-13 17-13 .05 .523 .14 .579 .44 .615 .044 .593 .42 .584 -.036 .445
5 Michigan State W 37-34 37-34 .48 .725 .12 .562 .23 .571 -.066 .364 -1.48 .226 .000 .521
6 Illinois L 26-31 26-31 .26 .632 -.24 .371 -.74 .317 .104 .697 -.46 .404 .045 .570
7 Penn State L 7-38 7-31 -.59 .235 -1.04 .118 -2.52 .086 -.266 .126 -1.83 .174 -.433 .079
8 Northern Illinois W 44-3 38-0 1.27 .940 2.24 .989 4.22 .987 .579 .991 5.52 .991 .667 .990
9 Indiana W 33-3 27-3 .97 .886 .96 .867 2.02 .874 .280 .884 1.52 .783 .340 .880
10 Ohio State L 17-38 17-38 -.03 .489 -.91 .143 -1.62 .169 -.211 .165 -1.30 .248 -.311 .141
11 Michigan W 37-21 37-21 1.10 .909 .57 .764 1.35 .796 .237 .854 .65 .634 .324 .867
12 Minnesota W 41-34 41-34 -.10 .461 .27 .650 .32 .590 .010 .520 .54 .612 .192 .758
B Tennessee L 17-21 17-21 .36 .672 -.17 .408 -.33 .408 -.008 .482 -.22 .462 -.083 .383

Wyoming 2007 Overall Game Ratings
Overall Game Ratings :: Offense Game Ratings :: Defense Game Ratings :: Special Teams Game Ratings :: Game Splits :: Game Totals

Wk Opponent R Final N Final GR Pct PVE Pct NPD Pct NAY Pct NPP Pct NSR Pct
1 Virginia W 23-3 20-3 .94 .878 .74 .813 1.57 .826 .487 .978 3.88 .961 .371 .897
2 Utah State W 32-18 32-18 -.36 .332 .58 .768 1.58 .827 .073 .646 1.17 .730 .136 .687
3 Boise State L 14-24 7-24 -.40 .318 -.71 .199 -1.42 .194 -.167 .218 -.93 .318 -.167 .278
4 Ohio W 34-33 34-33 -.57 .245 .03 .500 1.08 .747 .107 .702 -.37 .427 .021 .529
6 TCU W 24-21 24-21 .23 .617 .11 .553 .35 .596 .052 .610 1.13 .722 .027 .541
7 New Mexico L 3-20 3-20 -.93 .112 -.77 .178 -1.03 .259 -.143 .245 -1.51 .217 -.209 .225
8 Air Force L 12-20 12-20 -.28 .386 -.38 .294 -.35 .402 -.097 .313 .18 .528 -.283 .167
9 UNLV W 29-24 29-24 -.46 .294 .17 .597 .86 .702 .150 .761 1.09 .711 .214 .779
10 San Diego State L 24-27 24-27 -.61 .225 -.09 .470 -.55 .361 .002 .506 -1.03 .297 -.050 .426
11 Utah L 0-50 0-43 -1.63 .024 -1.87 .025 -3.58 .027 -.488 .021 -4.40 .027 -.667 .013
12 BYU L 10-35 10-35 -.93 .110 -1.39 .070 -2.78 .069 -.383 .058 -1.55 .213 -.444 .077
13 Colorado State L 28-36 28-36 -.65 .211 -.29 .343 -.96 .272 -.103 .303 -1.14 .273 -.192 .246